def test_xsp2co1_elem_involution_class(verbose=0):
    minus = Xsp2_Co1('x', 0x1000)
    length, classes = 0, set()
    for data, s in INVOLUTION_SAMPLES:
        g = Xsp2_Co1(s)
        cl = xsp2co1_elem_involution_class(g._data)
        if verbose:
            print("%04x" % cl, data)
        length += 1
        for j in range(100):
            h = g**Xsp2_Co1('r', 'G_x0')
            #print("   ", h)
            assert cl == xsp2co1_elem_involution_class(h._data)
        chi = get_monster_character(cl)
        assert chi == data[1][0], (chi, data[1][0])
        Co1_cls = Co1_class(g)
        assert (cl >> 8) & 0xf == Co1_cls, ((cl >> 8) & 0xf, Co1_cls)
        cl_neg = xsp2co1_elem_involution_class((g * minus)._data)
        fused = cl == cl_neg
        assert (cl >> 12) & 1 == (not fused), (hex(cl), hex(cl_neg))
        o = g.order()
        assert o == (cl >> 4) & 0xf
        sqrt_minus1 = bool(cl >> 13)
        if sqrt_minus1:
            assert o & 1 == 0, o
            assert g**(o // 2) == minus
        elif o & 1 == 0:
            assert g**(o // 2) != minus
        INVOLUTION_MAP[cl] = data[1]

    assert len(classes) == length
def test_xsp2_conjugate(verbose=0):
    """Test the conjugation of Pauli matrix with unitary matrix"""
    l0, l1, l2 = Xsp2_Co1(), Xsp2_Co1('l', 1), Xsp2_Co1('l', 2)
    assert l1**2 == l2
    assert l1**3 == l0
    for ntest, (g_mm, xs) in enumerate(create_conjugate_data()):
        g = Xsp2_Co1(g_mm)
        xs_g_all = [ for x in xs]
        xs_all = [x.as_xsp() for x in xs_g_all]
        ok = xs == xs_all
        o = g.order()
        assert o in Gx0_ORDERS
        if verbose or not ok:
            print("\nTest %d:\ng = %s" % (ntest, g))
            print("g has order %d" % o)
            print("v =", [hex(x) for x in xs])
            if not ok:
                print("Input and recomputed xsp2 vectors v:")
                print("v =", [hex(x) for x in xs_all])
                err = "Error in recomputation of extraspecial vector"
                raise ValueError(err)

        conj = g.xsp_conjugate(xs)
        ref_conj = [(g**-1 * x * g).as_xsp() for x in xs_g_all]
        ref_conj1 = [conj_x_by_word(x, g_mm) for x in xs]
        ref_ok = ref_conj == ref_conj1
        if not ref_ok:
            print("Conjugation of v with g =\n", g)
            print("v =", [hex(x) for x in xs])
            print("Reference for v * g via direct calculation")
            print([hex(x) for x in ref_conj])
            print("Reference using C function gen_leech2_op_word")
            print([hex(x) for x in ref_conj1])
            err = "Error in reference for conjugation in group G_{x1}"
            raise ValueError(err)

        ok = ref_ok and conj == ref_conj1

        if verbose or not ok:
            if not verbose:
                print("Conjugation of v with g =\n", g)
            print("v =", [hex(x) for x in xs])
            print("Conjugated expected:\n", [hex(x) for x in ref_conj])
            if not ok:
                print("Conjugated obtained:\n", [hex(x) for x in conj])
                err = "Error in conjugation in group G_{x1}"
                raise ValueError(err)

        conj_nosign = g.xsp_conjugate(xs, sign=False)
        mask = (1 << 24) - 1
        assert conj_nosign == [x & mask for x in conj]
def characters(g):
    a = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32)
    assert xsp2co1_traces_all(Xsp2_Co1(g)._data, a) == 0
    chi24, chisq24, chi4096, chi98280 = map(int, a[:4])
    chi299 = (chi24**2 + chisq24) // 2 - 1
    chi_M = chi299 + chi98280 + chi24 * chi4096
    return chi_M, chi299, chi24, chi4096, chi98280
def invariant_type(g):
    iv, _1, ortho = Xsp2_Co1(g)._involution_invariants()
    iv_len = 12
    while iv_len and iv[iv_len - 1] == 0:
        iv_len = iv_len - 1
    v0, v1 = (int(iv[0]) >> 24) & 7, (int(iv[1]) >> 24) & 7
    ct2 = invariant_count_type2(iv)
    return iv_len, v0, v1, gen_leech2_type(ortho), ct2
def xs_vector(ploop, cocode):
    """Convert entry of table TYPE_DATA to a Leech lattice vector

    Calling ``xs_vector(ploop, cocode)``, where ``ploop`` and
    ``cocode`` are taken from an entry of the list TYPE_DATA,
    returns the vector in the Leech lattice mod 2 corresponding
    to that entry in Leech lattice encoding.
    return Xsp2_Co1([("x", ploop), ("d", Cocode(cocode))]).as_xsp()
def rand_n_elem():
    """Return random element of the group ``N_x0``

    The group ``N_x0`` has structure ``2^{1+24}.2^{11}.M_24``.

