def get_dark_frame(self): ''' takes however many dark files that are specified in the pipe.yml and computes the counts/pixel/sec for the sum of all the dark obs. This creates a stitched together long dark obs from all of the smaller obs given. This is useful for legacy data where there may not be a specified dark observation but parts of observations where the filter wheel was closed. If self.use_wavecal is True then a dark is not subtracted off since this just takes into account total counts and not energy information :return: expected dark counts for each pixel over a flat observation ''' if not self.dark_h5_file_names: dark_frame = np.zeros_like(self.spectralCubes[0][:, :, 0]) else: self.dark_start = [self.cfg.flatcal.dark_data['start_times']] self.dark_int = [self.cfg.flatcal.dark_data['int_times']] self.dark_h5_file_names = [ os.path.join(self.h5_directory, str(t) + '.h5') for t in self.dark_start ] frames = np.zeros((140, 146, len(self.dark_start))) getLogger(__name__).info('Loading dark frames for Laser flat') for i, file in enumerate(self.dark_h5_file_names): obs = Photontable(file) frame = obs.getPixelCountImage( integrationTime=self.dark_int[i])['image'] frames[:, :, i] = frame total_counts = np.sum(frames, axis=2) total_int_time = float(np.sum(self.dark_int)) counts_per_sec = total_counts / total_int_time dark_frame = counts_per_sec return dark_frame
def __init__(self): self.endtime = -1 self.begintime = 0 self.tick_duration = 1e-6 self.ticks_per_sec = int(1.0 / self.tick_duration) self.nRow = 140 self.nCol = 146 self.h5file = 'test' self.obs = Photontable(self.h5file)
def __init__(self, configuration=None, h5_file_names=None, solution_name='solution.npz', interpolation=None, use_satellite_spots=True, obj_pos=None): self.interpolation = interpolation self.use_satellite_spots = use_satellite_spots self.obj_pos = obj_pos self.flux_spectra = None self.flux_effTime = None self.wvl_bin_edges = None self.std_spectrum = None self.std_wvls = None self.std_flux = None self.rebin_std_wvls = None self.rebin_std_flux = None self.obs = None self.wvl_bin_widths = None self.curve = None self.image = None self.bb_flux = None self.bb_wvls = None self.conv_wvls = None self.conv_flux = None = None self.rebin_plot_data = None self.wvl_bin_centers = None self.flux_spectrum = None self.cube = None self.aperture_centers = None self.aperture_radii = None self.errors=None self.contrast = None if h5_file_names: self.obs = [Photontable(f) for f in h5_file_names] if configuration: self.cfg = Configuration(configuration) if not isinstance(configuration, Configuration) else configuration self.obj_pos = self.cfg.obj_pos self.solution_name = solution_name self.use_satellite_spots = self.cfg.use_satellite_spots self.interpolation = self.cfg.interpolation self.obs = [Photontable(f) for f in self.cfg.h5_file_names] self.wvl_bin_widths = self.cfg.wvl_bin_widths self.wvl_bin_edges = self.cfg.wvl_bin_edges = self.wvl_bin_centers = self.cfg.wvl_bin_centers self.contrast = np.zeros_like(self.wvl_bin_centers) self.aperture_centers = np.zeros((len(self.wvl_bin_centers), 2)) self.aperture_radii = np.zeros_like(self.wvl_bin_centers) self.platescale = self.solution = ResponseCurve(configuration=self.cfg, curve=self.curve, wvl_bin_widths=self.wvl_bin_widths, wvl_bin_centers= self.wvl_bin_centers, cube=self.cube, solution_name=self.solution_name, errors=self.errors)
def fetchimg(ob, kwargs): of = Photontable(ob.h5) if kwargs['nwvl'] > 1: im = of.getSpectralCube(hdu=True, **kwargs) else: kwargs.pop('wvlN', None) im = of.getPixelCountImage(hdu=True, **kwargs) del of #TODO move to photontable and fetch it from an import im.headerh['PIXELA'] = 10.0**2 return im
