def pca_faces(): data = sio.loadmat( "ml_course_material/machine-learning-ex7/ex7/ex7faces.mat") X = data["X"] plt.figure(0) plot_images(X) #somehow when plotting, svd will not converge normalizer = feature.FeatureNormalizer(X) X_norm = normalizer.normalized_x_m while True: try: (U, S) = pca.pca(X_norm) break except: pass plt.figure(1) plot_images(U.T) k = 100 Z = pca.project(X, U, k) X_approx = pca.reconstruct(Z, U, k) plt.figure(2) plot_images(X_approx)
def pca_warmup(): data = sio.loadmat( "ml_course_material/machine-learning-ex7/ex7/ex7data1.mat") X = data["X"] # plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], '.') # normalizer = feature.FeatureNormalizer(X) X_norm = normalizer.normalized_x_m (U, S) = pca.pca(X_norm) print(U[:, 0]) plt.plot(X_norm[:, 0], X_norm[:, 1], '.') plt.plot([-3, U[0, 0]], [-3, U[0, 1]], "x-") Z = pca.project(X_norm, U, 1) print(Z) X_approx = pca.reconstruct(Z, U, 1) print(X_approx) plt.plot(X_approx[:, 0], X_approx[:, 1], "y.")
def learning_curves_of_different_polynomial_degree(X_train, y_train, X_cv, y_cv, estimator_predictor, cost_fun, max_polynomial_degree): """ Trains theta with X_train and y_train using minimize_fun with different polynomial degree (1 to provided max_polynomial_degree). Calculates and return training set and cross-validation error. :param X_train: :param y_train: :param X_cv: :param y_cv: :param estimator_predictor: has methods fit(X, y) and predict(X) -> y :param cost_fun: expected signature cost_fun(y_true, y_pred) -> float :param max_polynomial_degree: :return: training errors, cross-validation errors """ j_train = [] j_cv = [] for polynomial_degree in range(1, max_polynomial_degree): poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(polynomial_degree, include_bias=False) X_train_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X_train) normalizer = feature.FeatureNormalizer(X_train_poly) X_train_poly = normalizer.normalize_matrix(X_train_poly) X_train_poly = np.hstack((np.ones( (X_train_poly.shape[0], 1)), X_train_poly)), y_train) j_train.append( cost_fun(y_train, estimator_predictor.predict(X_train_poly))) X_cv_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X_cv) X_cv_poly = normalizer.normalize_matrix(X_cv_poly) X_cv_poly = np.hstack((np.ones((X_cv_poly.shape[0], 1)), X_cv_poly)) j_cv.append(cost_fun(y_cv, estimator_predictor.predict(X_cv_poly))) plt.plot(list(range(1, len(j_train) + 1)), j_train, label="j_train") plt.plot(list(range(1, len(j_train) + 1)), j_cv, label="j_cv") plt.xlabel("polynomial degree") plt.ylabel("error") plt.legend() return j_train, j_cv
def pca_on_bird(): bird_image = image.imread( "ml_course_material/machine-learning-ex7/ex7/bird_small.png") plt.imshow(bird_image) im_shape = bird_image.shape X = bird_image.reshape([im_shape[0] * im_shape[1], 3]) k = 16 (centroids, closest_centroids) = k_means.k_means(X, k_means.init_random_centroids(X, k)) nr_samples = 1000 rng = np.random.default_rng() random_indices = rng.integers(0, X.shape[0], nr_samples) colors = [] X_rand = np.empty((nr_samples, X.shape[1])) for i in range(nr_samples): colors.append(closest_centroids[random_indices[i]]) X_rand[i, :] = X[random_indices[i], :] plt.hsv() fig = plt.figure(3) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.scatter(X_rand[:, 0], X_rand[:, 1], X_rand[:, 2], c=colors) X_norm = feature.FeatureNormalizer(X).normalized_x_m while True: try: (U, S) = pca.pca(X_norm) break except: pass Z = pca.project(X, U, 2) Z_rand = np.empty((nr_samples, Z.shape[1])) for i in range(nr_samples): Z_rand[i, :] = Z[random_indices[i], :] plt.figure(4) plt.scatter(Z_rand[:, 0], Z_rand[:, 1], c=colors)
def anomaly_detection_high_dimensional_dataset(): data = sio.loadmat("ml_course_material/machine-learning-ex8/ex8/ex8data2.mat") X = data["X"] X_cv = data["Xval"] y_cv = data["yval"] (mu, sigma2) = estimate_gaussian(X) p_cv = gaussian(X_cv, mu, sigma2) (epsilon, f1) = select_threshold(p_cv, y_cv) print(f"best epsilon is {epsilon} with F1 score {f1}") p = gaussian(X, mu, sigma2) (anomalies_indices_x, anomalies_indices_y) = np.nonzero(p < epsilon) print(f"{len(anomalies_indices_x)} anomalies") # pca for fun normnalizer = feature.FeatureNormalizer(X) X_norm = normnalizer.normalized_x_m (U, S) = pca.pca(X_norm) Z = pca.project(X_norm, U, 2) visualize(Z) plt.plot(Z[anomalies_indices_x, 0], Z[anomalies_indices_x, 1], '+')
return ((diff.T @ diff) / (2 * m))[0][0] plt.figure(1) (j_train, j_cv) = lc.learning_curves_of_different_training_set_size( X_train, y_train, X_cv, y_cv, LinearRegressionEstimatorPredictor(), cost) plt.figure(2) (j_train, j_cv) = lc.learning_curves_of_different_polynomial_degree( X_train, y_train, X_cv, y_cv, LinearRegressionEstimatorPredictor(), cost, 12) poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(8, include_bias=False) X_train_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X_train) normalizer = feature.FeatureNormalizer(X_train_poly) X_train_poly = normalizer.normalize_matrix(X_train_poly) X_cv_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X_cv) X_cv_poly = normalizer.normalize_matrix(X_cv_poly) X_test_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X_test) X_test_poly = normalizer.normalize_matrix(X_test_poly) regularization_lambda = 1 result = op.minimize(fun=lire.linear_regression_cost_gradient, x0=np.zeros(X_train_poly.shape[1] + 1), args=(np.hstack((np.ones( (X_train_poly.shape[0], 1)), X_train_poly)), y_train, regularization_lambda), method="CG", jac=True,
import ml.feature as ft import ml.logistic_regression as lore import ml.predict as predict data = np.loadtxt("ml_course_material/machine-learning-ex2/ex2/ex2data1.txt", delimiter=",") (m, feature_length_with_result) = data.shape x = data[:, 0:feature_length_with_result - 1].reshape((m, feature_length_with_result - 1)) y = data[:, feature_length_with_result - 1].reshape((m, 1)) success_indices = np.nonzero(y.flatten() == 1) fail_indices = np.nonzero(y.flatten() == 0) normalizer = ft.FeatureNormalizer(x) normalized_x_m = np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), normalizer.normalized_x_m)) # (theta, costs) = ml.gradient_descent(normalized_x_m, y, ml.logistic_regression_cost, # ml.logistic_regression_cost_derivative, alpha=0.01, num_iter=10000) (theta, num_of_evaluations, return_code) = op.fmin_tnc(func=lore.logistic_regression_cost_gradient, x0=np.zeros((3, 1)), args=(np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), x)), y)) theta = theta.reshape(len(theta), 1) plt.figure(0) plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(x[success_indices, 0], x[success_indices, 1], "kx") plt.plot(x[fail_indices, 0], x[fail_indices, 1], "yo") plt.plot()