def exercise () :
  if (os.path.isfile("tst_fmodel_anomalous.mtz")) :
  pdb_file = make_fake_anomalous_data.write_pdb_input_cd_cl(
  # phenix.fmodel (with wavelength)
  args = [
  fmodel.run(args=args, log=null_out())
  assert os.path.isfile("tst_fmodel_anomalous.mtz")
  mtz_in = file_reader.any_file("tst_fmodel_anomalous.mtz")
  array = mtz_in.file_server.miller_arrays[0]
  assert (array.anomalous_flag())
  anom_diffs = array.anomalous_differences()
  assert approx_equal(flex.max(anom_diffs.data()), 5.72, eps=0.01)
  # mmtbx.fmodel_simple
  result = easy_run.call(
    "mmtbx.fmodel_simple \"%s\" tst_fmodel_anomalous.mtz high_resolution=2.0"
      % pdb_file)
  print "OK"
def prepare_inputs (prefix="tst_build_alt_confs") :
  pdb_in = "%s_in.pdb" % prefix
  open(pdb_in, "w").write(pdb_raw)
  args = [
    "output.file_name=%s.mtz" % prefix,
  fmodel.run(args=args, log=null_out())
  pdb_file = file_reader.any_file(pdb_in)
  hierarchy = pdb_file.file_object.hierarchy
  xrs = pdb_file.file_object.xray_structure_simple()
  for chain in hierarchy.only_model().chains() :
    for residue_group in chain.residue_groups() :
      atom_groups = residue_group.atom_groups()
      if (len(atom_groups) > 1) :
        while (len(atom_groups) > 1) :
          del atom_groups[-1]
        for atom in residue_group.atoms() :
          atom.occ = 1.0
        atom_groups[0].altloc = ''
  assert hierarchy.atoms().extract_occ().all_eq(1.0)
  open("%s_start.pdb" % prefix, "w").write(
def prepare_inputs(prefix="tst_build_alt_confs"):
    pdb_in = "%s_in.pdb" % prefix
    open(pdb_in, "w").write(pdb_raw)
    args = [
        "output.file_name=%s.mtz" % prefix,
    fmodel.run(args=args, log=null_out())
    pdb_file = file_reader.any_file(pdb_in)
    hierarchy = pdb_file.file_object.hierarchy
    xrs = pdb_file.file_object.xray_structure_simple()
    for chain in hierarchy.only_model().chains():
        for residue_group in chain.residue_groups():
            atom_groups = residue_group.atom_groups()
            if (len(atom_groups) > 1):
                while (len(atom_groups) > 1):
                    del atom_groups[-1]
                for atom in residue_group.atoms():
                    atom.occ = 1.0
                atom_groups[0].altloc = ''
    assert hierarchy.atoms().extract_occ().all_eq(1.0)
    open("%s_start.pdb" % prefix,
def exercise_intensity_output () :
  if (os.path.isfile("tst_fmodel_anomalous.mtz")) :
  pdb_file = make_fake_anomalous_data.write_pdb_input_cd_cl(
  # phenix.fmodel (with wavelength)
  args = [
  args2 = args + ["label=Imodel"]
  fmodel.run(args=args2, log=null_out())
  assert os.path.isfile("tst_fmodel_intensity.mtz")
  mtz_in = file_reader.any_file("tst_fmodel_intensity.mtz")
  assert mtz_in.file_server.miller_arrays[0].is_xray_intensity_array()
  try :
    fmodel.run(args=args, log=null_out())
  except Sorry :
  else :
    raise Exception_expected
  try :
    fmodel.run(args=args+["format=cns"], log=null_out())
  except Sorry :
  else :
    raise Exception_expected
def exercise_selection_consistency () :
  Test that the atom selections for anomalous scatterers actually correspond
  to the intended xray scatterers.  This will be dependent on any re-ordering
  done by pdb_inp.construct_hierarchy(), which will move the SE atom in the
  structure below.
  pdb_str = """\
ATOM    920  N   LYS A 123      -3.350   9.199  20.988  1.00 21.23           N
ATOM    921  CA  LYS A 123      -2.285   8.581  20.226  1.00 21.43           C
ATOM    922  C   LYS A 123      -1.116   9.544  20.127  1.00 21.24           C
ATOM    923  O   LYS A 123      -1.316  10.753  19.966  1.00 22.19           O
ATOM    924  CB  LYS A 123      -2.800   8.221  18.845  1.00 21.81           C
ATOM    925  CG  LYS A 123      -3.908   7.201  18.856  1.00 21.27           C
ATOM    926  CD  LYS A 123      -4.383   6.912  17.424  1.00 23.64           C
ATOM    927  CE  LYS A 123      -5.534   5.898  17.333  1.00 26.54           C
ATOM    928  NZ  LYS A 123      -5.023   4.519  17.519  1.00 30.98           N
HETATM  929  N   MSE A 124       0.105   8.997  20.163  1.00 22.33           N
HETATM  930  CA AMSE A 124       1.288   9.830  20.208  0.50 19.27           C
HETATM  932  C   MSE A 124       2.339   9.438  19.174  1.00 21.61           C
HETATM  933  O   MSE A 124       2.500   8.250  18.848  1.00 22.32           O
HETATM  934  CB AMSE A 124       1.906   9.779  21.634  0.50 22.80           C
HETATM  936  CG AMSE A 124       0.966  10.314  22.733  0.50 18.31           C
HETATM  938 SE   MSE A 124       1.972  10.293  24.432  0.37 22.53          SE
HETATM  940  CE AMSE A 124       1.818   8.557  24.764  0.50 27.54           C
ATOM    942  N   LEU A 125       3.059  10.448  18.722  1.00 21.43           N
ATOM    943  CA  LEU A 125       4.237  10.292  17.862  1.00 21.15           C
ATOM    944  C   LEU A 125       5.364  10.848  18.730  1.00 22.73           C
ATOM    945  O   LEU A 125       5.445  12.049  18.960  1.00 23.20           O
ATOM    946  CB  LEU A 125       4.108  11.070  16.559  1.00 22.37           C
ATOM    947  CG  LEU A 125       5.197  11.005  15.504  1.00 22.27           C
ATOM    948  CD1 LEU A 125       4.812  11.903  14.306  1.00 22.88           C
ATOM    949  CD2 LEU A 125       6.533  11.408  15.996  1.00 26.02           C
  open("tst_fmodel_misc.pdb", "w").write(pdb_str)
  open("tst_fmodel_misc.eff", "w").write("""\
pdb_file = tst_fmodel_misc.pdb
high_resolution = 1.0
output.file_name = tst_fmodel_misc.mtz
generate_fake_p1_symmetry = True
anomalous_scatterers {
  group {
    selection = element SE
    f_prime = -8.0
    f_double_prime = 4.5
  fmodel.run(args=["tst_fmodel_misc.eff"], log=null_out())
  mtz_in = file_reader.any_file("tst_fmodel_misc.mtz")
  f_model = mtz_in.file_server.miller_arrays[0]
  dano = abs(f_model).anomalous_differences()
  f_model = f_model.average_bijvoet_mates()
  dano, f_model = dano.common_sets(other=f_model)
  map_coeffs = dano.phase_transfer(phase_source=f_model)
  map_coeffs = miller.array(
  fft_map = map_coeffs.fft_map(resolution_factor=0.25).apply_sigma_scaling()
  real_map = fft_map.real_map_unpadded()
  pdb_in = file_reader.any_file("tst_fmodel_misc.pdb")
  for atom in pdb_in.file_object.hierarchy.atoms() :
