def handle(self, req): path = req.uri[5:] form = FieldStorage(req) strict = form.get('strict', True) if strict in ['false', 'False', '0', None, '']: strict = False mt = form.get('mimeType', '') mt = mt.replace(' ', '+') if not mt: xtn = form.get('extension', '') if xtn: if not srlzHash.has_key(xtn): # can't continue raise ValueError(xtn) else: mt = srlzHash[xtn].mimeType if not mt: try: wanted = req.headers_in['Accept'] mts = conneg.parse(wanted) mt =, mimeList) except: mt = '' if mt: xtn = mimeHash[str(mt)] else: # default to rdf/xml xtn = "rdf.xml" srlz = srlzHash[xtn] if form.has_key('aggregation'): uri = form.get('aggregation') else: uri = path if not uri: data = '<html><body>Instructions etc. goes here</body></html>' self.send(data, req, ct="text/html"); return elif not protoUriRe.match(uri): self.error("Resource Map URI must be a protocol based URI", req) return try: # fetch rd = ReMDocument(uri) except Exception, e: self.error("Could not retrieve Resource Map from '%s': %s" % (uri, e.message), req) return
def handler(req): global db, htmlPath, logPath, cheshirePath, xmlp, recordStore form = FieldStorage(req) try: dir = req.uri[1:].rsplit('/')[1] except IndexError: return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND remote_host = req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_NOLOOKUP) lgr = FileLogger(logPath, remote_host) # lgr.log(req.uri) # lgr.log('directory is %s' % dir) # if dir == 'index.html' : # page = read_file(os.path.join(cheshirePath, 'clic', 'www', 'dickens', 'html', 'index.html')) # req.write(page) # #req.sendfile(os.path.join(cheshirePath, 'clic', 'www', 'dickens', 'html' + dir)) # return apache.OK if dir in ['css', 'js', 'img', 'images']: #raise ValueError(os.path.join(cheshirePath, 'clic', 'www' + req.uri)) req.sendfile(os.path.join(cheshirePath, 'clic', 'www' + req.uri)) return apache.OK else: try: remote_host = req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_NOLOOKUP) # get the remote host's IP for logging os.chdir(htmlPath) # cd to where html fragments are lgr = FileLogger(logPath, remote_host) # Determine whether to use a sub-handler if form.get('operation', None) =='search': handler = SearchHandler(lgr) # initialise handler - with logger for this request elif form.get('operation', None) =='browse': handler = BrowseHandler(lgr) else: req.content_type = "text/html" page = read_file('dickensInterface.html') req.write(page) #return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND return apache.OK # Handle request try: handler.handle(req) finally: # Clean-up # Flush all logged strings to disk try: lgr.flush() except: pass # Delete handler to ensure no state info is retained del lgr, handler except: req.content_type = "text/html" cgitb.Hook(file = req).handle() # give error info return apache.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR else: return apache.OK
def handle(self, req): form = FieldStorage(req) mode = form.get('mode', None) if (mode == 'compare'): page = self.compareIndexes(req) self.send_xml(page, req) elif (mode == 'index') : page = self.getIndexList(req) self.send_xml(page, req) elif (mode == 'statstable') : page = self.getStatsTable(req) self.send_xml(page, req) elif (mode == 'tfp') : page = self.create_TFP(form) self.send_xml(page, req)
def handle(self, req): form = FieldStorage(req) mode = form.get('mode', None) if (mode == 'search'): page = self.send_xml(page,req) elif (mode=='collocates'): page = self.collocates(form) self.send_xml(page,req) elif (mode=='exportkwic'): page = self.exportkwic(form) self.send_txt(page, req) return elif (mode == 'concordance'): page = self.concordance(form) self.send_xml(page, req) elif (mode=='arm'): page = self.arm(form) self.send_xml(page,req) elif (mode=='armtable'): page = self.armTable(form) self.send_xml(page,req) elif (mode=='article'): page = self.articleDisplay(form) self.send_html(page, req) elif (mode=='browse'): page = self.articleBrowse(form) self.send_html(page, req) elif (mode=='sort'): page = self.sort(form) self.send_xml(page, req) elif (mode=='filter'): page = self.filter(form) self.send_xml(page, req) elif (mode=='cfp'): page = self.create_cfp(form) self.send_xml(page, req) else : page = read_file('search.html') self.send_html(page, req)
def handle(self, req): form = FieldStorage(req, True) tmpl = unicode(read_file(self.baseTemplatePath)) title = ' :: '.join(self.htmlTitle) navbar = ' '.join(self.htmlNav) replaceAll = { "%TITLE%": title, "%NAVBAR%": navbar, "%USERNAME%": session.user.username, "%REALNAME%": session.user.realName } tmpl = multiReplace(tmpl, replaceAll) path = req.uri[1:] path = path[path.rfind('/') + 1:] content = None operation = form.get('operation', None) if path.endswith('.js'): self.send_response(read_file(abspath('../js/{0}'.format(path))), req, content_type='text/javascript', code=200 ) return apache.OK elif path == 'users.html': if (operation): if (operation == 'findcontacts'): content = self.get_contactDetails(form) self.send_xml(content, req) return else: if (operation == 'adduser'): content = self.add_user(form) elif (operation == 'addinstitution'): content = self.add_inst(form) elif (operation == 'editinstitution'): content = self.edit_inst(form) elif (operation == 'deleteinst'): content = self.delete_inst(form) elif (operation == 'deleteuser'): content = self.delete_user(form) elif operation in ['edit', 'edituser']: content = self.edit_user(form) else: content = self.show_adminMenu() else: content = self.show_adminMenu() elif path == 'admin': # redirect to make sure later relative links work correctly redirect(req, 'admin/', permanent=False, # TODO: make me True text=("To prevent URL collisions caused by internal " "relative, this service must be accessed at " "admin/" ) ) return else: content = self.show_adminMenu() content = tmpl.replace('%CONTENT%', content) # send the display self.send_html(content, req)
def compareIndexes(self, req): self.logger.log('comparing indexes') start = time.time() form = FieldStorage(req) id = form.get('id','data_grid') offset = str(form.get('offset', 0)) if offset.find('.') != -1: startNum = int(offset[:offset.find('.')]) adjustValue = int(offset[offset.find('.')+1:]) else : startNum = int(offset) adjustValue = 0 howMany = int(form.get('page_size', 100)) indexStrings = form.get('index', None) baseIdx = db.get_object(session, indexForStats) corpusSize = baseIdx.fetch_metadata(session)['nOccs'] indexList = [] addTfp = False # list means we are comparing indexes otherwise its just one # we get the actual index object from the string and store them in indexList if (indexStrings.__class__ == list): if (indexStrings[0].find('gram') == -1): addTfp = True for i in range(0, len(indexStrings)): if indexStrings[i].find('gram') == -1: compareIndex = db.get_object(session, '%s' % indexStrings[i]) else: if indexStrings[i].replace('-idx', '').find('-') == -1: compareIndex = db.get_object(session, 'sentence-idx') else: compareIndex = db.get_object(session, '%s-idx' % indexStrings[i][:indexStrings[i].replace('-idx', '').rfind('-')]) indexList.append((db.get_object(session, '%s' % indexStrings[i]), compareIndex)) else : if (indexStrings.find('gram') == -1): addTfp = True compareIndex = db.get_object(session, '%s' % indexStrings) else: if indexStrings.replace('-idx', '').find('-') == -1: compareIndex = db.get_object(session, 'sentence-idx') else: compareIndex = db.get_object(session, '%s-idx' % indexStrings[:indexStrings.replace('-idx', '').rfind('-')]) indexList.append((db.get_object(session, '%s' % indexStrings), compareIndex)) # indexList.append(db.get_object(session, '%s' % indexStrings)) # output = [] firstIndex = indexList[0][0] firstTotal = indexList[0][1].fetch_metadata(session)['nOccs'] q = qf.get_query(session, 'idx-foo any "bar"') appending = True if startNum < 0 : appending = False startNum = startNum/-1 idxLength = firstIndex.fetch_metadata(session)['nTerms'] completed = False cycles = 0 firstStart = startNum while len(output) < howMany and completed == False: if appending: startNum = int(firstStart+(howMany*cycles)) else: startNum = int(startNum-(howMany*cycles)) cycles += 1 if appending and idxLength-(startNum) <= howMany: completed = True if appending: termList = firstIndex.fetch_termFrequencies(session, 'occ', startNum, min(howMany, idxLength-(startNum)), '>') else: termList = firstIndex.fetch_termFrequencies(session, 'occ', startNum, min(howMany, startNum), '<') for i, t in enumerate(termList): cells = [] word = firstIndex.fetch_termById(session, t[1]) q.term.value = word percentage = round((float(t[2]) / float(firstTotal) * normalizationBase), 2) firstIndexName = indexList[0][0].id[:indexList[0][0].id.find('-idx')] if appending: cells.append('<td>%d</td>' % (i + 1 + startNum)) else: cells.append('<td>%d</td>' % (startNum + 1 - i)) # This try/except/else deals with whether we are viewing one # index or more than one try: indexList[1] except: # A single index if addTfp == True and tfp == True: cells.append('<td><a href="javascript:searchFor(\'%s\', \'%s\')">%s</a></td><td><a href="javascript:tfpFor(\'%s\', \'%s\')">tfp</a></td><td>%s</td>' % (word, firstIndexName, word, word, firstIndexName, percentage)) else : cells.append('<td><a href="javascript:searchFor(\'%s\', \'%s\')">%s</a></td><td>%s</td>' % (word, firstIndexName, word, percentage)) cells.append('<td>%s</td>' % t[2]) # more than one index else: if addTfp == True and tfp == True: cells.append('<td><a href="javascript:searchFor(\'%s\', \'%s\')">%s</a></td><td><a href="javascript:tfpFor(\'%s\', \'%s\')">tfp</a></td><td>%s</td>' % (word, firstIndexName, word, word, firstIndexName, percentage)) else : cells.append('<td><a href="javascript:searchFor(\'%s\', \'%s\')">%s</a></td><td>%s</td>' % (word, firstIndexName, word, percentage)) othersTotal = 0 othersHits = 0 self.logger.log(cells) for j in range(1, len(indexList)): total = indexList[j][1].fetch_metadata(session)['nOccs'] othersTotal += total occs = indexList[j][0].scan(session, q, 1) if (occs[0][0] == word): othersHits += occs[0][1][2] #add each cell normalisedOccs = round((float(occs[0][1][2]) / float(total) * normalizationBase), 2) cells.append('<td>%s</td>' % normalisedOccs) else : cells.append('<td>0</td>') if z : zstat = zscore(othersHits, t[2], othersTotal, indexList[0][1].fetch_metadata(session)['nOccs']) if zstat >= zstatSig: cells.append('<td>%s</td>' % zstat) else : continue output.append('<tr>%s</tr>' % ''.join(cells)) if not appending: output.reverse() # output = output[adjustValue:] (mins, secs) = divmod(time.time()-start, 60) self.logger.log('scanning complete: %s' % secs) return '<ajax-response><response type="object" id="%s_updater"><rows update_ui="true">%s</rows></response></ajax-response>' % (id, ''.join(output))
