def open_comment(self): """ This method opens the comment pop-up to add a comment/ or edit an exiting comment.Afterwards it updates the information to the detailed point of interest in the database. :return: none """ item = self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.currentItem() value = DBConnection.search_by_item(item) project_db = DBConnection.get_collection(Singleton.get_project()) if item.toolTip() == "Functions": db_info = project_db["functions"] elif item.toolTip() == "Strings": db_info = project_db["string"] if value is not None: id = value["_id"] cmt = value["comment"] if cmt is None: cmt = "" pop_up = CommentDialog(self.analysis_tab, cmt) comm = pop_up.exec_() index = {"_id": id} new_value = {"$set": {"comment": comm}} db_info.update_one(index, new_value) self.detailed_poi(item) new_font = QtGui.QFont() new_font.setBold(True) item.setFont(new_font)
def static_functions(rlocal, cplugin): """ analysis all the functions in the binary and filters with the selected plugin and adds them to the database :param rlocal: R2Connection of the binary file :param cplugin: string current selected plugin :return: List of dict with filtered functions """ items = [] s = Singleton.get_project() project_db = DBConnection.get_collection(s) #if project_db["functions"]: # project_db.drop_collection("functions") func_db = project_db["functions"] func_all = rlocal.cmdj("aflj") func_plg = Plugin.plugin_types("Function", cplugin) for fc in func_all: if fc["name"] in func_plg: function = rlocal.cmdj("axtj %s" % fc["name"]) tmp = fc["name"] for f in function: fc["name"] = tmp + " " + hex(f["from"]) items.append(fc["name"]) fc["comment"] = "" fc["runs"] = [] fc["from"] = hex(f["from"]) if "_id" in fc: del fc["_id"] if func_db.find({"name": fc["name"]}).count() == 0: func_db.insert_one(fc) return items
def poi_comboBox_change(self, text): """ This function listens for a change in the poi window to change the current filter and updates the filtered pois which are stored in the database in the list view :param text: poi's type :return: none """ s = Singleton.get_project() if s == "BEAT": msg = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, "Please select a project first", "Static analysis Error") msg.exec_() return self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.clear() project_db = DBConnection.get_collection(s) if text == "Functions": project_info = project_db["functions"] cursor = project_info.find() for db in cursor: item = self.set_item(db["name"], "Functions") item = self.change_font(item) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.addItem(item) elif text == "Strings": project_info = project_db["string"] cursor = project_info.find() for db in cursor: text = db["string"] item = self.set_item(text, "Strings") item = self.change_font(item) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.addItem(item) elif text == "All": project_info = project_db["functions"] cursor = project_info.find() for db in cursor: item = self.set_item(db["name"], "Functions") item = self.change_font(item) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.addItem(item) project_info = project_db["string"] cursor = project_info.find() for db in cursor: text = db["string"] item = self.set_item(text, "Strings") item = self.change_font(item) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.addItem(item)
def return_funcitions(self, text): """ This method receives the information from the breakpoint and stores the information into the database. :param text: information received :return: none """ value = DBConnection.search_by_name(text["name"], "Functions") project_db = DBConnection.get_collection(Singleton.get_project()) db_info = project_db["functions"] if value is not None: id = value["_id"] index = {"_id": id} runs = value["runs"] run = {"name":input,"rtnPara": text["rtnPara"], "rtnFnc": text["rtnFnc"]} runs.append(run) new_value = {"$set": {"runs": runs}} db_info.update_one(index, new_value)
def search_by_name(name, type): """ Gets all the information of poi from the database :param name: String name of poi :param type: String type of the poi :return: Dict with all poi info """ s = Singleton.get_project() project_db = get_collection(s) value = None if type == "Functions": project_info = project_db["functions"] cursor = project_info.find_one({"name": name}) if cursor is not None: value = {"_id": cursor["_id"], 'name': cursor["name"], 'signature': cursor["signature"], 'varaddress': hex(cursor["offset"]), 'from': cursor["from"], 'comment': cursor["comment"], 'runs':cursor["runs"]} return value