    if (atom.element == "SE") :
      site = f_model.unit_cell().fractionalize(site_cart=atom.xyz)
      map_val = real_map.eight_point_interpolation(site)
      assert (map_val > 100)
    elif (atom.element.strip() == "O") :
      site = f_model.unit_cell().fractionalize(site_cart=atom.xyz)
      map_val = real_map.eight_point_interpolation(site)
      assert (map_val < 5)
def exercise_1 () :
  pdb_raw = """\
CRYST1   23.000    6.666   25.000  90.00 107.08  90.00 P 1 21 1      2
ATOM      1  N   GLY A   1      -9.009   4.612   6.102  1.00 16.77           N
ATOM      2  CA  GLY A   1      -9.052   4.207   4.651  1.00 16.57           C
ATOM      3  C   GLY A   1      -8.015   3.140   4.419  1.00 16.16           C
ATOM      4  O   GLY A   1      -7.523   2.521   5.381  1.00 16.78           O
ATOM      5  N   ASN A   2      -7.656   2.923   3.155  1.00 15.02           N
ATOM      6  CA  ASN A   2      -6.522   2.038   2.831  1.00 14.10           C
ATOM      7  C   ASN A   2      -5.241   2.537   3.427  1.00 13.13           C
ATOM      8  O   ASN A   2      -4.978   3.742   3.426  1.00 11.91           O
ATOM      9  CB  ASN A   2      -6.346   1.881   1.341  1.00 15.38           C
ATOM     10  CG  ASN A   2      -7.584   1.342   0.692  1.00 14.08           C
ATOM     11  OD1 ASN A   2      -8.025   0.227   1.016  1.00 17.46           O
ATOM     12  ND2 ASN A   2      -8.204   2.155  -0.169  1.00 11.72           N
ATOM     13  N   ASN A   3      -4.438   1.590   3.905  1.00 12.26           N
ATOM     14  CA  ASN A   3      -3.193   1.904   4.589  1.00 11.74           C
ATOM     15  C   ASN A   3      -1.955   1.332   3.895  1.00 11.10           C
ATOM     16  O   ASN A   3      -1.872   0.119   3.648  1.00 10.42           O
ATOM     17  CB  ASN A   3      -3.259   1.378   6.042  1.00 12.15           C
ATOM     18  CG  ASN A   3      -2.006   1.739   6.861  1.00 12.82           C
ATOM     19  OD1 ASN A   3      -1.702   2.925   7.072  1.00 15.05           O
ATOM     20  ND2 ASN A   3      -1.271   0.715   7.306  1.00 13.48           N
ATOM     21  N   MET A   4      -1.005   2.228   3.598  1.00 10.29           N
ATOM     22  CA  MET A   4       0.384   1.888   3.199  1.00 10.53           C
ATOM     23  C   MET A   4       1.435   2.606   4.088  1.00 10.24           C
ATOM     24  O   MET A   4       1.547   3.843   4.115  1.00  8.86           O
ATOM     25  CB  MET A   4       0.616   2.241   1.729  1.00 20.00           C
ATOM     26  CG  MET A   4      -0.207   1.416   0.754  1.00 20.00           C
ATOM     27  SD  MET A   4       0.132  -0.349   0.876  1.00 20.00           S
ATOM     28  CE  MET A   4       1.822  -0.411   0.285  1.00 20.00           C
ATOM     29  N   GLN A   5       2.154   1.821   4.871  1.00 10.38           N
ATOM     30  CA  GLN A   5       3.270   2.361   5.640  1.00 11.39           C
ATOM     31  C   GLN A   5       4.594   1.768   5.172  1.00 11.52           C
ATOM     32  O   GLN A   5       4.768   0.546   5.054  1.00 12.05           O
ATOM     33  CB  GLN A   5       3.056   2.183   7.147  1.00 11.96           C
ATOM     34  CG  GLN A   5       1.829   2.950   7.647  1.00 10.81           C
ATOM     35  CD  GLN A   5       1.344   2.414   8.954  1.00 13.10           C
ATOM     36  OE1 GLN A   5       0.774   1.325   9.002  1.00 10.65           O
ATOM     37  NE2 GLN A   5       1.549   3.187  10.039  1.00 12.30           N
ATOM     38  N   ASN A   6       5.514   2.664   4.856  1.00 11.99           N
ATOM     39  CA  ASN A   6       6.831   2.310   4.318  1.00 12.30           C
ATOM     40  C   ASN A   6       7.854   2.761   5.324  1.00 13.40           C
ATOM     41  O   ASN A   6       8.219   3.943   5.374  1.00 13.92           O
ATOM     42  CB  ASN A   6       7.065   3.016   2.993  1.00 12.13           C
ATOM     43  CG  ASN A   6       5.961   2.735   2.003  1.00 12.77           C
ATOM     44  OD1 ASN A   6       5.798   1.604   1.551  1.00 14.27           O
ATOM     45  ND2 ASN A   6       5.195   3.747   1.679  1.00 10.07           N
ATOM     46  N   TYR A   7       8.292   1.817   6.147  1.00 14.70           N
ATOM     47  CA  TYR A   7       9.159   2.144   7.299  1.00 15.18           C
ATOM     48  C   TYR A   7      10.603   2.331   6.885  1.00 15.91           C
ATOM     49  O   TYR A   7      11.041   1.811   5.855  1.00 15.76           O
ATOM     50  CB  TYR A   7       9.061   1.065   8.369  1.00 15.35           C
ATOM     51  CG  TYR A   7       7.665   0.929   8.902  1.00 14.45           C
ATOM     52  CD1 TYR A   7       6.771   0.021   8.327  1.00 15.68           C
ATOM     53  CD2 TYR A   7       7.210   1.756   9.920  1.00 14.80           C
ATOM     54  CE1 TYR A   7       5.480  -0.094   8.796  1.00 13.46           C
ATOM     55  CE2 TYR A   7       5.904   1.649  10.416  1.00 14.33           C
ATOM     56  CZ  TYR A   7       5.047   0.729   9.831  1.00 15.09           C
ATOM     57  OH  TYR A   7       3.766   0.589  10.291  1.00 14.39           O
ATOM     58  OXT TYR A   7      11.358   2.999   7.612  1.00 17.49           O
TER      59      TYR A   7
HETATM    1 CA    CA A   8      10.431   1.858   3.216  1.00 30.00          CA
HETATM   60  O   HOH A   9      -6.471   5.227   7.124  1.00 22.62           O
HETATM   62  O   HOH A  10     -11.286   1.756  -1.468  1.00 17.08           O
HETATM   63  O   HOH A  11      11.808   4.179   9.970  1.00 23.99           O
HETATM   64  O   HOH A  12      13.605   1.327   9.198  1.00 26.17           O
HETATM   65  O   HOH A  13      -2.749   3.429  10.024  1.00 39.15           O
HETATM   66  O   HOH A  14      -1.500   0.682  10.967  1.00 43.49           O
  pdb_file = "tst_xtriage_in.pdb"
  open(pdb_file, "w").write(pdb_raw)
  fmodel_args = [
  fmodel.run(args=fmodel_args, log=null_out())
  mtz_in = file_reader.any_file(
  f_obs = mtz_in.file_server.miller_arrays[0].remove_cone(0.1)
  data = f_obs.data()
  # add some outliers
  #data[17] = 20
  #data[334] = 26
  #data[1908] = 13
  # and sigmas
  sigf = flex.double(f_obs.size(), 0.1) + (f_obs.data() * 0.03)
  f_obs = f_obs.customized_copy(sigmas=sigf)
  mtz_file = "tst_xtriage_in.mtz"
  seq_file = "tst_xtriage_in.fa"
  open(seq_file, "w").write("> tst_xtriage\nGNNMQNY")

