def test_paginate_lt_maxresults_multipage():
    Number of runs is less than max_results, but multiple pages are necessary to get all runs
    tokenized_runs = PagedList([create_run() for _ in range(10)], "token")
    no_token_runs = PagedList([create_run()], "")
    max_results = 50
    max_per_page = 10
    mocked_lambda = mock.Mock(side_effect=[tokenized_runs, tokenized_runs, no_token_runs])
    TOTAL_RUNS = 21

    paginated_runs = _paginate(mocked_lambda, max_per_page, max_results)
    assert len(paginated_runs) == TOTAL_RUNS
def test_paginate_gt_maxresults_onepage():
    Number of runs that fit search criteria is greater than max_results. Only one page expected.
    Expected to only get max_results number of results back.
    runs = [create_run() for _ in range(10)]
    tokenized_runs = PagedList(runs, "abc")
    max_results = 10
    max_per_page = 20
    mocked_lambda = mock.Mock(return_value=tokenized_runs)

    paginated_runs = _paginate(mocked_lambda, max_per_page, max_results)
    mocked_lambda.assert_called_once_with(max_results, None)
    assert len(paginated_runs) == 10
def test_paginate_lt_maxresults_onepage_nonetoken():
    Number of runs is less than max_results and fits on one page.
    The token passed back on the last page is None, not the emptystring
    runs = [create_run() for _ in range(5)]
    tokenized_runs = PagedList(runs, None)
    max_results = 50
    max_per_page = 10
    mocked_lambda = mock.Mock(return_value=tokenized_runs)

    paginated_runs = _paginate(mocked_lambda, max_per_page, max_results)
    assert len(paginated_runs) == 5
def test_paginate_lt_maxresults_onepage():
    Number of runs is less than max_results and fits on one page,
    so we only need to fetch one page.
    runs = [create_run() for _ in range(5)]
    tokenized_runs = PagedList(runs, "")
    max_results = 50
    max_per_page = 10
    mocked_lambda = mock.Mock(return_value=tokenized_runs)

    paginated_runs = _paginate(mocked_lambda, max_per_page, max_results)
    assert len(paginated_runs) == 5
def test_paginate_gt_maxresults_multipage():
    Number of runs that fit search criteria is greater than max_results. Multiple pages expected.
    Expected to only get max_results number of results back.
    # should ask for and return the correct number of max_results
    full_page_runs = PagedList([create_run() for _ in range(8)], "abc")
    partial_page = PagedList([create_run() for _ in range(4)], "def")
    max_results = 20
    max_per_page = 8
    mocked_lambda = mock.Mock(side_effect=[full_page_runs, full_page_runs, partial_page])

    paginated_runs = _paginate(mocked_lambda, max_per_page, max_results)
    calls = [mock.call(8, None), mock.call(8, "abc"), mock.call(20 % 8, "abc")]
    assert len(paginated_runs) == 20
def test_paginate_eq_maxresults_token():
    Runs returned are equal to max_results which are equal to a full number of pages.
    The server might send a token back, or they might not (depending on if they know if
    more runs exist). In this example, a token IS sent back.
    Expected behavior is to NOT query for more pages.
    runs = [create_run() for _ in range(10)]
    tokenized_runs = PagedList(runs, "abc")
    blank_runs = PagedList([], "")
    max_results = 10
    max_per_page = 10
    mocked_lambda = mock.Mock(side_effect=[tokenized_runs, blank_runs])

    paginated_runs = _paginate(mocked_lambda, max_per_page, max_results)
    assert len(paginated_runs) == 10