def input_terminal(self, text): """ This method checks if the dynamic analysis thread is running if it's being run it passes the text as an input pipe.Otherwise passes the text as a command for Radare. :param text: text for argument :return: none """ if == 0: if Singleton.get_project() != "BEAT": try: r2 = model.analysis.StaticAnalysis.static_all(Singleton.get_path()) self.terminal(text + ' >\n') self.terminal(r2.cmd(text)) except Exception as e: x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, str(e), "Error") x.exec_() self.analysis_tab.terminal_window_lineEdit.setText("") else: x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, "First select a project", "Error") x.exec_() elif == 1: thread.input(text) self.analysis_tab.terminal_window_lineEdit.clear()
def static_strings(rlocal, cplugin): """ analysis all the strings in the binary and filters with nthe selected plugin and adds them to the database :param rlocal: R2Connection of the binary file :param cplugin: string current selected plugin :return: List of dict with filtered strings """ items = [] s = Singleton.get_project() project_db = DBConnection.get_collection(s) # Strings strings = rlocal.cmdj("izj") str_plg = Plugin.plugin_types("String", cplugin) #if project_db["string"]: # project_db.drop_collection("string") str_db = project_db["string"] for string in strings: text = string["string"] text_decoded = base64.b64decode(text) for i in str_plg: if i.upper() in text_decoded.decode().upper(): x = rlocal.cmdj("axtj %s" % string["vaddr"]) tmp = text_decoded.decode() for str in x: string["string"] = tmp + " " + hex(str["from"]) items.append(string["string"]) string["from"] = hex(str["from"]) string["comment"] = "" if "_id" in string: del string["_id"] if str_db.find({"string": string["string"]}).count() == 0: str_db.insert_one(string) break return items
def search_by_item(item): """ Gets all the information of a poi from a listwidget item :param item: ListwidgetItem selected poi :return: dict with pois info """ if item is not None: s = Singleton.get_project() project_db = get_collection(s) value = None if item.toolTip() == "Functions": project_info = project_db["functions"] cursor = project_info.find_one({"name": item.text()}) if cursor is not None: value = {"_id":cursor["_id"],'name': cursor["name"], 'signature': cursor["signature"], 'varaddress': hex(cursor["offset"]), 'from': cursor["from"], 'comment': cursor["comment"],"runs": cursor["runs"]} elif item.toolTip() == "Strings": project_info = project_db["string"] cursor = project_info.find_one({"string": item.text()}) if cursor is not None: value = {"_id":cursor["_id"],'string': cursor["string"], 'varaddress': hex(cursor["vaddr"]), 'from': cursor["from"], 'comment': cursor["comment"]} return value return None
def static(self): """ This method listens to the click of the static analysis button and connects with the model to preform static analysis.This method also saves into the database depending on the type. :return: none """ s = Singleton.get_project() if s == "BEAT": x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, "Please select a project", "Static analysis Error") x.exec_() return if self.analysis_tab.plugin_comboBox.count() == 0: x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, "Please install a plugin", "Static analysis Error") x.exec_() return QtWidgets.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.clear() print(Singleton.get_path()) rlocal = model.analysis.StaticAnalysis.static_all(Singleton.get_path()) try: if self.analysis_tab.poi_comboBox.currentText() == "All": strings = model.analysis.StaticAnalysis.static_strings(rlocal, self.analysis_tab.plugin_comboBox.currentText()) for st in strings: item = self.set_item(st, "Strings") item = self.change_font(item) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.addItem(item) functions = model.analysis.StaticAnalysis.static_functions(rlocal, self.analysis_tab.plugin_comboBox.currentText()) for fc in functions: item = self.set_item(fc, "Functions") item = self.change_font(item) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.addItem(item) elif self.analysis_tab.poi_comboBox.currentText() == "Functions": functions = model.analysis.StaticAnalysis.static_functions(rlocal, self.analysis_tab.plugin_comboBox.currentText()) for fc in functions: item = self.set_item(fc, "Functions") item = self.change_font(item) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.addItem(item) elif self.analysis_tab.poi_comboBox.currentText() == "Strings": strings = model.analysis.StaticAnalysis.static_strings(rlocal, self.analysis_tab.plugin_comboBox.currentText()) for st in strings: item = self.set_item(st, "Strings") item = self.change_font(item) self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.addItem(item) except Exception as e: x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, str(e), "Static analysis Error") x.exec_() rlocal.quit() QtWidgets.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def set_running(self): self.main_window.setWindowTitle("BEAT | Running " + Singleton.get_project())
def set_project_name(self): self.main_window.setWindowTitle("BEAT | " + Singleton.get_project())