def post(self, model_id, prediction_id): try: payload = request.get_json() inferences = PredictionService.inferences(prediction_id) if payload.get("id") is None or payload.get("validity") is None: return err(400, "id and validity keys must be present"), 400 tile = PredictionTileService.get(payload["id"]) if tile is None: return err(404, "prediction tile not found"), 404 current = tile.validity if current is None: current = {} for inf in inferences: p = payload["validity"].get(inf) if p is None or type(p) is not bool: continue current[inf] = p PredictionTileService.validity(payload["id"], current) return current, 200 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Unhandled error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return (500, error_msg), 500
def post(self, project_id): """ Store predictions for an ML Model --- produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: body required: true type: string description: JSON object of predictions schema: properties: modelId: type: integer description: ML Model ID required: true version: type: string description: semver version of the Model required: true docker_url: type: string description: URL to docker image required: false bbox: type: array of floats description: BBOX of the predictions required: true responses: 200: description: ID of the prediction 400: description: Invalid Request 500: description: Internal Server Error """ try: payload = request.get_json() # check if this model exists ProjectService.get_ml_model_by_id(project_id) # check if the version is registered prediction_id = PredictionService.create(project_id, payload) return {"prediction_id": prediction_id}, 200 except NotFound: return err(404, "model not found"), 404 except VersionExists: return err(400, "Version Exists"), 400 except DataError as e: current_app.logger.error(f"Error validating request: {str(e)}") return err(400, str(4)), 400 except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) error_msg = f"Unhandled error: {str(e)}" return err(500, error_msg), 500
def get(self, model_id, prediction_id): try: prediction = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) pred = { "predictionsId":, "modelId": prediction.model_id, "version": prediction.version, "dockerUrl": prediction.docker_url, "tileZoom": prediction.tile_zoom, "logLink": prediction.log_link, "modelLink": prediction.model_link, "dockerLink": prediction.docker_link, "saveLink": prediction.save_link, "infSupertile": prediction.inf_supertile, "tfrecordLink": prediction.tfrecord_link, "checkpointLink": prediction.checkpoint_link, "infList": prediction.inf_list, "infBinary": prediction.inf_binary, "infType": prediction.inf_type } return pred, 200 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Unhandled error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, error_msg), 500
def get(self, model_id): """ Fetch all predictions for a model --- produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: model_id description: ID of the Model required: true type: integer responses: 200: description: List of all predictions for the model 404: description: No predictions found 500: description: Internal Server Error """ try: # check if this model exists ml_model_dto = MLModelService.get_ml_model_by_id(model_id) predictions = PredictionService.get_all_by_model(ml_model_dto.model_id) return predictions, 200 except PredictionsNotFound: return err(404, "Predictions not found"), 404 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Unhandled error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, error_msg), 500
def post(self, model_id, prediction_id): if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws": return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501 payload = tiler = tileschemes.WebMercator() try: prediction = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) poly = shape(geojson.loads(payload)) project = partial( pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'), pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:3857') ) poly = transform(project, poly) tiles = tilecover.cover_geometry(tiler, poly, prediction.tile_zoom) queue_name = "{stack}-models-{model}-prediction-{prediction}-queue".format( stack=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK, model=model_id, prediction=prediction_id ) queue = boto3.resource('sqs').get_queue_by_name( QueueName=queue_name ) cache = [] for tile in tiles: if len(cache) < 10: cache.append({ "Id": str(tile.z) + "-" + str(tile.x) + "-" + str(tile.y), "MessageBody": json.dumps({ "x": tile.x, "y": tile.y, "z": tile.z }) }) else: queue.send_messages( Entries=cache ) cache = [] return {}, 200 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Predction Tiler Error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, error_msg), 500