  # check with completeness_as_non_anomalous=True

  xtriage_args = [
  result = xtriage.run(args=xtriage_args, out=null_out())
  assert (result.matthews.n_copies == 1)
  assert (str(result.matthews.table) == """\
Solvent content analysis
Copies             Solvent content    Matthews coeff.    P(solvent content)
1                  0.472              2.33               1.000
  data_strength = result.data_strength_and_completeness
  assert approx_equal(data_strength.data_strength.resolution_cut, 1.5351,
  out1 = data_strength.low_resolution_completeness.format()
  assert (out1 == """\
| Resolution range  | N(obs)/N(possible) | Completeness |
| 21.9858 - 10.4368 | [6/7]              | 0.857        |
| 10.4368 -  8.4369 | [3/3]              | 1.000        |
|  8.4369 -  7.4172 | [3/4]              | 0.750        |
|  7.4172 -  6.7606 | [4/4]              | 1.000        |
|  6.7606 -  6.2882 | [5/5]              | 1.000        |
|  6.2882 -  5.9252 | [3/4]              | 0.750        |
|  5.9252 -  5.6337 | [7/7]              | 1.000        |
|  5.6337 -  5.3922 | [5/5]              | 1.000        |
|  5.3922 -  5.1874 | [4/4]              | 1.000        |
|  5.1874 -  5.0106 | [4/4]              | 1.000        |
---------------------------------------------------------"""), out1
  a_meas = result.anomalous_info.measurability
  assert approx_equal(a_meas.high_d_cut, 4.7636, eps=0.0001)
  assert approx_equal(a_meas.low_d_cut, 2.2357, eps=0.0001)
  ws = result.wilson_scaling
  assert ("%.2f" % ws.iso_p_scale) == "0.66"
  assert ("%.2f" % ws.iso_b_wilson) == "14.51"
  # FIXME these may need to be adjusted for different hardware/OS
  assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_p_scale, 0.66106, eps=0.001)
  assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_u_star, [0.00034473, 0.00479983, 0.000287162,
                                        -0.0, 9.00962e-05, 0.0])
  assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_b_cart, (13.218423, 16.840142, 12.948426,
    1.0354e-15, -0.0685311, -7.92862e-16))
  # convenience methods for GUI
  assert approx_equal(result.aniso_b_min, 12.948426)
  assert approx_equal(result.aniso_range_of_b, 3.891716)
  assert approx_equal(ws.outlier_shell_table.data[0], # d_spacing
    [9.865132, 8.369653, 4.863587, 4.648635, 3.126905, 1.729609])
  assert approx_equal(ws.outlier_shell_table.data[1], # z_score
    [5.587749, 15.425036, 4.763399, 6.57819, 4.650204, 4.580195])
  assert (len(ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[0]) == 2)
  assert (ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[1] == [(0,-1,-1), (0,1,1)])
  assert approx_equal(ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[2],
    [3.440749, 3.253775])
  assert (ws.outliers.centric_outliers_table.data is None)
  assert (len(ws.ice_rings.table._rows) == 10)
  assert (ws.ice_rings.table._rows[0] ==
          ['    3.897', '     1.000', '   0.52', '   1.00']), \
  tw = result.twin_results
  wm = tw.wilson_moments
  out = StringIO()
  assert not show_diff(out.getvalue(), """
                  ----------Wilson ratio and moments----------

