def post(self, id=""): act = self.get_argument("act", "") if act == "findid": eid = self.get_argument("id", "") self.redirect("%s/admin/comment/%s" % (BASE_URL, eid)) return tf = {"true": 1, "false": 0} post_dic = { "author": self.get_argument("author"), "email": self.get_argument("email", ""), "content": safe_encode(self.get_argument("content").replace("\r", "\n")), "url": self.get_argument("url", ""), "visible": self.get_argument("visible", "false"), "id": id, } post_dic["visible"] = tf[post_dic["visible"].lower()] if MYSQL_TO_KVDB_SUPPORT: obj = Comment.get_comment_by_id(id) for k, v in obj.items(): if k not in post_dic: post_dic[k] = v Comment.update_comment_edit(post_dic) clear_cache_by_pathlist(["post:%s" % id]) self.redirect("%s/admin/comment/%s" % (BASE_URL, id)) return
def get(self): recentComments = Comment.all().order('-commentTime').fetch(10) recentBlogs = Blog.all().order('-createTimeStamp').fetch(5) links = Link.all() template_values = { 'recentComments': recentComments, 'recentBlogs': recentBlogs, 'links': links } blogid = self.param('p') if (blogid): blogid = int(blogid) blogs = Blog.all().filter('blog_id =', blogid).fetch(1) blog = blogs[0] comments = Comment.all().filter("ownerBlog =", blog).order('commentTime') template_values.update({'blog': blog, 'comments': comments}) self.generateBasePage('singleblog.html', template_values) else: pageIndex = self.param('page') if (pageIndex): pageIndex = int(pageIndex) else: pageIndex = 1 blogs = Blog.all().order('-createTimeStamp') pager = PageManager(query=blogs, items_per_page=blogSystem.posts_per_page) blogs, links = pager.fetch(pageIndex) template_values.update({'blogs': blogs, 'pager': links}) self.generateBasePage('main.html', template_values) return
def post(self, secret=""): pcomm = (self.get_argument("pcomm", ""),) if pcomm and secret: if secret == getAttr("MOVE_SECRET"): Comment.set_pcomm(encode_special_txt(pcomm[0])) return self.write("1") return self.write("Fail")
def post(self, secret=""): comments = (self.get_argument("comments", ""),) if comments and secret: if secret == getAttr("MOVE_SECRET"): Comment.set_comms(comments[0]) return self.write("1") return self.write("Fail")
def extract_comments(self, sid, text): """ Extracts comments from a XML string. The parsing is done using feedparser library. :param sid: the id of the new. :param text: the RSS xml. """ parsed = feedparser.parse(text) try: published = parsed.feed.published except AttributeError: published = parsed.feed.updated comments = [] for comment in parsed.entries: meneame_comment = Comment(sid) meneame_comment.order = comment['meneame_order'] meneame_comment.karma = comment['meneame_karma'] meneame_comment.user = comment['meneame_user'] meneame_comment.votes = comment['meneame_votes'] = comment['meneame_comment_id'] try: meneame_comment.published = comment.published except AttributeError: meneame_comment.published = comment.updated meneame_comment.summary = comment.summary comments.append(meneame_comment) return comments, published
def post(self, id=''): act = self.get_argument("act", '') if act == 'findid': eid = self.get_argument("id", '') self.redirect('%s/admin/comment/%s' % (BASE_URL, eid)) return tf = {'true': 1, 'false': 0} post_dic = { 'author': self.get_argument("author"), 'email': self.get_argument("email", ''), 'content': safe_encode(self.get_argument("content").replace('\r', '\n')), 'url': self.get_argument("url", ''), 'visible': self.get_argument("visible", 'false'), 'id': id } post_dic['visible'] = tf[post_dic['visible'].lower()] if MYSQL_TO_KVDB_SUPPORT: obj = Comment.get_comment_by_id(id) for k, v in obj.items(): if k not in post_dic: post_dic[k] = v Comment.update_comment_edit(post_dic) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['post:%s' % id]) self.redirect('%s/admin/comment/%s' % (BASE_URL, id)) return
