def setup():
    p5_proj1 = []
    projects = [p5_proj1]
    period = model.Period("Period 5",
                          "Some really smart people study apcsp here",
    return period
def setup():
    project1 = model.Project("Project 1", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg", "Team Name",
                             ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
                            "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    p2_sshlogin = model.Project("SSH Login", url_for('p2_SSHLogin_bp.index'), "/static/img/sshlogin.png", "SSH Login",
                             ["Ahmad Nasim", "Andrew Crisostomo", "Tanmay Marwah", "Max Vukovich", "Luca Pinto", "Cody Peng"],
                            "We have created an SSH Login system thaf displays users system info using arrays, we also created a forum posting for data on our website.")
    project3 = model.Project("Project 3", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg", "Team Name",
                             ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
                            "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project4 = model.Project("Project 4", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png", "Another Team Name",
                             ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
                            "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project5 = model.Project("Project 5", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg", "Team Name",
                             ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
                            "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project6 = model.Project("Project 6", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png", "Another Team Name",
                             ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
                            "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project7 = model.Project("Project 7", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg", "Crystal's Team",
                             ["Crystal Widjaja", "Nivedita Rethnakar", "Ida Mobini", "Eva Gravin", "Dane Vestal"],
                            "This is our website with minigames, our portfolio, and much more!")
    project8 = model.Project("Project 8", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png", "Another Team Name",
                             ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
                            "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    projects = [project1, p2_sshlogin, project3, project4, project5, project6, project7, project8]
    period = model.Period("Period 2", "Some really smart people study here", projects)
    return period
def setup():
    '''EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")'''

    cyphercrypto = model.Project(
        "CypherCrypto", url_for('cyphercrypto_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/bgdeer.jpg", "Cryptomaniacs", [
            "Nihar Marar", "Tyler Cloutier", "Dylan Roman",
            "Anthony Giustiniano", "Cherry Ding"
        ], "We use Ciphers and encrypt/decrypt messages.")

    minigames = model.Project(
        "Website Portfolio", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/arcade.png",
        "Crystal's Team", [
            "Crystal Widjaja", "Nivedita Rethnakar", "Ida Mobini",
            "Eva Gravin", "Dane Vestal"
        ], "This is our website with minigames, our portfolio, and much more!")

    p2_einsteins = model.Project(
        "Project Page", url_for('p2_einsteins_bp.home_route'),
        "/static/img/p2_einsteins.png", "Einsteins", [
            "Pragadeesh Raj", "Ayman Kazi", "Brandon Truong",
            "Navodit Maheshwari", "Ali Saad"
        "Welcome to the world of ASCII games, intuitive text-based calculators, journal, reflections, individual showcases, and so much more!"

    projects = [cyphercrypto, minigames, p2_einsteins]
    period = model.Period("Period 2",
                          "AP Principles of Computer Science - Python",
    return period
def setup():
    project1 = model.Project("Project 1", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/cat3.jpg", "Team Teacher",
                             ["Talented Ghost 1", "Talented Mummy 2", "Smart Witch 3"],
                            "This project is kind of funky, becuase I am a computer nerd")
    projects = [project1]
    period = model.Period("Period 1", "Java Gear Heads", projects)
    return period
def setup():
    # project1 = model.Project("Project 1", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/cat3.jpg", "Team Teacher",
                            # ["Talented Ghost 1", "Talented Mummy 2", "Smart Witch 3"],
                            # "This project is kind of funky, becuase I am a computer nerd")
    p1_robotmania = model.Project("Robot Mania", url_for('p1_robotmania_bp.index'), "/static/img/p1_robotmania.png", "Robot Mania",
                             ["Nakul Nandhakumar", "Sanvi Pal", "Sara Beniwal", "Vihan Jayaraman", "Yasaswi Singamneni"],
                             "The main focus of our project was to make a bunch of fun minigames. There are some other activities "
                             "that will show up on the menu but the highlights are battleship, connect-four, and hangman.")
    p1_dataminers = model.Project("Dataminers", url_for('p1_dataminers_bp.index'), "/static/img/p1_dataminersTile.png", "Dataminers",
                                                  ["Andrew Pegg", "David Ramsayer", "Dominic Phung", "Michael Hayes", "Jason Chang"],
                                                  "This project has many different demos in a single program: notepad, unit converter, calculator, tic tac toe, and hangman.")

