def getInnings(name,event,content,session,cookieIp,cookieFp,scenario,live,start): innings_list = getStartTime(start) if len(innings_list) > 0: start_list = [] name_list = [] for i in innings_list: if i[0] == 'Start': inning_name = 'Start of broadcast' else: inning_name = 'Inning '+i[0] if scenario != "HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_WEB": start = i[2] else: start = i[1] start_list.append(start) name_list.append(inning_name) if live: start_list.append('') name_list.append('Live') dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ret ='Select an inning.', name_list) if ret >= 0: getGameURL(name,event,content,session,cookieIp,cookieFp,scenario,live,start_list[ret]) else: addon_log('No start times???') getGameURL(name,event,content,session,cookieIp,cookieFp,scenario,live,None)
def check_subprocess(): global mlbhls addon_log('Platform: %s' %system_os) if system_os == 'Windows': list_cmd = 'tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq mlbhls*"' else: list_cmd = 'ps -A|grep mlbhls' s = Popen(list_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) mlbhls_shell = None for i in s.stdout: # addon_log(i) if system_os == 'Windows': if 'mlbhls' in i: mlbhls = i.split()[1] addon_log('MLB-HLS is Running: %s' %mlbhls) return True else: # seems some os's will return the grep and shell process with ps -A if not 'grep' in i: if 'bin/sh' in i: mlbhls_shell = i.split()[0] else: mlbhls = i.split()[0] addon_log('MLB-HLS is Running: %s' %mlbhls) return True if mlbhls == 0: if mlbhls_shell: mlbhls = mlbhls_shell addon_log('MLB-HLS shell is Running: %s' %mlbhls) return True addon_log('MLB-HLS is not running.') return False
def getStartTime(url, start=False): soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(getRequest(url), convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.XML_ENTITIES) try: start_time =['start_timecode'] addon_log('Start Time: %s' %start_time) except: start_time = None if start: return start_time else: innings_list = [] if start_time: inning = ('Start', start_time, start_time) innings_list.append(inning) items = soup('inningtimes') for i in items: inning_number = i['inning_number'] hls_start = i('inningtime', attrs={'type' : 'SCAST'})[0]['start'] fms_start = i('inningtime', attrs={'type' : 'FMS'})[0]['start'] if i['top'] == "true": inning_number += ' Top' else: inning_number += ' Bottom' addon_log('inning: %s hls_start: %s fms_start: %s' %(inning_number, hls_start, fms_start)) inning = (inning_number, hls_start, fms_start) innings_list.append(inning) return innings_list
def clean_up(): try: os.remove(filename) except: print_exc addon_log('Exception: remove') try: os.rmdir(dir) except: print_exc addon_log('Exception: rmdir')
def stop_subprocess(): global mlbhls addon_log('- killing mlbhls -') success = False for i in range(0,5): if system_os == 'Windows': stop_cmd = 'taskkill /F /im mlbhls*' else: stop_cmd = 'kill -9 %s' %mlbhls s = Popen(stop_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) for i in s.stdout: addon_log(i) if 'SUCCESS' in i: success = True break if success: break mlbhls = 0 xbmc.sleep(200) if not check_subprocess(): break else: addon_log('attempt to kill mlbhls %s' %(i+1)) if i == 4: addon_log('Unable to kill mlbhls???????') xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(MLBMC, Warning: Unabel to stop MLB-HLS subprocesss ,8000, '')")
def mlb_logout(): """Logs out from the session. Meant to prevent multiple login errors.""" addon_log('Logging out') url = "" headers = {'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0', 'Referer' : ''} values = {} logout = get_request(url,urllib.urlencode(values),headers) pattern = re.compile(r'You are now logged out.') if not,logout): xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+", "+language(30050)+", 5000, "+icon+")") addon_log(logout) # clear session cookies since they're no longer valid cookie_jar.clear()
def mlb_logout(): """Logs out from the session. Meant to prevent multiple login errors.""" addon_log('Logging out') url = "" headers = { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0', 'Referer': '' } values = {} logout = get_request(url, urllib.urlencode(values), headers) pattern = re.compile(r'You are now logged out.') if not, logout): xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30050) + ", 5000, " + icon + ")") addon_log(logout) # clear session cookies since they're no longer valid cookie_jar.clear()