def post(self, project_id, prediction_id): """ Retrain a model with validated predictions --- produces: - application/json """ if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws": return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501 if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET is None: return err(501, "Not Configured"), 501 payload = request.get_json() pred = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) try: batch = boto3.client( service_name="batch", region_name="us-east-1", endpoint_url="", ) # Submit to AWS Batch to convert to ECR image job = batch.submit_job( jobName=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + "-retrain", jobQueue=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + "-gpu-queue", jobDefinition=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + "-retrain-job", containerOverrides={ "environment": [ {"name": "MODEL_ID", "value": str(project_id)}, {"name": "PREDICTION_ID", "value": str(prediction_id)}, {"name": "TILE_ENDPOINT", "value": str(pred.imagery_id)}, {"name": "CONFIG_RETRAIN", "value": str(json.dumps(payload))}, ] }, ) TaskService.create( { "pred_id": prediction_id, "type": "retrain", "batch_id": job.get("jobId"), } ) except Exception: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return err(500, "Failed to start GPU Retrain"), 500
def post(self, project_id, prediction_id): """ Import a file of GeoJSON inferences into the prediction Typically used to seed TFRecord creation preceding model creation --- produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: ID of the prediction 400: description: Invalid Request 500: description: Internal Server Error """ files = list(request.files.keys()) if len(files) == 0: return err(400, "File not found in request"), 400 inferences = request.files[files[0]] try: pred = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) infstream = io.BytesIO() inferences = infstream.getvalue().decode("UTF-8").split("\n") data = [] for inf in inferences: if len(inf) == 0: continue data.append(geojson.loads(inf)) PredictionTileService.create_geojson(pred, data) except InvalidGeojson as e: return err(400, str(e)), 400 except PredictionsNotFound: return err(404, "Predictions not found"), 404 except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) error_msg = f"Unhandled error: {str(e)}" return err(500, error_msg), 500
def patch(self, model_id, prediction_id): """ Allow updating of links in model --- produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: model_id description: ID of the Model required: true type: integer - in: path name: prediction_id description: ID of the Prediction required: true type: integer responses: 200: description: Prediction updated successfully 404: description: Prediction not found to update 500: description: Internal Server Error """ try: updated_prediction = request.get_json() if updated_prediction is None: return err(400, "prediction must be json object"), 400 prediction_id = PredictionService.patch(prediction_id, updated_prediction) return { "model_id": model_id, "prediction_id": prediction_id }, 200 except NotFound: return err(404, "prediction not found"), 404 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Unhandled error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, error_msg), 500
def get(self, model_id): """ Fetch predictions for a model within supplied bbox --- produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: model_id description: ID of the Model required: true type: integer - in: query name: bbox description: bbox in the wsen format. Comma separated floats required: true type: string responses: 200: description: List of all predictions for the model within supplied bbox 404: description: No predictions found 500: description: Internal Server Error """ try: bbox = request.args.get('bbox', '') if (bbox is None or bbox == ''): return {"error": 'A bbox is required'}, 400 # check if this model exists ml_model_dto = MLModelService.get_ml_model_by_id(model_id) boundingBox = bbox_str_to_list(bbox) predictions = PredictionService.get(ml_model_dto.model_id, boundingBox) return predictions, 200 except PredictionsNotFound: return {"error": "Predictions not found"}, 404 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Unhandled error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return {"error": error_msg}, 500
def post(self, model_id, prediction_id): if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws": return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501 payload = request.get_json() if payload.get("imagery") is None: return err(400, "imagery key required in body"), 400 pred = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) image = "models-{model}-prediction-{prediction}".format( model=model_id, prediction=prediction_id ) stack = "{stack}-{image}".format( stack=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK, image=image ) template = '' with open('cloudformation/prediction.template.json', 'r') as file: template = try: boto3.client('cloudformation').create_stack( StackName=stack, TemplateBody=template, Tags = payload.get("tags", []), Parameters=[{ 'ParameterKey': 'GitSha', 'ParameterValue': CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.GitSha, },{ 'ParameterKey': 'MachineAuth', 'ParameterValue': CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.MACHINE_AUTH },{ 'ParameterKey': 'StackName', 'ParameterValue': CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK, },{ 'ParameterKey': 'ImageTag', 'ParameterValue': image, },{ 'ParameterKey': 'Inferences', 'ParameterValue': pred.inf_list, },{ 'ParameterKey': 'ModelId', 'ParameterValue': str(model_id) },{ 'ParameterKey': 'PredictionId', 'ParameterValue': str(prediction_id) },{ 'ParameterKey': 'ImageryId', 'ParameterValue': str(payload["imagery"]), },{ 'ParameterKey': 'MaxSize', 'ParameterValue': payload.get("maxSize", "1"), },{ 'ParameterKey': 'MaxConcurrency', 'ParameterValue': payload.get("maxConcurrency", "50"), },{ 'ParameterKey': 'InfSupertile', 'ParameterValue': str(pred.inf_supertile), }], Capabilities=[ 'CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM' ], OnFailure='ROLLBACK', ) return self.get(model_id, prediction_id) except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Prediction Stack Creation Error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, "Failed to create stack info"), 500
def get(self, model_id, prediction_id): req_format = request.args.get('format', 'geojson') req_inferences = request.args.get('inferences', 'all') req_threshold = request.args.get('threshold', '0') req_threshold = float(req_threshold) stream = PredictionService.export(prediction_id) inferences = PredictionService.inferences(prediction_id) pred = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) first = False if req_inferences != 'all': inferences = [ req_inferences ] def generate_npz(): nonlocal req_threshold labels_dict ={} for row in stream: if req_inferences != 'all' and row[3].get(req_inferences) is None: continue if req_inferences != 'all' and row[3].get(req_inferences) <= req_threshold: continue if row[4]: i_lst = pred.inf_list.split(",") #convert raw predictions into 0 or 1 based on threshold raw_pred = [] for num, inference in enumerate(i_lst): raw_pred.append(row[3][inference]) if req_inferences == 'all': req_threshold = request.args.get('threshold', '0.5') req_threshold = float(req_threshold) l = [1 if score >= req_threshold else 0 for score in raw_pred] #convert quadkey to x-y-z t = '-'.join([str(i) for i in mercantile.quadkey_to_tile(row[1])]) # special case for binary if (pred.inf_binary) and (len(i_lst) != 2): return err(400, "binary models must have two catagories"), 400 if (len(i_lst) == 2) and (pred.inf_binary): if list(row[4].values())[0]: #validated and true, keep original labels_dict.update({t:l}) else: if l == [1, 0]: l = [0, 1] else: l = [1, 0] labels_dict.update({t:l}) else: # for multi-label for key in list(row[4].keys()): i = i_lst.index(key) if not row[4][key]: if l[i] == 0: l[i] = 1 else: l[i] = 0 labels_dict.update({t:l}) if not labels_dict: raise NoValid bytestream = io.BytesIO() np.savez(bytestream, **labels_dict) return bytestream.getvalue() def generate(): nonlocal first if req_format == "geojson": yield '{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [' elif req_format == "csv": output = io.StringIO() rowdata = ["ID", "QuadKey", "QuadKeyGeom"] rowdata.extend(inferences) csv.writer(output, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC).writerow(rowdata) yield output.getvalue() for row in stream: if req_inferences != 'all' and row[3].get(req_inferences) is None: continue if req_inferences != 'all' and row[3].get(req_inferences) <= req_threshold: continue if req_format == "geojson" or req_format == "geojsonld": properties_dict = {} if row[4]: properties_dict = row[3] valid_dict = {} valid_dict.update({'validity': row[4]}) properties_dict.update(valid_dict) else: properties_dict = row[3] feat = { "id": row[0], "quadkey": row[1], "type": "Feature", "properties": properties_dict, "geometry": json.loads(row[2]) } if req_format == "geojsonld": yield json.dumps(feat) + '\n' elif req_format == "geojson": if first == False: first = True yield '\n' + json.dumps(feat) else: yield ',\n' + json.dumps(feat) elif req_format == "csv": output = io.StringIO() rowdata = [ row[0], row[1], row[2]] for inf in inferences: rowdata.append(row[3].get(inf, 0.0)) csv.writer(output, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC).writerow(rowdata) yield output.getvalue() else: return err(501, "not a valid export type, valid export types are: geojson, csv, and npz"), 501 if req_format == "geojson": yield ']}' if req_format == "csv": mime = "text/csv" elif req_format == "geojson": mime = "application/geo+json" elif req_format == "geojsonld": mime = "application/geo+json-seq" elif req_format == "npz": mime = "application/npz" if req_format == "npz": try: npz = generate_npz() return Response( response = generate_npz(), mimetype = mime, status = 200, headers = { "Content-Disposition": 'attachment; filename="export.' + req_format + '"' } ) except NoValid: return err(400, "Can only return npz if predictions are validated. Currently there are no valid predictions"), 400 else: return Response( generate(), mimetype = mime, status = 200, headers = { "Content-Disposition": 'attachment; filename="export.' + req_format + '"' } )