def make_spectralcube(self): ''' called from loadFlatSpectra :return: list of counts per second cubes, list of all of the integration times used to make the count per second cubes, bag pixel mask ''' wavelengths = self.wavelengths nWavs = len(self.wavelengths) ntimes = self.cfg.flatcal.nchunks if np.any( self.intTime * self.cfg.flatcal.nchunks > self.exposure_times): ntimes = int((self.exposure_times / self.intTime).max()) getLogger(__name__).info( 'Number of chunks * chunk time is longer than the laser exposure. Using full' 'length of exposure ({} chunks)'.format(ntimes)) cps_cube_list = np.zeros([ntimes, self.xpix, self.ypix, nWavs]) mask = np.zeros([self.xpix, self.ypix, nWavs]) int_times = np.zeros([self.xpix, self.ypix, nWavs]) if self.use_wavecal: delta_list = wavelengths / self.r_list for iwvl, wvl in enumerate(wavelengths): obs = Photontable(self.h5_file_names[iwvl]) # mask out hot pixels before finding the mean if not['isBadPixMasked'] and not self.use_wavecal: getLogger(__name__).info( 'Hot pixel masking laser h5 file for flatcal') badpix.mask_hot_pixels(self.h5_file_names[iwvl]) bad_mask = obs.flagMask(pixelflags.PROBLEM_FLAGS) mask[:, :, iwvl] = bad_mask if self.use_wavecal: counts = obs.getTemporalCube( integrationTime=self.intTime * self.cfg.flatcal.nchunks, timeslice=self.intTime, startw=wvl - (delta_list[iwvl] / 2.), stopw=wvl + (delta_list[iwvl] / 2.)) else: counts = obs.getTemporalCube( integrationTime=self.cfg.flatcal.chunk_time * self.cfg.flatcal.nchunks, timeslice=self.intTime) getLogger(__name__).info('Loaded {}nm spectral cube'.format(wvl)) cps_cube = counts[ 'cube'] / self.intTime # TODO move this division outside of the loop cps_cube = np.moveaxis(cps_cube, 2, 0) int_times[:, :, iwvl] = self.intTime cps_cube_list[:, :, :, iwvl] = cps_cube return cps_cube_list, int_times, mask
def handle_existing(self): """ Handles existing h5 files, deleting them if appropriate""" if os.path.exists(self.cfg.h5file): if self.force: getLogger(__name__).info('Remaking {} forced'.format( self.cfg.h5file)) done = False else: try: done = Photontable( self.cfg.h5file).duration >= self.cfg.inttime if not done: getLogger(__name__).info( ('{} does not contain full duration, ' 'will remove and rebuild').format( self.cfg.h5file)) except: done = False getLogger(__name__).info( ('{} presumed corrupt,' ' will remove and rebuild').format(self.cfg.h5file), exc_info=True) if not done: try: os.remove(self.cfg.h5file) getLogger(__name__).info('Deleted {}'.format( self.cfg.h5file)) except FileNotFoundError: pass else: getLogger(__name__).info( 'H5 {} already built. Remake not requested. Done.'.format( self.cfg.h5file)) self.done = True
def getPixelPhotonList(filename, xCoord, yCoord, **kwargs): """ Gets the list of photon arrival times from a H5 file INPUTS: filename - Name of H5 data file xCoord - yCoord - **kwargs - keywords for Obsfile getpixelphotonlist() OUTPUTS: ts - timestamps in us of photon arrival times """ obs = Photontable(filename) photonList = obs.getPixelPhotonList(xCoord, yCoord, **kwargs) times = photonList['Time'] print("#photons: " + str(len(times))) del obs #make sure to close files nicely return times
def plot_counts_on_array(self, obsFile, timeStep=10): obs = Photontable(obsFile) photons = hist = np.bincount((photons['Time'] / timeStep).astype(int)) timestamps = np.linspace(0, photons['Time'].max(), len(hist)) plt.plot(timestamps, hist, linewidth=0.3) plt.xlabel('Time (microseconds)') plt.ylabel('Counts on Array') plt.title(f"Array Count Time Stream ({obsFile})")
def determine_mean_photperRID(self): ret = {} # return {d:1 for d in self.datasets} for d in self.datasets: if d in self.count_images: cnt_img = self.count_images[d] else: res = list(self.query_iter((SHORTT_QUERY), dataset=d)) i = np.array([r.queryt for r in res]).argmin() fast_file = res[i].file print('This might take a while: {:.0f} s'.format( res[i].queryt)) of = Photontable(fast_file) cnt_img = of.getPixelCountImage(firstSec=30, integrationTime=5)['image'] cnt_img *=['expTime'] / 5 del of self.count_images[d] = cnt_img ret[d] = cnt_img.sum() / (cnt_img > 0).sum() return ret
