def main():
    assert FLAGS.MODE in ('train', 'valid', 'demo')

    if FLAGS.MODE == 'demo':
        demo(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, FLAGS.show_box)
    elif FLAGS.MODE == 'train':
    elif FLAGS.MODE == 'valid':
        validate_model(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, FLAGS.valid_data)
def gen_reaction_matrices(model, domain_enum, sink, validity_test):
    Returns generator yielding the sparse matrices for each reaction term.
    Generator yielding the sparse matrices for the dp/dt term of each reaction,
    matching the ordering implied by the ordering of the reaction propensity
    functions and transtions in the model.
     * ``domain_enum`` : :class:`StateEnum` instance enumerating the states
       in the domain
     * ``sink`` : boolean flag indicating if the reaction matrices should add
       a 'sink' state used to accumulate probability that flows outside
       of the domain. If sink is set to ``True``, the index of the sink state
       is chosen to be ``domain_enum.size``
     * ``validity_test`` : a function of the form
          validity_test(state_array) -> bool_array
       Returns a boolean array of flags corresponding to those states in
       ``state_array`` that are valid.
       See: non_neg_states(state_array)


    if domain_enum.offset != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError('non-zero domain_enum offset unsupported')

    sink = bool(sink)
    if sink:
        sink_index = domain_enum.size

    propensities = model.propensities
    transitions = model.transitions
    reactions = itertools.izip(propensities, transitions)

    src_states = numpy.array(domain_enum.ordered_states)
    src_indices = domain_enum.indices(src_states)

    for (propensity, transition) in reactions:

        # compute destination states for this transition
        transition = numpy.asarray(transition)[:, numpy.newaxis]
        dst_states = src_states + transition

        # determine which states have destination states inside the
        # truncated domain. these will be defined as the 'interior' states.
        # conversely, 'exterior' states are those states of the truncated
        # domain with destination states not in the domain.

        interior = domain_enum.contains(dst_states)
        exterior = numpy.logical_not(interior)

        num_int_states = numpy.add.reduce(interior)
        num_ext_states = numpy.add.reduce(exterior)

        # these lists will be used to accumulate 'COO'-ordinate format
        # sparse matrix data for this reaction.

        data = []
        rows = []
        cols = []

        # account for the sparse matrix data for the flux out of the
        # interior states of the truncated domain

        if num_int_states > 0:
            int_src_states = numpy.array(src_states[:, interior])
            int_src_indices = numpy.array(src_indices[interior])
            int_dst_states = numpy.array(dst_states[:, interior])
            int_dst_indices = domain_enum.indices(int_dst_states)
            int_coefficients = compute_propensity(propensity, int_src_states)

            # flux out
            # flux in

        # account for the sparse matrix data for the flux out of the interior
        # states of the truncated domain and into the sink state

        if sink and (num_ext_states > 0):
            valid = validity_test(dst_states[:, exterior])
            num_valid_states = numpy.add.reduce(valid)

            if num_valid_states > 0:
                ext_src_indices = numpy.array(src_indices[exterior][valid])
                ext_src_states = numpy.array(src_states[:, exterior][:, valid])
                ext_coefficients = compute_propensity(propensity,

                shape = numpy.shape(ext_src_indices)
                ext_dst_indices = sink_index * numpy.ones(shape,

                # these terms account for the flux out of the truncated
                # domain into the sink state

                # these terms account for the flux in to the sink state
                # from the truncated domain

        matrix_size = domain_enum.size
        if sink:
            matrix_size += 1
        matrix_shape = (matrix_size, ) * 2

        if len(data) == 0:
            reaction_matrix = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(matrix_shape)
            # merge data, rows, cols
            data = numpy.concatenate(data)
            cols = numpy.concatenate(cols)
            rows = numpy.concatenate(rows)

            # create coo matrix
            coo_data = (data, (rows, cols))
            reaction_matrix = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(coo_data, matrix_shape)

            # convert to sparse csr format, then compress & optimise the storage
            reaction_matrix = reaction_matrix.tocsr()

        yield reaction_matrix
def main():
    # Measure total program runtime by collecting start time
    start_time = time()

    # Create & retrieve Command Line Arugments
    in_arg = get_input_args()

    # Set device to cuda if gpu flag is set
    device = 'cuda' if in_arg.gpu == True else 'cpu'

    # Load the data
    train_dir = in_arg.data_dir + '/train'
    valid_dir = in_arg.data_dir + '/valid'
    test_dir = in_arg.data_dir + '/test'