    p1_ilikeyacodeg = model.Project("I Like Ya Code G", url_for('p1_ilikeyacodeg_bp.index'), "/static/img/p1_I-like-ya-code-g.png", "I Like Ya Code G",
                                    ["Dhruv Kanetkar", "Tanay Shah", "Gautam Gupta", "Dhruv Sengupta"], "This is our Calculator Suite that allows the user to calculate a variety of things. "
                                                                                                        "It can do basic scientific calculation, convert units and binary values, sovle derivatives, and solve physics kinematic problems")
    p1_mortos = model.Project("MortOS", url_for('p1_mortos_bp.index'), "/static/img/p1-mortos-examplepic.PNG", "MortOS",
                             ["Nathaniel Cherian", "Benjamin Herrick", "Jett Kim", "Brendan Trinh", "Anthony Vo"],
                             "Our project was an exploration of different coding topics and concepts that's displayed through " +
                             "a variety of minigames. Try some of them out!")
    p1_grocerystoresim = model.Project("Boomer Esports", url_for('p1_grocerystoresim_bp.index'), "/static/img/p1_grocery.png", "Grocery Store Sim",
                             ["Kevin Hu", "Sean Tran", "Aditya Surapaneni", "Siddhant Ranka", "Jacob Rozenkrants"],
                             "Tired of modern flashy video games and want a blast to the past? " +
                             "Check out some of these classic games that are a nice break from the fast paced and stressful modern games.")
    p1_hexpass = model.Project("HexPass", url_for('p1_hexpass_bp.index'), "/static/img/p1_hexpass.png", "Hexpass", 
                              ["Aidan Rosen", "Andrew Hale", "Andrew Joseph", "Alex Hu", "Atharva Kudrimoti"], 
                               "This project is a combination of a password manager, vector calculator and graphing calculator")
    projects = [p1_robotmania, p1_dataminers, p1_ilikeyacodeg, p1_mortos, p1_grocerystoresim, p1_hexpass] #, p1_grocerystoresim
    period = model.Period("Period 1", "Computer Science A - Java", projects)

    return period
def setup():
    """EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")"""

    p4_slackbots = model.Project(
        "Merch Website", "",
        "/static/img/p4_slackbots.PNG", "P4Slackbots", [
            "Abhijay Deevi", "Kevin Do", "Travis Medley", "Paul Bokelman",
            "Gavin Theriault"
        "This project is a merch website that we created for our Youtube channels, GodlyGoats and "
        "Albertpani Compani. We have a lot of merch you can buy and other information."

    p4_hangman = model.Project(
        "Music Website", url_for('p4_hangman_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p4hangman.png", "P4 Hangman", [
            "Charlie Zhu", "Rohan Nallapati", "Rivan Nayak", "Sarah Xie",
            "Noah Pidding"
        "This website includes a portfolio of our projects we worked on this trimester as well as a music section including three different genres of music with multiple examples and descriptions of each."

    projects = [p4_slackbots, p4_hangman]
    period = model.Period("Period 4",
                          "AP Principles of Computer Science - Python",
    return period
def setup():
    """EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")

    p5_calculus = model.Project(
        "p5_calculus", "https://github.com/AkhileshLG/flaskportfolio-1",
        "/static/img/AkaTeamCalculus.png", "calculus", [
            "Karam Alshaikh", "Akhilesh Genneri", "Akshit Prathipati",
            "Noya Hafiz", "Jien (Max) Wang"
        "This website is used for everything calculus and to spread our information about it"

    p5_chessGame = model.Project(
        "Chess Game",
        "/static/img/p5chessGame.jpg", "Chess Game", [
            "Colin Szeto", "Devam Shrivastava", "Shekar Krishnamoorthy",
            "Kyle Myint", "David Kim"
        ], "Vist Chess Game to play through our chess game!")

    p5_gorillas = model.Project(
        "Gorillas", "", "/static/img/p5_gorillas.png",
        "Gorillas", [
            "Pedro de Medeiros", "Jagroop Vij", "Arul Salaniwal",
            "Manuel Villa-Hernandez", "Colin Tran"
        "Here you find the repositories for all our projects; our journals, where we document coding progress; and Individual pages with personal information and our coding experiences. Explore!!"

