def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user try: sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" cur = con.cursor() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user_= cur.fetchone() sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user_[9], cur) print display("checkout.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user_) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() password = form.getvalue('password') cpass = form.getvalue('confpwd') fname = form.getvalue('fname') lname = form.getvalue('lname') email = form.getvalue('email') email_exists = False #From registration, verifies that password and cpass are the same if(password != cpass): print "Location:\r\n" else: try: cur = con.cursor() # From registration, verifies if email is unique command = "SELECT email FROM Users" cur.execute(command) for i in range(cur.rowcount): row = cur.fetchone() if(email == row[0]): email_exists = True except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() if email_exists: print "Location:\r\n" else: register(fname, lname, email, password)
def main(): try: form = cgi.FieldStorage() email= form.getvalue('email') password = form.getvalue('password') cur = con.cursor() command = "SELECT password FROM Users WHERE email = %s"; cur.execute(command, (email)) row = cur.fetchone() if (row != None): enc_password = row[0] verify = sha512_crypt.verify(password, enc_password) if (verify): sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/')['lastvisit'] = repr(time.time())['user'] = email print "Location:\r\n" else: print "Location:\r\n" else: print "Location:\r\n" except KeyError: print "Location:\r\n"
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') search = form.getvalue('search') genre = form.getvalue('genre') try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() titles = [] if(search != None): put = "ISBN, Title, Price, Publisher, Description, Image" command = "SELECT " + put + " from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookWriter NATURAL JOIN Writers WHERE WriterName LIKE '%" + search + "%'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: if row not in titles: titles.append(row) command = "SELECT " + put + " from ComicBooks WHERE ISBN LIKE '%" + search + "%'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: if row not in titles: titles.append(row) command = "SELECT " + put + " from ComicBooks WHERE Title LIKE '%" + search + "%'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: if row not in titles: titles.append(row) else: search = " " sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("home.html").render(user=user,titles=titles,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,search=search) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() print "Location:"
def register(fname, lname, email, password): enc_password = sha512_crypt.encrypt(password) command = "INSERT INTO Users(FirstName, LastName, Email, Password, DateJoined) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, NOW())" try: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(command, (fname, lname, email, enc_password)) con.commit() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') genre = form.getvalue('genre') publisher = form.getvalue('publisher') try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user = cur.fetchone() if(genre != None): command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE Genre='" + genre + "'" elif (publisher != None) : command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks WHERE Publisher='" + publisher + "'" else: command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) genre_ = [None, None] if (genre != None): command = "SELECT * FROM Genres WHERE Genre = '" + genre + "'"; cur.execute(command) genre_ = cur.fetchone() sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("home.html").render(user=user,titles=titles,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre_[0],genredesc=genre_[1],search=' ',publisher=publisher) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() print "Location:"
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() isbn = form.getvalue("ISBN") try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365 * 24 * 60 * 60, cookie_path="/") lastvisit ="lastvisit") email ="user") print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) user = cur.fetchone() command = "DELETE FROM ComicBooks Where ISBN = '" + isbn + "'" cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) successMsg = "<strong>Success:</strong> Comic Book '" + isbn + "' has been deleted." print display("home.html").render( user=user, titles=titles, sidebar=sidebar, search=" ", genre=None, publisher=None, success=successMsg ) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print "Location:" + isbn + "&error=0\r\n"
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') action = form.getvalue('action') title = form.getvalue('title') desc = form.getvalue('desc') format = form.getvalue('format') length = form.getvalue('length') publisher = form.getvalue('publisher') datepub = form.getvalue('datepub') price = form.getvalue('price') awards = form.getvalue('awards') isbn = form.getvalue('ISBN') genres = form.getlist('genres') illustrators= form.getlist('illustrators') writers= form.getlist('writers') stock = form.getvalue('stock') try: state = "update" cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() if desc != None: desc = desc.replace('\r\n', '<br>') if action == "edit": bookform = [] if isbn != None : bookform = [] command = "SELECT * FROM ComicBooks where ISBN='" + isbn + "'"; cur.execute(command) book = cur.fetchone() for i in book: bookform.append(i) bookform[4] = bookform[4].strip() awards = [] command = "SELECT Award from LiteraryAwards WHERE ISBN='" + isbn + "'" cur.execute(command) award = cur.fetchall() for i in range(len(award)): award_ = award[i][0].strip() awards.append(award_) bookform.append(awards) command = "SELECT WriterName from BookWriter WHERE ISBN='" + isbn + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() writers_= [] for row in rows: writers_.append(row[0]) writers = utilities.getWriters(writers_, cur) command = "SELECT IllustratorName from BookIllustrator WHERE ISBN='" + isbn + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() illustrators_= [] for row in rows: illustrators_.append(row[0]) illustrators = utilities.getIllustrators(illustrators_, cur) command = "SELECT Genre from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE ISBN ='" + book[0] + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() genres_= [] for row in rows: genres_.append(row[0]) genres = utilities.getGenres(genres_, cur) else : writers = utilities.getWriters([], cur) illustrators = utilities.getIllustrators([], cur) genres = utilities.getGenres([], cur) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("comic-book-create-update.html").render(state=state,user=user,sidebar=sidebar,bookform=bookform,genres=genres,writers=writers,illustrators=illustrators) return elif action == "save": update_command = "UPDATE ComicBooks SET " update_command = update_command + " Format = '" + format + "' " update_command = update_command + ", Title = '" + title + "' " update_command = update_command + ", Length = '" + length + "' " update_command = update_command + ", Publisher = '" + publisher + "' " update_command = update_command + ", DatePublished = '" + datepub + "' " update_command = update_command + ", Price = '" + price + "' " update_command = update_command + ", Stock = '" + stock + "' " if desc is None: update_command = update_command + ", Description = null " else : update_command = update_command + """, Description = " """ + desc + """ " """ # upload image is user specified if form.has_key('image_file'): fileitem = form['image_file'] if fileitem.file: extension = os.path.splitext(fileitem.filename)[1] if extension != '' : fout = file ("model/images/cover-" + isbn + extension , 'wb') while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break fout.write(chunk) fout.close() update_command = update_command + ", Image = '" + "model/images/cover-" + isbn + extension + "' " update_command = update_command + " WHERE ISBN = '" + isbn + "'" cur.execute(update_command) command = "DELETE FROM LiteraryAwards Where ISBN = '" + isbn + "'"; cur.execute(command) if awards != None: awards = awards.split(',') for award in awards: insert_command = "INSERT INTO LiteraryAwards(ISBN, Award) VALUES " insert_command = insert_command + "( '" + isbn + """' , " """ + award + """ ")""" cur.execute(insert_command) con.commit() command = "DELETE FROM BookGenre Where ISBN = '" + isbn + "'"; cur.execute(command) con.commit() if genres is not None: for genre in genres: insert_command = "INSERT INTO BookGenre(ISBN, Genre) VALUES " insert_command = insert_command + "( '" + isbn + "' , '" + genre + "')" cur.execute(insert_command) command = "DELETE FROM BookIllustrator Where ISBN = '" + isbn + "'"; cur.execute(command) if illustrators is not None: for illustrator in illustrators: insert_command = "INSERT INTO BookIllustrator(ISBN, IllustratorName) VALUES " insert_command = insert_command + "( '" + isbn + "' , '" + illustrator + "')" cur.execute(insert_command) command = "DELETE FROM BookWriter Where ISBN = '" + isbn + "'"; cur.execute(command) if writers is not None: for writer in writers: insert_command = "INSERT INTO BookWriter(ISBN, WriterName) VALUES " insert_command = insert_command + "( '" + isbn + "' , '" + writer + "')" cur.execute(insert_command) con.commit() print "Location:" + isbn + "&success=1\r\n" except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() userprof = form.getvalue('user') #email of userprofile userprofile = form.getvalue('user') #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user firstname = form.getvalue('first_name') lastname = form.getvalue('last_name') current_password = form.getvalue('current_password') new_password = form.getvalue('new_password') country = form.getvalue('country') birthdate = form.getvalue('birth_date') is_administrator = form.getvalue('is_administrator') #TODO: If current user != email try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" update_command = "UPDATE Users SET FirstName = '" + firstname + "', LastName = '" + lastname + "' " # check if password changed if current_password != new_password : enc_password = sha512_crypt.encrypt(new_password) update_command = update_command + ", Password = '******' " # set country if country is None: update_command = update_command + ", Country = null " else : update_command = update_command + ", Country = '" + country + "' " # set birth date if birthdate is None: update_command = update_command + ", Birthdate = null " else : update_command = update_command + ", Birthdate = '" + birthdate + "' " # upload image is user specified if form.has_key('image_file'): fileitem = form['image_file'] if fileitem.file : extension = os.path.splitext(fileitem.filename)[1] if extension != '' : fout = file ("model/users/" + userprof + extension , 'wb') while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break fout.write(chunk) fout.close() update_command = update_command + ", Image = '" + "model/users/" + userprof + extension + "' " # set is administrator if is_administrator is not None: update_command = update_command + ", IsAdmin = '" + is_administrator + " '" update_command = update_command + "WHERE Email = '" + userprof + "'" cur.execute(update_command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() # command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + userprof + "'"; cur.execute(command) userprof = cur.fetchone() # command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN UserCart WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) # Retrieve Pending Orders command = "SELECT o.OrderID, OrderDate, Quantity, cb.ISBN, cb.Title, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM Orders o, BookOrder bo, ComicBooks cb " + \ "WHERE o.OrderID = bo.OrderID " + \ " AND bo.ISBN = cb.ISBN " + \ " AND o.Status in ('Paid', 'Shipped') " + \ " AND o.CustomerEmail = '" + userprofile + "' " + \ "ORDER BY OrderDate DESC" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() pendingOrders = [] i=0 while i < len(rows) : j = i + 1 bookHTML = str(rows[i][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[i][3]) + '">' + str(rows[i][4]) + \ ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' while j < len(rows) and (rows[i][0]==rows[j][0]): bookHTML = bookHTML + '<br/>' + str(rows[j][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[j][3]) + '">' + \ str(rows[j][4]) + ' (' +str(rows[j][3]) + ')</a>' j = j + 1 pendingOrders.append( [rows[i][0], rows[i][1], bookHTML, rows[i][5], rows[i][6]] ) i = j # Retrieve 3 Latest Completed Orders command = "SELECT o.OrderID, OrderDate, Quantity, cb.ISBN, cb.Title, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM BookOrder bo, ComicBooks cb, " + \ "(SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM Orders WHERE Status in ('Delivered', 'Canceled') AND CustomerEmail = '" + userprofile + "' " + \ "ORDER BY OrderDate DESC LIMIT 3) o " + \ "WHERE o.OrderID = bo.OrderID AND bo.ISBN = cb.ISBN" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() completedOrders = [] i=0 while i < len(rows) : j = i + 1 bookHTML = str(rows[i][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[i][3]) + '">' + str(rows[i][4]) + \ ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' while j < len(rows) and (rows[i][0]==rows[j][0]): bookHTML = bookHTML + '<br/>' + str(rows[j][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[j][3]) + '">' + \ str(rows[j][4]) + ' (' +str(rows[j][3]) + ')</a>' j = j + 1 completedOrders.append( [rows[i][0], rows[i][1], bookHTML, rows[i][5], rows[i][6]] ) i = j sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) successmsg = '<strong>Success:</strong> User Profile has been updated.' print display("user-profile.html").render(user=user,userprof=userprof,sidebar=sidebar,titles=titles,pendingOrders=pendingOrders,completedOrders=completedOrders,success=successmsg) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') illustrator = form.getvalue('illustrator') #TODO: For fname, lname == None redirect to login page #TODO: Implement sessions using Cookies try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() command = "DELETE FROM Illustrators Where IllustratorName = '" + illustrator + "'"; cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) successMsg = "<strong>Success:</strong> Illustrator '" + illustrator + "' has been deleted." print display("home.html").render(user=user,titles=titles,sidebar=sidebar,search=' ',genre=None,publisher=None, success=successMsg) except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() command = "SELECT * from Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName ='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) illustrator_ = cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT ISBN, Title, Price, Image from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator NATURAL JOIN Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) command = "SELECT Genre from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator WHERE IllustratorName ='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) genres = cur.fetchall() genres_ = [] for genre in genres: if genre not in genres_: genres_.append(genre) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) #print display("home.html").render(user=user,sidebar=sidebar,error=e.args[1]) if 'FOREIGN KEY' in e.args[1] : errMsg = '<strong>Database Error:</strong> Foreign key constraint violated. Make sure to remove child records first.' else : errMsg = e.args[1] print display("illustrator-profile.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user,illustrator=illustrator_,titles=titles,genres=genres_,error=errMsg)
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() ISBN = form.getvalue('ISBN') code = form.getvalue('success') err = form.getvalue('error') try: cur = con.cursor() success = None error = None if code == '1': success = '<strong>Success: </strong> Comic Book successfully updated.' elif code == '2': success = '<strong>Success: </strong> Comic Book successfully created.' if err == '0': error = '<strong>Database Error:</strong> Foreign key constraint violated. Make sure to remove child records first.' sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" books = [] command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks WHERE ISBN='" + ISBN + "'" cur.execute(command) book = cur.fetchone() for i in range(len(book)): books.append(book[i]) awards = [] command = "SELECT Award from LiteraryAwards WHERE ISBN='" + ISBN + "'" cur.execute(command) award = cur.fetchall() for i in range(len(award)): awards.append(award[i][0]) books.append(awards) command = "SELECT WriterName from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookWriter NATURAL JOIN Writers WHERE ISBN ='" + book[0] + "'" cur.execute(command) writers = cur.fetchall() command = "SELECT IllustratorName from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator NATURAL JOIN Illustrators WHERE ISBN ='" + book[0] + "'" cur.execute(command) illustrators= cur.fetchall() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user = cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT Genre from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE ISBN ='" + book[0] + "'" cur.execute(command) genres = cur.fetchall() book_exists = False command = "SELECT * FROM UserCart WHERE Email=%s AND ISBN=%s" cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(command, (email, ISBN)) book_ = cur.fetchone() if (book_ != None): book_exists = True book_owned = False command = "SELECT 1 from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN UserOwned WHERE Email=%s AND ISBN=%s" cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(command, (email, ISBN)) book_ = cur.fetchone() if (book_ != None): book_owned = True sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) print display("comic-book-item.html").render(error=error,success=success,book=books,user=user,sidebar=sidebar,writers=writers,illustrators=illustrators,genres=genres,book_exists=book_exists,book_owned=book_owned) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() print "Location:"
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() userprofile = form.getvalue('user') #email of userprofile #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user action = form.getvalue('action') # action #TODO: If current user != email try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user = cur.fetchone() # if action != 'create' : command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + userprofile + "'"; cur.execute(command) userprof = cur.fetchone() # command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN UserCart WHERE Email='" + userprofile + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) # Retrieve Pending Orders command = "SELECT o.OrderID, OrderDate, Quantity, cb.ISBN, cb.Title, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM Orders o, BookOrder bo, ComicBooks cb " + \ "WHERE o.OrderID = bo.OrderID " + \ " AND bo.ISBN = cb.ISBN " + \ " AND o.Status in ('Paid', 'Shipped') " + \ " AND o.CustomerEmail = '" + userprofile + "' " + \ "ORDER BY OrderDate DESC" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() pendingOrders = [] i=0 while i < len(rows) : j = i + 1 bookHTML = str(rows[i][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[i][3]) + '">' + str(rows[i][4]) + \ ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' while j < len(rows) and (rows[i][0]==rows[j][0]): bookHTML = bookHTML + '<br/>' + str(rows[j][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[j][3]) + '">' + \ str(rows[j][4]) + ' (' +str(rows[j][3]) + ')</a>' j = j + 1 pendingOrders.append( [rows[i][0], rows[i][1], bookHTML, rows[i][5], rows[i][6]] ) i = j # Retrieve 3 Latest Completed Orders command = "SELECT o.OrderID, OrderDate, Quantity, cb.ISBN, cb.Title, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM BookOrder bo, ComicBooks cb, " + \ "(SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM Orders WHERE Status in ('Delivered', 'Canceled') AND CustomerEmail = '" + userprofile + "' " + \ "ORDER BY OrderDate DESC LIMIT 3) o " + \ "WHERE o.OrderID = bo.OrderID AND bo.ISBN = cb.ISBN" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() completedOrders = [] i=0 while i < len(rows) : j = i + 1 bookHTML = str(rows[i][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[i][3]) + '">' + str(rows[i][4]) + \ ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' while j < len(rows) and (rows[i][0]==rows[j][0]): bookHTML = bookHTML + '<br/>' + str(rows[j][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[j][3]) + '">' + \ str(rows[j][4]) + ' (' +str(rows[j][3]) + ')</a>' j = j + 1 completedOrders.append( [rows[i][0], rows[i][1], bookHTML, rows[i][5], rows[i][6]] ) i = j sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) if action == 'edit': countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(userprof[5]) print display("user-profile-edit.html").render(user=user,userprof=userprof,sidebar=sidebar,countryDropDown=countryDropDown) elif action == 'create': countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(None) print display("user-profile-create.html").render(user=user,createform=None,sidebar=sidebar,countryDropDown=countryDropDown) else : print display("user-profile.html").render(user=user,userprof=userprof,sidebar=sidebar,titles=titles,pendingOrders=pendingOrders,completedOrders=completedOrders) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #userprof_form = form.getvalue('user') #email of userprofile #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user name = form.getvalue('name') born = form.getvalue('country') birthdate = form.getvalue('birth_date') gender = form.getvalue('gender') description = form.getvalue('desc') illustratorbooks = form.getlist('illustratorbooks') #TODO: If current user != email try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT * from Illustrators WHERE lower(IllustratorName)=lower('" + name + "')" cur.execute(command) writer_ = cur.fetchone() sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) if writer_ is not None : createform = [] createform.append(name) createform.append(birthdate) createform.append(gender) createform.append(description) error = '<strong>Database Error:</strong> Illustrator with name ' + name + ' already exists.' countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(born) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems(illustratorbooks, cur) print display("illustrator-profile-create.html").render(user=user,createform=createform,sidebar=sidebar,countryDropDown=countryDropDown,error=error,bookitems=bookitems) else : # Required Fields insert_command_1 = "INSERT INTO Illustrators(IllustratorName " insert_command_2 = "VALUES ( '" + name + "'" # Born / Country if born is not None: insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Born " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + born + "' " # Birthdate if birthdate is not None: insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Birthdate " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + birthdate + "' " # Gender if gender is not None : insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Gender " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + gender + "' " # Description if description is not None: insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", IllustratorDescription " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + description + "' " # upload image is user specified if form.has_key('image_file'): fileitem = form['image_file'] if fileitem.file : extension = os.path.splitext(fileitem.filename)[1] if extension != '' : fout = file ("model/writers/illustrator-" + name + extension , 'wb') while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break fout.write(chunk) fout.close() insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", IllustratorImage " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + ", 'model/writers/illustrator-" + name + extension + "' " insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ") " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + ") " cur.execute(insert_command_1 + insert_command_2) # Associate Books to Writer for book in illustratorbooks: command = "INSERT INTO BookIllustrator(ISBN, IllustratorName) VALUES (" + book + ",'" + name + "')" cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user_= cur.fetchone() # command = "SELECT * from Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName ='" + name + "'" cur.execute(command) illustrator_ = cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT ISBN, Title, Price, Image from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator NATURAL JOIN Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName='" + name + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) command = "SELECT Genre from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator WHERE IllustratorName ='" + name + "'" cur.execute(command) genres = cur.fetchall() genres_ = [] for genre in genres: if genre not in genres_: genres_.append(genre) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) successmsg = '<strong>Success:</strong> Illustrator has been created.' print display("illustrator-profile.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user_,illustrator=illustrator_,titles=titles,genres=genres_,success=successmsg) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user book = form.getvalue('ISBN') action = form.getvalue('action') total = 0.0 try: sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie # Checks if book already exists in cart command = "SELECT * FROM UserCart WHERE Email=%s AND ISBN=%s" cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(command, (email, book)) book_ = cur.fetchone() if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" #Delete book into user's cart if book_ != None: if action == 'subtract' : quantity = 1 command = "UPDATE UserCart SET Quantity = Quantity - 1 WHERE Email=%s AND ISBN=%s" else : # Check quantity first command = "SELECT QUANTITY FROM UserCart WHERE Email=%s AND ISBN=%s" cur.execute(command, (email, book)) row = cur.fetchone() quantity = row[0] command = "DELETE FROM UserCart WHERE Email=%s AND ISBN=%s" cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(command, (email, book)) command = "SELECT TotalCost from Users WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) row = cur.fetchone() total = row[0] command = "SELECT Price from ComicBooks WHERE ISBN='" + book + "'" cur.execute(command) row = cur.fetchone() price = row[0] if (total >= price): total = total - (price*quantity) else: total = 0 command = "UPDATE Users SET TotalCost=%s WHERE Email=%s" cur.execute(command, (total, email)) con.commit() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT ISBN, Title, Price, Format, Quantity, Stock from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN UserCart WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles_temp = [] for row in rows: titles_temp.append(row) titles = [] total = 0 for title in titles_temp: #command = "SELECT WriterName from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookWriter NATURAL JOIN Writers WHERE ISBN='" + title[0] + "'" #cur.execute(command) #row = cur.fetchone() new_title = title #+ (row) titles.append(new_title) command = "SELECT TotalCost from Users WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) row = cur.fetchone() total = row[0] sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) print display("shopping-cart.