def draw(self): # global BackgroundThread # if BackgroundThread == None: # BackgroundThread = Background() # BackgroundThread.start() global MidiStarted if not MidiStarted: MidiStarted = True Midi.startup() m = MidiPypmHardware() outname = "loopMIDI Port 1" # Open MIDI output named try: # if outname is None, it opens default output self.o = m.get_output(outname) except: print "Error opening output: %s, exception: %s" % (outname,format_exc()) # Midi.shutdown() # sys.exit(1) self.quicknote() return "" # plugins (classes that extend Processor) should define this # debug("draw in Processor!") while True: e = next_event() if e == None: break debug("Processor.draw2 type="+e["type"]+" region="+e["region"]) return ""
def run(self): debug("Background run start") while True: e = next_event() if e != None: if e["type"] != "CursorDrag": debug("Background event type="+e["type"]+" region="+e["region"]) dt = 0.001 else: dt = 0.01
def __init__(self): Processor.__init__(self, passthru=True) debug("TwoProcessor.__init__")
import time import mmtt.util import mmtt.builtin import nosuch.midiutil from mmtt.builtin import debug from nosuch.midiutil import Midi # a = mmtt.util.getprocessor("Default","../") a = mmtt.util.getprocessor("Text") debug("before a.draw 1") a.draw() debug("before a.draw 2") a.draw() time.sleep(4.0) Midi.shutdown() time.sleep(1.0)
def __init__(self,passthru=True): debug("Processor.__init__ time=%f" % (time.time()) )
def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) debug("Background __init__")
def draw(self): debug("draw in DefaultProcessor!") return "foo2"
def __init__(self): debug("OneProcessor.__init__") Processor.__init__(self, passthru=True)
def getprocessor(bname): debug("getprocessor in python begins") blower = bname.lower() bpath = "mmtt.processor."+blower if bname == "Default": bclassname = "Processor" else: bclassname = bname + "Processor" debug("getprocessor - bname="+bname+" bpath="+bpath) try: recompile(bpath) except: debug("getprocessor - unable to recompile: "+bpath+" exception: "+format_exc()) return None try: __import__(bpath) except: debug("getprocessor - unable to import: "+bpath+" exception: "+format_exc()) return None try: processormod = getattr(mmtt.processor,blower) except: debug("getprocessor - no attribute on processor named: "+blower+" exception: "+format_exc()) return None try: processorclass = getattr(processormod,bclassname) except: debug("getprocessor - module "+bpath+" didn't contain a class "+bclassname+" exception: "+format_exc()) return None try: bobj = processorclass() except: debug("getprocessor - unable to instantiate object for module: "+bpath+" class: "+bclassname+" exception: "+format_exc()) return None return bobj