def get_smil(url): soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(get_request(url)) base = soup.meta['base'] scenario = addon.getSetting('scenario') for i in soup('video'): if i['system-bitrate'] == scenario.replace('K', '000'): path = i['src'] return (base, path) else: continue # it seems we did't find the preferred bit-rate therefore we choose a higher one addon_log('Didn\'t find the URL. Choose an alternative bitrate') for i in soup('video'): if int(i['system-bitrate']) > int(scenario.replace('K', '000')): addon_log('Alternative bitrate='+i['system-bitrate']) path = i['src'] return (base, path) else: continue addon_log('Something wrong in choosing the right URL')
def onPlayBackStopped(self): addon_log('- Playback Stopped -') self.state = 'Stopped'
def onPlayBackEnded(self): addon_log('-Playback Ended-') self.state = 'Ended'
def __init__(self): xbmc.Player.__init__(self) addon_log('Player created') self.state = False
def start_player(seektime=None): player = MlbPlayer() state = False if seektime: player.seekTime(seektime) addon_log('Player Returned') addon_log('starting player_monitor') player_time = None while not xbmc.abortRequested: state = player.player_state() if not state: if player.isPlaying(): state = 'Started' if state == 'Started': t = player.get_time() if not t is None: player_time = t xbmc.sleep(2000) else: break addon_log('Player is not playing anymore.') state = player.player_state() addon_log('PlayerState: %s' %state) addon_log('PlayerTime: %s' %player_time) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() if check_subprocess(): if state == 'Stopped': del player stop_subprocess() else: ret = dialog.yesno('MLBMC', 'MLB-HLS is running. Restart the player?') addon_log('Returned: %s' %ret) if ret: del player player = MlbPlayer() return start_player(player_time) else: del player stop_subprocess() else: if state == 'Stopped': del player stop_subprocess() else: ret = dialog.yesno('MLBMC', 'MLB-HLS is not running. Restart the player?') addon_log('Returned: %s' %ret) if ret: del player stop_subprocess() return xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://" %event)
def mlb_login(): addon_log('Login to get cookies!') # Get the cookie first url = '' headers = {'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0'} login = getRequest(url,None,headers) # now authenticate url = '' headers = {'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0', 'Referer' : ''} values = {'uri' : '/account/login_register.jsp', 'registrationAction' : 'identify', 'emailAddress' : addon.getSetting('email'), 'password' : addon.getSetting('password')} login = getRequest(url,urllib.urlencode(values),headers) cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False) cookies = {} addon_log('These are the cookies we have received from') for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) pattern = re.compile(r'Welcome to your personal (MLB|mlb).com account.') try: loggedin =, login).groups() addon_log( "Logged in successfully!" ) except: addon_log("Login Failed!") try: soup = BeautifulSoup(login) addon_log(str(soup.head.title)) except: pass xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30042)+",5000,"+icon+")") if cookies.has_key('ipid') and cookies.has_key('fprt'): return True else: return False
def getGameURL(name,event,content,session,cookieIp,cookieFp,scenario,live,start): if name == 'full_count': subject = 'MLB_FULLCOUNT' url = '' else: subject = 'LIVE_EVENT_COVERAGE' url = '' try: cookieFp = urllib.unquote(cookieFp) except AttributeError: pass values = { 'subject': subject, 'sessionKey': session, 'identityPointId': cookieIp, 'contentId': content, 'playbackScenario': scenario, 'eventId': event, 'fingerprint': cookieFp, 'platform':'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER' } data = getRequest(url,urllib.urlencode(values),None) if debug == "true": addon_log(data) soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.XML_ENTITIES) try: new_fprt = soup.find('updated-fingerprint').string if len(new_fprt) > 0: addon_log('New Fingerprint: %s' %new_fprt) new_cookie = cookielib.Cookie( version=0, name='fprt', value=new_fprt, port=None, port_specified=False, domain='', domain_specified=False, domain_initial_dot=False, path='/', path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=True, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest={'HttpOnly': None}, rfc2109=False) cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookie_jar.set_cookie(new_cookie), ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookieFp = new_fprt except AttributeError: addon_log('No New Fingerprint') status = soup.find('status-code').string if status != "1": try: error_str = SOAPCODES[status] xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30044)+error_str+",10000,"+icon+")") except: addon_log ( 'Unknown status-code: '+status ) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30046)+status+",10000,"+icon+")") return elif soup.find('state').string == 'MEDIA_OFF': addon_log( 'Status : Media Off' ) try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index',str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log( 'No preview' ) raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30045)+language(30047)+",10000,"+icon+")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30045)+",5000,"+icon+")") return elif not 'successstatus' in str(soup.find('blackout-status')): addon_log( 'Status : Blackout' ) try: blackout = item('blackout')[0].string.replace('_',' ') except: blackout = 'Blackout' try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index',str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log( 'No preview' ) raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30044)+blackout+language(30047)+",15000,"+icon+")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30044)+blackout+language(30047)+",5000,"+icon+")") return elif 'notauthorizedstatus' in str(soup.find('auth-status')): addon_log( 'Status : Not Authorized' ) try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index',str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log( 'No preview' ) raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30048)+language(30047)+",15000,"+icon+")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30048)+",5000,"+icon+")") return else: try: game_url = soup.findAll('user-verified-content')[0]('user-verified-media-item')[0]('url')[0].string if debug == "true": addon_log( 'game_url = '+game_url ) except: addon_log( 'game_url not found' ) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30049)+",5000,"+icon+")") return innings_url = soup.find('innings-index').string if scenario == "HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_WEB": addon_log('Starting HLS') tmp_setting = addon.getSetting('tmp_dir') if tmp_setting == '': tmp_setting = None tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='', prefix='mlbtv.tmp-', dir=tmp_setting) filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, name.replace(' ','_')+'.ts') addon_log( 'Temp File: '+filename ) if addon.getSetting('fifo') == 'true': try: os.mkfifo(filename) except OSError, e: addon_log( "Failed to create FIFO: %s" % e ) if len(addon.getSetting('mlbhls')) > 1: target = addon.getSetting('mlbhls') else: if system_os == 'Windows': target = os.path.join(home, 'resources', 'mlbhls', 'mlbhls_win32', 'mlbhls.exe') else: target = 'mlbhls' target += ' -B '+game_url+' -o '+filename if addon.getSetting('hls_lock') == 'true': target += ' -L' bitrate_values = { '0':' 4500000', '1':' 3000000', '2':' 2400000', '3':' 1800000', '4':' 1200000', '5':' 800000', '6':' 500000' } start_bitrate = addon.getSetting('hls_start') if not name == 'full_count': target += ' -s'+bitrate_values[start_bitrate] else: if addon.getSetting('hls_start') == '0': target += ' -s'+bitrate_values['1'] else: target += ' -s'+bitrate_values[start_bitrate] if addon.getSetting('hls_lock') == 'false': max_bitrate = addon.getSetting('hls_max') if not max_bitrate == '7': target += ' -b'+bitrate_values[max_bitrate] min_bitrate = addon.getSetting('hls_min') if not min_bitrate == '7': target += ' -m'+bitrate_values[min_bitrate] if not name == 'full_count': start_values = { '0':' 0', '1':' 5', '2':' 10', '3':' 20', '4':' 30', '5':' 40', '6':' 50', '7':' 60', '8':' 70', '9':' 80', '10':' 90', '11':' 100' } start_block = addon.getSetting('hls_start_block') if start != '' and start is not None: target += ' -F ' + start elif live and addon.getSetting('hls_start_time') == 'false': target += ' -f 0' elif addon.getSetting('hls_start_time') == 'false' and addon.getSetting('lookup_innings') == 'false': target += ' -f' + start_values[start_block] elif not name == 'full_count': if (not live) or (addon.getSetting('hls_start_time') == 'true'): try: start_time = getStartTime(innings_url, 'start') target += ' -F ' + start_time except: addon_log('getStartTime exception') target += ' -f 50' addon_log( 'Target: '+target ) script = os.path.join(home, 'resources', '') return xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.RunScript(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" %(script, filename, tmpdir, event, target)) elif game_url.startswith('rtmp'): if'ondemand', game_url): rtmp = game_url.split('ondemand/')[0]+'ondemand?'+game_url.split('?')[1] playpath = ' Playpath='+game_url.split('ondemand/')[1] if'live/', game_url): rtmp = game_url.split('mlb_')[0] playpath = ' Playpath=mlb_'+game_url.split('mlb_')[1]