Acentric reflections:

   <I^2>/<I>^2    :2.047   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.779   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.743   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)

Centric reflections:

   <I^2>/<I>^2    :3.043   (untwinned: 3.000; perfect twin 2.000)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.626   (untwinned: 0.637; perfect twin 0.785)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.996   (untwinned: 0.968; perfect twin 0.736)

  # XXX PDB validation server
  assert approx_equal(result.iso_b_wilson, 14.51, eps=0.1)
  assert approx_equal(result.aniso_b_ratio, 0.271, eps=0.1)
  assert (result.number_of_wilson_outliers == 2)
  assert approx_equal(result.l_test_mean_l, 0.481, eps=0.1)
  assert approx_equal(result.l_test_mean_l_squared, 0.322, eps=0.1)
  assert approx_equal(result.i_over_sigma_outer_shell, 10.64, eps=0.01)
  assert ("indicating pseudo-translationa" in result.patterson_verdict)
  # check relative Wilson
  #assert (result.relative_wilson.n_outliers() == 0)

  # check with completeness_as_non_anomalous=False

  xtriage_args = [
  result = xtriage.run(args=xtriage_args, out=null_out())
  assert (result.matthews.n_copies == 1)
  assert (str(result.matthews.table) == """\
Solvent content analysis
Copies             Solvent content    Matthews coeff.    P(solvent content)
1                  0.472              2.33               1.000
  data_strength = result.data_strength_and_completeness
  assert approx_equal(data_strength.data_strength.resolution_cut, 1.5351,
  out1 = data_strength.low_resolution_completeness.format()
  assert (out1 == """\
| Resolution range  | N(obs)/N(possible) | Completeness |
| 21.9858 - 10.4368 | [ 6/7 ]            | 0.857        |
| 10.4368 -  8.4369 | [ 3/3 ]            | 1.000        |
|  8.4369 -  7.4172 | [ 3/4 ]            | 0.750        |
|  7.4172 -  6.7606 | [ 4/4 ]            | 1.000        |
|  6.7606 -  6.2882 | [ 8/8 ]            | 1.000        |
|  6.2882 -  5.9252 | [ 4/5 ]            | 0.800        |
|  5.9252 -  5.6337 | [11/11]            | 1.000        |
|  5.6337 -  5.3922 | [ 7/7 ]            | 1.000        |
|  5.3922 -  5.1874 | [ 6/6 ]            | 1.000        |
|  5.1874 -  5.0106 | [ 7/7 ]            | 1.000        |
---------------------------------------------------------"""), out1
  a_meas = result.anomalous_info.measurability
  assert approx_equal(a_meas.high_d_cut, 4.7636, eps=0.0001)
  assert approx_equal(a_meas.low_d_cut, 2.2357, eps=0.0001)
  ws = result.wilson_scaling
  assert ("%.2f" % ws.iso_p_scale) == "0.66"
  assert ("%.2f" % ws.iso_b_wilson) == "14.51"
  # FIXME these may need to be adjusted for different hardware/OS
  assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_p_scale, 0.66106, eps=0.001)
  assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_u_star, [0.00034473, 0.00479983, 0.000287162,
                                        -0.0, 9.00962e-05, 0.0])
  assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_b_cart, (13.218423, 16.840142, 12.948426,
    1.0354e-15, -0.0685311, -7.92862e-16))
  # convenience methods for GUI
  assert approx_equal(result.aniso_b_min, 12.948426)
  assert approx_equal(result.aniso_range_of_b, 3.891716)
  assert approx_equal(ws.outlier_shell_table.data[0], # d_spacing
    [9.865132, 8.369653, 4.863587, 4.648635, 3.126905, 1.729609])
  assert approx_equal(ws.outlier_shell_table.data[1], # z_score
    [5.587749, 15.425036, 4.763399, 6.57819, 4.650204, 4.580195])
  assert (len(ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[0]) == 2)
  assert (ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[1] == [(0,-1,-1), (0,1,1)])
  assert approx_equal(ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[2],
    [3.440749, 3.253775])
  assert (ws.outliers.centric_outliers_table.data is None)
  assert (len(ws.ice_rings.table._rows) == 10)
  assert (ws.ice_rings.table._rows[0] ==
          ['    3.897', '     1.000', '   0.52', '   1.00']), \
  tw = result.twin_results
  wm = tw.wilson_moments
  out = StringIO()
  assert not show_diff(out.getvalue(), """
                  ----------Wilson ratio and moments----------

Acentric reflections:

   <I^2>/<I>^2    :2.047   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.779   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.743   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)

Centric reflections:

   <I^2>/<I>^2    :3.043   (untwinned: 3.000; perfect twin 2.000)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.626   (untwinned: 0.637; perfect twin 0.785)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.996   (untwinned: 0.968; perfect twin 0.736)

  # XXX PDB validation server
  assert approx_equal(result.iso_b_wilson, 14.51, eps=0.1)
  assert approx_equal(result.aniso_b_ratio, 0.271, eps=0.1)
  assert (result.number_of_wilson_outliers == 2)
  assert approx_equal(result.l_test_mean_l, 0.481, eps=0.1)
  assert approx_equal(result.l_test_mean_l_squared, 0.322, eps=0.1)
  assert approx_equal(result.i_over_sigma_outer_shell, 10.64, eps=0.01)
  assert ("indicating pseudo-translationa" in result.patterson_verdict)
  # check relative Wilson
  #assert (result.relative_wilson.n_outliers() == 0)
  # test without sigmas
  f_obs_2 = f_obs.customized_copy(sigmas=None)
  mtz_file = "tst_xtriage_in_2.mtz"
  xtriage_args = [

  result = xtriage.run(args=xtriage_args, out=null_out())
  # test in lower symmetry
  f_obs_3 = f_obs.expand_to_p1()
  mtz_file = "tst_xtriage_in_3.mtz"
  xtriage_args = [
  result = xtriage.run(args=xtriage_args, out=null_out())
  assert ((1, 'One or more symmetry operators suggest that the data has a higher crystallographic symmetry (P 2 1 1).', 'Point group and R-factor analysis') in result.summarize_issues()._issues)
  # test with elliptical truncation
  f_obs_3 = f_obs.customized_copy(
    crystal_symmetry=crystal.symmetry((23,5,20,90,107.8,90), "P 21"))
  f_obs_3 = f_obs_3.resolution_filter(d_min=1.5)
  f_obs_3 = f_obs_3.customized_copy(crystal_symmetry=f_obs.crystal_symmetry())
  reso = ds.analyze_resolution_limits(f_obs_3)
  out = StringIO()
  assert ("max. difference between axes = 0.652" in out.getvalue()), \
  assert ("elliptically truncated" in out.getvalue())
  # make sure the elliptical truncation detection still works in higher space
  # groups - we only need a miller.set for this
  miller_set = miller.build_set(
    crystal_symmetry=crystal.symmetry((20,20,20,90,90,90), "P422"),
  reso = ds.analyze_resolution_limits(miller_set)
  out = StringIO()
  assert ("Resolution limits are within expected tolerances" in out.getvalue())
  # log binning
  out = StringIO()
  log_binned = ds.log_binned_completeness(f_obs_3)
  assert ("""| 1.9724 - 1.5094  | 368/1230    | 29.9%        |""" in
          out.getvalue()), out.getvalue()
  # test with no acentrics
  cf = f_obs.centric_flags().data()
  centrics = f_obs.select(cf)
  acentrics = f_obs.select(~cf)
  mtz_file = "tst_xtriage_in_3.mtz"
  args = [
  try :
    xtriage.run(args=args, out=null_out())
  except Sorry :
  else :
    raise Exception_expected
  # with only a handful of acentrics
  sel = flex.bool(acentrics.size(), False)
  for i in range(10) :
    sel[i] = True
  f_obs_4 = centrics.concatenate(acentrics.select(sel))
  try :
    xtriage.run(args=args, out=null_out())
  except Sorry :
  else :
    raise Exception_expected
def exercise_1():
    pdb_raw = """\
CRYST1   23.000    6.666   25.000  90.00 107.08  90.00 P 1 21 1      2
ATOM      1  N   GLY A   1      -9.009   4.612   6.102  1.00 16.77           N
ATOM      2  CA  GLY A   1      -9.052   4.207   4.651  1.00 16.57           C
ATOM      3  C   GLY A   1      -8.015   3.140   4.419  1.00 16.16           C
ATOM      4  O   GLY A   1      -7.523   2.521   5.381  1.00 16.78           O
ATOM      5  N   ASN A   2      -7.656   2.923   3.155  1.00 15.02           N
ATOM      6  CA  ASN A   2      -6.522   2.038   2.831  1.00 14.10           C
ATOM      7  C   ASN A   2      -5.241   2.537   3.427  1.00 13.13           C
ATOM      8  O   ASN A   2      -4.978   3.742   3.426  1.00 11.91           O
ATOM      9  CB  ASN A   2      -6.346   1.881   1.341  1.00 15.38           C
ATOM     10  CG  ASN A   2      -7.584   1.342   0.692  1.00 14.08           C
ATOM     11  OD1 ASN A   2      -8.025   0.227   1.016  1.00 17.46           O
ATOM     12  ND2 ASN A   2      -8.204   2.155  -0.169  1.00 11.72           N
ATOM     13  N   ASN A   3      -4.438   1.590   3.905  1.00 12.26           N
ATOM     14  CA  ASN A   3      -3.193   1.904   4.589  1.00 11.74           C
ATOM     15  C   ASN A   3      -1.955   1.332   3.895  1.00 11.10           C
ATOM     16  O   ASN A   3      -1.872   0.119   3.648  1.00 10.42           O
