def saveEncodings(SHAPENET_PATH=os.path.join("G:\\", "Documenti", "ShapeNetCore.v2"), cat_filter=["table", "chair", "sofa"], SUBDIVISIONS=2, NAME="learning_pred_and_gen_vector_autoencoder_adam_lr_5", BATCH_SIZE=8, TMP="C:\\GL\\3DShapeGen\\tmp\\"): # # Instantiate model # model = Model(name=NAME, lr=10**-5) model.initialize(BATCH_SIZE) model.load() # # Load in advance the paths of all the elements # we need to get the embeddings # if os.path.exists(TMP): with open(TMP, "rb") as f: paths = pickle.load(f) else: paths = [ x for x in dataGenerator( SHAPENET_PATH, cat_filter=cat_filter, generate_path=True) ] with open(TMP, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(paths, f) # # batch the elements and for each batch produce a tensor of binvoxes # batches = [] for i in range(0, len(paths), BATCH_SIZE): batches.append(paths[i:i + BATCH_SIZE]) for batch in tqdm(batches): models_paths = [ os.path.join(x, "models", "model_normalized.solid.binvox") for x in batch ] binvoxs = [] for x in models_paths: if os.path.exists(x): binvoxs.append(binvoxToNumpy(x)) else: binvoxs.append(np.zeros(shape=(128, 128, 128))) binvoxs = tf.convert_to_tensor(binvoxs, dtype=tf.float32) binvoxs = tf.reshape(binvoxs, shape=[ binvoxs.shape[0], binvoxs.shape[1], binvoxs.shape[2], binvoxs.shape[3], 1 ]) binvoxs = tf.nn.max_pool3d(binvoxs, 2 * SUBDIVISIONS, 2 * SUBDIVISIONS, 'VALID', data_format='NDHWC', name=None) # # Produce the embeddings, the embeddings has shape: (bs,embedding_dim) # embeddings = model.encode(binvoxs) # # parallel write of the elements to disk # args = [(path, emb, NAME) for path, emb in zip(batch, embeddings)] p = Pool(BATCH_SIZE), args)
epochs = 1000 for i in range(epochs): optimizer.zero_grad() output = AE(data_torch) loss = loss_fn(output, data_torch) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if i % 100 == 0: print('Epoch {}: {:.4f}'.format(i, loss)) AE.eval() with torch.no_grad(): data_transformed = AE.encode(data_torch).detach().numpy() else: raise Exception('Please specify a valid solver!') edges2d = [] for e in edge_list: edges2d.append(data_transformed[[e[0], e[1]]]) # check crosses crosses = cross(edges2d, edge_list, findall=True) print('{}: {} crosses'.format(method, len(crosses))) plt.scatter(data_transformed[:, 0], data_transformed[:, 1], c=t,