% soup.find('event-id').string) elif 'mp3:' in game_url: pageurl = (' pageUrl=' '%s&content_id=%s&media_id=&view_key=&media_type=audio&source=MLB&sponsor=MLB&' 'clickOrigin=Media+Grid&affiliateId=Media+Grid&feed_code=h&team=mlb' %(soup.find('event-id').string, content)) else: pageurl = (' pageUrl=' '&media_id=&view_key=&media_type=video&source=MLB&sponsor=MLB&clickOrigin=&affiliateId=&team=mlb' % soup.find('event-id').string) swfurl = ' swfUrl= swfVfy=1' if live: swfurl += ' live=1' final_url = rtmp+playpath+pageurl+swfurl if debug == "true": addon_log( 'Name: '+name ) addon_log( 'final url: '+final_url ) item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=final_url) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) def getStartTime(url, start=False): soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(getRequest(url), convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.XML_ENTITIES) try: start_time =['start_timecode'] addon_log('Start Time: %s' %start_time) except: start_time = None if start: return start_time else:
def get_game_url(name, event, content, session, cookieIp, cookieFp, scenario, live): if name == 'full_count': subject = 'MLB_FULLCOUNT' url = '' else: subject = 'LIVE_EVENT_COVERAGE' url = '' try: cookieFp = urllib.unquote(cookieFp) except AttributeError: pass values = { 'subject': subject, 'sessionKey': session, 'identityPointId': cookieIp, 'contentId': content, 'playbackScenario': scenario, 'eventId': event, 'fingerprint': cookieFp, 'platform': 'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER' } data = get_request(url, urllib.urlencode(values), None) if debug == "true": addon_log(data) soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.XML_ENTITIES) try: new_fprt = soup.find('updated-fingerprint').string if len(new_fprt) > 0: addon_log('New Fingerprint: %s' % new_fprt) new_cookie = cookielib.Cookie(version=0, name='fprt', value=new_fprt, port=None, port_specified=False, domain='', domain_specified=False, domain_initial_dot=False, path='/', path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=True, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest={'HttpOnly': None}, rfc2109=False) cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookie_jar.set_cookie(new_cookie), ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookieFp = new_fprt except AttributeError: addon_log('No New Fingerprint') status = soup.find('status-code').string if status != "1": try: error_str = SOAPCODES[status] xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30044) + error_str + ", 10000, " + icon + ")") except: addon_log('Unknown status-code: ' + status) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30046) + status + ", 10000, " + icon + ")") return elif soup.find('state').string == 'MEDIA_OFF': addon_log('Status : Media Off') try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index', str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log('No preview') raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30045) + language(30047) + ", 10000, " + icon + ")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30045) + ", 5000, " + icon + ")") return elif not 'successstatus' in str(soup.find('blackout-status')): # post season games have blackout status even when they arent if int(event.split('-')[-2]) >= 9: addon_log('Status : Blackout') try: blackout = item('blackout')[0].string.replace('_', ' ') except: blackout = 'Blackout' try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index', str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log('No preview') raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30044) + blackout + language(30047) + ", 15000, " + icon + ")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30044) + blackout + language(30047) + ", 5000, " + icon + ")") return else: addon_log('ignoring blackout: %s' % item('blackout-status')[0]) elif 'notauthorizedstatus' in str(soup.find('auth-status')): addon_log('Status : Not Authorized') try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index', str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log('No preview') raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30048) + language(30047) + ", 15000, " + icon + ")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30048) + ", 5000, " + icon + ")") return else: try: game_url = soup.findAll('user-verified-content')[0]( 'user-verified-media-item')[0]('url')[0].string if debug == "true": addon_log('game_url=' + game_url) except: addon_log('game_url not found') xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(" + language(30035) + ", " + language(30049) + ", 5000, " + icon + ")") return if game_url.startswith('rtmp'): if'ondemand', game_url): rtmp = game_url.split( 'ondemand/' )[0] + 'ondemand?' + game_url.split( '?')