    # Load the datasets with ImageFolder
    train_datasets = datasets.ImageFolder(train_dir,
    valid_datasets = datasets.ImageFolder(valid_dir, transform=test_transforms)
    test_datasets = datasets.ImageFolder(test_dir, transform=test_transforms)

    # Using the image datasets and the transforms, define the dataloaders
    trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_datasets,
    validloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_datasets, batch_size=32)
    testloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_datasets, batch_size=32)

    # Get the number of classes as the size of the output layer
    output_size = len(train_datasets.classes)

    # Build the model
    model = build_model(in_arg.arch, output_size, in_arg.hidden_units)

    # Insert mapping from class to index and index to class
    model.class_to_idx = train_datasets.class_to_idx
    model.idx_to_class = {i: c for c, i in model.class_to_idx.items()}

    # Move model to cuda before constructing the optimizer
    model = model.to(device)

    # Define criterion
    criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

    # Define optimizer
    # Only train the classifier parameters, feature parameters are frozen (p.requires_grad == false)
    optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad,

    # Train the model
    train_model(model, trainloader, validloader, in_arg.epochs, criterion,
                optimizer, device)

    # Test the model
    print('Start testing')
    _, test_accuracy = validate_model(model, testloader, criterion, device)
    print('Finished testing')
        "Accuracy of the model on the test set: {:.3f}".format(test_accuracy))

    # Save checkpoint
    save_checkpoint(in_arg.save_path, model, in_arg.arch, output_size,
                    in_arg.epochs, optimizer)

    # Measure total program runtime by collecting end time
    end_time = time()

    # Computes overall runtime in seconds & prints it in hh:mm:ss format
    tot_time = end_time - start_time
        "\n** Total Elapsed Runtime:",
        str(int((tot_time / 3600))) + ":" + str(int(
            (tot_time % 3600) / 60)) + ":" + str(int((tot_time % 3600) % 60)))
def create(model, sink, p_0=None, t_0=None, sink_0=None, time_dependencies=None, domain_states=None, domain_enum=None):
    Returns a solver for the Chemical Master Equation of the given model.

    Beware! This is an experimental dense solver! You *must* provide
    both domain_states and domain_enum arguments! See below...


        model : the CME model to solve

        sink : If sink is True, the solver will include a 'sink' state used
            to accumulate any probability that may flow outside the domain.
            This can be used to measure the error in the solution due to
            truncation of the domain. If sink is False, the solver will not
            include a 'sink' state, and probability will be artificially
            prevented from flowing outside of the domain.

        p_0 : (optional) mapping from states in the domain to probabilities,
            for the initial probability distribution. If not specified,
            and the initial state of the state space is given by the model,
            defaults to all probability concentrated at the initial state,
            otherwise, a ValueError will be raised.

        t_0 : (optional) initial time, defaults to 0.0

        sink_0 : (optional) initial sink probability, defaults to 0.0
            Only a valid argument if sink is set to True.

        time_dependencies : (optional) By default, reaction propensities are
            time independent. If specified, time_dependencies must be of the
            form { s_1 : phi_1, ..., s_n : phi_n }, where each (s_j, phi_j)
            item satisifes :

                s_j : set of reaction indices
                phi_j : phi_j(t) -> time dependent coefficient

            The propensities of the reactions with indicies contained in s_j
            will all be multiplied by the coefficient phi_j(t), at time t.
            Reactions are indexed according to the ordering of the propensities
            in the model.

            The reaction index sets s_j must be *disjoint*. It is not necessary
            for the union of the s_j to include all the reaction indices.
            If a reaction's index is not contained in any s_j then the reaction
            is treated as time-independent.

        mapping of time dependent coefficient
            functions keyed by subsets of reaction indices, with respect to the
            ordering of reactions determined by the order of the propensity
            functions inside the model. The propensities of the reactions
            with indices included in each subset are multiplied by the time
            dependent coefficient function. By default, no time dependent
            coefficient functions are specified, that is, the CME has
            time-independent propensities.

        domain_states : (required!) array of states in the domain.
            By default, generate the rectangular lattice of states defined by
            the 'shape' entry of the model. A ValueError is raised if both
            domain_states and 'shape' are unspecified.

