class Profiler(object): def __init__(self, file): """ USE with Profiler(""): TO ENABLE PER-PARSER PROFILING :param file: """ self.file = File(file).set_extension("tab") self.previous_parse = None def __enter__(self): timing.clear() self.previous_parse = ParserElement._parse ParserElement._parse = _profile_parse def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): ParserElement._parse = self.previous_parse profile = jx.sort( [{ "parser": text(parser), "cache_hits": cache, "matches": match, "failures": fail, "call_count": match + fail + cache, "total_parse": parse, "total_overhead": all - parse, "per_parse": parse / (match + fail), "per_overhead": (all - parse) / (match + fail + cache), } for parser, (cache, match, fail, parse, all) in timing.items()], {"total_parse": "desc"}, ) self.file.add_suffix("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")).write( convert.list2tab(profile))
def test_suffix(self): test1 = File("tools/test.json") test2 = test1.add_suffix(".backup") test3 = test1.add_suffix("-backup") test4 = test1.set_name("other") self.assertEqual(test1.filename, "tools/test.json") self.assertEqual(test2.filename, "tools/test.backup.json") self.assertEqual(test3.filename, "tools/test.-backup.json") self.assertEqual(test4.filename, "tools/other.json")