def _parse_canonical_dbref(doc):
    """Decode a JSON DBRef to bson.dbref.DBRef."""
    for key in doc:
        if key.startswith('$') and key not in _DBREF_KEYS:
            # Other keys start with $, so dct cannot be parsed as a DBRef.
            return doc
    return DBRef(doc.pop('$ref'),
                 database=doc.pop('$db', None),
def _get_object(data, position, obj_end, opts):
    """Decode a BSON subdocument to opts.document_class or bson.dbref.DBRef."""
    obj_size = _UNPACK_INT(data[position:position + 4])[0]
    end = position + obj_size - 1
    if data[end:position + obj_size] != b"\x00":
        raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
    if end >= obj_end:
        raise InvalidBSON("invalid object length")
    obj = _elements_to_dict(data, position + 4, end, opts)

    position += obj_size
    if "$ref" in obj:
        return (DBRef(obj.pop("$ref"), obj.pop("$id", None),
                      obj.pop("$db", None), obj), position)
    return obj, position
def _get_ref(data, position, obj_end, opts):
    """Decode (deprecated) BSON DBPointer to bson.dbref.DBRef."""
    collection, position = _get_string(data, position, obj_end, opts)
    oid, position = _get_oid(data, position, obj_end, opts)
    return DBRef(collection, oid), position
def object_hook(dct):
    if "$oid" in dct:
        return ObjectId(str(dct["$oid"]))
    if "$ref" in dct:
        return DBRef(dct["$ref"], dct["$id"], dct.get("$db", None))
    if "$date" in dct:
        dtm = dct["$date"]
        # mongoexport 2.6 and newer
        if isinstance(dtm, string_type):
            aware = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                dtm[:23], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f").replace(tzinfo=utc)
            offset = dtm[23:]
            if not offset or offset == 'Z':
                # UTC
                return aware
                if len(offset) == 5:
                    # Offset from mongoexport is in format (+|-)HHMM
                    secs = (int(offset[1:3]) * 3600 + int(offset[3:]) * 60)
                elif ':' in offset and len(offset) == 6:
                    # RFC-3339 format (+|-)HH:MM
                    hours, minutes = offset[1:].split(':')
                    secs = (int(hours) * 3600 + int(minutes) * 60)
                    # Not RFC-3339 compliant or mongoexport output.
                    raise ValueError("invalid format for offset")
                if offset[0] == "-":
                    secs *= -1
                return aware - datetime.timedelta(seconds=secs)
        # mongoexport 2.6 and newer, time before the epoch (SERVER-15275)
        elif isinstance(dtm, collections.Mapping):
            secs = float(dtm["$numberLong"]) / 1000.0
        # mongoexport before 2.6
            secs = float(dtm) / 1000.0
        return EPOCH_AWARE + datetime.timedelta(seconds=secs)
    if "$regex" in dct:
        flags = 0
        # PyMongo always adds $options but some other tools may not.
        for opt in dct.get("$options", ""):
            flags |= _RE_OPT_TABLE.get(opt, 0)
        return Regex(dct["$regex"], flags)
    if "$minKey" in dct:
        return MinKey()
    if "$maxKey" in dct:
        return MaxKey()
    if "$binary" in dct:
        if isinstance(dct["$type"], int):
            dct["$type"] = "%02x" % dct["$type"]
        subtype = int(dct["$type"], 16)
        if subtype >= 0xffffff80:  # Handle mongoexport values
            subtype = int(dct["$type"][6:], 16)
        return Binary(base64.b64decode(dct["$binary"].encode()), subtype)
    if "$code" in dct:
        return Code(dct["$code"], dct.get("$scope"))
    if "$uuid" in dct:
        return uuid.UUID(dct["$uuid"])
    if "$undefined" in dct:
        return None
    if "$numberLong" in dct:
        return Int64(dct["$numberLong"])
    if "$timestamp" in dct:
        tsp = dct["$timestamp"]
        return Timestamp(tsp["t"], tsp["i"])
    return dct