def search(self, req): global db, idxStore, resultSetStore self.logger.log('search called') start = time.time() form = FieldStorage(req) type_ = form.get('type', None) terms = form.get('terms', None) book = form.get('book', 'all') csCheckbox = form.get('caseSensitive', None) caseSensitive = csCheckbox and "s" or "i" id_ = form.get('id', None) span = int(form.get('span', 0)) wordWindow = int(form.get('windowsize', 10)) gid = form.get('gid', None) if id_: # remove the 'kwic_grid_' that comes from LiveGrid id self.logger.log('ID SUPPLIED DISPLAYING LINES') id_ = id_[10:] start = int(form.get('offset', 0)) howmany = int(form.get('page_size', 100)) return self.kwicDisplay(id_, start, howmany) elif (gid != None): start = int(form.get('offset', 0)) howmany = int(form.get('page_size', 100)) return self.kwicDisplay(gid, start, howmany) else: if (terms == None): self.logger.log('no terms') id_ = '%s|%s|%s|%d|%d|%s|%s|' % (form.get('context', None), type_, multiReplace(terms, {'"' : '*', ' ' : '_', '<' : '(', '>' : ')'}), span, wordWindow, caseSensitive, book) try: rs = resultSetStore.fetch_resultSet(session, id_) except cheshire3.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExistException: if type_ == 'CQL': queryString = terms else: (queryString, idx) = self.build_query(id_) query = qf.get_query(session, queryString) (mins, secs) = divmod(time.time() - start, 60) self.logger.log('%s\nquery parsed: %s' % (queryString, secs)) rs =, query) (mins, secs) = divmod(time.time() - start, 60) self.logger.log('db searched: %s' % secs) # Save ResultSet resultSetStore.begin_storing(session) = id_ resultSetStore.store_resultSet(session, rs) resultSetStore.commit_storing(session) try: totalOccs = rs.totalOccs except: totalOccs = 'unavailable' if totalOccs == 0: totalOccs = 'unavailable' (mins, secs) = divmod(time.time() - start, 60) (hours, mins) = divmod(mins, 60) self.logger.log('search complete: %d:%d:%d' % (hours, mins, secs)) output = '<results><rsid>%s</rsid><totalDocs>%i</totalDocs><totalOccs>%s</totalOccs></results>' % (id_, len(rs), str(totalOccs)) return output
def handle_workflowRequest(self, config, req): postdata = FieldStorage(req) xmlstr = postdata.get('requestxml', None) if not (xmlstr): # throw some sensible error time.sleep(1) req.write('ERROR : No request XML submitted\n') return # else: # self.log.write(xmlstr) doc = document.StringDocument(xmlstr) rec = mdp.process_document(session, doc) self.log.write('rec.get_xml():\n%s\n' % rec.get_xml(session)) dom = rec.get_dom(session) #now do some clever dynamic object stuff wfNode = dom.childNodes[0] wfNode = dom.getElementsByTagName('workflow')[0] wfConf = self._generateWorkflowConfigNode(wfNode) wfobj = SimpleWorkflow(session, wfConf, serv) inputs = dom.getElementsByTagName('inputs')[0] time.sleep(1) if not (wfobj): req.write('ERROR : Junk XML - must contain workflow element\n') return elif not (inputs): req.write('ERROR : Junk XML - must contain inputs element\n') return iCount = 1 wfmsgs = [] self.log.write('inputs:%s\n' % inputs.toxml()) for input in inputs.childNodes: self.log.write('input:%s\n' % input.toxml()) if (input.nodeType == elementType): objectType = input.getAttribute('type') else: continue if objectType == 'document.StringDocument': try: f = postdata.get('file', None) data = f.value except: data = None else: data = input.firstChild.toxml() if not data: req.write('ERROR : No input data provided\n') return time.sleep(5) #req.write('PROGRESS : %s\n' % (objectType)) modName = objectType[:objectType.rfind('.')] clName = objectType[objectType.rfind('.') + 1:] mod = dynamic.globalImport(modName, []) cl = getattr(mod, clName) inobj = cl(data) try: msg = wfobj.process(session, inobj) except ObjectAlreadyExistsException, e: time.sleep(1) req.write( 'ERROR : One or more records in input %d already exist in the database : %s\n' % (iCount, e)) continue except Exception, e: time.sleep(1) msg = e req.write( 'ERROR : Something went wrong while processing input %d : %s\n' % (iCount, e)) continue
def handle_workflowRequest(self, config, req): postdata = FieldStorage(req) xmlstr = postdata.get('requestxml', None) if not (xmlstr): # throw some sensible error time.sleep(1) req.write('ERROR : No request XML submitted\n') return # else: # self.log.write(xmlstr) doc = document.StringDocument(xmlstr) rec = mdp.process_document(session, doc) self.log.write('rec.get_xml():\n%s\n' % rec.get_xml(session)) dom = rec.get_dom(session) #now do some clever dynamic object stuff wfNode = dom.childNodes[0] wfNode = dom.getElementsByTagName('workflow')[0] wfConf = self._generateWorkflowConfigNode(wfNode) wfobj = SimpleWorkflow(session, wfConf, serv) inputs = dom.getElementsByTagName('inputs')[0] time.sleep(1); if not (wfobj): req.write('ERROR : Junk XML - must contain workflow element\n'); return elif not (inputs): req.write('ERROR : Junk XML - must contain inputs element\n'); return iCount = 1 wfmsgs = [] self.log.write('inputs:%s\n' % inputs.toxml()) for input in inputs.childNodes: self.log.write('input:%s\n' % input.toxml()) if (input.nodeType == elementType): objectType = input.getAttribute('type') else: continue if objectType == 'document.StringDocument': try: f = postdata.get('file', None) data = f.value except: data = None else: data = input.firstChild.toxml() if not data: req.write('ERROR : No input data provided\n'); return time.sleep(5); #req.write('PROGRESS : %s\n' % (objectType)) modName = objectType[:objectType.rfind('.')] clName = objectType[objectType.rfind('.')+1:] mod = dynamic.globalImport(modName, []) cl = getattr(mod, clName) inobj = cl(data) try: msg = wfobj.process(session, inobj) except ObjectAlreadyExistsException, e: time.sleep(1); req.write('ERROR : One or more records in input %d already exist in the database : %s\n' % (iCount, e)) continue except Exception, e: time.sleep(1); msg = e req.write('ERROR : Something went wrong while processing input %d : %s\n' % (iCount, e)) continue
def handle(self, req): path = req.uri[5:] form = FieldStorage(req) strict = form.get('strict', True) if strict in ['false', 'False', '0', None, '']: strict = False mt = form.get('mimeType', '') mt = mt.replace(' ', '+') if not mt: xtn = form.get('extension', '') if xtn: if xtn not in srlzHash: # can't continue raise ValueError(xtn) else: mt = srlzHash[xtn].mimeType if not mt: try: wanted = req.headers_in['Accept'] mts = conneg.parse(wanted) mt =, mimeList) except: mt = '' if mt: xtn = mimeHash[str(mt)] else: # default to rdf/xml xtn = "rdf.xml" srlz = srlzHash[xtn] if 'aggregation' in form: uri = form.get('aggregation') else: uri = path if not uri: data = '<html><body>Instructions etc. goes here</body></html>' self.send(data, req, ct="text/html") return elif not protoUriRe.match(uri): self.error("Resource Map URI must be a protocol based URI", req) return try: # fetch rd = ReMDocument(uri) except Exception as e: self.error( "Could not retrieve Resource Map from '%s': %s" % (uri, e.message), req) return try: # parse if rd.format == 'atom': parser = ap elif rd.format == 'rdfa': parser = rdfap else: parser = p if not strict: parser.strict = False try: rem = parser.parse(rd) parser.strict = True except: parser.strict = True raise except OreException as e: # get exception message self.error("Resource Map Invalid: %s" % e.message, req) return except SAXParseException as e: self.error( "Could not parse XML: %s (line %s, column %s)" % (e.getMessage(), e.getLineNumber(), e.getColumnNumber()), req) return except: raise try: # serialize rem2 = rem._aggregation_.register_serialization( srlz, '' % req.uri) rd = rem2.get_serialization() data = if srlz == srlzHash['rdfa.html']: data = '<xhtml xmlns=""><body><i>Invisible RDFa resource map follows, it must have validated okay. [view source] :)</i>' + data + "</body></xhtml>" except Exception as e: self.error( "Could not serialize Aggregation to Resource Map: %s" % e.message, req) return self.send(data, req, ct=srlz.mimeType)