    p5_monkeymen = model.Project(
        "San Diego Travel Website", url_for('p5_monkeymen_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p5_monkeymen.jpg", "Monkey Men", [
            "Allen Xu", "Marc Humeau", "Jacob Nguyen", "Dadyar Khalili Samani",
            "Jason Francisco"
        ], "A website that reviews wonderful places located in San Diego")

    p5_multimedia = model.Project(
        "Multimedia", "http://rubinfamily.dyndns.org:5000/",
        '/static/img/p5_multimedia.png', "multimedia", [
            "Komay Sugiyama", "Christopher Rubin", "Ridhima Inukurti",
            "Kian Kishimito", "Megan Corrigan"
        "Search amazon, show off your youtube videos, and share your spotify playlists on this multimedia page!"

    projects = [
        p5_calculus, p5_gorillas, p5_chessGame, p5_multimedia, p5_monkeymen
    ]  # p5_monkeymen  p5_multimedia

    period = model.Period("Period 5",
                          "Some really smart people study apcsp here",
    return period
def setup():
    EXAMPLE = model.Project(
        "Project Name", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name", [
            "Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3",
            "Team Member 4", "Amazing Member 5"
        ], "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool (description)")
    projects = [EXAMPLE]
    period = model.Period("Period 4",
                          "Some really smart people study apcsp here",
    return period
def setup():
    project1 = model.Project(
        "Project 1", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project2 = model.Project(
        "Project 2", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project3 = model.Project(
        "Project 3", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project4 = model.Project(
        "Project 4", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project5 = model.Project(
        "Travel Website", "Http://",
        "Newbiecoders", [
            "Diego Krenz", "Ethan Sun", "Wesley Chen", "Andrea Abed",
            "Naweid Hassanzadeh"
        ], "Learn all about cities in Europe and plan your next trip!")
    project6 = model.Project(
        "Project 6", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project7 = model.Project(
        "Project 7", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project8 = model.Project(
        "Project 8", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    projects = [
        project1, project2, project3, project4, project5, project6, project7,
    period = model.Period("Period 2", "Some really smart people study here",
    return period
def setup():
    project1 = model.Project(
        "CypherCrypto", url_for('cyphercrypto_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/bgdeer.jpg", "Cryptomaniacs", [
            "Nihar Marar", "Tyler Cloutier", "Dylan Roman",
            "Anthony Giustiniano", "Cherry Ding"
        ], "We use Ciphers and encrypt/decrypt messages.")
    project2 = model.Project(
        "Project 2", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project3 = model.Project(
        "Project 3", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project4 = model.Project(
        "Project 4", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project5 = model.Project(
        "Project 5", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project6 = model.Project(
        "Project 6", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project7 = model.Project(
        "Reserved by Crystal", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Crystal's Team", [
            "Crystal Widjaja", "Nivedita Rethnakar", "Ida Mobini",
            "Eva Gravin", "Dane Vestal"
        ], "This is our website with minigames, our portfolio, and much more!")
    project8 = model.Project(
        "Project 8", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    projects = [
        project1, project2, project3, project4, project5, project6, project7,
    period = model.Period("Period 2", "Some really smart people study here",
    return period
def setup():
    project1 = model.Project(
        "Project 1", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project2 = model.Project(
        "Project 2", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project3 = model.Project(
        "Project 3", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project4 = model.Project(
        "Project 4", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project5 = model.Project(
        "Project 5", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project6 = model.Project(
        "Project 6", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project7 = model.Project(
        "Project 7", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Crystal's Team", [
            "Crystal Widjaja", "Nivedita Rethnakar", "Ida Mobini",
            "Eva Gravin", "Dane Vestal"
        ], "This is our website with minigames, our portfolio, and much more!")
    project8 = model.Project(
        "Project 8", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    projects = [
        project1, project2, project3, project4, project5, project6, project7,
    period = model.Period("Period 2", "Some really smart people study here",
    return period
def setup():
    EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")'''

    cyphercrypto = model.Project("CypherCrypto", url_for('cyphercrypto_bp.index'), "/static/img/p2_cyphercrypto.jpg",
                                 ["Nihar Marar", "Tyler Cloutier", "Dylan Roman", "Anthony Giustiniano", "Cherry Ding"],
                                 "We use Ciphers and encrypt/decrypt messages.")