        domain_enum : (required!) cmepy.state_enum.StateEnum instance,
            representing a bijection between the domain states and
            array indices. You can make one of these from domain_states

                domain_states = cmepy.state_enum.StateEnum(domain_states)

            This can be accessed from the returned solver object via
            the domain_enum attribute.


    if sink_0 is not None:
        if not sink:
            raise ValueError("sink_0 may not be specified if sink is False")
        sink_0 = float(sink_0)
        sink_0 = 0.0

    if domain_states is None:
        raise ValueError("domain_states must be explicitly specified")

    if domain_enum is None:
        raise ValueError("domain_enum must be explicitly specified")

    if t_0 is None:
        t_0 = 0.0

    # compute reaction matrices and use them to define differential equations
    gen_matrices = cme_matrix.gen_reaction_matrices(model, domain_enum, sink, cme_matrix.non_neg_states)
    reaction_matrices = list(gen_matrices)
    dy_dt = cme_matrix.create_diff_eqs(reaction_matrices, phi=time_dependencies)

    # construct and initialise solver
    if sink:
        p_0 = (p_0, sink_0)
    pack, unpack = create_dense_packing_functions(domain_enum, sink)
    cme_solver = ode_solver.Solver(dy_dt, y_0=p_0, t_0=t_0)
    cme_solver.set_packing(pack, unpack, transform_dy_dt=False)
    cme_solver.domain_enum = domain_enum
    cme_solver.domain_states = domain_states
    return cme_solver
文件: solver.py 项目: oaarscorp/CME
def create(model,
    Returns a solver for the Chemical Master Equation of the given model.

    Beware! This is an experimental dense solver! You *must* provide
    both domain_states and domain_enum arguments! See below...


        model : the CME model to solve

        sink : If sink is True, the solver will include a 'sink' state used
            to accumulate any probability that may flow outside the domain.
            This can be used to measure the error in the solution due to
            truncation of the domain. If sink is False, the solver will not
            include a 'sink' state, and probability will be artificially
            prevented from flowing outside of the domain.

        p_0 : (optional) mapping from states in the domain to probabilities,
            for the initial probability distribution. If not specified,
            and the initial state of the state space is given by the model,
            defaults to all probability concentrated at the initial state,
            otherwise, a ValueError will be raised.

        t_0 : (optional) initial time, defaults to 0.0

        sink_0 : (optional) initial sink probability, defaults to 0.0
            Only a valid argument if sink is set to True.

        time_dependencies : (optional) By default, reaction propensities are
            time independent. If specified, time_dependencies must be of the
            form { s_1 : phi_1, ..., s_n : phi_n }, where each (s_j, phi_j)
            item satisifes :

                s_j : set of reaction indices
                phi_j : phi_j(t) -> time dependent coefficient

            The propensities of the reactions with indicies contained in s_j
            will all be multiplied by the coefficient phi_j(t), at time t.
            Reactions are indexed according to the ordering of the propensities
            in the model.

            The reaction index sets s_j must be *disjoint*. It is not necessary
            for the union of the s_j to include all the reaction indices.
            If a reaction's index is not contained in any s_j then the reaction
            is treated as time-independent.

        mapping of time dependent coefficient
            functions keyed by subsets of reaction indices, with respect to the
            ordering of reactions determined by the order of the propensity
            functions inside the model. The propensities of the reactions
            with indices included in each subset are multiplied by the time
            dependent coefficient function. By default, no time dependent
            coefficient functions are specified, that is, the CME has
            time-independent propensities.

        domain_states : (required!) array of states in the domain.
            By default, generate the rectangular lattice of states defined by
            the 'shape' entry of the model. A ValueError is raised if both
            domain_states and 'shape' are unspecified.

        domain_enum : (required!) cmepy.state_enum.StateEnum instance,
            representing a bijection between the domain states and
            array indices. You can make one of these from domain_states

                domain_states = cmepy.state_enum.StateEnum(domain_states)

            This can be accessed from the returned solver object via
            the domain_enum attribute.


    if sink_0 is not None:
        if not sink:
            raise ValueError('sink_0 may not be specified if sink is False')
        sink_0 = float(sink_0)
        sink_0 = 0.0

    if domain_states is None:
        raise ValueError('domain_states must be explicitly specified')

    if domain_enum is None:
        raise ValueError('domain_enum must be explicitly specified')

    if validity_test is None:
        validity_test = cme_matrix.non_neg_states

    if t_0 is None:
        t_0 = 0.0

    # compute reaction matrices and use them to define differential equations
    gen_matrices = cme_matrix.gen_reaction_matrices(model, domain_enum, sink,
    reaction_matrices = list(gen_matrices)
    dy_dt = cme_matrix.create_diff_eqs(reaction_matrices,