def loadData(self): getLogger(__name__).info('Loading calibration data from {}'.format( self.h5file)) self.obs = Photontable(self.h5file) if not self.obs.wavelength_calibrated: raise RuntimeError('Photon data is not wavelength calibrated.') self.beamImage = self.obs.beamImage self.wvlFlags = pixelflags.beammap_flagmap_to_h5_flagmap( self.obs.beamFlagImage) self.xpix = self.obs.nXPix self.ypix = self.obs.nYPix self.energies = [(c.h * c.c) / (i * 10**(-9) * c.e) for i in self.wavelengths] middle = int(len(self.wavelengths) / 2.0) self.energyBinWidth = self.energies[middle] / (5.0 * self.r_list[middle]) self.wvlBinEdges = Photontable.makeWvlBins(self.energyBinWidth, self.wvlStart, self.wvlStop) self.wavelengths = self.wvlBinEdges[:-1] + np.diff(self.wvlBinEdges) self.wavelengths = self.wavelengths.flatten() self.sol = False
time.time()) args = parser.parse_args() flattner = WhiteCalibrator(args.cfgfile, cal_file_name='calsol_{}.h5'.format(timestamp)) if not os.path.isfile(flattner.cfg.h5file): raise RuntimeError('Not up to date') b2h_config = bin2hdf.Bin2HdfConfig(, beamfile=flattner.cfg.beammap.file, outdir=flattner.paths.out, starttime=flattner.cfg.start_time, inttime=flattner.cfg.expTime, x=flattner.cfg.beammap.ncols, y=flattner.cfg.beammap.ncols) bin2hdf.makehdf(b2h_config, maxprocs=1) getLogger(__name__).info('Made h5 file at {}.h5'.format( flattner.cfg.start_time)) obsfile = Photontable(flattner.h5file, mode='write') if not obsfile.wavelength_calibrated: obsfile.applyWaveCal(wavecal.load_solution(flattner.cfg.wavesol)) getLogger(__name__).info('Applied Wavecal {} to {}.h5'.format( flattner.cfg.wavesol, flattner.h5file)) if args.h5only: exit() flattner.makeCalibration()
def mask_hot_pixels(file, method='hpm_flux_threshold', step=30, startt=0, stopt=None, ncpu=1, **methodkw): """ This routine is the main code entry point of the bad pixel masking code. Takes an obs. file as input and writes a 'bad pixel table' to that h5 file where each entry is an indicator of whether the pixel was good, dead, hot, or cold. Defaults should be somewhat reasonable for a typical on-sky image. HPCut method is interchangeable with any of the methods listed here. The HOT and DEAD masks are combined into a single BAD mask at the end Required Input: :param obsfile: user passes an obsfile instance here :param startt Scalar Integer. Timestamp at which to begin bad pixel masking, default = 0 :param stopt Scalar Integer. Timestamp at which to finish bad pixel masking, default = -1 (run to the end of the file) :param step Scalar Integer. Number of seconds to do the bad pixel masking over (should be an integer number of steps through the obsfile), default = 30 :param hpcutmethod String. Method to use to detect hot pixels. Options are: hpm_median_movingbox hpm_flux_threshold hpm_laplacian hpm_cps_cut Other Input: Appropriate args and kwargs that go into the chosen hpcut function :return: Applies relevant pixelflags - see """ obs = Photontable(file) if['isBadPixMasked']: getLogger(__name__).info('{} is already bad pixel calibrated'.format( obs.fileName)) return if stopt is None: stopt = obs.getFromHeader('expTime') assert startt < stopt if step > stopt - startt: getLogger(__name__).warning(( 'Hot pixel step time longer than exposure time by {:.0f} s, using full ' 'exposure').format(abs(stopt - startt - step))) step = stopt - startt step_starts = np.arange( startt, stopt, step, dtype=int) # Start time for each step (in seconds). step_ends = step_starts + int(step) # End