def post(self, secret="", id=""): comment = (self.get_argument("comment", ""),) if id and comment and secret: if secret == getAttr("MOVE_SECRET"): Comment.set_comm(id, encode_special_txt(comment[0])) return self.write("1") return self.write("Fail")
def post(self, secret='', id=''): comment = self.get_argument("comment", ''), if id and comment and secret: if secret == getAttr('MOVE_SECRET'): Comment.set_comm(id, encode_special_txt(comment[0])) return self.write('1') return self.write('Fail')
def _get_comments(self, foreign_id=None): comments = [] comments_counter = 0 comments_page_counter = 0 while True: comments_page_counter += 1 response = requests.get(self._comments_url.format(foreign_id, comments_page_counter)) if response.status_code == 404: return comments json_top_comments_list = json.loads(response.content)['data'] for json_top_comment in json_top_comments_list: comments_counter += 1 sub_comments_counter = 0 top_comment = json_top_comment['Comment'] top_comment_original_id = top_comment['id'] top_text = top_comment['text'] top_comment_id = str(comments_counter) parent_id = top_comment['parent_id'] comments.append(Comment(top_comment_id, parent_id, top_text)) if 'SubComment' not in json_top_comment: continue else: json_sub_comments = json_top_comment['SubComment'] sub_comment_ids = [] for json_sub_comment in json_sub_comments: sub_comment_ids.append(json_sub_comment['id']) sub_comments_counter += 1 sub_text = json_sub_comment['text'] sub_id = "%s-%d" % (top_comment_id, sub_comments_counter) sub_parent_id = top_comment_id comments.append(Comment(sub_id, sub_parent_id, sub_text)) comments.extend( self._get_sub_comments(foreign_id, top_comment_original_id, sub_comment_ids, top_comment_id))
def post(self, postId): post = Post.get_post_by_id(postId) if not post or post.status != 0 or post.commentstatus == 1: self.write('抱歉,评论功能已关闭。') else: username = self.get_argument('username', '') email = self.get_argument('email', '') content = self.get_argument('comment', '') parentid = int(self.get_argument('parentid', 0)) if self.islogin: curr_user_info = self.get_current_user_info username = curr_user_info.username email = if username == '' or content == '' or not isemail(email): self.flash(u'错误:称呼、电子邮件与内容是必填项') self.redirect(post.url + '#comments') return username = username[:20] content = content[:512] if not self.islogin: is_spam = spam_check(content, self.request.remote_ip) else: is_spam = 0 if is_spam: self.flash(u'sorry,your comment is not posted') self.redirect(post.url+'#comments') location = get_location_byip(self.request.remote_ip) Comment.post_comment(postid=postId, username=username, email=email, content=content, parentid=parentid, ip=self.request.remote_ip, isspam=is_spam, location=location) if is_spam: self.flash(u'您的评论可能会被认定为Spam') self.set_comment_user(username, email) self.redirect(post.url + '#comments')
def comment(): """ comment handler, add a new comment to DB give a new notification to post poster and send a validate email """ zid = session['zid'] user = User.findByKey(zid) if not user: return redirect(url_for('login')) pid = request.form.get('pid') poster_zid = request.form.get('poster_zid') m_user = User.findByKey(poster_zid) message = request.form.get('message') new_comment = Comment(pid=pid, zid=zid, message=message) flash('Success: you have post a new comment.') notification = Notifications(from_zid=user.zid, to_zid=poster_zid, noti_type='reply', from_name=user.full_name, from_img=user.image, pid=pid) # = pid mail = MailUtils('*****@*****.**', 'MateLook Team', m_user.full_name) mail.notificaion() post = Post.findByKey(pid) poster = User.findByKey(post.zid) page = int(request.args.get('page', '1')) total = len(post.getComments()) pag = