def request(flow): if flow.request.url.startswith(""): OK(flow) return if flow.request.url.startswith( ""): OK(flow) return if flow.request.url.startswith( ""): OK(flow) return if flow.request.method == "POST": OK(flow) return if "" in flow.request.url: from mitmproxy import http query_args = dict(flow.request.query) file_id = query_args["id"] file_range = query_args["range"] headers, data = get_cached_data(flow.request) headers = list(headers) flow.error = None flow.response = http.HTTPResponse(b"HTTP/1.1", 200, b"OK", headers, data) now = then = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) flow.response.timestamp_start = time.mktime(then.timetuple()) flow.response.refresh() log("SENT FILE %s IN CACHE - range %s" % (file_id, file_range))
def twebsocketflow(client_conn=True, server_conn=True, messages=True, err=None, handshake_flow=True): if client_conn is True: client_conn = tclient_conn() if server_conn is True: server_conn = tserver_conn() if handshake_flow is True: req = http.HTTPRequest("relative", "GET", "http", "", "80", "/ws", "HTTP/1.1", headers=net_http.Headers( connection="upgrade", upgrade="websocket", sec_websocket_version="13", sec_websocket_key="1234", ), content=b'') resp = http.HTTPResponse( "HTTP/1.1", 101, reason=net_http.status_codes.RESPONSES.get(101), headers=net_http.Headers( connection='upgrade', upgrade='websocket', sec_websocket_accept=b'', ), content=b'', ) handshake_flow = http.HTTPFlow(client_conn, server_conn) handshake_flow.request = req handshake_flow.response = resp f = websocket.WebSocketFlow(client_conn, server_conn, handshake_flow) handshake_flow.metadata['websocket_flow'] = f if messages is True: messages = [ websocket.WebSocketMessage(websockets.OPCODE.BINARY, True, b"hello binary"), websocket.WebSocketMessage(websockets.OPCODE.TEXT, True, "hello text".encode()), websocket.WebSocketMessage(websockets.OPCODE.TEXT, False, "it's me".encode()), ] if err is True: err = terr() f.messages = messages f.error = err f.reply = controller.DummyReply() return f
def OK(flow, code=204): """ Sending back a dummy response. 204 is the default in most cases on YT requests. """ from mitmproxy import http flow.error = None flow.response = http.HTTPResponse(b"HTTP/1.1", code, b"OK", {}, b"")
def request(flow): # in some cases, the YT client sends requests with a methode of the form: # VAR=XX%3GET /xxx # this will clean it up: method = flow.request.method method = unquote(method).split("=") flow.request.method = method[-1] # All requests made for stats purposes can be discarded and # a 204 sent back to the client. if flow.request.url.startswith(""): OK(flow) return if flow.request.url.startswith( ""): OK(flow) return if flow.request.url.startswith( ""): OK(flow) return # disable a few trackers, sniffers, etc if "" in flow.request.url: OK(flow, code=200) return if "" in flow.request.url: OK(flow, code=200) return if "gen_204" in flow.request.url: OK(flow) return # we don't want to post back any data, discarding. if flow.request.method == "POST": OK(flow) return if "" in flow.request.url: from mitmproxy import http query_args = dict(flow.request.query) file_id = query_args["id"] file_range = query_args["range"] try: headers, data = get_cached_data(flow.request) except Exception: OK(flow, code=404) return headers = list(headers) flow.error = None flow.response = http.HTTPResponse(b"HTTP/1.1", 200, b"OK", headers, data) now = then = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) flow.response.timestamp_start = time.mktime(then.timetuple()) flow.response.refresh() log("SENT FILE %s IN CACHE - range %s" % (file_id, file_range))
def string_response( body: str, content_type: str = 'application/javascript') -> http.HTTPResponse: headers = net.http.Headers(Server="lol", Connection="close", Content_Length=str(len(body)), Content_Type=content_type) return http.HTTPResponse( b"HTTP/1.1", 200, net.http.status_codes.RESPONSES.get(200, "Unknown"), headers, body)
def read_response_headers(self): self.response_arrived.wait() self.raise_zombie() status_code = int(self.response_headers.get(':status', 502)) headers = self.response_headers.copy() headers.pop(":status", None) return http.HTTPResponse( http_version=b"HTTP/2.0", status_code=status_code, reason=b'', headers=headers, content=None, timestamp_start=self.timestamp_start, timestamp_end=self.timestamp_end, )
def health_check_response(flow): # if log_debug: # bubble_log.debug('health_check_response: special bubble health check request, responding with OK') response_headers = nheaders.Headers() response_headers[HEADER_HEALTH_CHECK] = 'OK' response_headers[HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH] = '3' if flow.response is None: flow.response = http.HTTPResponse(http_version='HTTP/1.1', status_code=200, reason='OK', headers=response_headers, content=b'OK\n') else: flow.response.headers = nheaders.Headers() flow.response.headers = response_headers flow.response.status_code = 200 flow.response.reason = 'OK' = lambda chunks: [b'OK\n']