time for each step step_ends[step_ends > stopt] = int( stopt ) # Clip any time steps that run over the end of the requested time range. # Initialise stack of masks, one for each time step hot_masks = np.zeros([obs.nXPix, obs.nYPix, step_starts.size], dtype=bool) cold_masks = np.zeros([obs.nXPix, obs.nYPix, step_starts.size], dtype=bool) func = globals()[method] # Generate a stack of bad pixel mask, one for each time step for i, each_time in enumerate(step_starts): getLogger(__name__).info('Processing time slice: {} - {} s'.format( each_time, each_time + step)) raw_image_dict = obs.getPixelCountImage( firstSec=each_time, integrationTime=step, applyWeight=True, applyTPFWeight=True, scaleByEffInt=method == 'hpm_cps_cut') bad_pixel_solution = func(raw_image_dict['image'], **methodkw) hot_masks[:, :, i] = bad_pixel_solution['hot_mask'] cold_masks[:, :, i] = bad_pixel_solution['cold_mask'] unstable_mask = np.zeros((obs.nXPix, obs.nYPix), dtype=bool) for x in range(obs.nXPix): for y in range(obs.nYPix): vals = np.zeros(len(hot_masks[x, y, :]), dtype=bool) for i, mask in enumerate(hot_masks[x, y, :]): vals[i] = mask if not all(vals) or all(vals): unstable_mask[x, y] = False else: unstable_mask[x, y] = True # Combine the bad pixel masks into a master mask obs.enablewrite() obs.applyBadPixelMask(np.all(hot_masks, axis=-1), np.all(cold_masks, axis=-1), unstable_mask) obs.disablewrite()
9459, 9460, 9461, 9462, 9463, 9464, 9465, 9466, 9467, 9468, 9469, 9470, 9471, 9472, 9473, 9474, 9475, 9476, 9477, 9478, 9479, 9480, 9481, 9482, 9483, 9484, 9485, 9486, 9487, 9488, 9489, 9490, 9491, 9492, 9493, 9494, 9495, 9496, 9497, 9498, 9499, 9500, 9501, 9502, 9503, 9504, 9505 ]) print('Warning: Only run this script once per file') print(fns) tmp = '' while tmp not in ['Y', 'N']: tmp = input('Are you sure you want to run this script? (Y/N)') tmp = tmp.upper() if tmp == 'Y': for fn in fns: print('Adjusting flags in: ' + fn) obs = Photontable(fn, mode='w') resIDs = obs.beamImage[:, :] flags = obs.beamFlagImage[:, :] resID_noBeammap = resIDs[np.where(np.bitwise_and(flags, 1) > 0)] resID_beammap = resIDs[np.where(np.bitwise_and(flags, 1) == 0)] print('ResIDs with a DAC Tone that failed the beammap:') print(resID_withTone[np.where(np.isin(resID_withTone, resID_noBeammap))]) print( 'ResIDs without a DAC Tone that passed the beammaped (should be none):' ) print(resID_beammap[np.where( np.isin(resID_beammap, resID_withTone, invert=True))]) resID_wvlCal = resIDs[np.where(np.bitwise_and(flags, 2) == 0)]
class WhiteCalibrator(FlatCalibrator): """ Opens flat file using parameters from the param file, sets wavelength binning parameters, and calculates flat weights for flat file. Writes these weights to a h5 file and plots weights both by pixel and in wavelength-sliced images. """ def __init__(self, config=None, cal_file_name='flatsol_{start}.h5'): """ Reads in the param file and opens appropriate flat file. Sets wavelength binning parameters. """ super().__init__(config) self.startTime = self.cfg.start_time self.expTime = self.cfg.exposure_time self.h5file = self.cfg.get( 'h5file', os.path.join(self.cfg.paths.out, str(self.startTime) + '.h5')) self.flatCalFileName = self.cfg.get( 'flatname', os.path.join(self.cfg.paths.database, cal_file_name.format(start=self.startTime))) def loadData(self): getLogger(__name__).info('Loading calibration data from {}'.format( self.h5file)) self.obs = Photontable(self.h5file) if not self.obs.wavelength_calibrated: raise RuntimeError('Photon data is not wavelength calibrated.') self.beamImage = self.obs.beamImage self.wvlFlags = pixelflags.beammap_flagmap_to_h5_flagmap( self.obs.beamFlagImage) self.xpix = self.obs.nXPix self.ypix = self.obs.nYPix self.energies = [(c.h * c.c) / (i * 10**(-9) * c.e) for i