[1] playpath = ' Playpath=' + game_url.split('ondemand/')[1] if'live/', game_url): rtmp = game_url.split('mlb_')[0] playpath = ' Playpath=mlb_' + game_url.split('mlb_')[1] else: smil = get_smil(game_url.split('?')[0]) rtmp = smil[0] playpath = ' Playpath=' + smil[1] + '?' + game_url.split('?')[1] if 'ondemand' in rtmp: rtmp += ' app=ondemand?' + game_url.split( '?')[1] addon_log('Playpath: %s' % playpath) if name == 'full_count': pageurl = ( ' pageUrl=' '&content_id=&media_id=&view_key=&media_type=&source=FULLCOUNT&sponsor=FULLCOUNT&clickOrigin=&affiliateId=' % soup.find('event-id').string) elif 'mp3:' in game_url: pageurl = ( ' pageUrl=' '%s&content_id=%s&media_id=&view_key=&media_type=audio&source=MLB&sponsor=MLB&' 'clickOrigin=Media+Grid&affiliateId=Media+Grid&feed_code=h&team=mlb' % (soup.find('event-id').string, content)) else: pageurl = ( ' pageUrl=' '&media_id=&view_key=&media_type=video&source=MLB&sponsor=MLB&clickOrigin=&affiliateId=&team=mlb' % soup.find('event-id').string) swfurl = ' swfUrl= swfVfy=1' if live: swfurl += ' live=1' final_url = rtmp + playpath + pageurl + swfurl addon_log('Name: ' + name) addon_log('final url: ' + final_url) item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=final_url) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item)
def getGameURL(name,event,content,session,cookieIp,cookieFp,scenario,live): if name == 'full_count': subject = 'MLB_FULLCOUNT' url = '' else: subject = 'LIVE_EVENT_COVERAGE' url = '' try: cookieFp = urllib.unquote(cookieFp) except AttributeError: pass values = { 'subject': subject, 'sessionKey': session, 'identityPointId': cookieIp, 'contentId': content, 'playbackScenario': scenario, 'eventId': event, 'fingerprint': cookieFp, 'platform':'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER' } data = getRequest(url,urllib.urlencode(values),None) if debug == "true": addon_log(data) soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.XML_ENTITIES) try: new_fprt = soup.find('updated-fingerprint').string if len(new_fprt) > 0: addon_log('New Fingerprint: %s' %new_fprt) new_cookie = cookielib.Cookie( version=0, name='fprt', value=new_fprt, port=None, port_specified=False, domain='', domain_specified=False, domain_initial_dot=False, path='/', path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=True, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest={'HttpOnly': None}, rfc2109=False) cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookie_jar.set_cookie(new_cookie), ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookieFp = new_fprt except AttributeError: addon_log('No New Fingerprint') status = soup.find('status-code').string if status != "1": try: error_str = SOAPCODES[status] xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30044)+error_str+",10000,"+icon+")") except: addon_log ( 'Unknown status-code: '+status ) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30046)+status+",10000,"+icon+")") return elif soup.find('state').string == 'MEDIA_OFF': addon_log( 'Status : Media Off' ) try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index',str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log( 'No preview' ) raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30045)+language(30047)+",10000,"+icon+")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30045)+",5000,"+icon+")") return elif not 'successstatus' in str(soup.find('blackout-status')): addon_log( 'Status : Blackout' ) try: blackout = item('blackout')[0].string.replace('_',' ') except: blackout = 'Blackout' try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index',str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log( 'No preview' ) raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30044)+blackout+language(30047)+",15000,"+icon+")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30044)+blackout+language(30047)+",5000,"+icon+")") return elif 'notauthorizedstatus' in str(soup.find('auth-status')): addon_log( 'Status : Not Authorized' ) try: preview = soup.find('preview-url').contents[0] if'innings-index',str(preview)): if debug == "true": addon_log( 'No preview' ) raise Exception else: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30048)+language(30047)+",15000,"+icon+")") item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=preview) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) except: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30048)+",5000,"+icon+")") return else: try: game_url = soup.findAll('user-verified-content')[0]('user-verified-media-item')[0]('url')[0].string if debug == "true": addon_log( 'game_url = '+game_url ) except: addon_log( 'game_url not found' ) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30049)+",5000,"+icon+")") return if game_url.startswith('rtmp'): if'ondemand', game_url): rtmp = game_url.split('ondemand/')[0]+'ondemand?'