def tarpit_response(flow, host): # if log_debug: # bubble_log.debug('health_check_response: special bubble health check request, responding with OK') response_headers = nheaders.Headers() if host is None: host = PUBLIC_IP response_headers[HEADER_LOCATION] = 'http://' + host + ':' + str( TARPIT_PORT) + '/admin/index.php' if flow.response is None: flow.response = http.HTTPResponse(http_version='HTTP/1.1', status_code=301, reason='Moved Permanently', headers=response_headers, content=b'') else: flow.response.headers = nheaders.Headers() flow.response.headers = response_headers flow.response.status_code = 301 flow.response.reason = 'Moved Permanently'
def handle_h2_event(self, event: -> CommandGenerator[bool]: if isinstance(event, if self.streams.get(event.stream_id, None) is not StreamState.EXPECTING_HEADERS: yield from self.protocol_error( f"Received unexpected HTTP/2 response.") return True try: status_code, headers = parse_h2_response_headers(event.headers) except ValueError as e: yield from self.protocol_error( f"Invalid HTTP/2 response headers: {e}") return True response = http.HTTPResponse( http_version=b"HTTP/2.0", status_code=status_code, reason=b"", headers=headers, content=None, trailers=None, timestamp_start=time.time(), timestamp_end=None, ) self.streams[event.stream_id] = StreamState.HEADERS_RECEIVED yield ReceiveHttp( ResponseHeaders(event.stream_id, response, bool(event.stream_ended))) return False elif isinstance(event, yield from self.protocol_error( f"HTTP/2 protocol error: received request from server") return True elif isinstance(event, # We have received at least one settings from now, # which means we can rely on the max concurrency in remote_settings self.provisional_max_concurrency = None return (yield from super().handle_h2_event(event)) else: return (yield from super().handle_h2_event(event))
def twebsocketflow(client_conn=True, server_conn=True, messages=True, err=None, handshake_flow=True): if client_conn is True: client_conn = tclient_conn() if server_conn is True: server_conn = tserver_conn() if handshake_flow is True: req = http.HTTPRequest( "", 80, b"GET", b"http", b"", b"/ws", b"HTTP/1.1", headers=net_http.Headers( connection="upgrade", upgrade="websocket", sec_websocket_version="13", sec_websocket_key="1234", ), content=b'', trailers=None, timestamp_start=946681200, timestamp_end=946681201, ) resp = http.HTTPResponse( b"HTTP/1.1", 101, reason=net_http.status_codes.RESPONSES.get(101), headers=net_http.Headers( connection='upgrade', upgrade='websocket', sec_websocket_accept=b'', ), content=b'', trailers=None, timestamp_start=946681202, timestamp_end=946681203, ) handshake_flow = http.HTTPFlow(client_conn, server_conn) handshake_flow.request = req handshake_flow.response = resp f = websocket.WebSocketFlow(client_conn, server_conn, handshake_flow) f.metadata['websocket_handshake'] = handshake_flow.metadata['websocket_flow'] = handshake_flow.metadata['websocket'] = True if messages is True: messages = [ websocket.WebSocketMessage(Opcode.BINARY, True, b"hello binary"), websocket.WebSocketMessage(Opcode.TEXT, True, b"hello text"), websocket.WebSocketMessage(Opcode.TEXT, False, b"it's me"), ] if err is True: err = terr() f.messages = messages f.error = err f.reply = controller.DummyReply() return f
def OK(flow, code=204): from mitmproxy import http flow.error = None flow.response = http.HTTPResponse(b"HTTP/1.1", code, b"OK", {}, b"")
def special_bubble_response(flow): name = 'special_bubble_response' path = flow.request.path if is_bubble_health_check(path): health_check_response(flow) return uri = make_bubble_special_path(path) if log_debug: bubble_log.debug('special_bubble_response: sending special bubble ' + flow.request.method + ' to ' + uri) headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } if flow.request.method == 'GET': loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() client = async_client(timeout=30) response = async_stream(client, name, uri, headers=headers, loop=loop) elif flow.request.method == 'POST': if include_request_headers(flow.request.path): if log_debug: bubble_log.debug( 'special_bubble_request: including client headers: ' + repr(flow.request.headers)) # add client request headers for name, value in flow.request.headers.items(): headers['X-Bubble-Client-Header-' + name] = value if log_debug: bubble_log.debug('special_bubble_request: NOW headers=' + repr(headers)) data = None if flow.request.content and flow.request.content: headers[HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH] = str(len(flow.request.content)) data = flow.request.content loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() client = async_client(timeout=30) response = async_stream(client, name, uri, headers=headers, method='POST', data=data, loop=loop) else: if log_warning: bubble_log.warning( 'special_bubble_response: special bubble request: method ' + flow.request.method + ' not supported') return if flow.response is None: http_version = response.http_version response_headers = collect_response_headers(response) flow.response = http.HTTPResponse(http_version=http_version, status_code=response.status_code, reason=response.reason_phrase, headers=response_headers, content=None) if response is not None: # if log_debug: # bubble_log.debug('special_bubble_response: special bubble request: response status = '+str(response.status_code)) flow.response.headers = collect_response_headers(response) flow.response.status_code = response.status_code flow.response.reason = status_reason(response.status_code) = AsyncStreamBody(owner=client, loop=loop, chunks=response.aiter_raw(), finalize=cleanup_async( uri, loop, client, response))
def request(self, flow): ctx.log.debug('request():') block = False handled = False status_code = 0 reason = '' content_type = '' data = '' cache = None # pretty_host(hostheader=True) takes the Host: header of the request into account, # which is useful in transparent mode where we usually only have the IP otherwise. host = flow.request.pretty_host orig_url = flow.request.url try: urlparts = urlparse(orig_url) except Exception as e: logging.critical('Unable to parse URL {}: {}'.format(orig_url, e)) url = urlunsplit( [urlparts.scheme, host, urlparts.path, urlparts.query, '']) self.req_id += 1 rid = '%06d' % (self.req_id) if host in self.config['rules'].keys(): if['rules'][host], self.get_path(url)): ctx.log.debug(rid + ' Rule match: %s %s' % (host, self.config['rules'][host])) if 'referer' in flow.request.headers: #.keys(): + ' Referred by: %s' % (flow.request.headers['referer'])) cache = CacheFile(url, self.config['local_cache']) if cache.is_in_cache(): cache.load() + ' Retrieved from cache: ' + url) data = ctx.log.debug(pformat(cache.headers)) content_type = cache.headers['Content-Type'] status_code = 200 reason = "OK2" ctx.log.debug(rid + ' Cached data loaded. ') else: # not cached if self.config['download_missing']: if cache.retrieve(): + ' Downloaded: ' + url) data = content_type = cache.headers['Content-Type'] status_code = 200 reason = "OK3" elif cache.code == 404: ctx.log.error(rid + ' ERROR: ' + cache.error_text) data = '' content_type = "text/html" status_code = cache.code reason = "Not found" else: ctx.log.error(rid + ' ERROR: ' + cache.error_text) data = '' content_type = "text/html" status_code = 500 reason = "FAILED TO RETRIEVE" else: # not download_missing data = '' content_type = "text/html" status_code = 404 reason = "NOPE" # end else: #not cached handled = True # end if['rules'][host],get_path(url)): #else: # not['rules'][host],self.get_path(url)): # block = self.config['default_policy_is_block'] if not handled: if host in self.config['passthrough'].keys(): if['passthrough'][host], self.get_path(url)): '{} ****************************** PASSTHROUGH {} - {}: {}' .format(rid, host, self.config['passthrough'][host], url)) return else: block = self.config['default_policy_is_block'] elif '*' in self.config['passthrough'].keys(): if['passthrough']['*'], self.get_path(url)): '{} ****************************** PASSTHROUGH {} - {}: {}' .format(rid, '*', self.config['passthrough']['*'], url)) return else: block = self.config['default_policy_is_block'] else: # host NOT in self.config['rules'].keys() block = self.config['default_policy_is_block'] if self.config['default_policy_is_block']:'Default policy: BLOCK') if block == True:'URL blocked: ' + url) # Use flow.kill(resp) ?? content_type = "text/html" reason = "1/1e100" if self.config['suggest_archiveorg']: data = '<html><b>1/1e100</b><br ><a href="*/%s">*/%s</a></html>' % ( url, url) status_code = 200 ctx.log.debug('a.o!') else: data = '1/1e100' status_code = 403 + ' BLOCKED: ' + url) if type(data) == str: data = data.encode() if type(reason) == str: reason = reason.encode() if type(content_type) == str: content_type = content_type.encode() print('content_type={} block={} reason={}'.format( content_type, block, reason)) if cache is not None: headers = cache.headers else: headers = Headers(Content_Type=content_type, Crampus='Engaged') resp = http.HTTPResponse( 'HTTP/1.1' # , status_code, reason, headers, data) ctx.log.debug('RESPONSE, new: ' + pformat(resp)) flow.response = resp #flow.kill() ctx.log.debug("request() done. ---------------------------------")