def get(self, project_id, prediction_id): """ Export Geospatial Predictions --- parameters: - name: project_id in: path schema: type: integer minimum: 0 description: The ID of the Project - name: prediction_id in: path schema: type: integer minimum: 0 description: The ID of the Project - name: format in: query schema: type: string default: geojson enum: - geojson - geojsonseq - csv description: The format to provide records in - name: inferences in: query schema: type: string default: all description: Return all inferences or only a single inference - name: threshold in: query schema: type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 description: The confidence threshold to apply to exported inferences responses: 200: description: Exported Data """ req_format = request.args.get("format", "geojson") req_inferences = request.args.get("inferences", "all") req_threshold = request.args.get("threshold", "0") req_threshold = float(req_threshold) stream = PredictionService.export(prediction_id) inferences = PredictionService.inferences(prediction_id) pred = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) hint = pred.hint z = pred.tile_zoom i_info = ImageryService.get(pred.imagery_id) c_list = ImageryService.get(pred.imagery_id) first = False if req_inferences != "all": inferences = [req_inferences] def generate_npz(): nonlocal req_threshold nonlocal hint nonlocal z nonlocal i_info nonlocal c_list # get chip list csv as dataframe to match up chip-lst name + geometry with geometry in the predictions database labels_dict = {} for row in stream: if req_inferences != "all" and row[3].get(req_inferences) is None: continue if ( req_inferences != "all" and row[3].get(req_inferences) <= req_threshold ): continue # set labels.npz key to be x-y-z tile either from quadkey or wkt geometry if i_info["fmt"] == "wms": if row[1]: t = "-".join( [str(i) for i in mercantile.quadkey_to_tile(row[1])] ) else: s = shape(json.loads(row[2])).centroid t = "-".join([str(i) for i in mercantile.tile(s.x, s.y, z)]) if i_info["fmt"] == "list": r = requests.get(c_list["url"]) df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(r.text)) df["c"] = df["bounds"].apply( lambda x: box(*[float(n) for n in x.split(",")]) ) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs="EPSG:4326", geometry=df["c"]) # get tile name that where chip-list geom and geom in prediction row match gdf_2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame( {"geometry": [shape(json.loads(row[2]))]}, crs="EPSG:4326" ) # To-DO account for no overlap case i = gpd.overlay(gdf, gdf_2, how="intersection") tiles_intersection = i["name"].tolist() # convert raw predictions into 0 or 1 based on threshold raw_pred = [] i_lst = pred.inf_list.split(",") for num, inference in enumerate(i_lst): raw_pred.append(row[3][inference]) if req_inferences == "all": req_threshold = request.args.get("threshold", "0.5") req_threshold = float(req_threshold) binary_pred_list = [1 if score >= req_threshold else 0 for score in raw_pred] # special case for training and not predictions if hint == "training": if i_info["fmt"] == "list": for chip_name in tiles_intersection: labels_dict.update({chip_name: binary_pred_list}) else: labels_dict.update({t: binary_pred_list}) elif row[4]: t = "-".join([str(i) for i in mercantile.quadkey_to_tile(row[1])]) # special case for binary if pred.inf_binary and len(i_lst) != 2: return err(400, "binary models must have two catagories"), 400 if len(i_lst) == 2 and pred.inf_binary: if list(row[4].values())[ 0 ]: # validated and true, keep original labels_dict.update({t: binary_pred_list}) else: if binary_pred_list == [1, 0]: binary_pred_list = [0, 1] else: binary_pred_list = [1, 0] labels_dict.update({t: binary_pred_list}) else: # for multi-label for key in list(row[4].keys()): i = i_lst.index(key) if not row[4][key]: if binary_pred_list[i] == 0: binary_pred_list[i] = 1 else: binary_pred_list[i] = 0 labels_dict.update({t: binary_pred_list}) if not labels_dict: raise NoValid bytestream = io.BytesIO() np.savez(bytestream, **labels_dict) return bytestream.getvalue() def generate(): nonlocal first if req_format == "geojson": yield '{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [' elif req_format == "csv": output = io.StringIO() rowdata = ["ID", "QuadKey", "QuadKeyGeom"] rowdata.extend(inferences) csv.writer(output, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC).writerow(rowdata) yield output.getvalue() for row in stream: if req_inferences != "all" and row[3].get(req_inferences) is None: continue if ( req_inferences != "all" and row[3].get(req_inferences) <= req_threshold ): continue if req_format == "geojson" or req_format == "geojsonld": properties_dict = {} if row[4]: properties_dict = row[3] valid_dict = {} valid_dict.update({"validity": row[4]}) properties_dict.update(valid_dict) else: properties_dict = row[3] feat = { "id": row[0], "quadkey": row[1], "type": "Feature", "properties": properties_dict, "geometry": json.loads(row[2]), } if req_format == "geojsonld": yield json.dumps(feat) + "\n" elif req_format == "geojson": if first is False: first = True yield "\n" + json.dumps(feat) else: yield ",\n" + json.dumps(feat) elif req_format == "csv": output = io.StringIO() rowdata = [row[0], row[1], row[2]] for inf in inferences: rowdata.append(row[3].get(inf, 0.0)) csv.writer(output, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC).writerow(rowdata) yield output.getvalue() else: return ( err( 501, "not a valid export type, valid export types are: geojson, csv, and npz", ), 501, ) if req_format == "geojson": yield "]}" if req_format == "csv": mime = "text/csv" elif req_format == "geojson": mime = "application/geo+json" elif req_format == "geojsonld": mime = "application/geo+json-seq" elif req_format == "npz": mime = "application/npz" if req_format == "npz": try: return Response( response=generate_npz(), mimetype=mime, status=200, headers={ "Content-Disposition": 'attachment; filename="export.' + req_format + '"' }, ) except NoValid: return ( err( 400, "Can only return npz if predictions are validated. Currently there are no valid predictions", ), 400, ) else: return Response( generate(), mimetype=mime, status=200, headers={ "Content-Disposition": 'attachment; filename="export.' + req_format + '"' }, )
def post(self, model_id): """ Store predictions for an ML Model --- produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: body required: true type: string description: JSON object of predictions schema: properties: modelId: type: integer description: ML Model ID required: true version: type: string description: semver version of the Model required: true dockerhub_hash: type: string description: dockerhub hash required: false bbox: type: array of floats description: BBOX of the predictions required: true responses: 200: description: ID of the prediction 400: description: Invalid Request 500: description: Internal Server Error """ try: payload = request.get_json() version = payload['version'] # check if this model exists ml_model_dto = MLModelService.get_ml_model_by_id(model_id) # check if the version is registered model_version = MLModelVersionService.get_version_by_model_version( ml_model_dto.model_id, version) prediction_id = PredictionService.create(model_id, model_version.version_id, payload) return {"prediction_id": prediction_id}, 200 except VersionNotFound: # if not, add it try: version_array = version_to_array(version) version_dto = MLModelVersionDTO() version_dto.model_id = model_id version_dto.version_major = version_array[0] version_dto.version_minor = version_array[1] version_dto.version_patch = version_array[2] version_id = MLModelVersionService.create_version(version_dto) prediction_id = PredictionService.create( model_id, version_id, payload) return {"prediction_id": prediction_id}, 200 except DataError as e: current_app.logger.error(f'Error validating request: {str(e)}') return str(e), 400 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Unhandled error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return {"error": error_msg}, 500 except NotFound: return {"error": "model not found"}, 404 except DataError as e: current_app.logger.error(f'Error validating request: {str(e)}') return str(e), 400 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Unhandled error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return {"error": error_msg}, 500
def payload(integration_id: int, payload: dict): integration = IntegrationService.get_secrets(integration_id) if integration is None: raise IntegrationNotFound('Integration Not Found') if integration.integration != "maproulette": raise Exception("Only MapRoulette Integrations supported"); for ele in ['prediction', 'project', 'project_desc', 'challenge', 'challenge_instr', 'threshold', 'inferences']: if payload.get(ele) is None: raise Exception('Missing ' + ele + ' key in body') auth = integration.auth if payload.get('auth') is not None: auth = payload.get('auth') parsed = urlparse(integration.url) config = maproulette.Configuration( api_key=auth, hostname=parsed.netloc, protocol=parsed.scheme ) project_api = maproulette.Project(config) challenge_api = maproulette.Challenge(config) try: project = project_api.get_project_by_name( project_name=payload.get('project') ) except: project = project_api.create_project( data={ "name": payload.get('project'), "display_name": payload.get('project'), "description": payload.get('project_desc'), "enabled": True } ) try: challenge = challenge_api.create_challenge( data={ 'name': payload.get('challenge'), 