def train(self, nb_epoch=CONFIG['nb_epoch']): print("Start training.") for epoch in range(nb_epoch): print("Epoch : " + str(epoch)) g_loss = [] d_loss = [] for batch_id, (x, target) in enumerate(self.train_loader): real_batch_data = current_batch_size = x.shape[0] packed_real_data = pack(real_batch_data, self.packing) packed_batch_size = packed_real_data.shape[0] # labels label_real = torch.full((packed_batch_size,), 1, device=self.device).squeeze() label_fake = torch.full((packed_batch_size,), 0, device=self.device).squeeze() # smoothed real labels between 0.7 and 1, and fake between 0 and 0.3 label_real_smooth = torch.rand((packed_batch_size,)).to(self.device).squeeze() * 0.3 + 0.7 label_fake_smooth = torch.rand((packed_batch_size,)).to(self.device).squeeze() * 0.3 temp_discriminator_loss = [] temp_generator_loss = [] ### Train discriminator multiple times for i in range(self.nb_discriminator_step): loss_discriminator_total = self.train_discriminator(packed_real_data, current_batch_size, label_real_smooth if self.real_label_smoothing else label_real, label_fake_smooth if self.fake_label_smoothing else label_fake) temp_discriminator_loss.append(loss_discriminator_total.item()) # print("Discriminator step ", str(i), " with loss : ", loss_discriminator_total.item()) ### Train generator multiple times for i in range(self.nb_generator_step): loss_generator_total = self.train_generator(current_batch_size, label_real) temp_generator_loss.append(loss_generator_total.item()) if batch_id == len(self.train_loader) - 2: save_images(real_batch_data, self.save_path + "real/", self.image_size, self.image_channels, self.nb_image_to_gen, epoch) ### Keep track of losses d_loss.append(torch.mean(torch.tensor(temp_discriminator_loss))) g_loss.append(torch.mean(torch.tensor(temp_generator_loss))) self.discriminator_losses.append(torch.mean(torch.tensor(d_loss))) self.generator_losses.append(torch.mean(torch.tensor(g_loss))) save_images(self.generator(self.saved_latent_input), self.save_path + "gen_", self.image_size, self.image_channels, self.nb_image_to_gen, epoch) write_loss_plot(self.generator_losses, "G loss", self.save_path, clear_plot=False) write_loss_plot(self.discriminator_losses, "D loss", self.save_path, clear_plot=True) print("Training finished.")
def train(): time1 = time.time() input_path_S = [i.strip() for i in open(a.input_dir+'style.txt', 'r').readlines()] input_path_C = [i.strip() for i in open(a.input_dir+'content.txt', 'r').readlines()] target_path = [i.strip() for i in open(a.input_dir+'target.txt', 'r').readlines()] print(time.time() - time1) # ###################### network ################ batch_inputsS_holder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [a.style_num * a.style_sample_n, 80, 80, 1], name='inputsS') batch_inputsC_holder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [a.content_num * a.content_sample_n, 80, 80, 1], name='inputsC') batch_targets_holder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [a.target_batch_size, 80, 80, 1], name='targets') # compute the number of black pixels black = tf.greater(batch_targets_holder, 0.5) as_ints = tf.cast(black, tf.int32) zero_n = tf.reduce_sum(as_ints, [1, 2, 3]) + 1 # compute the mean of black pixels zeros = tf.zeros_like(batch_targets_holder) new_tensor = tf.where(black, batch_targets_holder, zeros) mean_pixel_value = tf.reduce_sum(new_tensor, [1, 2, 3])/tf.to_float(zero_n) # zero_n = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[a.target_batch_size,1],name='zero_n') # mean_pixel_value = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[a.target_batch_size,1],name='mean_pixel_value') with tf.variable_scope("generator"): pictures_decode, model_loss, model_mse = create_generator(batch_inputsS_holder, batch_inputsC_holder, batch_targets_holder, zero_n, mean_pixel_value) # ########prepare data ################################### input_path_S_holder = tf.placeholder(tf.string) input_path_C_holder = tf.placeholder(tf.string) target_path_holder = tf.placeholder(tf.string) dataset1 = dataset1 =, num_parallel_calls=a.num_parallel_prefetch) dataset1 = dataset1.prefetch(a.style_sample_n*a.style_num * a.num_parallel_prefetch) dataset1 = dataset1.batch(a.style_sample_n*a.style_num).repeat(a.max_epochs) dataset2 = dataset2 =, num_parallel_calls=a.num_parallel_prefetch) dataset2 = dataset2.prefetch(a.content_sample_n*a.content_num * a.num_parallel_prefetch) dataset2 = dataset2.batch(a.content_sample_n*a.content_num).repeat(a.max_epochs) dataset3 = dataset3 =, num_parallel_calls=a.num_parallel_prefetch) dataset3 = dataset3.prefetch(a.target_batch_size * a.num_parallel_prefetch) dataset3 = dataset3.batch(a.target_batch_size).repeat(a.max_epochs) iterator1 = dataset1.make_initializable_iterator() one_element1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(iterator1.get_next()) iterator2 = dataset2.make_initializable_iterator() one_element2 = tf.convert_to_tensor(iterator2.get_next()) iterator3 = dataset3.make_initializable_iterator() one_element3 = tf.convert_to_tensor(iterator3.get_next()) ############################################################################ # model_tvars = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"generator")] # optim_d = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=a.adam_lr).minimize(model_loss, var_list=model_tvars) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): model_tvars = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if"generator")] # model_optim = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(a.rmsprop_lr) # learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(a.adam_lr, global_step, a.decay_steps, a.decay_rate) model_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(a.adam_lr) model_grads_and_vars = model_optim.compute_gradients(model_loss, var_list=model_tvars) model_train = model_optim.apply_gradients(model_grads_and_vars) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=2) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() logdir = a.output_dir if (a.trace_freq > 0 or a.summary_freq > 0) else None sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=logdir, saver=None, summary_op=None) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with sv.managed_session(config=config) as sess: if a.checkpoint is not None: print("loading model from checkpoint") checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(a.checkpoint) saver.restore(sess, checkpoint) print('ok') start = time.time() steps_per_epoch = int(len(target_path)/a.target_batch_size) max_steps = a.max_epochs*steps_per_epoch, feed_dict={input_path_S_holder: input_path_S}), feed_dict={input_path_C_holder: input_path_C}), feed_dict={target_path_holder: target_path}) for step in range(max_steps): def should(freq): return freq > 0 and ((step + 1) % freq == 0 or step == max_steps - 1) batch_inputsS = batch_inputsC = batch_targets = _, loss, mse, outputs =[model_train, model_loss, model_mse, pictures_decode], feed_dict={batch_inputsS_holder: batch_inputsS, batch_inputsC_holder: batch_inputsC, batch_targets_holder: batch_targets}) if should(a.display_freq): print("saving display images") save_images(outputs, step, [4, 13], 'output') save_images(batch_targets, step, [4, 13], 'target') if should(a.progress_freq): # global_step will have the correct step count if we resume from a checkpoint train_epoch = math.ceil(step / steps_per_epoch) train_step = (step - 1) % steps_per_epoch + 1 rate = (step + 1) * a.target_batch_size / (time.time() - start) remaining = (max_steps - step) * a.target_batch_size / rate print("progress epoch %d step %d image/sec %0.1f remaining %dm" % (train_epoch, train_step, rate, remaining / 60)) print("model_loss", loss) print("mse", mse) if should(a.save_freq): print("saving model"), os.path.join(a.output_dir, "model"), global_step=step) if sv.should_stop(): break
def train(self, config): """Train DCGAN""" d_optim = self.d_optim g_optim = self.g_optim tf.compat.v1.initialize_all_variables().run() self.saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver() #self.g_sum = tf.merge_summary([#self.z_sum, # self.d__sum, # self.G_sum, self.d_loss_fake_sum, self.g_loss_sum]) # self.d_sum = tf.merge_summary([#self.z_sum, # self.d_sum, self.d_loss_real_sum, self.d_loss_sum]) self.writer = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter("./logs", self.sess.graph_def) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.compat.v1.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord) # Hang onto a copy of z so we can feed the same one every time we store # samples to disk for visualization assert self.sample_size > self.batch_size assert self.sample_size % self.batch_size == 0 sample_z = [] steps = self.sample_size // self.batch_size assert steps > 0 sample_zs = [] for i in range(steps): cur_zs =[0]) assert all(z.shape[0] == self.batch_size for z in cur_zs) sample_zs.append(cur_zs) sample_zs = [ np.concatenate([batch[i] for batch in sample_zs], axis=0) for i in range(len(sample_zs[0])) ] assert all(sample_z.shape[0] == self.sample_size for sample_z in sample_zs) counter = 1 if self.load(self.checkpoint_dir): print(" [*] Load SUCCESS") else: print(" [!] Load failed...") start_time = time.time() print_time = time.time() sample_time = time.time() save_time = time.time() idx = 0 try: while not coord.should_stop(): idx += 1 batch_start_time = time.time() """ batch_images = self.images.eval() from pylearn2.utils.image import save for i in xrange(self.batch_size): save("train_image_%d.png" % i, batch_images[i, :, :, :] / 2. + 0.5) """ #for i in xrange(3): #[d_optim], feed_dict=feed_dict) _d_optim, _d_sum, \ _g_optim, \ errD_fake, errD_real, errD_class, \ errG =[d_optim, self.d_sum, g_optim, # self.g_sum, self.d_loss_fakes[0], self.d_loss_reals[0], self.d_loss_classes[0], self.g_losses[0]]) counter += 1 if time.time() - print_time > 15.: print_time = time.time() total_time = print_time - start_time d_loss = errD_fake + errD_real + errD_class sec_per_batch = (print_time - start_time) / (idx + 1.) sec_this_batch = print_time - batch_start_time print( "[Batch %(idx)d] time: %(total_time)4.4f, d_loss: %(d_loss).8f, g_loss: %(errG).8f, d_loss_real: %(errD_real).8f, d_loss_fake: %(errD_fake).8f, d_loss_class: %(errD_class).8f, sec/batch: %(sec_per_batch)4.4f, sec/this batch: %(sec_this_batch)4.4f" ) #% locals() if (idx < 300 and idx % 10 == 0) or time.time() - sample_time > 300: sample_time = time.time() samples = [] # generator hard codes the batch size for i in range(self.sample_size // self.batch_size): feed_dict = {} for z, zv in zip(self.zses[0], sample_zs): if zv.ndim == 2: feed_dict[z] = zv[i * self.batch_size:(i + 1) * self.batch_size, :] elif zv.ndim == 4: feed_dict[z] = zv[i * self.batch_size:(i + 1) * self.batch_size, :, :, :] else: assert False cur_samples, =[self.Gs[0]], feed_dict=feed_dict) samples.append(cur_samples) samples = np.concatenate(samples, axis=0) assert samples.shape[0] == self.sample_size save_images(samples, [8, 8], self.sample_dir + '/train_%s.png' % (idx)) if time.time() - save_time > 3600: save_time = time.time(), counter) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print("Done training; epoch limit reached.") finally: coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def train(self, config): """Train DCGAN""" d_optim = self.d_optim g_optim = self.g_optim tf.initialize_all_variables().run() self.saver = tf.train.Saver() #self.g_sum = tf.merge_summary([#self.z_sum, # self.d__sum, # self.G_sum, self.d_loss_fake_sum, self.g_loss_sum]) # self.d_sum = tf.merge_summary([#self.z_sum, # self.d_sum, self.d_loss_real_sum, self.d_loss_sum]) self.writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter("./logs", self.sess.graph_def) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord) # Hang onto a copy of z so we can feed the same one every time we store # samples to disk for visualization assert self.sample_size > self.batch_size assert self.sample_size % self.batch_size == 0 sample_z = [] steps = self.sample_size // self.batch_size assert steps > 0 sample_zs = [] for i in xrange(steps): cur_zs =[0]) assert all(z.shape[0] == self.batch_size for z in cur_zs) sample_zs.append(cur_zs) sample_zs = [np.concatenate([batch[i] for batch in sample_zs], axis=0) for i in xrange(len(sample_zs[0]))] assert all(sample_z.shape[0] == self.sample_size for sample_z in sample_zs) counter = 1 if self.load(self.checkpoint_dir): print(" [*] Load SUCCESS") else: print(" [!] Load failed...") start_time = time.time() print_time = time.time() sample_time = time.time() save_time = time.time() idx = 0 try: while not coord.should_stop(): idx += 1 batch_start_time = time.time() """ batch_images = self.images.eval() from pylearn2.utils.image import save for i in xrange(self.batch_size): save("train_image_%d.png" % i, batch_images[i, :, :, :] / 2. + 0.5) """ #for i in xrange(3): #[d_optim], feed_dict=feed_dict) _d_optim, _d_sum, \ _g_optim, \ errD_fake, errD_real, errD_class, \ errG =[d_optim, self.d_sum, g_optim, # self.g_sum, self.d_loss_fakes[0], self.d_loss_reals[0], self.d_loss_classes[0], self.g_losses[0]]) counter += 1 if time.time() - print_time > 15.: print_time = time.time() total_time = print_time - start_time d_loss = errD_fake + errD_real + errD_class sec_per_batch = (print_time - start_time) / (idx + 1.) sec_this_batch = print_time - batch_start_time print "[Batch %(idx)d] time: %(total_time)4.4f, d_loss: %(d_loss).8f, g_loss: %(errG).8f, d_loss_real: %(errD_real).8f, d_loss_fake: %(errD_fake).8f, d_loss_class: %(errD_class).8f, sec/batch: %(sec_per_batch)4.4f, sec/this batch: %(sec_this_batch)4.4f" \ % locals() if (idx < 300 and idx % 10 == 0) or time.time() - sample_time > 300: sample_time = time.time() samples = [] # generator hard codes the batch size for i in xrange(self.sample_size // self.batch_size): feed_dict = {} for z, zv in zip(self.zses[0], sample_zs): if zv.ndim == 2: feed_dict[z] = zv[i*self.batch_size:(i+1)*self.batch_size, :] elif zv.ndim == 4: feed_dict[z] = zv[i*self.batch_size:(i+1)*self.batch_size, :, :, :] else: assert False cur_samples, = [self.Gs[0]], feed_dict=feed_dict ) samples.append(cur_samples) samples = np.concatenate(samples, axis=0) assert samples.shape[0] == self.sample_size save_images(samples, [8, 8], self.sample_dir + '/train_%s.png' % ( idx)) if time.time() - save_time > 3600: save_time = time.time(), counter) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print "Done training; epoch limit reached." finally: coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)