in self.wavelengths] middle = int(len(self.wavelengths) / 2.0) self.energyBinWidth = self.energies[middle] / (5.0 * self.r_list[middle]) self.wvlBinEdges = Photontable.makeWvlBins(self.energyBinWidth, self.wvlStart, self.wvlStop) self.wavelengths = self.wvlBinEdges[:-1] + np.diff(self.wvlBinEdges) self.wavelengths = self.wavelengths.flatten() self.sol = False def loadFlatSpectra(self): """ Reads the flat data into a spectral cube whose dimensions are determined by the number of x and y pixels and the number of wavelength bins. Each element will be the spectral cube for a time chunk Find factors to correct nonlinearity due to deadtime in firmware To be used for whitelight flat data """ self.spectralCubes = [] self.cubeEffIntTimes = [] for firstSec in range(0, self.expTime, self.intTime): # for each time chunk cubeDict = self.obs.getSpectralCube(firstSec=firstSec, integrationTime=self.intTime, applyWeight=False, applyTPFWeight=False, wvlBinEdges=self.wvlBinEdges) cube = cubeDict['cube'] / cubeDict['effIntTime'][:, :, None] # TODO: remove when we have deadtime removal code in pipeline cube /= (1 - cube.sum(axis=2) * self.deadtime)[:, :, None] bad = np.isnan( cube ) # TODO need to update masks to note why these 0s appeared cube[bad] = 0 self.spectralCubes.append(cube) self.cubeEffIntTimes.append(cubeDict['effIntTime']) msg = 'Loaded Flat Spectra for seconds {} to {}'.format( int(firstSec), int(firstSec) + int(self.intTime)) getLogger(__name__).info(msg) self.spectralCubes = np.array(self.spectralCubes[0]) # Haven't had a chance to check if the following lines break - find me if you come across this before me - Sarah self.cubeEffIntTimes = np.array(self.cubeEffIntTimes) self.countCubes = self.cubeEffIntTimes * self.spectralCubes
class Cosmic: def __init__(self): self.endtime = -1 self.begintime = 0 self.tick_duration = 1e-6 self.ticks_per_sec = int(1.0 / self.tick_duration) self.nRow = 140 self.nCol = 146 self.h5file = 'test' self.obs = Photontable(self.h5file) def findCosmics(self, stride=10, threshold=100, population_max=2000, nsigma=5, pps_stride=10000): """ Find cosmics ray suspects. Histogram the number of photons recorded at each timeStamp. When the number of photons in a group of stride timeStamps is greater than threshold in second iSec, add (iSec,timeStamp) to cosmicTimeLists. Also keep track of the histogram of the number of photons per stride timeStamps. return a dictionary of 'populationHg', 'cosmicTimeLists', 'binContents', 'timeHgValues', 'interval', 'frameSum', and 'pps' populationHg is a histogram of the number of photons in each time bin. This is a poisson distribution with a long tail due to cosmic events cosmicTimeLists is a numpy array of all the sequences that are suspects for cosmic rays binContents corresponds to cosmicTimeLists. For each time in cosmicTimeLists, binContents is the number of photons detected at that time. timeHgValues is a histogram of the number of photons in each time interval frameSum is a two dimensional numpy array of the number of photons detected by each pixel interval is the interval of data to be masked out pps is photons per second, calculated every ppsStride bins. """"findCosmics: begin stride=%d threshold=%d populationMax=%d nSigma=%d writeCosmicMask=%s") exptime = self.endtime - self.begintime nbins = int(np.round(self.ticks_per_sec * exptime + 1)) bins = np.arange(0, nbins, 1) timehist_values, framesum = self.get_timehist_and_framesum( self.begintime, self.endtime) remainder = len(timehist_values) % pps_stride if remainder > 0: temp = timehist_values[:-remainder] else: temp = timehist_values pps_time = (pps_stride * self.tick_duration) pps = np.sum(temp.reshape(-1, pps_stride), axis=1) / pps_time cr_pop = Cosmic.population_from_timehist_values( timehist_values, population_max, stride, threshold) # now