ATOM     17  CB  ASN A   3      -3.259   1.378   6.042  1.00 12.15           C
ATOM     18  CG  ASN A   3      -2.006   1.739   6.861  1.00 12.82           C
ATOM     19  OD1 ASN A   3      -1.702   2.925   7.072  1.00 15.05           O
ATOM     20  ND2 ASN A   3      -1.271   0.715   7.306  1.00 13.48           N
ATOM     21  N   MET A   4      -1.005   2.228   3.598  1.00 10.29           N
ATOM     22  CA  MET A   4       0.384   1.888   3.199  1.00 10.53           C
ATOM     23  C   MET A   4       1.435   2.606   4.088  1.00 10.24           C
ATOM     24  O   MET A   4       1.547   3.843   4.115  1.00  8.86           O
ATOM     25  CB  MET A   4       0.616   2.241   1.729  1.00 20.00           C
ATOM     26  CG  MET A   4      -0.207   1.416   0.754  1.00 20.00           C
ATOM     27  SD  MET A   4       0.132  -0.349   0.876  1.00 20.00           S
ATOM     28  CE  MET A   4       1.822  -0.411   0.285  1.00 20.00           C
ATOM     29  N   GLN A   5       2.154   1.821   4.871  1.00 10.38           N
ATOM     30  CA  GLN A   5       3.270   2.361   5.640  1.00 11.39           C
ATOM     31  C   GLN A   5       4.594   1.768   5.172  1.00 11.52           C
ATOM     32  O   GLN A   5       4.768   0.546   5.054  1.00 12.05           O
ATOM     33  CB  GLN A   5       3.056   2.183   7.147  1.00 11.96           C
ATOM     34  CG  GLN A   5       1.829   2.950   7.647  1.00 10.81           C
ATOM     35  CD  GLN A   5       1.344   2.414   8.954  1.00 13.10           C
ATOM     36  OE1 GLN A   5       0.774   1.325   9.002  1.00 10.65           O
ATOM     37  NE2 GLN A   5       1.549   3.187  10.039  1.00 12.30           N
ATOM     38  N   ASN A   6       5.514   2.664   4.856  1.00 11.99           N
ATOM     39  CA  ASN A   6       6.831   2.310   4.318  1.00 12.30           C
ATOM     40  C   ASN A   6       7.854   2.761   5.324  1.00 13.40           C
ATOM     41  O   ASN A   6       8.219   3.943   5.374  1.00 13.92           O
ATOM     42  CB  ASN A   6       7.065   3.016   2.993  1.00 12.13           C
ATOM     43  CG  ASN A   6       5.961   2.735   2.003  1.00 12.77           C
ATOM     44  OD1 ASN A   6       5.798   1.604   1.551  1.00 14.27           O
ATOM     45  ND2 ASN A   6       5.195   3.747   1.679  1.00 10.07           N
ATOM     46  N   TYR A   7       8.292   1.817   6.147  1.00 14.70           N
ATOM     47  CA  TYR A   7       9.159   2.144   7.299  1.00 15.18           C
ATOM     48  C   TYR A   7      10.603   2.331   6.885  1.00 15.91           C
ATOM     49  O   TYR A   7      11.041   1.811   5.855  1.00 15.76           O
ATOM     50  CB  TYR A   7       9.061   1.065   8.369  1.00 15.35           C
ATOM     51  CG  TYR A   7       7.665   0.929   8.902  1.00 14.45           C
ATOM     52  CD1 TYR A   7       6.771   0.021   8.327  1.00 15.68           C
ATOM     53  CD2 TYR A   7       7.210   1.756   9.920  1.00 14.80           C
ATOM     54  CE1 TYR A   7       5.480  -0.094   8.796  1.00 13.46           C
ATOM     55  CE2 TYR A   7       5.904   1.649  10.416  1.00 14.33           C
ATOM     56  CZ  TYR A   7       5.047   0.729   9.831  1.00 15.09           C
ATOM     57  OH  TYR A   7       3.766   0.589  10.291  1.00 14.39           O
ATOM     58  OXT TYR A   7      11.358   2.999   7.612  1.00 17.49           O
TER      59      TYR A   7
HETATM    1 CA    CA A   8      10.431   1.858   3.216  1.00 30.00          CA
HETATM   60  O   HOH A   9      -6.471   5.227   7.124  1.00 22.62           O
HETATM   62  O   HOH A  10     -11.286   1.756  -1.468  1.00 17.08           O
HETATM   63  O   HOH A  11      11.808   4.179   9.970  1.00 23.99           O
HETATM   64  O   HOH A  12      13.605   1.327   9.198  1.00 26.17           O
HETATM   65  O   HOH A  13      -2.749   3.429  10.024  1.00 39.15           O
HETATM   66  O   HOH A  14      -1.500   0.682  10.967  1.00 43.49           O
    pdb_file = "tst_xtriage_in.pdb"
    open(pdb_file, "w").write(pdb_raw)
    fmodel_args = [
    fmodel.run(args=fmodel_args, log=null_out())
    mtz_in = file_reader.any_file("tst_xtriage_fmodel.mtz").assert_file_type(
    f_obs = mtz_in.file_server.miller_arrays[0].remove_cone(0.1)
    data = f_obs.data()
    # add some outliers
    #data[17] = 20
    #data[334] = 26
    #data[1908] = 13
    # and sigmas
    sigf = flex.double(f_obs.size(), 0.1) + (f_obs.data() * 0.03)
    f_obs = f_obs.customized_copy(sigmas=sigf)
    mtz_file = "tst_xtriage_in.mtz"
    seq_file = "tst_xtriage_in.fa"
    open(seq_file, "w").write("> tst_xtriage\nGNNMQNY")