'parent': project['data']['id'], 'instruction': payload.get('challenge_instr') } ) except Exception as e: raise e req_inferences = payload.get('inferences', 'all') req_threshold = float(payload.get('threshold', '0')) stream = PredictionService.export(int(payload.get('prediction'))) inferences = PredictionService.inferences(int(payload.get('prediction'))) pred = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(int(payload.get('prediction'))) if req_inferences != 'all': inferences = [ req_inferences ] fc = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [] } for row in stream: if req_inferences != 'all' and row[3].get(req_inferences) is None: continue if req_inferences != 'all' and row[3].get(req_inferences) <= req_threshold: continue properties_dict = {} if row[4]: properties_dict = row[3] valid_dict = {} valid_dict.update({'validity': row[4]}) properties_dict.update(valid_dict) feat = { "id": row[0], "quadkey": row[1], "type": "Feature", "properties": properties_dict, "geometry": json.loads(row[2]) } fc['features'].append(feat) challenge_api.add_tasks_to_challenge( challenge_id=challenge['data']['id'], data=fc ) return { "project": project['data']['id'], "challenge": challenge['data']['id'] }
def payload(integration_id: int, payload: dict): integration = IntegrationService.get_secrets(integration_id) if integration is None: raise IntegrationNotFound("Integration Not Found") if integration.integration != "maproulette": raise Exception("Only MapRoulette Integrations supported") for ele in [ "prediction", "project", "project_desc", "challenge", "challenge_instr", "threshold", "inferences", ]: if payload.get(ele) is None: raise Exception("Missing " + ele + " key in body") auth = integration.auth if payload.get("auth") is not None: auth = payload.get("auth") parsed = urlparse(integration.url) config = maproulette.Configuration(api_key=auth, hostname=parsed.netloc, protocol=parsed.scheme) project_api = maproulette.Project(config) challenge_api = maproulette.Challenge(config) try: project = project_api.get_project_by_name( project_name=payload.get("project")) except Exception: project = project_api.create_project( data={ "name": payload.get("project"), "display_name": payload.get("project"), "description": payload.get("project_desc"), "enabled": True, }) try: challenge = challenge_api.create_challenge( data={ "name": payload.get("challenge"), "parent": project["data"]["id"], "instruction": payload.get("challenge_instr"), }) except Exception as e: raise e req_inferences = payload.get("inferences", "all") req_threshold = float(payload.get("threshold", "0")) stream = PredictionService.export(int(payload.get("prediction"))) feats = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []} for row in stream: if req_inferences != "all" and row[3].get(req_inferences) is None: continue if req_inferences != "all" and row[3].get( req_inferences) <= req_threshold: continue properties_dict = row[3] if row[4]: valid_dict = {} valid_dict.update({"validity": row[4]}) properties_dict.update(valid_dict) properties_dict["mle:id"] = row[0] feat = { "quadkey": row[1], "type": "Feature", "properties": properties_dict, "geometry": json.loads(row[2]), } feats["features"].append(feat) challenge_api.add_tasks_to_challenge( challenge_id=challenge["data"]["id"], data=feats) return { "project": project["data"]["id"], "challenge": challenge["data"]["id"] }
def post(project_id, prediction_id): if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws": return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501 payload = request.get_json() pred = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) image = "models-{model}-prediction-{prediction}".format( model=project_id, prediction=prediction_id) stack = "{stack}-{image}".format(stack=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK, image=image) template = "" with open("cloudformation/prediction.template.json", "r") as file: template = try: boto3.client("cloudformation").create_stack( StackName=stack, TemplateBody=template, Tags=payload.get("tags", []), Parameters=[ { "ParameterKey": "GitSha", "ParameterValue": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.GitSha, }, { "ParameterKey": "MachineAuth", "ParameterValue": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.MACHINE_AUTH, }, { "ParameterKey": "StackName", "ParameterValue": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK, }, { "ParameterKey": "ImageTag", "ParameterValue": image, }, { "ParameterKey": "Inferences", "ParameterValue": pred.inf_list, }, { "ParameterKey": "ModelId", "ParameterValue": str(project_id) }, { "ParameterKey": "PredictionId", "ParameterValue": str(prediction_id) }, { "ParameterKey": "ImageryId", "ParameterValue": str(pred.imagery_id), }, { "ParameterKey": "MaxSize", "ParameterValue": payload.get("maxSize", "1"), }, { "ParameterKey": "MaxConcurrency", "ParameterValue": payload.get("maxConcurrency", "50"), }, { "ParameterKey": "InfSupertile", "ParameterValue": str(pred.inf_supertile), }, ], Capabilities=["CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"], OnFailure="ROLLBACK", ) return {"status": "Stack Creation Initiated"} except Exception: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return err(500, "Failed to create stack info"), 500
