def test_extended_breaks():
    x = np.arange(100)
    limits = min(x), max(x)
    for n in (5, 7, 10, 13, 31):
        breaks = extended_breaks(n=n)
        assert len(breaks(limits)) <= n + 1

    # Reverse limits
    breaks = extended_breaks(n=7)
    npt.assert_array_equal(breaks((0, 6)), breaks((6, 0)))

    # Infinite limits
    limits = float('-inf'), float('inf')
    breaks = extended_breaks(n=5)
    assert len(breaks(limits)) == 0

    # Zero range discrete
    limits = [1, 1]
    assert len(breaks(limits)) == 1
    assert breaks(limits)[0] == limits[1]

    # Zero range continuous
    limits = [np.pi, np.pi]
    assert len(breaks(limits)) == 1
    assert breaks(limits)[0] == limits[1]
def test_extended_breaks():
    x = np.arange(100)
    limits = min(x), max(x)
    for n in (5, 7, 10, 13, 31):
        breaks = extended_breaks(n=n)
        assert len(breaks(limits)) <= n+1

    # Reverse limits
    breaks = extended_breaks(n=7)
    npt.assert_array_equal(breaks((0, 6)), breaks((6, 0)))

    # Infinite limits
    limits = float('-inf'), float('inf')
    breaks = extended_breaks(n=5)
    assert len(breaks(limits)) == 0

    # Zero range discrete
    limits = [1, 1]
    assert len(breaks(limits)) == 1
    assert breaks(limits)[0] == limits[1]

    # Zero range continuous
    limits = [np.pi, np.pi]
    assert len(breaks(limits)) == 1
    assert breaks(limits)[0] == limits[1]
def contour_lines(X, Y, Z, levels):
    # Preparation of values and the creating of contours is
    # adapted from MPL with some adjustments.
    X = np.asarray(X, dtype=np.float64)
    Y = np.asarray(Y, dtype=np.float64)
    Z = np.asarray(Z, dtype=np.float64)
    zmin, zmax = Z.min(), Z.max()
    mask = None
    corner_mask = False
    nchunk = 0
    contour_generator = _contour.QuadContourGenerator(X, Y, Z, mask,
                                                      corner_mask, nchunk)

    if isinstance(levels, int):
        levels = extended_breaks(n=levels)((zmin, zmax))

    # The counter_generator gives us a list of vertices that
    # represent all the contour lines at that level. There
    # may be 0, 1 or more vertices at a level. Each one of
    # these we call a piece, and it represented as an nx2 array.
    # We want x-y values that describe *all* the contour lines
    # in tidy format. Therefore each x-y vertex has a
    # corresponding level and piece id.
    segments = []
    piece_ids = []
    level_values = []
    start_pid = 1
    for level in levels:
        vertices = contour_generator.create_contour(level)
        for pid, piece in enumerate(vertices, start=start_pid):
            n = len(piece)
            piece_ids.append(np.repeat(pid, n))
            level_values.append(np.repeat(level, n))
            start_pid = pid + 1

    # Collapse the info and make it fit for dataframe columns
    if segments:
        x, y = np.vstack(segments).T
        piece = np.hstack(piece_ids)
        level = np.hstack(level_values)
        x, y = [], []
        piece = []
        level = []

    data = pd.DataFrame({
        'x': x,
        'y': y,
        'level': level,
        'piece': piece,
    return data
def contour_lines(X, Y, Z, levels):
    # Preparation of values and the creating of contours is
    # adapted from MPL with some adjustments.
    X = np.asarray(X, dtype=np.float64)
    Y = np.asarray(Y, dtype=np.float64)
    Z = np.asarray(Z, dtype=np.float64)
    zmin, zmax = Z.min(), Z.max()
    mask = None
    corner_mask = False
    nchunk = 0
    contour_generator = _contour.QuadContourGenerator(
        X, Y, Z, mask, corner_mask, nchunk)

    if isinstance(levels, int):
        levels = extended_breaks(n=levels)((zmin, zmax))

    # The counter_generator gives us a list of vertices that
    # represent all the contour lines at that level. There
    # may be 0, 1 or more vertices at a level. Each one of
    # these we call a piece, and it represented as an nx2 array.
    # We want x-y values that describe *all* the contour lines
    # in tidy format. Therefore each x-y vertex has a
    # corresponding level and piece id.
    segments = []
    piece_ids = []
    level_values = []
    start_pid = 1
    for level in levels:
        vertices = contour_generator.create_contour(level)
        for pid, piece in enumerate(vertices, start=start_pid):
            n = len(piece)
            piece_ids.append(np.repeat(pid, n))
            level_values.append(np.repeat(level, n))
            start_pid = pid + 1

    # Collapse the info and make it fit for dataframe columns
    x, y = np.vstack(segments).T
    piece = np.hstack(piece_ids)
    level = np.hstack(level_values)

    data = pd.DataFrame({
        'x': x,
        'y': y,
        'level': level,
        'piece': piece,
    return data
    def train(self, scale):
        # Do nothing if scales are inappropriate
        if set(scale.aesthetics) & {'color', 'colour', 'fill'} == 0:
            warn("colorbar guide needs color or fill scales.")
            return None

        if not issubclass(scale.__class__, scale_continuous):
            warn("colorbar guide needs continuous scales")
            return None

        # value = breaks (numeric) is used for determining the
        # position of ticks
        limits = scale.limits
        breaks = scale.get_breaks(strict=True)
        breaks = np.asarray(breaks)
        breaks = breaks[~np.isnan(breaks)]

        if not len(breaks):
            return None

        self.key = pd.DataFrame({
            scale.aesthetics[0]: scale.map(breaks),
            'label': scale.get_labels(breaks),
            'value': breaks

        bar = extended_breaks(n=self.nbin, Q=[1, 2, 5, 10])(limits)
        # discard locations in bar not in scale.limits
        bar = bar.compress((limits[0] <= bar) & (bar <= limits[1]))
        self.bar = pd.DataFrame({'color': scale.map(bar), 'value': bar})

        labels = ' '.join(six.text_type(x) for x in self.key['label'])
        info = '\n'.join([
            self.title, labels, ' '.join(self.bar['color'].tolist()),
        self.hash = hashlib.md5(info.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        return self