    # check with completeness_as_non_anomalous=True

    xtriage_args = [
    result = xtriage.run(args=xtriage_args, out=null_out())
    assert (result.matthews.n_copies == 1)
    assert (str(result.matthews.table) == """\
Solvent content analysis
Copies             Solvent content    Matthews coeff.    P(solvent content)
1                  0.472              2.33               1.000
    data_strength = result.data_strength_and_completeness
    assert approx_equal(data_strength.data_strength.resolution_cut,
    out1 = data_strength.low_resolution_completeness.format()
    assert (out1 == """\
| Resolution range  | N(obs)/N(possible) | Completeness |
| 21.9858 - 10.4368 | [6/7]              | 0.857        |
| 10.4368 -  8.4369 | [3/3]              | 1.000        |
|  8.4369 -  7.4172 | [3/4]              | 0.750        |
|  7.4172 -  6.7606 | [4/4]              | 1.000        |
|  6.7606 -  6.2882 | [5/5]              | 1.000        |
|  6.2882 -  5.9252 | [3/4]              | 0.750        |
|  5.9252 -  5.6337 | [7/7]              | 1.000        |
|  5.6337 -  5.3922 | [5/5]              | 1.000        |
|  5.3922 -  5.1874 | [4/4]              | 1.000        |
|  5.1874 -  5.0106 | [4/4]              | 1.000        |
---------------------------------------------------------"""), out1
    a_meas = result.anomalous_info.measurability
    assert approx_equal(a_meas.high_d_cut, 4.7636, eps=0.0001)
    assert approx_equal(a_meas.low_d_cut, 2.2357, eps=0.0001)
    ws = result.wilson_scaling
    assert ("%.2f" % ws.iso_p_scale) == "0.66"
    assert ("%.2f" % ws.iso_b_wilson) == "14.51"
    # FIXME these may need to be adjusted for different hardware/OS
    assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_p_scale, 0.66106, eps=0.001)
    assert approx_equal(
        [0.00034473, 0.00479983, 0.000287162, -0.0, 9.00962e-05, 0.0])
    assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_b_cart,
                        (13.218423, 16.840142, 12.948426, 1.0354e-15,
                         -0.0685311, -7.92862e-16))
    # convenience methods for GUI
    assert approx_equal(result.aniso_b_min, 12.948426)
    assert approx_equal(result.aniso_range_of_b, 3.891716)
    assert approx_equal(
        ws.outlier_shell_table.data[0],  # d_spacing
        [9.865132, 8.369653, 4.863587, 4.648635, 3.126905, 1.729609])
    assert approx_equal(
        ws.outlier_shell_table.data[1],  # z_score
        [5.587749, 15.425036, 4.763399, 6.57819, 4.650204, 4.580195])
    assert (len(ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[0]) == 2)
    assert (ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[1] == [(0, -1, -1),
                                                            (0, 1, 1)])
    assert approx_equal(ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[2],
                        [3.440749, 3.253775])
    assert (ws.outliers.centric_outliers_table.data is None)
    assert (len(ws.ice_rings.table._rows) == 10)
    assert (ws.ice_rings.table._rows[0] ==
            ['    3.897', '     1.000', '   0.52', '   1.00']), \
    tw = result.twin_results
    wm = tw.wilson_moments
    out = StringIO()
    assert not show_diff(
        out.getvalue(), """
                  ----------Wilson ratio and moments----------

Acentric reflections:

   <I^2>/<I>^2    :2.047   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.779   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.743   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)

Centric reflections:

   <I^2>/<I>^2    :3.043   (untwinned: 3.000; perfect twin 2.000)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.626   (untwinned: 0.637; perfect twin 0.785)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.996   (untwinned: 0.968; perfect twin 0.736)

    # XXX PDB validation server
    assert approx_equal(result.iso_b_wilson, 14.51, eps=0.1)
    assert approx_equal(result.aniso_b_ratio, 0.271, eps=0.1)
    assert (result.number_of_wilson_outliers == 2)
    assert approx_equal(result.l_test_mean_l, 0.481, eps=0.1)
    assert approx_equal(result.l_test_mean_l_squared, 0.322, eps=0.1)
    assert approx_equal(result.i_over_sigma_outer_shell, 10.64, eps=0.01)
    assert ("indicating pseudo-translationa" in result.patterson_verdict)
    # check relative Wilson
    # FIXME
    #assert (result.relative_wilson.n_outliers() == 0)

