def onUpload(self, ext, src='',folder='', dst=''): lpw = LukePathWalker() print "fetching files..." files = [] for file in lpw.getDirectoryContent(src+folder): if lpw.checkExtention(ext, file): files.append(file) print len(files)," files fetched. Uploading..." n = 0 # number of iteration completed for printing pourposes m = 0 # number of files skipped for fname in files: srcpath = fname # allows for custom path in the destination folder to be placed before the path dstpath = os.path.join(dst,fname[len(src):]) # compute the size of the file fsize = os.path.getsize(srcpath) # create a key to use as destination k = boto.s3.key.Key(self.bucket) # it will be set as the destination path k.key = dstpath if not self.keyExists(k): # selection between single-part upload and multipart (in case is too big) if fsize > self.MAX_SIZE: mp = self.bucket.initiate_multipart_upload(dstpath) fp = open(srcpath,'rb') fpnum = 0 while (fp.tell() < fsize): fpnum += 1 # function to upload a file in chunks mp.upload_part_from_file(fp, fpnum, size=self.PART_SIZE) mp.complete_upload() # function to notify the completion of the multipart upload else: # uploads a file in its entirety k.set_contents_from_filename(srcpath) else: m += 1 printProgress(n, len(files),"uploading on: "+self.bname, pathLeaf(fname)) n += 1 return [n-m,m,n]
def asJson(self, show = False): jdoc = {} if self.path: jdoc.update({"File": pathLeaf()}) if self.dims: jdoc.update({"dimensions": self.dims}) if self.vars: jdoc.update({"variables": self.vars}) if self.glob: jdoc.update({"globals": self.glob}) if show: print json.dumps(jdoc, indent = 2) return jdoc
def createDiles(self, dstpath, bb, zoom): df = DileFactory() ng = NetcdfGeometry() basename = pathLeaf(dstpath) # delimiters for the diles contained in the matrix indx, indy = ng.getDileIndexTable(bb,zoom) # information extracted from the netcdf (dimensions, variables and diles' coverage) dimensions = [ for d in self.rgrp.dimensions.values()] variables = [v for v in self.rgrp.variables.values() if not in dimensions] diles = df.fromBoundingBox(bb['lon_min'], bb['lat_min'], bb['lon_max'], bb['lat_max'],zoom) # calculating the number of iterations required, for printing purposes iter_len = 0 for var in variables: if len(var.shape) > 2: iter_len += reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, var.shape[:-2])*len(diles) else: iter_len += len(diles) # x,y,z indices for printing purposes x = 0 for var in variables: y = 0 timeind = None levelind = None try: timeind = var.dimensions.index('time') except: pass try: levelind = var.dimensions.index('level') except: pass for ind in ndindex(var.shape[:-2]): z = 0 for dile in diles: indstr = [] if timeind is not None: indstr.append(str(ind[timeind])) if levelind is not None: indstr.append(str(ind[levelind])) fname = dile.getFileName('dile_'+''.join([i+'_' for i in indstr])) fpath = ''.join([i+'/' for i in indstr])+dile.getRelativePath() path = dstpath+'/''/'+fpath+fname a = indy[dile.y]["min"] b = indy[dile.y]["max"] c = indx[dile.x]["min"] d = indx[dile.x]["max"] if isinstance(var[ind], MaskedArray): matrix = var[ind].data else: matrix = var[ind] attributes = {} for attr in var.ncattrs(): attributes.update({attr:var.getncattr(attr)}) dile.variable = dile.attributes = attributes if '_FillValue' in var.ncattrs(): dile.createNetCDF4(path,matrix[a:b+1,c:d+1],var.dtype,var.getncattr('_FillValue')) else: dile.createNetCDF4(path,matrix[a:b+1,c:d+1]) z += 1 printProgress(x*(len(ind)*len(diles))+(y*len(diles)+z), iter_len, basename, fname) y += 1 x += 1 return iter_len
myext = ["nc"] paths = [] for file in lpw.getDirectoryContent(mydir): if lpw.checkExtention(myext, file): paths.append(file) for i in range(50,len(paths)): timer.start() md5 = getMD5(paths[i]) timer.stop() print i, ") md5 for ",pathLeaf(paths[i],ext=True), " computed in: ", timer.formatted() src = ncOpen(paths[i], mode='r') bb = ncg.getBoundingBox(src['lat'],src['lon']) z = ncg.getZoomLevel(src['lat'],src['lon']) ncs = NetcdfSlicer(src) timer.reset() timer.start() ndiles = ncs.createDiles("/sdiles/ubuntu/diles/"+md5+"/"+pathLeaf(paths[i],ext=False),bb,int(z)) timer.stop() print ndiles, " created. task completed in: ", timer.formatted() src.close()