+game_url.split('?')[1] playpath = ' Playpath='+game_url.split('ondemand/')[1] if'live/', game_url): rtmp = game_url.split('mlb_')[0] playpath = ' Playpath=mlb_'+game_url.split('mlb_')[1] else: smil = get_smil(game_url.split('?')[0]) rtmp = smil[0] playpath = ' Playpath='+smil[1]+'?'+game_url.split('?')[1] if 'ondemand' in rtmp: rtmp += ' app=ondemand?'+game_url.split('?')[1] addon_log('Playpath: %s' %playpath) if name == 'full_count': pageurl = (' pageUrl=' '&content_id=&media_id=&view_key=&media_type=&source=FULLCOUNT&sponsor=FULLCOUNT&clickOrigin=&affiliateId=' % soup.find('event-id').string) elif 'mp3:' in game_url: pageurl = (' pageUrl=' '%s&content_id=%s&media_id=&view_key=&media_type=audio&source=MLB&sponsor=MLB&' 'clickOrigin=Media+Grid&affiliateId=Media+Grid&feed_code=h&team=mlb' %(soup.find('event-id').string, content)) else: pageurl = (' pageUrl=' '&media_id=&view_key=&media_type=video&source=MLB&sponsor=MLB&clickOrigin=&affiliateId=&team=mlb' % soup.find('event-id').string) swfurl = ' swfUrl= swfVfy=1' if live: swfurl += ' live=1' final_url = rtmp+playpath+pageurl+swfurl addon_log( 'Name: '+name ) addon_log( 'final url: '+final_url ) item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=final_url) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item)
def mlbGame(event_id, full_count=False): if not full_count: # Check if cookies have expired. cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=False) cookies = {} addon_log('These are the cookies we have in the cookie file:') for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) if cookies.has_key('ipid') and cookies.has_key('fprt'): addon_log('We have valid cookies') login = '******' else: login = mlb_login() if not login: addon_log( "Seems to ba a cookie problem" ) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30043)+",10000,"+icon+")") return if login == 'old': # lets see if we get new cookies addon_log('old cookies: ipid - %s , fprt - %s' %(cookies['ipid'], cookies['fprt'])) url = '' data = getRequest(url,None,None) addon_log('These are the cookies we have after') cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookies = {} for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) session = None if cookies.has_key('ftmu'): addon_log("cookies.has_key('ftmu')") session = urllib.unquote(cookies['ftmu']) values = { 'eventId': event_id, 'sessionKey': session, 'fingerprint': urllib.unquote(cookies['fprt']), 'identityPointId': cookies['ipid'], 'subject':'LIVE_EVENT_COVERAGE', 'platform':'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER' } else: values = { 'platform':'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER', 'eventId':event_id, 'subject':'MLB_FULLCOUNT' } url = '' headers = {'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0', 'Referer' : ''} data = getRequest(url,urllib.urlencode(values),headers) if debug == "true": addon_log(data) soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(data) status = soup.find('status-code').string if status != "1": try: error_str = SOAPCODES[status] except: error_str = 'Unknown Error' addon_log(error_str) if not full_count: if login == 'old': cookie_jar.clear() login = mlb_login() if not login: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30044)+error_str+",10000,"+icon+")") return else: cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookies = {} for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) session = None if cookies.has_key('ftmu'): addon_log("cookies.has_key('ftmu')") session = urllib.unquote(cookies['ftmu']) values = { 'eventId': event_id, 'sessionKey': session, 'fingerprint': urllib.unquote(cookies['fprt']), 'identityPointId': cookies['ipid'], 'subject':'LIVE_EVENT_COVERAGE', 'platform':'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER' } data = getRequest(url,urllib.urlencode(values),headers) else: return cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookies = {} addon_log('These are the cookies we have after