def post(self, project_id, prediction_id): """ Attach a raw model to a given predition --- produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: ID of the prediction 400: description: Invalid Request 500: description: Internal Server Error """ if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws": return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501 if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET is None: return err(501, "Not Configured"), 501 modeltype = request.args.get("type", "model") if modeltype not in ["model", "tfrecord", "checkpoint"]: return err(400, "Unsupported type param"), 400 key = "models/{0}/prediction/{1}/{2}.zip".format( project_id, prediction_id, modeltype ) try: boto3.client("s3").head_object( Bucket=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET, Key=key ) except Exception: files = list(request.files.keys()) if len(files) == 0: return err(400, "Model not found in request"), 400 model = request.files[files[0]] # Save the model to S3 try: boto3.resource("s3").Bucket( CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET ).put_object(Key=key, except Exception: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return err(500, "Failed to upload model to S3"), 500 if modeltype == "checkpoint": try: PredictionService.patch( prediction_id, { "checkpointLink": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET + "/" + key }, ) except Exception: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return err(500, "Failed to save checkpoint state to DB"), 500 if modeltype == "tfrecord": try: PredictionService.patch( prediction_id, { "tfrecordLink": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET + "/" + key }, ) except Exception: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return err(500, "Failed to save checkpoint state to DB"), 500 if modeltype == "model": # Save the model link to ensure UI shows upload success try: PredictionService.patch( prediction_id, { "modelLink": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET + "/" + key }, ) except Exception: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return err(500, "Failed to save model state to DB"), 500 try: batch = boto3.client( service_name="batch", region_name="us-east-1", endpoint_url="", ) # Submit to AWS Batch to convert to ECR image job = batch.submit_job( jobName=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + "ecr-build", jobQueue=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + "-queue", jobDefinition=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + "-build-job", containerOverrides={ "environment": [ { "name": "MODEL", "value": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET + "/" + key, } ] }, ) TaskService.create( { "pred_id": prediction_id, "type": "ecr", "batch_id": job.get("jobId"), } ) except Exception: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return err(500, "Failed to start ECR build"), 500 return {"status": "model uploaded"}, 200 else: return err(400, "asset exists"), 400
def post(self, model_id, prediction_id): """ Attach a raw model to a given predition --- produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: ID of the prediction 400: description: Invalid Request 500: description: Internal Server Error """ if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws": return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501 if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET is None: return err(501, "Not Configured"), 501 modeltype = request.args.get('type', 'model') if modeltype not in ["model", "tfrecord", "checkpoint"]: return err(400, "Unsupported type param"), 400 key = "models/{0}/prediction/{1}/{2}.zip".format( model_id, prediction_id, modeltype ) try: boto3.client('s3').head_object( Bucket=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET, Key=key ) except: files = list(request.files.keys()) if len(files) == 0: return err(400, "Model not found in request"), 400 model = request.files[files[0]] # Save the model to S3 try: boto3.resource('s3').Bucket(CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET).put_object( Key=key, ) except Exception as e: error_msg = f'S3 Upload Error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, "Failed to upload model to S3"), 500 if modeltype == "checkpoint": try: PredictionService.patch(prediction_id, { "checkpointLink": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET + '/' + key }) except Exception as e: error_msg = f'SaveLink Error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, "Failed to save checkpoint state to DB"), 500 if modeltype == "tfrecord": try: PredictionService.patch(prediction_id, { "tfrecordLink": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET + '/' + key }) except Exception as e: error_msg = f'SaveLink Error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, "Failed to save checkpoint state to DB"), 500 if modeltype == "model": # Save the model link to ensure UI shows upload success try: PredictionService.patch(prediction_id, { "modelLink": CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET + '/' + key }) except Exception as e: error_msg = f'SaveLink Error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, "Failed to save model state to DB"), 500 try: batch = boto3.client( service_name='batch', region_name='us-east-1', endpoint_url='' ) # Submit to AWS Batch to convert to ECR image batch.submit_job( jobName=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + 'ecr-build', jobQueue=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + '-queue', jobDefinition=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK + '-job', containerOverrides={ 'environment': [{ 'name': 'MODEL', 'value': CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ASSET_BUCKET + '/' + key }] } ) except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Batch Error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return err(500, "Failed to start ECR build"), 500 return { "status": "model uploaded" }, 200 else: return err(400, "model exists"), 400
def post(self, prediction_id): """ Submit tile level predictions --- produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: body required: true type: string description: JSON object of predictions schema: properties: predictionId: type: integer description: Prediction ID required: true predictions: type: array items: type: object schema: properties: quadkey: type: string description: quadkey of the tile required: true centroid: type: array items: type: float required: true predictions: type: object schema: properties: ml_prediction: type: float responses: 200: description: ID of the prediction 400: description: Invalid Request 500: description: Internal Server Error """ try: prediction_dto = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id( prediction_id) data = request.get_json() if (len(data['predictions']) == 0): return {"error": "Error validating request"}, 400 PredictionTileService.create(prediction_dto, data) except PredictionsNotFound: return {"error": "Prediction not found"}, 404 except Exception as e: error_msg = f'Unhandled error: {str(e)}' current_app.logger.error(error_msg) return {"error": error_msg}, 500
def post(self, project_id, prediction_id): """ Given a GeoJSON, xyz list, or tile list, submit it to the SQS queue --- produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Status Update """ if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws": return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501 payload = tiler = tileschemes.WebMercator() try: prediction = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id) imagery = ImageryService.get(prediction.imagery_id) queue_name = "{stack}-models-{model}-prediction-{prediction}-queue".format( stack=CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.STACK, model=project_id, prediction=prediction_id, ) queue = boto3.resource("sqs").get_queue_by_name(QueueName=queue_name) tiles = [] payloadjson = json.loads(payload) if imagery["fmt"] == "wms": if type(payloadjson) is list: for tile in payloadjson: tile = tile.split("-") tiles.append( mercantile.Tile(int(tile[0]), int(tile[1]), int(tile[2])) ) else: poly = shape(geojson.loads(payload)) project = partial( pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:4326"), pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:3857"), ) poly = transform(project, poly) tiles = tilecover.cover_geometry(tiler, poly, prediction.tile_zoom) cache = [] for tile in tiles: cache.append( { "Id": str(tile.z) + "-" + str(tile.x) + "-" + str(tile.y), "MessageBody": json.dumps( { "name": "{x}-{y}-{z}".format( x=tile.x, y=tile.y, z=tile.z ), "url": imagery["url"].format( x=tile.x, y=tile.y, z=tile.z ), "bounds": mercantile.bounds(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z), "x": tile.x, "y": tile.y, "z": tile.z, } ), } ) if len(cache) == 10: queue.send_messages(Entries=cache) cache = [] if len(cache) > 0: queue.send_messages(Entries=cache) return {}, 200 elif imagery["fmt"] == "list": r = requests.get(imagery["url"]) r.raise_for_status() f = StringIO(r.text) cache = [] for row in csv.reader(f, delimiter=","): cache.append( { "Id": row[0], "MessageBody": json.dumps( { "name": row[0], "url": row[1], "bounds": row[2].split(","), } ), } ) if len(cache) == 10: queue.send_messages(Entries=cache) cache = [] if len(cache) > 0: queue.send_messages(Entries=cache) return {}, 200 else: return err(400, "Unknown imagery type"), 400 except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) error_msg = f"Prediction Tiler Error: {str(e)}" return err(500, error_msg), 500