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user,titles=titles,total=total) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() action = form.getvalue('action') isbn = form.getvalue('ISBN') title = form.getvalue('title') desc = form.getvalue('desc') format = form.getvalue('format') length = form.getvalue('length') publisher = form.getvalue('publisher') datepub = form.getvalue('datepub') price = form.getvalue('price') awards = form.getvalue('awards') genres = form.getlist('genres') illustrators= form.getlist('illustrators') writers= form.getlist('writers') stock = form.getvalue('stock') try: state = "create" cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if desc != None: desc = desc.replace("\r\n", '<br>') if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() if action == "create": bookform = [] writers = utilities.getWriters([], cur) illustrators = utilities.getIllustrators([], cur) genres = utilities.getGenres([], cur) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("comic-book-create-update.html").render(state=state,user=user,sidebar=sidebar,bookform=bookform,genres=genres,writers=writers,illustrators=illustrators) return sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("comic-book-create-update.html").render(user=user,sidebar=sidebar,bookform=bookform,genres=genres,writers=writers,illustrators=illustrators) return elif action == "save": if isbn != None : command = "SELECT ISBN from ComicBooks where ISBN = '" + isbn + "'" cur.execute(command) bookRecord = cur.fetchone() if bookRecord is not None: bookform = [] bookform.append(isbn) bookform.append(title) bookform.append(price) bookform.append(publisher) bookform.append(desc) bookform.append(" ") bookform.append(datepub) bookform.append(length) bookform.append(format) writers_= [] for writer in writers: writers_.append(writer) writers = utilities.getWriters(writers_, cur) illustrators_= [] for illustrator in illustrators: illustrators_.append(illustrator) illustrators = utilities.getIllustrators(illustrators_, cur) genres_= [] for genre in genres: genres_.append(genre) genres = utilities.getGenres(genres_, cur) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) error = "Comic book " + isbn + " already exists! Provide another comic book." print display("comic-book-create-update.html").render(state="create",user=user,sidebar=sidebar,bookform=bookform,genres=genres,writers=writers,illustrators=illustrators,error=error) else : insert_command = "INSERT INTO ComicBooks(ISBN, Description, Title, Price, Publisher, DatePublished, Length, Format, Stock) VALUES" insert_command = insert_command + "(" insert_command = insert_command + "'" + isbn + "'," insert_command = insert_command + """ " """ + desc + """ " """ + ", '" + title + "','" + price + "','" + publisher + "','" + datepub + "','" + length + "','" + format + "','" + stock + "')" cur.execute(insert_command) # upload image is user specified if form.has_key('image_file'): update_command = "UPDATE ComicBooks SET " fileitem = form['image_file'] if fileitem.file: extension = os.path.splitext(fileitem.filename)[1] if extension != '' : fout = file ("model/images/cover-" + isbn + extension , 'wb') while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break fout.write(chunk) fout.close() update_command = update_command + "Image = '" + "model/images/cover-" + isbn + extension + "' " update_command = update_command + " WHERE ISBN = '" + isbn + "'" cur.execute(update_command) if awards != None: awards = awards.split(',') for award in awards: insert_command = "INSERT INTO LiteraryAwards(ISBN, Award) VALUES " insert_command = insert_command + "( '" + isbn + """' , " """ + award + """ ")""" cur.execute(insert_command) if genres is not None: for genre in genres: insert_command = "INSERT INTO BookGenre(ISBN, Genre) VALUES " insert_command = insert_command + "( '" + isbn + "' , '" + genre + "')" cur.execute(insert_command) if illustrators is not None: for illustrator in illustrators: insert_command = "INSERT INTO BookIllustrator(ISBN, IllustratorName) VALUES " insert_command = insert_command + "( '" + isbn + "' , '" + illustrator + "')" cur.execute(insert_command) if writers is not None: for writer in writers: insert_command = "INSERT INTO BookWriter(ISBN, WriterName) VALUES " insert_command = insert_command + "( '" + isbn + "' , '" + writer + "')" cur.execute(insert_command) con.commit() print "Location:" + isbn + "&success=2\r\n" except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() invaidPageError()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user book = form.getvalue('ISBN') try: sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" # Checks if book already exists in cart command = "SELECT * FROM UserCart WHERE Email=%s AND ISBN=%s" cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(command, (email, book)) book_ = cur.fetchone() # Insert book into user's cart if book_ == None: command = "INSERT INTO UserCart(Email, ISBN) VALUES(%s, %s)" cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(command, (email, book)) # Increment quantity else : command = "UPDATE UserCart SET Quantity = Quantity + 1 WHERE Email = '" + email + "' AND ISBN = " + book cur.execute(command) #update total price command = "SELECT TotalCost from Users WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) row = cur.fetchone() total = row[0] if total == None: total = 0 command = "SELECT Price from ComicBooks WHERE ISBN='" + book + "'" cur.execute(command) row = cur.fetchone() price = row[0] total = total + price command = "UPDATE Users SET TotalCost='" + str(total) + "' WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user = cur.fetchone() #Get titles of ComicBooks in cart command = "SELECT ISBN, Title, Price, Format, Quantity, Stock from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN UserCart WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles_temp = [] for row in rows: titles_temp.append(row) titles = [] total = 0 for title in titles_temp: #command = "SELECT WriterName from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookWriter NATURAL JOIN Writers WHERE ISBN='" + title[0] + "'" #cur.execute(command) #row = cur.fetchone() new_title = title # + (row) titles.append(new_title) command = "SELECT TotalCost from Users WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) row = cur.fetchone() total = row[0] sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) print display("shopping-cart.