    Multiplying a vector in the Leech lattice mod 2 with an element
    of  ``N_x0`` does not change its subtype.
    return Xsp2_Co1([(x, 'r') for x in "dxpy"])
def character_testcases():
    data = [
        [("x", 0x1f4c), ("d", 0x375)],
    for d in data:
        yield Xsp2_Co1(d)
    for i in range(200):
        yield rand_xsp2co1_elem()
def display_involution_invariants(g):
    iv, v1, v0 = Xsp2_Co1(g)._involution_invariants()
    print("Involution invariants of", MM(g), ":")
    for i in range(12):
        v = int(iv[i])
        if i and v == 0:
        print("0x%06x 0x%01x 0x%06x" % ((v >> 32) & 0xffffff,
                                        (v >> 24) & 0xf, v & 0xffffff))
    print("Orthogonal: 0x%06x, 0x%06x\n" % (v1, v0))
def test_involution_samples(verbose=0):
    if verbose:
        print("Test character calculation on involutions in G_x0/Q_x0")
    for (_1, chi, _2), g_str in INVOLUTION_SAMPLES:
        chi_576 = 2 * (chi[1] + 1) - chi[2]**2
        chi_ref = [chi[2], chi_576, chi[3], chi[4]]
        g = Xsp2_Co1(g_str)
        for j in range(4):
            w = rand_xsp2co1_elem()
            assert xsp2co1_traces(g**w) == chi_ref
def conj_G_x0_to_Q_x0(g):
    gg = Xsp2_Co1(g)
    a = np.zeros(7, dtype=np.uint32)
    lv = chk_qstate12(xsp2co1_elem_conj_G_x0_to_Q_x0(gg._data, a))
    length, q = lv >> 25, lv & 0x1ffffff
    h = MM0('a', a[:length])
    gh = MM0(g)**h
    assert gh.in_Q_x0()
    assert gh == MM0('q', q)
    return h
def transversal_basis(g):
    a = Xsp2_Co1(g)._involution_invariants()[0]
    while len(a) and int(a[-1]) == 0:
        a = a[:-1]
    while len(a) and int(a[0]) & 0x7000000:
        a = a[1:]
    a = [int(x) & 0xffffff for x in a]
    bl = set(range(1, 25)) - set([x.bit_length() for x in a])
    assert len(bl) == 24 - len(a)
    return [1 << (x - 1) for x in bl]
def test_subtype(verbose=0):
    OMEGA = XLeech2(~PLoop())
    if verbose:
        print("OMEGA = ", OMEGA)
    types = set()
    for v in subtype_testdata():
        g = MM('c', v)
        v2 = Xsp2_Co1(g)
        v2_subtype = v2.subtype
        v2ref = (OMEGA * g)
        v2ref_subtype = v2ref.subtype
        if verbose:
            print("v = ", v)
            print("g = ", g)
            print("v2 = ", v2, ", subtype =", v2_subtype)
            print("v2ref = ", v2ref, ", subtype =", v2ref_subtype)
        assert v2_subtype == v2ref_subtype, (v2_subtype, v2ref_subtype)
    assert len(types) == 6
def invariant_basis(g):
    a = Xsp2_Co1(g)._involution_invariants()[0]
    return [int(x) & 0xffffff for x in a]
def xsp2xco1_xsp2(v):
    pl = PLoop(v >> 12)
    coc = Cocode(v)
    return Xsp2_Co1([("x", v >> 12), pl.theta(), coc])
def rand_xsp2co1_elem():
    return Xsp2_Co1('r', 'G_x0')
def do_test_involution_invariants(g, ref_invariants, verbose=0):
    errors = 0
    error_text = None

    def check(condition, bit, text=None):
        nonlocal errors, error_text
        if not condition:
            errors |= 1 << bit
            if not error_text:
                error_text = text