build up all of the intervals in seconds i = interval() icount = 0 seconds_per_tick = self.tick_duration for cosmic_time in cr_pop['cosmic_time_list']: t0 = self.begintime + cosmic_time * seconds_per_tick dt = stride * seconds_per_tick t1 = t0 + dt left = max(self.begintime, t0 - nsigma * dt) right = min(self.endtime, t1 + 2 * nsigma * dt) i = i | interval[left, right] icount += 1 times_masked = Cosmic.count_masked_bins(i) ppm_masked = 1000000 * times_masked / (self.endtime - self.begintime) return_val = {} return_val['timehist_values'] = timehist_values return_val['population_hist'] = cr_pop['population_hist'] return_val['cosmic_timelist'] = cr_pop['cosmic_timelist'] return_val['bin_contents'] = cr_pop['bin_contents'] return_val['framesum'] = framesum return_val['interval'] = i return_val['ppm_masked'] = ppm_masked return_val['pps'] = pps return_val['pps_time'] = pps_time return return_val def get_timehist_and_framesum(self, begintime, endtime): integrationtime = endtime - begintime nbins = int(np.round(self.ticks_per_sec * integrationtime + 1)) timehist_values = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=np.int64) framesum = np.zeros((self.nRow, self.nCol)) for iRow in range(self.nRow): for iCol in range(self.nCol): gtpl = self.obs.getPixelPhotonList( iRow, iCol, firstSec=begintime, integrationtime=integrationtime) timestamps = gtpl['timestamps'] if timestamps.size > 0: timestamps = (timestamps - begintime) * self.ticks_per_sec ts32 = np.round(timestamps).astype(np.uint32) ts_binner.ts_binner32(ts32, timehist_values) framesum[iRow, iCol] += ts32.size return timehist_values, framesum @staticmethod def count_masked_bins(mask_interval): return_val = 0 for x in mask_interval: return_val += x[1] - x[0] return return_val @staticmethod def population_from_timehist_values(timehist_values, population_max, stride, threshold): """ Rebin the timehist_values histogram by combining stride bins. If stride > 1, then bin a second time after shifting by stride/2 Create population_hist, a histogram of the number of photons in the large bins. Also, create (and then sort) a list cosmic_timelist of the start of bins (in original time units) of overpopulated bins that have more than threshold number of photons. return a dictionary containing population_hist and cosmic_timelist """ pop_range = (-0.5, population_max - 0.5) if stride == 1: population_hist = np.histogram(timehist_values, population_max, range=pop_range) cosmic_timelist = np.where(timehist_values > threshold)[0] bin_contents = np.extract(timehist_values > threshold, timehist_values) else: # rebin the timehist_values before counting the populations length = timehist_values.size remainder = length % stride if remainder == 0: end = length else: end = -remainder timehist_values_trimmed = timehist_values[0:end] timehist_values_rebinned_0 = np.reshape( timehist_values_trimmed, [length / stride, stride]).sum(axis=1) population_hist_0 = np.histogram(timehist_values_rebinned_0, population_max, range=pop_range) cosmic_timelist_0 = stride * np.where( timehist_values_rebinned_0 > threshold)[0] bin_contents_0 = np.extract(timehist_values_rebinned_0 > threshold, timehist_values_rebinned_0) timehist_values_rebinned_1 = np.reshape( timehist_values_trimmed[stride / 2:-stride / 2], [(length - stride) / stride, stride]).sum(axis=1) population_hist_1 = np.histogram(timehist_values_rebinned_1, population_max, range=pop_range) cosmic_timelist_1 = (stride / 2) + stride * np.where( timehist_values_rebinned_1 > threshold)[0] bin_contents_1 = np.extract(timehist_values_rebinned_1 > threshold, timehist_values_rebinned_1) population_hist = (population_hist_0[0] + population_hist_1[0], population_hist_0[1]) cosmic_timelist = np.concatenate( (cosmic_timelist_0, cosmic_timelist_1)) bin_contents = np.concatenate((bin_contents_0, bin_contents_1)) args = np.argsort(cosmic_timelist) cosmic_timelist = cosmic_timelist[args] bin_contents = bin_contents[args] cosmic_timelist.sort() return_val = {} return_val['population_hist'] = population_hist return_val['cosmic_timelist'] = cosmic_timelist return_val['bin_contents'] = bin_contents return return_val
planet_photons = np.array(planet_photons).T.astype(np.float32) planet_photons = np.insert(planet_photons, obj=1, values=cam.phase_cal(ap.wvl_range[0]), axis=0) planet_photons[0] = (planet_photons[0] + abs_step) * sp.sample_time photons = np.concatenate((star_photons, planet_photons), axis=1) # cam.save_photontable(photonlist=photons, index=None, populate_subsidiaries=False) stem = cam.arange_into_stem(photons.T, (cam.array_size[1], cam.array_size[0])) stem = list(map(list, zip(*stem))) stem = cam.remove_close(stem) photons = cam.ungroup(stem) photons = photons[[0, 1, 3, 2]] # grid(cam.rebin_list(photons), show=False) cam.populate_photontable(photons=photons, finalise=False) cam.populate_photontable(photons=[], finalise=True) grid(cam.rebin_list(photons), show=False) # to look at the photontable obs = Photontable(iop.photonlist) print(obs.photonTable) # to plot an image of all the photons on the array image = obs.getPixelCountImage(integrationTime=None)['image'] quick2D(image, show=False, title='Const planet photons')
def getTotalCountsAndDuration(self, obsFilePath): counts = np.zeros((len(self.resIDs), len(BF_LASER_WAVELENGTHS))) cosmicCounts = np.zeros((len(self.resIDs), len(BF_LASER_WAVELENGTHS))) durations = np.zeros((len(self.resIDs), len(BF_LASER_WAVELENGTHS))) thresh = 4 if thresh is not None: print( f"Using a threshold of {thresh} counts per bin to identify cosmic ray events in {obsFilePath}" ) obs = Photontable(obsFilePath) cosmicPeaks, cosmicCutout = self.findCosmicRayTimeStamps(, threshold=thresh) s1 = time.time() for count1, j in enumerate(self.resIDs): if (count1 % 40) == 0: print( f"{count1 / len(self.resIDs) * 100:.2f}% done with obsFile {obsFilePath}" ) if obs.duration >= 60: duration = 60 else: duration = obs.duration timeRemoved = len(cosmicCutout) / 1e6 for count2, _ in enumerate(BF_LASER_WAVELENGTHS): photonList = obs.getPixelPhotonList( resid=j, wvlStart=self.wlLimits[0][count2], wvlStop=self.wlLimits[1][count2], integrationTime=60) cosmicCount = [ np.any(np.in1d(cosmicCutout, k)) for k in photonList['Time'] ] photonsToRemove = np.sum(cosmicCount) counts[count1][count2] = len(photonList) durations[count1][count2] = (duration - timeRemoved) cosmicCounts[count1][count2] = photonsToRemove temp = np.concatenate((self.resIDs[:, None], counts, cosmicCounts, durations[:, 0][:, None]), axis=1) data = np.core.records.fromarrays( temp.transpose(), names= 'ResID, bin1, bin2, bin3, bin4, bin5, bin1cosmics, bin2cosmics, bin3cosmics, bin4cosmics, bin5cosmics, duration', formats='i4, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8') e1 = time.time() print( f"--- It took {int(e1 - s1)} seconds to generate counts from Photontable {obsFilePath} ---" ) obs.file.close() return data
def test_settings(cfg, settings, queries, do_build=True, do_query=True, cleanup=True, recovery=''): if recovery: try: with open(recovery, 'rb') as f: results = pickle.load(f) except IOError: results = {} builders = [] h5s = ['{}_{}.h5'.format(cfg.h5file[:-3], setting_id(s)) for s in settings] for s, h5 in zip(settings, h5s): builder = bin2hdf.HDFBuilder(copy.copy(cfg)) builder.cfg.user_h5file = h5 builder.kwargs = s builders.append(builder) needed = {b.cfg.h5file: False for b in builders} for b in builders: if b.cfg.h5file not in results: needed[b.cfg.h5file] = do_build elif do_query: for q in queries: if