    p2_triviagame = model.Project("Website Portfolio", url_for("p2_triviagame_bp.index"), "/static/img/p2_arcade.png",
                                  "Trivia Game",
                                  ["Crystal Widjaja", "Nivedita Rethnakar", "Ida Mobini", "Eva Gravin", "Dane Vestal"],
                                  "This is our website with minigames, our portfolio, and much more!")

    p2_einsteins = model.Project("Project Page", url_for('p2_einsteins_bp.index'), "/static/img/p2_einsteins.png",
                                 ["Pragadeesh Raj", "Ayman Kazi", "Brandon Truong", "Navodit Maheshwari", "Ali Saad"],
                                 "Welcome to the world of ASCII games, intuitive text-based calculators, journal, "
                                 "reflections, individual showcases, and so much more!")
    p2_dinos = model.Project("Dinos Portfolio", url_for('p2_dinos_bp.home'), "/static/img/p2_dinos.png", "Dinos",
                             ["Noah Ahooja", "Nolan D'Esopo", "Troy Tinkel", "", ""],
                             "Welcome to our arcade!")

    p2_anime = model.Project("Plants", "", "/static/img/p2_anime.gif", "Anime",
                             ["Andrew Zhang", "Bradley Bartelt", "Shreya Vesant", "Diane Tang", "Nikolas Gee"],
                             "This website shows all kinds of plants and their maintnance tips")

    p2_rappers = model.Project("About Everything", '', "/static/img/p2_rapname.jpg",
                               ["Sophie Bulkin", "Carter Quartararo", "Aditi Akella", "Isai Rajaraman",
                                "Mustafa Sharaf"],
                               "This is our out of this world website which will tell you about a multitude of things "
                               "such as our group and Del Norte!")

    p2_newbiecoders = model.Project("Travel Website", "Http://", "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/yGFa3i6X522UOjW3cBZKBUnwOqwzfc9-TxZOL0K0inWDCD65TdBvfKAXRrfy9XUOUhWAsA=s170", "Newbiecoders",
                             ["Diego Krenz", "Ethan Sun", "Wesley Chen", "Andrea Abed", "Naweid Hassanzadeh"],
                             "Learn all about cities in Europe and plan your next trip!")

    p2_sshlogin = model.Project("SSH Login", "", "/static/img/sshlogin.png", "SSH Login",
                                ["Ahmad Nasim", "Andrew Crisostomo", "Tanmay Marwah", "Max Vukovich", "Luca Pinto", "Cody Peng"],
                                "We have created an SSH Login system thaf displays users system info using arrays, we also created a forum posting for data on our website.")

    projects = [cyphercrypto, p2_triviagame,  p2_anime, p2_dinos, p2_einsteins, p2_rappers, p2_newbiecoders, p2_sshlogin]
    # projects = [cyphercrypto, p2_triviagame, p2_anime]
    period = model.Period("Period 2", "AP Principles of Computer Science - Python", projects)
    return period
def setup():
    # project1 = model.Project("Project 1", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/cat3.jpg", "Team Teacher",
                            # ["Talented Ghost 1", "Talented Mummy 2", "Smart Witch 3"],
                            # "This project is kind of funky, becuase I am a computer nerd")
    p1_robotmania = model.Project("Robot Mania", url_for('p1_robotmania_bp.index'), "/static/img/p1_robotmania.png", "Robot Mania",
                             ["Nakul Nandhakumar", "Sanvi Pal", "Sara Beniwal", "Vihan Jayaraman", "Yasaswi Singamneni"],
                             "The main focus of our project was to make a bunch of fun minigames. There are some other activities "
                             "that will show up on the menu but the highlights are battleship, connect-four, and hangman.")
    p1_dataminers = model.Project("Dataminers", url_for('p1_dataminers_bp.index'), "/static/img/p1_dataminersTile.png", "Dataminers",
                                                  ["Andrew Pegg", "David Ramsayer", "Dominic Phung", "Michael Hayes", "Jason Chang"],
                                                  "This project has many different demos in a single program: notepad, unit converter, calculator, tic tac toe, and hangman.")
    projects = [p1_robotmania, p1_dataminers]
    period = model.Period("Period 1", "Computer Science A", projects)
    return period
def setup():
    EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")'''

    cyphercrypto = model.Project(
        "CypherCrypto", url_for('cyphercrypto_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/bgdeer.jpg", "Cryptomaniacs", [
            "Nihar Marar", "Tyler Cloutier", "Dylan Roman",
            "Anthony Giustiniano", "Cherry Ding"
        ], "We use Ciphers and encrypt/decrypt messages.")

    p2_triviagame = model.Project(
        "Website Portfolio", url_for("p2_triviagame_bp.index"),
        "/static/img/arcade.png", "Crystal's Team", [
            "Crystal Widjaja", "Nivedita Rethnakar", "Ida Mobini",
            "Eva Gravin", "Dane Vestal"
        ], "This is our website with minigames, our portfolio, and much more!")
    """p2_einsteins = model.Project("Project Page", url_for('p2_einsteins_bp.home_route'), "/static/img/p2_einsteins.png",
                                 ["Pragadeesh Raj", "Ayman Kazi", "Brandon Truong", "Navodit Maheshwari", "Ali Saad"],
                                 "Welcome to the world of ASCII games, intuitive text-based calculators, journal, "
                                 "reflections, individual showcases, and so much more!")"""

    p2_anime = model.Project(
        "Plants", "", "/static/img/p2_anime.gif", "Anime",
            "Andrew Zhang", "Bradley Bartelt", "Shreya Vesant", "Diane Tang",
            "Nikolas Gee"
        ], "This website shows all kinds of plants and their maintnance tips")

    p2_rappers = model.Project(
        "About Everything", '',
        "/static/img/p2_rapname.jpg", "Rapper", [
            "Sophie Bulkin", "Carter Quartararo", "Aditi Akella",
            "Isai Rajaraman", "Mustafa Sharaf"
        "This is our out of this world website which will tell you about a multitude of things "
        "such as our group and Del Norte!")

    projects = [cyphercrypto, p2_triviagame, p2_rappers,
                p2_anime]  #p2_einsteins,
    # projects = [cyphercrypto, p2_triviagame, p2_anime]
    period = model.Period("Period 2",
                          "AP Principles of Computer Science - Python",
    return period
def setup():
    project1 = model.Project(
        "Project 1", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project2 = model.Project(
        "Project 2", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project3 = model.Project(
        "Project 3", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project4 = model.Project(
        "Project 4", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project5 = model.Project(
        "Project 5", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project6 = model.Project(
        "Project 6", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    project7 = model.Project(
        "Project 7", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/cat1.jpg",
        "Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 1", "Talented Student 2", "Smart Student 3"],
        "This is our fabulous project, because we are cool")
    project8 = model.Project(
        "Project 8", "http://www.facebook.com", "/static/img/cat2.png",
        "Another Team Name",
        ["Talented Student 3", "Talented Student 4", "Smart Student 6"],
        "This is another fabulous project of ours")
    projects = [
        project1, project2, project3, project4, project5, project6, project7,
    period = model.Period("Period 2", "Some really smart people study here",
    return period
def setup():
    EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")

    p4_slackbots = model.Project("Merch Website", "", "/static/img/p4_slackbots.PNG",
                                 ["Abhijay Deevi", "Kevin Do", "Travis Medley", "Paul Bokelman", "Gavin Theriault"],
                                 "This project is a merch website that we created for our Youtube channels, GodlyGoats and "
                                 "Albertpani Compani. We have a lot of merch you can buy and other information.")

