 def setUp(self):
     super(TestCanBeHeroAuthorization, self).setUp()
     self.collection = self.make_collection()
     self.auth = CanBeHeroAuthorization()
     self.user = User.objects.get(pk=2519)
     self.profile = self.user.get_profile()
     self.view = GenericAPIView()
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestCanBeHeroAuthorization, self).setUp()
     self.collection = self.make_collection()
     self.auth = CanBeHeroAuthorization()
     self.user = UserProfile.objects.get(pk=2519)
     self.profile = self.user
     self.view = GenericAPIView()
class TestCanBeHeroAuthorization(CollectionTestMixin, TestCase):
    enforced_verbs = ['POST', 'PUT']
    fixtures = fixture('user_2519')

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestCanBeHeroAuthorization, self).setUp()
        self.collection = self.make_collection()
        self.auth = CanBeHeroAuthorization()
        self.user = UserProfile.objects.get(pk=2519)
        self.profile = self.user
        self.view = GenericAPIView()

    def give_permission(self):
        self.grant_permission(self.profile, 'Collections:Curate')

    def is_authorized_object(self, request):
        return self.auth.has_object_permission(request, self.view,

    def request(self, verb, qs=None, content_type='application/json',
                encoder=json.dumps, **data):
        if not qs:
            qs = ''
        request = getattr(RequestFactory(), verb.lower())
        request = request('/?' + qs, content_type=content_type,
                          data=encoder(data) if data else '')
        request.user = self.user
        return Request(request, parsers=[parser_cls() for parser_cls in

    def test_unenforced(self):
        Should always pass for GET requests.

    def test_no_qs_modification(self):
        Non-GET requests should not be rejected if there is a can_be_true
        querystring param (which hypothetically shouldn't do anything).

        We're effectively testing that request.GET doesn't bleed into
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb, qs='can_be_hero=1')
            ok_(not self.auth.hero_field_modified(request), verb)

    def test_change_permission(self):
        Should pass if the user is attempting to modify the can_be_hero field
        and has the permission.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb, can_be_hero=True)
            ok_(self.auth.hero_field_modified(request), verb)

    def test_change_permission_urlencode(self):
        Should pass if the user is attempting to modify the can_be_hero field
        and has the permission.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb, encoder=urlencode,
            ok_(self.auth.hero_field_modified(request), verb)

    def test_no_change_no_permission(self):
        Should pass if the user does not have the permission and is not
        attempting to modify the can_be_hero field.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb)
            ok_(self.is_authorized_object(request), verb)

    def test_no_change(self):
        Should pass if the user does have the permission and is not attempting
        to modify the can_be_hero field.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb)
            ok_(self.is_authorized_object(request), verb)

    def test_post_change_no_permission(self):
        Should not pass if the user is attempting to modify the can_be_hero
        field without the permission.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb, can_be_hero=True)
            ok_(not self.is_authorized_object(request), verb)
class TestCanBeHeroAuthorization(CollectionTestMixin, TestCase):
    enforced_verbs = ['POST', 'PUT']
    fixtures = fixture('user_2519')

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestCanBeHeroAuthorization, self).setUp()
        self.collection = self.make_collection()
        self.auth = CanBeHeroAuthorization()
        self.user = User.objects.get(pk=2519)
        self.profile = self.user.get_profile()
        self.view = GenericAPIView()

    def give_permission(self):
        self.grant_permission(self.profile, 'Collections:Curate')

    def is_authorized_object(self, request):
        return self.auth.has_object_permission(request, self.view,

    def request(self, verb, qs=None, **data):
        if not qs:
            qs = ''
        request = getattr(RequestFactory(), verb.lower())
        request = request('/?' + qs, content_type='application/json',
                          data=json.dumps(data) if data else '')
        request.user = self.user
        return Request(request)

    def test_unenforced(self):
        Should always pass for GET requests.

    def test_no_qs_modification(self):
        Non-GET requests should not be rejected if there is a can_be_true
        querystring param (which hypothetically shouldn't do anything).

        We're effectively testing that request.GET doesn't bleed into
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb, qs='can_be_hero=1')
            ok_(not self.auth.hero_field_modified(request), verb)

    def test_change_permission(self):
        Should pass if the user is attempting to modify the can_be_hero field
        and has the permission.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb, can_be_hero=True)
            ok_(self.auth.hero_field_modified(request), verb)

    def test_no_change_no_permission(self):
        Should pass if the user does not have the permission and is not
        attempting to modify the can_be_hero field.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb)
            ok_(self.is_authorized_object(request), verb)

    def test_no_change(self):
        Should pass if the user does have the permission and is not attempting
        to modify the can_be_hero field.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb)
            ok_(self.is_authorized_object(request), verb)

    def test_post_change_no_permission(self):
        Should not pass if the user is attempting to modify the can_be_hero
        field without the permission.
        for verb in self.enforced_verbs:
            request = self.request(verb, can_be_hero=True)
            ok_(not self.is_authorized_object(request), verb)