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user,titles=titles,total=total) print format sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() userprof_form = form.getvalue('user') #email of userprofile email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user firstname = form.getvalue('first_name') lastname = form.getvalue('last_name') password = form.getvalue('password') country = form.getvalue('country') birthdate = form.getvalue('birth_date') is_administrator = form.getvalue('is_administrator') #TODO: If current user != email try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + userprof_form + "'"; cur.execute(command) userprof= cur.fetchone() sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) if userprof is not None : createform = [] createform.append(userprof_form) createform.append(firstname) createform.append(lastname) createform.append(password) createform.append(birthdate) createform.append(is_administrator) error = '<strong>Database Error:</strong> User with email ' + userprof_form + ' already exists.' countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(country) print display("user-profile-create.html").render(user=user,createform=createform,sidebar=sidebar,countryDropDown=countryDropDown,error=error) else : # Required Fields enc_password = sha512_crypt.encrypt(password) insert_command_1 = "INSERT INTO Users(FirstName, LastName, Email, Password, IsAdmin, Datejoined " insert_command_2 = "VALUES ( '" + firstname + "','" + lastname + "','" + userprof_form + "','" + enc_password + "','" + is_administrator + "', NOW() " # Country if country is not None: insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Country " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + country + "' " # Birthdate if birthdate is not None: insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Birthdate " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + " ,'" + birthdate + "' " # upload image is user specified if form.has_key('image_file'): fileitem = form['image_file'] if fileitem.file : extension = os.path.splitext(fileitem.filename)[1] if extension != '' : fout = file ("model/users/" + userprof_form + extension , 'wb') while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break fout.write(chunk) fout.close() insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ", Image " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + ", 'model/users/" + userprof_form + extension + "' " insert_command_1 = insert_command_1 + ") " insert_command_2 = insert_command_2 + ") " cur.execute(insert_command_1 + insert_command_2) con.commit() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + userprof_form + "'"; cur.execute(command) userprof = cur.fetchone() # sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) successmsg = '<strong>Success:</strong> User has been created.' print display("user-profile.html").render(user=user,userprof=userprof,sidebar=sidebar,titles=[],success=successmsg) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() action = form.getvalue('action') # action order = form.getvalue('order') success = None error = None try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user = cur.fetchone() # if action == 'ship' : command = "UPDATE Orders SET Status = 'Shipped' WHERE OrderID = " + order cur.execute(command) con.commit() success = "<strong>Success: </strong> Order with Order ID " + order + " has been marked as Shipped." elif action == 'deliver' : command = "UPDATE Orders SET Status = 'Delivered' WHERE OrderID = " + order cur.execute(command) con.commit() success = "<strong>Success: </strong> Order with Order ID " + order + " has been marked as Delivered." elif action == 'cancel' : command = "UPDATE Orders SET Status = 'Canceled' WHERE OrderID = " + order cur.execute(command) con.commit() success = "<strong>Success: </strong> Order with Order ID " + order + " has been Canceled." # Retrieve Paid Orders command = "SELECT o.OrderID, OrderDate, Quantity, cb.ISBN, cb.Title, DeliveryAddress, o.CustomerEmail, u.FirstName, u.LastName " + \ "FROM Orders o, BookOrder bo, ComicBooks cb, Users u " + \ "WHERE o.OrderID = bo.OrderID " + \ " AND bo.ISBN = cb.ISBN " + \ " AND o.Status in ('Paid') " + \ " AND u.Email = o.CustomerEmail " + \ "ORDER BY OrderDate" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() paidOrders = [] i=0 while i < len(rows) : j = i + 1 userHTML = '<a href="'******'">' + rows[i][7] + ' ' + rows[i][8] + \ '</a>' bookHTML = str(rows[i][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[i][3]) + '">' + str(rows[i][4]) + \ ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' while j < len(rows) and (rows[i][0]==rows[j][0]): bookHTML = bookHTML + '<br/>' + str(rows[j][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[j][3]) + '">' + \ str(rows[j][4]) + ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' j = j + 1 paidOrders.append( [rows[i][0], rows[i][1], bookHTML, rows[i][5], userHTML] ) i = j # Retrieve Shipped Orders command = "SELECT o.OrderID, OrderDate, Quantity, cb.ISBN, cb.Title, DeliveryAddress, o.CustomerEmail, u.FirstName, u.LastName " + \ "FROM Orders o, BookOrder bo, ComicBooks cb, Users u " + \ "WHERE o.OrderID = bo.OrderID " + \ " AND bo.ISBN = cb.ISBN " + \ " AND o.Status in ('Shipped') " + \ " AND u.Email = o.CustomerEmail " + \ "ORDER BY OrderDate" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() shippedOrders = [] i=0 while i < len(rows) : j = i + 1 userHTML = '<a href="'******'">' + rows[i][7] + ' ' + rows[i][8] + \ '</a>' bookHTML = str(rows[i][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[i][3]) + '">' + str(rows[i][4]) + \ ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' while j < len(rows) and (rows[i][0]==rows[j][0]): bookHTML = bookHTML + '<br/>' + str(rows[j][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[j][3]) + '">' + \ str(rows[j][4]) + ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' j = j + 1 shippedOrders.append( [rows[i][0], rows[i][1], bookHTML, rows[i][5], userHTML] ) i = j sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user[9], cur) print display("orders-fulfillment.html").render(user=user,sidebar=sidebar,paidOrders=paidOrders,shippedOrders=shippedOrders,success=success,error=error) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') genre = form.getvalue('genre') action = form.getvalue('action') genredesc = form.getvalue('genredesc') genrecreate = form.getvalue('genrecreate') genrebooks = form.getlist('genrebooks') try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() if action == None : if genre != None : command = "SELECT * FROM Genres where Genre='" + genre + "'"; cur.execute(command) genreform= cur.fetchone() # Get books associated with genre command = "SELECT ISBN from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE Genre='" + genre + "' order by Title" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row[0]) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems(titles, cur) else : genreform = None bookitems = utilities.getBookItems([], cur) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("genre-create-update.html").render(user=user,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,genreform=genreform,bookitems=bookitems) return else : # Update if genre != None : update_command = "UPDATE Genres SET " if genredesc == None: update_command = update_command + " GenreDesc = NULL " else : update_command = update_command + " GenreDesc = '" + genredesc + "' " update_command = update_command + " WHERE Genre = '" + genre + "'" cur.execute(update_command) command = "DELETE FROM BookGenre WHERE Genre = '" + genre + "'" cur.execute(command) # Associate Books to Genre for book in genrebooks: command = "INSERT INTO BookGenre(ISBN, Genre) VALUES (" + book + ",'" + genre + "')" cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE Genre='" + genre + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) success = '<strong>Success: </strong> Genre has been updated.' print display("home.html").render(user=user,titles=titles,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,genredesc=genredesc,search=' ',success=success) else : # Check if genre exists command = "SELECT Genre from Genres where Genre = '" + genrecreate + "'" cur.execute(command) genreRecord = cur.fetchone() if genreRecord is not None: genreform = [] genreform.append(genrecreate) genreform.append(genredesc) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems(genrebooks, cur) error = "<strong>Database Error:</strong> Genre " + genrecreate + " already exists! Provide another genre name." sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) print display("genre-create-update.html").render(user=user,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,genreform=genreform,bookitems=bookitems,error=error) else : insert_command = "INSERT INTO Genres(Genre, GenreDesc) VALUES ('" + genrecreate + "','" + genredesc + "') " cur.execute(insert_command) # Associate Books to Genre for book in genrebooks: command = "INSERT INTO BookGenre(ISBN, Genre) VALUES (" + book + ",'" + genrecreate + "')" cur.execute(command) con.commit() genre = genrecreate command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre WHERE Genre='" + genre + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) success = '<strong>Success: </strong> Genre ' + genrecreate + ' has been created.' print display("home.html").render(user=user,titles=titles,sidebar=sidebar,genre=genre,genredesc=genredesc,search=' ',success=success) except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() illustrator= form.getvalue('illustrator') #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user action = form.getvalue('action') # action try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user_= cur.fetchone() # if action != 'create' : command = "SELECT * from Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName ='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) illustrator_ = cur.fetchone() command = "SELECT ISBN, Title, Price, Image from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator NATURAL JOIN Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) command = "SELECT Genre from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator WHERE IllustratorName ='" + illustrator + "'" cur.execute(command) genres = cur.fetchall() genres_ = [] for genre in genres: if genre not in genres_: genres_.append(genre) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user_[9], cur) if action == 'create' : countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(None) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems([], cur) print display("illustrator-profile-create.html").render(user=user_,createform=None,sidebar=sidebar,bookitems=bookitems,countryDropDown=countryDropDown) elif action == 'edit': countryDropDown = utilities.generateCountryDropDown(illustrator_[3]) selectedBooks = [] for title in titles : selectedBooks.append(title[0]) bookitems = utilities.getBookItems(selectedBooks, cur) print display("illustrator-profile-edit.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user_,illustrator=illustrator_,bookitems=bookitems,countryDropDown=countryDropDown) else : print display("illustrator-profile.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user_,illustrator=illustrator_,titles=titles,genres=genres_) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user creditcard = form.getvalue("creditcard") deliveryaddress = form.getvalue("deliveryaddress") try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" update_command = "UPDATE Users SET TotalCost='0.00' WHERE Email = '" + email + "'" cur.execute(update_command) command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user_= cur.fetchone() # Create order record and retrieve its OrderID command = "INSERT INTO Orders(OrderDate, CustomerEmail, DeliveryAddress, Status) VALUES( NOW(), '" + email + "','" + deliveryaddress + "','Paid')" cur.execute(command) command = "SELECT max(OrderID) FROM Orders where CustomerEmail ='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) orderID = cur.fetchone()[0] # Retrieve books in User Cart command = "SELECT ISBN, Quantity from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN UserCart WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() #bookorders = [] #for row in rows: #bookorders.append(row) for book in rows: # Add Book to Order command = "INSERT INTO BookOrder(ISBN,OrderID,Quantity) values(" + book[0] + "," + str(orderID) + "," + str(book[1]) + ")" cur.execute(command) # Update Stock count of the comic book command = "UPDATE ComicBooks SET Stock = Stock - " + str(book[1]) + " WHERE ISBN = '" + book[0] + "'" cur.execute(command) # Empty User Cart command = "DELETE FROM UserCart WHERE Email='" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) con.commit() sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email,user_[9], cur) print display("success.html").render(sidebar=sidebar,user=user_) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() userprof = form.getvalue("user") # email of userprofile # email = form.getvalue('email') #email of current user name = form.getvalue("name") born = form.getvalue("country") birthdate = form.getvalue("birth_date") gender = form.getvalue("gender") description = form.getvalue("desc") illustratorbooks = form.getlist("illustratorbooks") # TODO: If current user != email try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365 * 24 * 60 * 60, cookie_path="/") lastvisit ="lastvisit") email ="user") print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" if description != None: description = description.replace("\r\n", "<br>") update_command = "UPDATE Illustrators SET " # set gender update_command = update_command + " Gender = '" + gender + "' " # set description if description is None: update_command = update_command + ", IllustratorDescription = null " else: update_command = update_command + ", IllustratorDescription = '" + description + "' " # set country if born is None: update_command = update_command + ", Born = null " else: update_command = update_command + ", Born = '" + born + "' " # set birth date if birthdate is None: update_command = update_command + ", Birthdate = null " else: update_command = update_command + ", Birthdate = '" + birthdate + "' " # upload image is user specified if form.has_key("image_file"): fileitem = form["image_file"] if fileitem.file: extension = os.path.splitext(fileitem.filename)[1] if extension != "": fout = file("model/writers/illustrator-" + name + extension, "wb") while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break fout.write(chunk) fout.close() update_command = ( update_command + ", IllustratorImage = '" + "model/writers/illustrator-" + name + extension + "' " ) update_command = update_command + "WHERE IllustratorName = '" + name + "'" cur.execute(update_command) # Associate Books to Writer command = "DELETE FROM BookIllustrator WHERE IllustratorName = '" + name + "'" cur.execute(command) for book in illustratorbooks: command = "INSERT INTO BookIllustrator(ISBN, IllustratorName) VALUES (" + book + ",'" + name + "')" cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'" cur.execute(command) user_ = cur.fetchone() # command = "SELECT * from Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName ='" + name + "'" cur.execute(command) illustrator_ = cur.fetchone() command = ( "SELECT ISBN, Title, Price, Image from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator NATURAL JOIN Illustrators WHERE IllustratorName='" + name + "'" ) cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) command = ( "SELECT Genre from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN BookGenre NATURAL JOIN BookIllustrator WHERE IllustratorName ='" + name + "'" ) cur.execute(command) genres = cur.fetchall() genres_ = [] for genre in genres: if genre not in genres_: genres_.append(genre) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user_[9], cur) successmsg = "<strong>Success:</strong> Illustrator has been saved." print display("illustrator-profile.html").render( sidebar=sidebar, user=user_, illustrator=illustrator_, titles=titles, genres=genres_, success=successmsg ) sess.close() except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback()
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() #email = form.getvalue('email') userprofile = form.getvalue('user') #TODO: For fname, lname == None redirect to login page #TODO: Implement sessions using Cookies try: cur = con.cursor() sess = session.Session(expires=365*24*60*60, cookie_path='/') lastvisit ='lastvisit') email='user') print sess.cookie if email is None: print "Location:\r\n" command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + email + "'"; cur.execute(command) user= cur.fetchone() command = "DELETE FROM Users Where Email = '" + userprofile + "'"; cur.execute(command) con.commit() command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) successMsg = "<strong>Success:</strong> User with email '" + userprofile + "' has been deleted." print display("home.html").render(user=user,titles=titles,sidebar=sidebar,search=' ',genre=None,publisher=None, success=successMsg) except mdb.Error, e: if con: con.rollback() command = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" + userprofile + "'"; cur.execute(command) userprof = cur.fetchone() # command = "SELECT * from ComicBooks NATURAL JOIN UserCart WHERE Email='" + userprofile + "'" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() titles = [] for row in rows: titles.append(row) # Retrieve Pending Orders command = "SELECT o.OrderID, OrderDate, Quantity, cb.ISBN, cb.Title, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM Orders o, BookOrder bo, ComicBooks cb " + \ "WHERE o.OrderID = bo.OrderID " + \ " AND bo.ISBN = cb.ISBN " + \ " AND o.Status in ('Paid', 'Shipped') " + \ " AND o.CustomerEmail = '" + userprofile + "' " + \ "ORDER BY OrderDate DESC" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() pendingOrders = [] i=0 while i < len(rows) : j = i + 1 bookHTML = str(rows[i][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[i][3]) + '">' + str(rows[i][4]) + \ ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' while j < len(rows) and (rows[i][0]==rows[j][0]): bookHTML = bookHTML + '<br/>' + str(rows[j][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[j][3]) + '">' + \ str(rows[j][4]) + ' (' +str(rows[j][3]) + ')</a>' j = j + 1 pendingOrders.append( [rows[i][0], rows[i][1], bookHTML, rows[i][5], rows[i][6]] ) i = j # Retrieve 3 Latest Completed Orders command = "SELECT o.OrderID, OrderDate, Quantity, cb.ISBN, cb.Title, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM BookOrder bo, ComicBooks cb, " + \ "(SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, DeliveryAddress, Status " + \ "FROM Orders WHERE Status in ('Delivered', 'Canceled') AND CustomerEmail = '" + userprofile + "' " + \ "ORDER BY OrderDate DESC LIMIT 3) o " + \ "WHERE o.OrderID = bo.OrderID AND bo.ISBN = cb.ISBN" cur.execute(command) rows = cur.fetchall() completedOrders = [] i=0 while i < len(rows) : j = i + 1 bookHTML = str(rows[i][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[i][3]) + '">' + str(rows[i][4]) + \ ' (' +str(rows[i][3]) + ')</a>' while j < len(rows) and (rows[i][0]==rows[j][0]): bookHTML = bookHTML + '<br/>' + str(rows[j][2]) + ' X <a href="' + str(rows[j][3]) + '">' + \ str(rows[j][4]) + ' (' +str(rows[j][3]) + ')</a>' j = j + 1 completedOrders.append( [rows[i][0], rows[i][1], bookHTML, rows[i][5], rows[i][6]] ) i = j sidebar = utilities.getSideBar(email, user[9], cur) #print display("home.html").render(user=user,sidebar=sidebar,error=e.args[1]) if 'FOREIGN KEY' in e.args[1] : errMsg = '<strong>Database Error:</strong> Foreign key constraint violated. Make sure to remove child records first.' else : errMsg = e.args[1] print display("user-profile.html").render(user=user,userprof=userprof,sidebar=sidebar,titles=titles,pendingOrders=pendingOrders,completedOrders=completedOrders,error=errMsg)