    p4_hangman = model.Project("Hangman", url_for('p4_hangman_bp.index'), "/static/img/p4hangman.png", "P4 Hangman",
                               ["Charlie", "Rohan", "Rivan", "Sarah", "Noah"],
                               "This project is kind of funky, because I am a computer nerd")

    projects = [p4_slackbots, p4_hangman, EXAMPLE]
    period = model.Period("Period 4", "Some really smart people study apcsp here", projects)
    return period
def setup():
    # project1 = model.Project("Project 1", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/cat3.jpg", "Team Teacher",
    # ["Talented Ghost 1", "Talented Mummy 2", "Smart Witch 3"],
    # "This project is kind of funky, becuase I am a computer nerd")

    p1_robotmania = model.Project(
        "Robot Mania", url_for('p1_robotmania_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p1_robotmania.png", "Robot Mania", [
            "Nakul Nandhakumar", "Sanvi Pal", "Sara Beniwal",
            "Vihan Jayaraman", "Yasaswi Singamneni"
        "The main focus of our project was to make a bunch of fun minigames. There are some other activities "
        "that will show up on the menu but the highlights are battleship, connect-four, and hangman."

    projects = [p1_robotmania]
    period = model.Period("Period 1", "Computer Science A", projects)
    return period
def setup():
    """EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")"""

    p5_calculus = model.Project(
        "p5_calculus", "https://github.com/AkhileshLG/flaskportfolio-1",
        "/static/img/AkaTeamCalculus.png", "calculus", [
            "Karam Alshaikh", "Akhilesh Genneri", "Akshit Prathipati",
            "Noya Hafiz", "Jien (Max) Wang"
        "This website is used for everything calculus and to spread our information about it"

    p5_chessGame = model.Project(
        "Chess Game", url_for('p5_chessGame_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p5chessGame.JPG", "Chess Game", [
            "Colin Szeto", "Devam Shrivastava", "Shekar Krishnamoorthy",
            "Kyle Myint", "David Kim"
        ], "Vist Chess Game to play through our chess game!")

    p5_gorillas = model.Project(
        "Gorillas", "", "/static/img/p5_gorillas.png",
        "Gorillas", [
            "Pedro de Medeiros", "Jagroop Vij", "Arul Salaniwal",
            "Manuel Villa-Hernandez", "Colin Tran"
        "Here you find the repositories for all our projects; our journals, where we document coding progress; and Individual pages with personal information and our coding experiences. Explore!!"

    p5_monkeymen = model.Project(
        "San Diego Travel Website", "http://www.google.com",
        "/static/img/p5_monkeymen.JPG", "Monkey Men", [
            "Allen Xu", "Marc Humeau", "Jacob Nguyen", "Dadyar Khalili Samani",
            "Jason Francisco"
        ], "A website that reviews wonderful places located in San Diego")

    projects = [p5_calculus, p5_gorillas, p5_monkeymen, p5_chessGame]

    period = model.Period("Period 5",
                          "Some really smart people study apcsp here",
    return period
def setup():
    EXAMPLE = model.Project(
        "Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png",
        "Team Teacher", ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
        "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")

    p5_calculus = model.Project(
        "p5_calculus", "https://github.com/AkhileshLG/flaskportfolio-1",
        "/static/img/AkaTeamCalculus.png", "calculus", [
            "Karam Alshaikh", "Akhilesh Genneri", "Akshit Prathipati",
            "Noya Hafiz", "Jien (Max) Wang"
        "This website is used for everything calculus and to spread our information about it"

    projects = [p5_calculus, EXAMPLE]
    period = model.Period("Period 5",
                          "Some really smart people study apcsp here",
    return period
def setup():
    # project1 = model.Project("Project 1", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/cat3.jpg", "Team Teacher",
    # ["Talented Ghost 1", "Talented Mummy 2", "Smart Witch 3"],
    # "This project is kind of funky, becuase I am a computer nerd")

    p1_robotmania = model.Project(
        "Robot Mania", url_for('p1_robotmania_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p1_robotmania.png", "Robot Mania", [
            "Nakul Nandhakumar", "Sanvi Pal", "Sara Beniwal",
            "Vihan Jayaraman", "Yasaswi Singamneni"
        "The main focus of our project was to make a bunch of fun minigames. There are some other activities "
        "that will show up on the menu but the highlights are battleship, connect-four, and hangman."
    p1_dataminers = model.Project(
        "Dataminers", url_for('p1_dataminers_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p1_dataminersTile.png", "Dataminers", [
            "Andrew Pegg", "David Ramsayer", "Dominic Phung", "Michael Hayes",
            "Jason Chang"
        "This project has many different demos in a single program: notepad, unit converter, calculator, tic tac toe, and hangman."