    # check with completeness_as_non_anomalous=False

    xtriage_args = [
    result = xtriage.run(args=xtriage_args, out=null_out())
    assert (result.matthews.n_copies == 1)
    assert (str(result.matthews.table) == """\
Solvent content analysis
Copies             Solvent content    Matthews coeff.    P(solvent content)
1                  0.472              2.33               1.000
    data_strength = result.data_strength_and_completeness
    assert approx_equal(data_strength.data_strength.resolution_cut,
    out1 = data_strength.low_resolution_completeness.format()
    assert (out1 == """\
| Resolution range  | N(obs)/N(possible) | Completeness |
| 21.9858 - 10.4368 | [ 6/7 ]            | 0.857        |
| 10.4368 -  8.4369 | [ 3/3 ]            | 1.000        |
|  8.4369 -  7.4172 | [ 3/4 ]            | 0.750        |
|  7.4172 -  6.7606 | [ 4/4 ]            | 1.000        |
|  6.7606 -  6.2882 | [ 8/8 ]            | 1.000        |
|  6.2882 -  5.9252 | [ 4/5 ]            | 0.800        |
|  5.9252 -  5.6337 | [11/11]            | 1.000        |
|  5.6337 -  5.3922 | [ 7/7 ]            | 1.000        |
|  5.3922 -  5.1874 | [ 6/6 ]            | 1.000        |
|  5.1874 -  5.0106 | [ 7/7 ]            | 1.000        |
---------------------------------------------------------"""), out1
    a_meas = result.anomalous_info.measurability
    assert approx_equal(a_meas.high_d_cut, 4.7636, eps=0.0001)
    assert approx_equal(a_meas.low_d_cut, 2.2357, eps=0.0001)
    ws = result.wilson_scaling
    assert ("%.2f" % ws.iso_p_scale) == "0.66"
    assert ("%.2f" % ws.iso_b_wilson) == "14.51"
    # FIXME these may need to be adjusted for different hardware/OS
    assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_p_scale, 0.66106, eps=0.001)
    assert approx_equal(
        [0.00034473, 0.00479983, 0.000287162, -0.0, 9.00962e-05, 0.0])
    assert approx_equal(ws.aniso_b_cart,
                        (13.218423, 16.840142, 12.948426, 1.0354e-15,
                         -0.0685311, -7.92862e-16))
    # convenience methods for GUI
    assert approx_equal(result.aniso_b_min, 12.948426)
    assert approx_equal(result.aniso_range_of_b, 3.891716)
    assert approx_equal(
        ws.outlier_shell_table.data[0],  # d_spacing
        [9.865132, 8.369653, 4.863587, 4.648635, 3.126905, 1.729609])
    assert approx_equal(
        ws.outlier_shell_table.data[1],  # z_score
        [5.587749, 15.425036, 4.763399, 6.57819, 4.650204, 4.580195])
    assert (len(ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[0]) == 2)
    assert (ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[1] == [(0, -1, -1),
                                                            (0, 1, 1)])
    assert approx_equal(ws.outliers.acentric_outliers_table.data[2],
                        [3.440749, 3.253775])
    assert (ws.outliers.centric_outliers_table.data is None)
    assert (len(ws.ice_rings.table._rows) == 10)
    assert (ws.ice_rings.table._rows[0] ==
            ['    3.897', '     1.000', '   0.52', '   1.00']), \
    tw = result.twin_results
    wm = tw.wilson_moments
    out = StringIO()
    assert not show_diff(
        out.getvalue(), """
                  ----------Wilson ratio and moments----------

Acentric reflections:

   <I^2>/<I>^2    :2.047   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.779   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.743   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)

Centric reflections:

   <I^2>/<I>^2    :3.043   (untwinned: 3.000; perfect twin 2.000)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.626   (untwinned: 0.637; perfect twin 0.785)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.996   (untwinned: 0.968; perfect twin 0.736)

    # XXX PDB validation server
    assert approx_equal(result.iso_b_wilson, 14.51, eps=0.1)
    assert approx_equal(result.aniso_b_ratio, 0.271, eps=0.1)
    assert (result.number_of_wilson_outliers == 2)
    assert approx_equal(result.l_test_mean_l, 0.481, eps=0.1)
    assert approx_equal(result.l_test_mean_l_squared, 0.322, eps=0.1)
    assert approx_equal(result.i_over_sigma_outer_shell, 10.64, eps=0.01)
    assert ("indicating pseudo-translationa" in result.patterson_verdict)
    # check relative Wilson
    # FIXME
    #assert (result.relative_wilson.n_outliers() == 0)
    # test without sigmas
    f_obs_2 = f_obs.customized_copy(sigmas=None)
    mtz_file = "tst_xtriage_in_2.mtz"
    xtriage_args = [

    result = xtriage.run(args=xtriage_args, out=null_out())
    # test in lower symmetry
    f_obs_3 = f_obs.expand_to_p1()
    mtz_file = "tst_xtriage_in_3.mtz"
    xtriage_args = [
    result = xtriage.run(args=xtriage_args, out=null_out())
    assert ((
        'One or more symmetry operators suggest that the data has a higher crystallographic symmetry (P 2 1 1).',
        'Point group and R-factor analysis')
            in result.summarize_issues()._issues)
    # test with elliptical truncation
    f_obs_3 = f_obs.customized_copy(
        crystal_symmetry=crystal.symmetry((23, 5, 20, 90, 107.8, 90), "P 21"))
    f_obs_3 = f_obs_3.resolution_filter(d_min=1.5)
    f_obs_3 = f_obs_3.customized_copy(
    reso = ds.analyze_resolution_limits(f_obs_3)
    out = StringIO()
    assert ("max. difference between axes = 0.652" in out.getvalue()), \
    assert ("elliptically truncated" in out.getvalue())
    # make sure the elliptical truncation detection still works in higher space
    # groups - we only need a miller.set for this
    miller_set = miller.build_set(crystal_symmetry=crystal.symmetry(
        (20, 20, 20, 90, 90, 90), "P422"),
    reso = ds.analyze_resolution_limits(miller_set)
    out = StringIO()
    assert ("Resolution limits are within expected tolerances"
            in out.getvalue())
    # log binning
    out = StringIO()
    log_binned = ds.log_binned_completeness(f_obs_3)
    assert ("""| 1.9724 - 1.5094  | 368/1230    | 29.9%        |"""
            in out.getvalue()), out.getvalue()
    # test with no acentrics
    cf = f_obs.centric_flags().data()
    centrics = f_obs.select(cf)
    acentrics = f_obs.select(~cf)
    mtz_file = "tst_xtriage_in_3.mtz"
    args = [
        xtriage.run(args=args, out=null_out())
    except Sorry:
        raise Exception_expected
    # with only a handful of acentrics
    sel = flex.bool(acentrics.size(), False)
    for i in range(10):
        sel[i] = True
    f_obs_4 = centrics.concatenate(acentrics.select(sel))
        xtriage.run(args=args, out=null_out())
    except Sorry:
        raise Exception_expected