str(q) not in results[b.cfg.h5file]: needed[b.cfg.h5file] = do_build break for b in builders: if not (needed[b.cfg.h5file] and not os.path.exists(b.cfg.h5file)): continue tic = time.time() toc = time.time() results[b.cfg.h5file] = dict(creation=toc - tic) of = Photontable(b.cfg.h5file) results[b.cfg.h5file].update( dict(size=os.stat(b.cfg.h5file).st_size / 1024**2, nphotons=len(of.photonTable), file_nfo=str(of), table_nfo=repr(of.photonTable))) del of if recovery: with open(recovery, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(results, f) if not do_query: queries = [] for q in queries: for b in builders: key = b.cfg.h5file if key not in results or not os.path.exists(b.cfg.h5file): getLogger(__name__).info( f'No result record/file for {b.cfg.h5file}') continue if str(q) in results[key]: continue of = Photontable(b.cfg.h5file) tic = time.time() result = of.query(**q) toc = time.time() del of results[key][str(q)] = {'time': toc - tic, 'nphotons': len(result)} if recovery: with open(recovery, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(results, f) if cleanup: for f in h5s: os.remove(f) return results
def tsectest(f): of = Photontable(f) # p=LineProfiler(of.photonTable._where) # p.enable() of.query(startt=0, intt=30)
def get_transforms(ditherfile, datadir, wvl_start=None, wvl_stop=None, fwhm_guess=3.0, fit_power=1, CONEX_ERROR=0.0001, plot=False): dither = MKIDDitheredObservation(os.path.basename(ditherfile), ditherfile, None, None) obs_files = [ os.path.join(datadir, '{}.h5'.format(o.start)) for o in dither.obs ] box_size = fwhm_guess * 10 debug_images = [] pixel_positions = [] source_est = [] for file in obs_files: obs = Photontable(file) data = obs.getPixelCountImage(applyWeight=False, exclude_flags=pixelflags.PROBLEM_FLAGS, wvlStart=wvl_start, wvlStop=wvl_stop)['image'] data = np.transpose(data) debug_images.append(data) mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, mask_value=0) mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) mask[data == 0] = True sources = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm_guess, threshold=5. * std)(data - median, mask=mask) source = sources[sources['flux'].argmax()] source_est.append((source['xcentroid'], source['ycentroid'])) position = centroids.centroid_sources(data, source['xcentroid'], source['ycentroid'], box_size=int(box_size), centroid_func=centroid_2dg, mask=mask) pixel_positions.append((position[0][0], position[1][0])) pixel_positions = np.array(pixel_positions) conex_positions = np.array(dither.pos) xform_con2pix = tf.estimate_transform('polynomial', conex_positions, pixel_positions, order=fit_power) xform_pix2con = tf.estimate_transform('polynomial', pixel_positions, conex_positions, order=fit_power) if plot: axis = int(round(np.sqrt(len(obs_files)), 0)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(axis, axis, figsize=(20, 15)) i = 0 j = 0 for index, image in enumerate(debug_images[:-1]): axs[i, j].imshow(image, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap='viridis') axs[i, j].add_patch( Rectangle( (source_est[index][0] - (box_size / 2), source_est[index][1] - (box_size / 2)), box_size, box_size, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', fill=None)) marker = '+' ms, mew = 30, 2. axs[i, j].plot(source_est[index][0], source_est[index][1], color='red', marker=marker, ms=ms, mew=mew) axs[i, j].plot(pixel_positions[index][0], pixel_positions[index][1], color='blue', marker=marker, ms=ms, mew=mew) axs[i, j].set_title( 'Red + = Estimate, Blue + = Centroid for Dither Pos %i' % index) if (index + 1) % axis == 0 and (index + 1) != len(obs_files): i += 1 j = 0 elif index != len(obs_files) - 1: j += 1 _plotresiduals(xform_con2pix, conex_positions, pixel_positions) return xform_con2pix, xform_pix2con