    p1_ilikeyacodeg = model.Project(
        "I Like Ya Code G", url_for('p1_ilikeyacodeg_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p1_I-like-ya-code-g.png", "I Like Ya Code G",
        ["Dhruv Kanetkar", "Tanay Shah", "Gautam Gupta", "Dhruv Sengupta"],
        "This is our Calculator Suite that allows the user to calculate a variety of things. "
        "It can do basic scientific calculation, convert units and binary values, sovle derivatives, and solve physics kinematic problems"
    p1_mortos = model.Project(
        "MortOS", url_for('p1_mortos_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p1-mortos-examplepic.png", "MortOS", [
            "Nathaniel Cherian", "Benjamin Herrick", "Jett Kim",
            "Brendan Trinh", "Anthony Vo"
        "Our project was an exploration of different coding topics and concepts that's displayed through "
        + "a variety of minigames. Try some of them out!")
    projects = [p1_robotmania, p1_dataminers, p1_ilikeyacodeg, p1_mortos]
    period = model.Period("Period 1", "Computer Science A - Java", projects)
    return period
def setup():
    EXAMPLE = model.Project(
        "Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png",
        "Team Teacher", ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
        "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")

    cyphercrypto = model.Project(
        "CypherCrypto", url_for('cyphercrypto_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/bgdeer.jpg", "Cryptomaniacs", [
            "Nihar Marar", "Tyler Cloutier", "Dylan Roman",
            "Anthony Giustiniano", "Cherry Ding"
        ], "We use Ciphers and encrypt/decrypt messages.")

    minigames = model.Project(
        "Website Portfolio", "http://www.google.com", "/static/img/arcade.png",
        "Crystal's Team", [
            "Crystal Widjaja", "Nivedita Rethnakar", "Ida Mobini",
            "Eva Gravin", "Dane Vestal"
        ], "This is our website with minigames, our portfolio, and much more!")

    projects = [cyphercrypto, minigames, EXAMPLE]
    period = model.Period("Period 2", "Some really smart people study here",
    return period
def setup():
    """EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and learn how it is made.")

    p5_calculus = model.Project(
        "Calculus", url_for('p5_calculus_bp.home'),
        "/static/img/AkaTeamCalculus.png", "calculus", [
            "Karam Alshaikh", "Akhilesh Genneri", "Akshit Prathipati",
            "Noya Hafiz", "Jien (Max) Wang"
        "This website is used for everything calculus and to spread our information about it!"

    p5_chessGame = model.Project(
        "Chess Game", url_for('p5_chessGame_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p5_chessGame.jpg", "Chess Game", [
            "Colin Szeto", "Devam Shrivastava", "Shekar Krishnamoorthy",
            "Kyle Myint", "David Kim"
        ], "Vist Chess Game to play through our chess game!")

    p5_gorillas = model.Project(
        "Gorillas", '', "/static/img/p5_gorillas.png",
        "Gorillas", [
            "Pedro de Medeiros", "Jagroop Vij", "Arul Salaniwal",
            "Manuel Villa-Hernandez", "Colin Tran"
        "Here you find the repositories for all our projects; our journals, where we document coding progress; and Individual pages with personal information and our coding experiences. Explore!!"

    p5_monkeymen = model.Project(
        "San Diego Travel Website", url_for('p5_monkeymen_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p5_monkeymen.jpg", "Monkey Men", [
            "Allen Xu", "Marc Humeau", "Jacob Nguyen", "Dadyar Khalili Samani",
            "Jason Francisco"
        ], "A website that reviews wonderful places located in San Diego")

    p5_supercool = model.Project(
        "Geo-guessr", url_for('p5_supercool_bp.landing'),
        "/static/img/p5_supercool.jpg", "Super Cool", [
            "James Hunt", "Mackenzie Aboy", "Lucas Kaimer", "Sam Koenig",
            "Kira Liao"
        "This website is all about places in the world. Visit to learn a few cool facts and play a guesser game!"

    p5_pokemon = model.Project(
        "Pokemon Game", "",
        "/static/img/p5_pokemon.jpg", "Gorillas", [
            "Zachary Joseph", "Dayita Ray", "Adhithi NarayanaMurthy",
            "Aiden Cizek"
        "Explore the world of Pokemon, with our game and pokedex. Travel to each region to go on a journey. Battle different pokemon in our 1-2 player game."

    p5_multimedia = model.Project(
        "Multimedia", url_for('p5_multimedia_bp.index'),
        '/static/img/p5_multimedia.png', "multimedia", [
            "Komay Sugiyama", "Christopher Rubin", "Ridhima Inukurti",
            "Kian Kishimito", "Megan Corrigan"
        "Search amazon, show off your youtube videos, and share your spotify playlists on this multimedia page!"

    p5_alethianews = model.Project(
        "Alethia News Website", url_for('p5_alethianews.index'),
        "/static/img/p5_alethianews.jpg", "Alethia News",
        ["Anthony Wilson", "Ryan Shay"],
        "A news website that provides facts with no bias to allow society to develop their own based opinions."

    projects = [
        p5_monkeymen, p5_supercool, p5_chessGame, p5_pokemon, p5_gorillas,
        p5_calculus, p5_alethianews, p5_multimedia
    ]  # p5_monkeymen  p5_multimedia

    period = model.Period("Period 5",
                          "Some really smart people study APCSP here",
    return period
def setup():
    """EXAMPLE = model.Project("Example", url_for('teacher_bp.index'), "/static/img/teacher.png", "Team Teacher",
                            ["John Mortensen", "Classroom of 40"],
                            "Visit a VANTA birds experience and see how it is made.")"""

    p4_slackbots = model.Project(
        "Merch Website", "",
        "/static/img/p4_slackbots.png", "P4Slackbots", [
            "Abhijay Deevi", "Kevin Do", "Travis Medley", "Paul Bokelman",
            "Gavin Theriault"
        "This project is a merch website that we created for our Youtube channels, "
        "GodlyGoats and "
        "Albertpani Compani. We have a lot of merch you can buy and other information."

    p4_hangman = model.Project(
        "Music Website", url_for('p4_hangman_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p4hangman.png", "P4 Hangman", [
            "Charlie Zhu", "Rohan Nallapati", "Rivan Nayak", "Sarah Xie",
            "Noah Pidding"
        "This website includes a portfolio of our projects we worked on this trimester as well "
        "as a music section including three different genres of music with multiple examples "
        "and descriptions of each.")

    p4_fruitycoders = model.Project(
        "Photography Website", "google.com", "/static/img/p4_fruitycoders.png",
        "P4 fruitycoders", [
            "Sophie Lee", "Linda Long", "Maggie Killada", "Adam Holbel",
            "Wenshi Bao"
        "Our website (Fruity Photos) features the history of photography, as well as the "
        "works "
        "and biographies of several famous photographers, such as Ansel Adams and Annie "

    p4_coderjoes = model.Project(
        "CoderJoes Store", url_for('p4_coderjoes_bp.index'),
        "/static/img/p4_coderjoes.png", "P4 Guessers", [
            "Lola Bulkin", "Grace Le", "Ryan Moghaddas", "William Cherres",
            "Brayden Basinger"
        "CoderJoes is a virtual store where you can find recipes, ideas, and descriptions, "
        "as well as a group portfolio of our work over the trimester.")

    p4_monkeymath = model.Project(
        "Games Website", url_for('p4_monkeymath_bp.home'),
        "/static/img/History of Games ("
        "1).png", "P4 MonkeyMath", [
            "Nathaniel Lee", "Ryan Luo", "Aiden Tung", "Luke Manning",
            "Jaideep Bollu"
        "This project showcases the history of certain games and their impact on society. "
        "It also has a tab for our Hello Series project and a creators tab that showcases "
        "all of our journals.")

    p4_charlieb = model.Project(
        "Gaming Website", url_for('p4_charlieb_bp.home'),
        "/static/img/p4_charlieb.png", "P4 CharlieB",
        ["Kaila Manangan", "Eshaan Parlikar", "Brent Arcinue", "Calvin Ni"],
        "Our website, along with portfolio information, includes minigames for your entertainment!"

    projects = [
        p4_slackbots, p4_hangman, p4_fruitycoders, p4_coderjoes, p4_monkeymath,
    period = model.Period("Period 4",
                          "AP Principles of Computer Science - Python",
    return period