文件: endpoints.py 项目: toppk/mnamer
def tvdb_series_id_episodes_query(
    token: str,
    id_tvdb: Union[str, int],
    episode: Optional[int] = None,
    season: Optional[int] = None,
    page: int = 1,
    language: Optional[Language] = None,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Allows the user to query against episodes for the given series.

    Note: Paginated with 100 results per page; omitted imdbId-- when would you
    ever need to query against both tvdb and imdb series ids?
    Online docs: api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Series/get_series_id_episodes_query.
    url = f"https://api.thetvdb.com/series/{id_tvdb}/episodes/query"
    headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    if language:
        headers["Accept-Language"] = language.a2
    parameters = {"airedSeason": season, "airedEpisode": episode, "page": page}
    status, content = request_json(
        cache=cache is True and language is None,
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("data"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content
文件: endpoints.py 项目: toppk/mnamer
def omdb_search(
    api_key: str,
    query: str,
    year: Optional[int] = None,
    media: Optional[str] = None,
    page: int = 1,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Search for media using the Open Movie Database.

    Online docs: http://www.omdbapi.com/#parameters.
    if page < 1 or page > 100:
        raise MnamerException("page must be between 1 and 100")
    url = "http://www.omdbapi.com"
    parameters = {
        "apikey": api_key,
        "s": query,
        "y": year,
        "type": media,
        "page": page,
    parameters = clean_dict(parameters)
    status, content = request_json(url, parameters, cache=cache)
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid API key")
    elif content and not content.get("totalResults"):
        raise MnamerNotFoundException()
    elif not content or status != 200:  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("OMDb down or unavailable?")
    return content
文件: endpoints.py 项目: toppk/mnamer
def tvdb_series_id(
    token: str,
    id_tvdb: Union[str, int],
    language: Optional[Language] = None,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Returns a series records that contains all information known about a
    particular series id.

    Online docs: api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Series/get_series_id.
    url = f"https://api.thetvdb.com/series/{id_tvdb}"
    headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    if language:
        headers["Accept-Language"] = language.a2
    status, content = request_json(
        url, headers=headers, cache=cache is True and language is None
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("data"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    elif content["data"]["id"] == 0:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    return content
文件: endpoints.py 项目: toppk/mnamer
def tvdb_series_id_episodes(
    token: str,
    id_tvdb: Union[str, int],
    page: int = 1,
    language: Optional[Language] = None,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    All episodes for a given series.

    Note: Paginated with 100 results per page.
    Online docs: api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Series/get_series_id_episodes.
    url = f"https://api.thetvdb.com/series/{id_tvdb}/episodes"
    headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    if language:
        headers["Accept-Language"] = language.a2
    parameters = {"page": page}
    status, content = request_json(
        cache=cache is True and language is None,
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("data"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content
def tvdb_search_series(
    token: str,
    series: str = None,
    id_imdb: str = None,
    id_zap2it: str = None,
    lang: str = "en",
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Allows the user to search for a series based on the following parameters.

    Online docs: https://api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Search/get_search_series
    Note: results a maximum of 100 entries per page, no option for pagination.
    if lang not in TVDB_LANGUAGE_CODES:
        raise MnamerException("'lang' must be one of %s" %
    url = "https://api.thetvdb.com/search/series"
    parameters = {"name": series, "imdbId": id_imdb, "zap2itId": id_zap2it}
    headers = {"Accept-Language": lang, "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    status, content = request_json(url,
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status == 405:
        raise MnamerException(
            "series, id_imdb, id_zap2it parameters are mutually exclusive")
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("data"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content
文件: endpoints.py 项目: toppk/mnamer
def tmdb_search_movies(
    api_key: str,
    title: str,
    year: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
    language: Optional[Language] = None,
    region: Optional[str] = None,
    adult: bool = False,
    page: int = 1,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Search for movies using The Movie Database.

    Online docs: developers.themoviedb.org/3/search/search-movies.
    url = "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie"
    parameters = {
        "api_key": api_key,
        "query": title,
        "page": page,
        "include_adult": adult,
        "language": language,
        "region": region,
        "year": year,
    status, content = request_json(url, parameters, cache=cache)
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid API key")
    elif status != 200 or not any(content.keys()):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TMDb down or unavailable?")
    elif status == 404 or status == 422 or not content.get("total_results"):
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    return content
def tvdb_search_series(
    token: str,
    series: Optional[str] = None,
    id_imdb: Optional[str] = None,
    id_zap2it: Optional[str] = None,
    language: Optional[Language] = None,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Allows the user to search for a series based on the following parameters.

    Online docs: https://api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Search/get_search_series
    Note: results a maximum of 100 entries per page, no option for pagination.
    url = "https://api.thetvdb.com/search/series"
    parameters = {"name": series, "imdbId": id_imdb, "zap2itId": id_zap2it}
    headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    if language:
        headers["Accept-Language"] = language.a2
    status, content = request_json(
        url, parameters, headers=headers, cache=cache is True and language is None
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status == 405:
        raise MnamerException(
            "series, id_imdb, id_zap2it parameters are mutually exclusive"
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("data"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content
def tvdb_series_id_episodes(
    token: str,
    id_tvdb: Union[str, int],
    page: int = 1,
    lang: str = "en",
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    All episodes for a given series.

    Note: Paginated with 100 results per page.
    Online docs: api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Series/get_series_id_episodes.
    if lang not in TVDB_LANGUAGE_CODES:
        raise MnamerException("'lang' must be one of %s" %
    url = f"https://api.thetvdb.com/series/{id_tvdb}/episodes"
    headers = {"Accept-Language": lang, "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    parameters = {"page": page}
    status, content = request_json(url,
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("data"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content
文件: endpoints.py 项目: toppk/mnamer
def tvdb_refresh_token(token: str) -> str:
    Refreshes JWT token.

    Online docs: api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Authentication/get_refresh_token.
    url = "https://api.thetvdb.com/refresh_token"
    headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    status, content = request_json(url, headers=headers, cache=False)
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("token"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content["token"]
文件: endpoints.py 项目: toppk/mnamer
def tvdb_login(api_key: str) -> str:
    Logs into TVDb using the provided api key.

    Note: You can register for a free TVDb key at thetvdb.com/?tab=apiregister
    Online docs: api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Authentication/post_login.
    url = "https://api.thetvdb.com/login"
    body = {"apikey": api_key}
    status, content = request_json(url, body=body, cache=False)
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid api key")
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("token"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content["token"]
def omdb_title(
    api_key: str,
    id_imdb: Optional[str] = None,
    media: Optional[str] = None,
    title: Optional[str] = None,
    season: Optional[int] = None,
    episode: Optional[int] = None,
    year: Optional[int] = None,
    plot: Optional[str] = None,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Looks up media by id using the Open Movie Database.

    Online docs: http://www.omdbapi.com/#parameters
    if (not title and not id_imdb) or (title and id_imdb):
        raise MnamerException("either id_imdb or title must be specified")
    elif plot and plot not in OMDB_PLOT_TYPES:
        raise MnamerException("plot must be one of %s" %
    url = "http://www.omdbapi.com"
    parameters = {
        "apikey": api_key,
        "i": id_imdb,
        "t": title,
        "y": year,
        "season": season,
        "episode": episode,
        "type": media,
        "plot": plot,
    parameters = clean_dict(parameters)
    status, content = request_json(url, parameters, cache=cache)
    error = content.get("Error") if isinstance(content, dict) else None
    if status == 401:
        if error == 'Request limit reached!':
            raise MnamerException("API request limit reached")
        raise MnamerException("invalid API key")
    elif status != 200 or not isinstance(content, dict):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("OMDb down or unavailable?")
    elif error:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException(error)
    return content
def tmdb_find(
    api_key: str,
    external_source: str,
    external_id: str,
    language: Optional[Language] = None,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Search for The Movie Database objects using another DB's foreign key.

    Note: language codes aren't checked on this end or by TMDb, so if you
        enter an invalid language code your search itself will succeed, but
        certain fields like synopsis will just be empty.

    Online docs: developers.themoviedb.org/3/find.
    sources = [
        "imdb_id", "freebase_mid", "freebase_id", "tvdb_id", "tvrage_id"
    if external_source not in sources:
        raise MnamerException(f"external_source must be in {sources}")
    if external_source == "imdb_id" and not match(r"tt\d+", external_id):
        raise MnamerException("invalid imdb tt-const value")
    url = "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/find/" + external_id or ""
    parameters = {
        "api_key": api_key,
        "external_source": external_source,
        "language": language,
    keys = [
    status, content = request_json(url, parameters, cache=cache)
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid API key")
    elif status != 200 or not any(content.keys()):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TMDb down or unavailable?")
    elif status == 404 or not any(content.get(k, {}) for k in keys):
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    return content
文件: endpoints.py 项目: toppk/mnamer
def tmdb_movies(
    api_key: str,
    id_tmdb: Union[int, str],
    language: Optional[str] = None,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Lookup a movie item using The Movie Database.

    Online docs: developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies.
    url = f"https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{id_tmdb}"
    parameters = {"api_key": api_key, "language": language}
    status, content = request_json(url, parameters, cache=cache)
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid API key")
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not any(content.keys()):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TMDb down or unavailable?")
    return content
def tvdb_series_id(token: str,
                   id_tvdb: Union[str, int],
                   lang: str = "en",
                   cache: bool = True) -> dict:
    Returns a series records that contains all information known about a
    particular series id.

    Online docs: api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Series/get_series_id.
    if lang not in TVDB_LANGUAGE_CODES:
        raise MnamerException("'lang' must be one of %s" %
    url = f"https://api.thetvdb.com/series/{id_tvdb}"
    headers = {"Accept-Language": lang, "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    status, content = request_json(url, headers=headers, cache=cache)
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("data"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content
def tvdb_episodes_id(token: str,
                     id_tvdb: Union[str, int],
                     lang: str = "en",
                     cache: bool = True) -> dict:
    Returns the full information for a given episode id.

    Online docs: https://api.thetvdb.com/swagger#!/Episodes.
    if lang not in TVDB_LANGUAGE_CODES:
        raise MnamerException("'lang' must be one of %s" %
    url = f"https://api.thetvdb.com/episodes/{id_tvdb}"
    headers = {"Accept-Language": lang, "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
    status, content = request_json(url, headers=headers, cache=cache)
    if status == 401:
        raise MnamerException("invalid token")
    elif status == 404:
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status == 200 and "invalidLanguage" in content.get("errors", {}):
        raise MnamerNotFoundException
    elif status != 200 or not content.get("data"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise MnamerNetworkException("TVDb down or unavailable?")
    return content