UserVerifiedEvent request 1:') for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) try: session_key = soup.find('session-key').string except AttributeError: session_key = None if session_key: session = session_key Innings = False if not full_count: innings_url = soup.find('innings-index').string if len(innings_url) > 1: Innings = True event_id = soup.find('event-id').string items = soup.findAll('user-verified-content') verified_content = {'video': [], 'audio': []} for item in items: audio = False if item.state.string == 'MEDIA_ARCHIVE': if not addon.getSetting('hls') == 'true': if int(event_id.split('-')[2]) < 2012: scenario = addon.getSetting('archive_scenario') else: scenario = 'FMS_CLOUD' else: scenario = 'HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_WEB' live = False else: if not addon.getSetting('hls') == 'true': scenario = 'FMS_CLOUD' else: scenario = 'HTTP_CLOUD_WIRED_WEB' live = True content_id = item('content-id')[0].string if full_count: name = 'full_count' session = '' return getGameURL(name,event_id,content_id,session,None,None,scenario,True,None) else: blackout_status = item('blackout-status')[0] try: blackout = item('blackout')[0].string.replace('_',' ') except: blackout = language(30031) try: call_letters = item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "call_letters"})[0].string except: call_letters = '' if item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "home_team_id"})[0].string == item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "coverage_association"})[0].string: coverage = TeamCodes[item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "home_team_id"})[0].string][0]+' Coverage' elif item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "away_team_id"})[0].string == item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "coverage_association"})[0].string: coverage = TeamCodes[item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "away_team_id"})[0].string][0]+' Coverage' else: coverage = '' if 'successstatus' in str(blackout_status): name = coverage+' - '+call_letters else: name = coverage+' '+call_letters+' '+blackout if item.type.string == 'audio': audio = True name += ' Gameday Audio' scenario = 'AUDIO_FMS_32K' name = name.replace('.','').rstrip(' ') if item.state.string == 'MEDIA_OFF': addon_log('MEDIA_OFF: %s' %name) continue else: start = None if Innings: if addon.getSetting('lookup_innings') == 'true': start = innings_url if audio: verified_content['audio'].append((name,event_id,content_id,session,cookies['ipid'],cookies['fprt'],scenario,live,start)) else: verified_content['video'].append((name,event_id,content_id,session,cookies['ipid'],cookies['fprt'],scenario,live,start)) index = 0 name_list = [] sorted_content = {} for i in verified_content['video'] + verified_content['audio']: sorted_content[index] = i name_list.append(i[0]) index += 1 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ret =, name_list) if ret >= 0: addon_log('Selected: %s' %name_list[ret]) addon_log('content: %s' %sorted_content[ret][0]) if addon.getSetting('lookup_innings') == 'true': getInnings(*sorted_content[ret]) else: getGameURL(*sorted_content[ret])
def mlbGame(event_id, full_count=False): if not full_count: # Check if cookies have expired. cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=False) cookies = {} addon_log('These are the cookies we have in the cookie file:') for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) if cookies.has_key('ipid') and cookies.has_key('fprt'): addon_log('We have valid cookies') login = '******' else: login = mlb_login() if not login: addon_log( "Seems to ba a cookie problem" ) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30043)+",10000,"+icon+")") return if login == 'old': # lets see if we get new cookies addon_log('old cookies: ipid - %s , fprt - %s' %(cookies['ipid'], cookies['fprt'])) url = '' data = getRequest(url,None,None) addon_log('These are the cookies we have after') cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookies = {} for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) session = None if cookies.has_key('ftmu'): addon_log("cookies.has_key('ftmu')") session = urllib.unquote(cookies['ftmu']) values = { 'eventId': event_id, 'sessionKey': session, 'fingerprint': urllib.unquote(cookies['fprt']), 'identityPointId': cookies['ipid'], 'subject':'LIVE_EVENT_COVERAGE', 'platform':'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER' } else: values = { 'platform':'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER', 'eventId':event_id, 'subject':'MLB_FULLCOUNT' } url = '' headers = {'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0', 'Referer' : ''} data = getRequest(url,urllib.urlencode(values),headers) if debug == "true": addon_log(data) soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(data) status = soup.find('status-code').string if status != "1": try: error_str = SOAPCODES[status] except: error_str = 'Unknown Error' addon_log(error_str) if not full_count: if login == 'old': cookie_jar.clear() login = mlb_login() if not login: xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+language(30035)+","+language(30044)+error_str+",10000,"+icon+")") return else: cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookies = {} for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) session = None if cookies.has_key('ftmu'): addon_log("cookies.has_key('ftmu')") session = urllib.unquote(cookies['ftmu']) values = { 'eventId': event_id, 'sessionKey': session, 'fingerprint': urllib.unquote(cookies['fprt']), 'identityPointId': cookies['ipid'], 'subject':'LIVE_EVENT_COVERAGE', 'platform':'WEB_MEDIAPLAYER' } data = getRequest(url,urllib.urlencode(values),headers) else: return cookie_jar.load(cookie_file, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) cookies = {} addon_log('These are the cookies we have after UserVerifiedEvent request 1:') for i in cookie_jar: cookies[] = i.value addon_log('%s: %s' %(, i.value)) try: session_key = soup.find('session-key').string except AttributeError: session_key = None if session_key: session = session_key event_id = soup.find('event-id').string items = soup.findAll('user-verified-content') verified_content = {'video': [], 'audio': []} for item in items: audio = False if item.state.string == 'MEDIA_ARCHIVE': if int(event_id.split('-')[2]) < 2012: scenario = addon.getSetting('archive_scenario') else: scenario = 'FMS_CLOUD' live = False else: scenario = 'FMS_CLOUD' live = True content_id = item('content-id')[0].string if full_count: name = 'full_count' session = '' return getGameURL(name,event_id,content_id,session,None,None,scenario,True) else: blackout_status = item('blackout-status')[0] try: blackout = item('blackout')[0].string.replace('_',' ') except: blackout = language(30031) try: call_letters = item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "call_letters"})[0].string except: call_letters = '' if item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "home_team_id"})[0].string == item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "coverage_association"})[0].string: coverage = TeamCodes[item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "home_team_id"})[0].string][0]+' Coverage' elif item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "away_team_id"})[0].string == item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "coverage_association"})[0].string: coverage = TeamCodes[item('domain-attribute', attrs={'name' : "away_team_id"})[0].string][0]+' Coverage' else: coverage = '' if 'successstatus' in str(blackout_status): name = coverage+' - '+call_letters else: name = coverage+' '+call_letters+' '+blackout if item.type.string == 'audio': audio = True name += ' Gameday Audio' scenario = 'AUDIO_FMS_32K' name = name.replace('.','').rstrip(' ') if item.state.string == 'MEDIA_OFF': addon_log('MEDIA_OFF: %s' %name) continue else: if audio: verified_content['audio'].append((name,event_id,content_id,session,cookies['ipid'],cookies['fprt'],scenario,live)) else: verified_content['video'].append((name,event_id,content_id,session,cookies['ipid'],cookies['fprt'],scenario,live)) index = 0 name_list = [] sorted_content = {} for i in verified_content['video'] + verified_content['audio']: sorted_content[index] = i name_list.append(i[0]) index += 1 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ret =, name_list) if ret >= 0: addon_log('Selected: %s' %name_list[ret]) addon_log('content: %s' %sorted_content[ret][0]) getGameURL(*sorted_content[ret])
del player stop_subprocess() else: if state == 'Stopped': del player stop_subprocess() else: ret = dialog.yesno('MLBMC', 'MLB-HLS is not running. Restart the player?') addon_log('Returned: %s' %ret) if ret: del player stop_subprocess() return xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.RunPlugin(plugin://" %event) addon_log('Starting Player Script') hls_log = open(os.path.join(profile, 'hls.log'), 'wb') size_values = { '0': -1, '1': 0, '2': 4096, '3': 8192, '4': 12288, '5': 16384, '6': 20480, '7': 24576 } if addon.getSetting('fifo') == 'true': buf_size = size_values[addon.getSetting('buf_size')] addon_log('Bufer Size: %s' %buf_size)