    if verbose:
        print("g =", g)
    gg = Xsp2_Co1(g)
    ref_ord, ref_chi, ref_involution_invariants = ref_invariants
    ref_chi = ref_chi[:4]
    invar, v1, v0 = gg._involution_invariants()
    ## invar[0] = int(invar[0]) & 0x3ffffff # this produces an error
    errors = 0
    check(ref_ord[0] == gg.order(), 0, "order of g")
    check(ref_ord[1] == XLeech2(gg**2).type, 1, "order of g**2")
    check(ref_chi == g.chi_G_x0(), 2, "characters of g")
    if int(invar[0]) & 0x8000000:
        check((gg**2).in_Q_x0(), 3, "Invariant in involution")
    check((int(invar[0]) >> 24) & 7 == ref_involution_invariants[1], 4,
    check((int(invar[1]) >> 24) & 7 == ref_involution_invariants[2], 5,
        gen_leech2_type(v0) == ref_involution_invariants[3], 6, "leech2_type")
        invariant_count_type2(invar) == ref_involution_invariants[4], 7,
        "type-2 vector count")
    invar = [int(x) for x in invar if int(x)]
        len(invar) == ref_involution_invariants[0], 8, "length of invariants")
    for i, x in enumerate(invar[2:]):
        check(x & 0xff000000ff000000 == 0, 9, "bits in invaraiant[%d]" % i)
    data = [x for x in invar if (x >> 26) & 1 == 0]
    pre_data = [x for x in invar if (x >> 26) & 1 == 1]
    preimages = [x >> 32 for x in data]
    images = [x & 0x1ffffff for x in data]
    g_images = [x for x in gg.xsp_conjugate(list(preimages))]
    g_images2 = [x for x in gg.xsp_conjugate(list(images))]
    zipp = zip(preimages, images, g_images, g_images2)
    if verbose:
        print("Involution invariants found (length = %d)" % len(invar))
        if len(pre_data) == 1:
            pre_l = [int(pre_data[0]) >> 24, int(pre_data[0]) & 0xffffff]
            print("Prefix line", [hex(x) for x in pre_l])
        print(", ".join(["preimage", "image", "g_image", "g_image2", "t"]))
    for i, (preim, im, g_im, g_im2) in enumerate(zipp):
        t = preim ^ im ^ g_im
        if verbose:
            print([hex(x) for x in (preim, im, g_im, g_im2, t)])
        check((preim ^ im ^ g_im) & 0xffffff == 0, 10,
              "(preimage ^ image ^ g_image)[%d]" % i)
        check(g_im2 == im & 0xffffff, 11, " g_image[%d]" % i)
    # test conjugation
    istate = invariant_status(ref_invariants)
    v = xsp2co1_elem_find_type4(gg._data, 0)
    if not errors:
        if ref_chi[0] in (196883, 275, 4371):
            # The g is of type 1A, 2B or 2A in the monster
            check(istate >= 2, 12, "istate (= %s)" % istate)
    if not errors:
        if istate == 0:
            check(v <= 0, 13,
                  "xsp2co1_elem_find_type4(), succeeded but should not")
            check(v > 0, 14, "xsp2co1_elem_find_type4() not successful")
            mv = MM0("c", v)**-1
            h = g**mv
            if errors == 0 and istate > 1:
                check(h.in_N_x0(), 15,
                      "conjugating element to N_x0, h=" + str(h))
                if not errors:
                    h1 = conj_G_x0_to_Q_x0(g)
                    ok = (g**h1).in_Q_x0()
                    check(ok, 16, "conjugating element to Q_x0")
    if not errors and istate == 3:
        _, a = gg.conjugate_involution(MM0)
        check(g**a == Z, 17, "conjugating element to centre of Q_x0")
    if errors:
        print("\nError in testing involution invariants")
        print("\nError status =", hex(errors))
        if error_text:
            print("Error in " + error_text)
        print("g =", g)
        print("g as an instance of Xsp2_Co1:")
        for i in range(26):
            print("  0x%016x" %[i])
        print("istate =", istate)
        print("Expected Invariants:", ref_invariants)
        print("Conjugtion status expected:", istate)
        print("Conjugation vector:", hex(v))
        print("Involution invariants obtained")
        for i, x in enumerate(invar):
            print("%2d: 0x%014x" % (i, x))
        length = ref_invariants[2][0]
        if 8 <= length <= 9:
            coset = ref_invariants[2][4] > 0
            _invar = np.array(invar + [0] * 12, dtype=np.uint64)
            v1 = xsp2co1_involution_find_type4(_invar, coset)
            print("Low level conjugation vector:", hex(v1))
            from mmgroup.clifford12 import xsp2co1_involution_error_pool
            error_pool = np.zeros(64, dtype=np.uint64)
            length = xsp2co1_involution_error_pool(error_pool, len(error_pool))
            if length:
                s = "Error pool from function xsp2co1_involution_invariants"
                for i, x in enumerate(error_pool[:length]):
                    print("%2d: 0x%014x" % (i, x))
        err = "Error in involution invariants"
        raise ValueError(err)

# Test computation of characters in group G_{x0}

assert len(ClassOrders) == len(CharacterValues)

CharacterDict = defaultdict(set)
for order, char_value in zip(ClassOrders, CharacterValues):


Xsp2_Co1_Element = type(Xsp2_Co1())

def character(g, verbose=0):
    assert isinstance(g, Xsp2_Co1_Element)
    a = xsp2co1_traces(g)
    if verbose: print("Subcharacters", a)
    chi24, chisq24, chi4096, chi98260 = map(int, a[:4])
    chi299 = (chi24**2 + chisq24) // 2 - 1
    assert chi24 >= 0
    if chi24 == 0: assert chi4096 >= 0
    chi_M = chi299 + chi98260 + chi24 * chi4096
    #print("MMMM", MM0(g))
    chi_g = MM0(g).chi_G_x0()
    assert chi_g == (chi_M, chi299, chi24, chi4096)
    return chi_M