    # construct and initialise solver
    if sink:
        p_0 = (p_0, sink_0)
    pack, unpack = create_dense_packing_functions(domain_enum, sink)
    cme_solver = ode_solver.Solver(dy_dt, y_0=p_0, t_0=t_0)
    cme_solver.set_packing(pack, unpack, transform_dy_dt=False)
    cme_solver.domain_enum = domain_enum
    cme_solver.domain_states = domain_states
    return cme_solver
def gen_reaction_matrices(model,
    Returns generator yielding the sparse matrices for each reaction term.
    Generator yielding the sparse matrices for the dp/dt term of each reaction,
    matching the ordering implied by the ordering of the reaction propensity
    functions and transtions in the model.
     * ``domain_enum`` : :class:`StateEnum` instance enumerating the states
       in the domain
     * ``sink`` : boolean flag indicating if the reaction matrices should add
       a 'sink' state used to accumulate probability that flows outside
       of the domain. If sink is set to ``True``, the index of the sink state
       is chosen to be ``domain_enum.size``
     * ``validity_test`` : a function of the form
          validity_test(state_array) -> bool_array
       Returns a boolean array of flags corresponding to those states in
       ``state_array`` that are valid.
       See: non_neg_states(state_array)
    if domain_enum.offset != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError('non-zero domain_enum offset unsupported')
    sink = bool(sink)
    if sink:
        sink_index = domain_enum.size
    propensities = model.propensities
    transitions = model.transitions
    reactions = itertools.izip(propensities, transitions)
    src_states = numpy.array(domain_enum.ordered_states)
    src_indices = domain_enum.indices(src_states)
    for (propensity, transition) in reactions:
        # compute destination states for this transition
        transition = numpy.asarray(transition)[:, numpy.newaxis]
        dst_states = src_states + transition
        # determine which states have destination states inside the
        # truncated domain. these will be defined as the 'interior' states.
        # conversely, 'exterior' states are those states of the truncated
        # domain with destination states not in the domain.
        interior = domain_enum.contains(dst_states)
        exterior = numpy.logical_not(interior)
        num_int_states = numpy.add.reduce(interior)
        num_ext_states = numpy.add.reduce(exterior)
        # these lists will be used to accumulate 'COO'-ordinate format
        # sparse matrix data for this reaction.
        data = []
        rows = []
        cols = []
        # account for the sparse matrix data for the flux out of the
        # interior states of the truncated domain
        if num_int_states > 0:
            int_src_states = numpy.array(src_states[:, interior])
            int_src_indices = numpy.array(src_indices[interior])
            int_dst_states = numpy.array(dst_states[:, interior])
            int_dst_indices = domain_enum.indices(int_dst_states)
            int_coefficients = compute_propensity(propensity,
            # flux out
            # flux in
        # account for the sparse matrix data for the flux out of the interior
        # states of the truncated domain and into the sink state
        if sink and (num_ext_states > 0):
            valid = validity_test(dst_states[:, exterior])
            num_valid_states = numpy.add.reduce(valid)
            if num_valid_states > 0:
                ext_src_indices = numpy.array(src_indices[exterior][valid])
                ext_src_states = numpy.array(src_states[:, exterior][:, valid])
                ext_coefficients = compute_propensity(propensity,
                shape = numpy.shape(ext_src_indices)
                ext_dst_indices = sink_index * numpy.ones(shape,
                                                          dtype = numpy.int)
                # these terms account for the flux out of the truncated
                # domain into the sink state
                # these terms account for the flux in to the sink state
                # from the truncated domain
        matrix_size = domain_enum.size
        if sink:
            matrix_size += 1
        matrix_shape = (matrix_size, )*2
        if len(data) == 0:
            reaction_matrix = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(matrix_shape)
            # merge data, rows, cols
            data = numpy.concatenate(data)
            cols = numpy.concatenate(cols)
            rows = numpy.concatenate(rows)
            # create coo matrix
            coo_data = (data, (rows, cols))
            reaction_matrix = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(coo_data, matrix_shape)
            # convert to sparse csr format, then compress & optimise the storage
            reaction_matrix = reaction_matrix.tocsr()
        yield reaction_matrix