def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, model_size="small", neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(MeanPoolingAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' if model_size == "small": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 512 elif model_size == "big": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 1024 self.mlp_layers = [] self.mlp_layers.append( Dense(input_dim=neigh_input_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim, act=tf.nn.relu, dropout=dropout, sparse_inputs=False, logging=self.logging)) with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([hidden_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.neigh_input_dim = neigh_input_dim
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, model_size="small", neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(SeqAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' if model_size == "small": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 128 elif model_size == "big": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 256 with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([hidden_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.neigh_input_dim = neigh_input_dim self.cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(self.hidden_dim)
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(MeanAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) # print('========== init MeanAggregator =========') # import traceback # traceback.print_stack() self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([neigh_input_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') # self.vars['alpha'] = glorot([9], name='alpha') # 增加,居然是硬编码9! if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim
def config_embeds(self, adj_info, features, embed_dim): zero_padding = tf.zeros([1, embed_dim], name="zero_padding") embeds = glorot([len(adj_info), embed_dim], name="node_emebddings") self.embeds = tf.concat([zero_padding, embeds], axis=0) if features is None: self.features = self.embeds else: self.features = tf.Variable(tf.constant(features, dtype=tf.float32), trainable=False) self.features = tf.concat([self.embeds, self.features], axis=1)
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(CrossAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' # 写死了 atten_dim = 64 num_attr = 9 # 嘉琪说10 column初始为零,9的话,gather_nd 会给零值 with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([neigh_input_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') # self.vars['initial_weights'] = glorot([102, output_dim], # name='initial_weights') self.vars['alpha'] = glorot([num_attr], name='alpha') self.vars['self_atten'] = glorot([input_dim, atten_dim], name='self_atten') self.vars['neigh_atten'] = glorot([neigh_input_dim, atten_dim], name='neigh_atten') self.vars['v'] = glorot([atten_dim, 1], name='v') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(GCNAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['weights'] = glorot([neigh_input_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') # self.vars['alpha'] = glorot([9], name='alpha') # 增加 if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0, bias=False, act=tf.nn.tanh, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(GeniePathAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['W_s'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='W_s') self.vars['W_d'] = glorot([neigh_input_dim, output_dim], name='W_d') self.vars['v'] = glorot([output_dim, 1], name='v') self.vars['W_t'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='W_t') self.vars['b_t'] = glorot([1, output_dim], name='b_t') self.vars['W_i'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='W_i') self.vars['b_i'] = glorot([1, output_dim], name='b_i') self.vars['W_f'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='W_f') self.vars['b_f'] = glorot([1, output_dim], name='b_f') self.vars['W_o'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='W_o') self.vars['b_o'] = glorot([1, output_dim], name='b_o') self.vars['W_c'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='W_c') self.vars['b_c'] = glorot([1, output_dim], name='b_c') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim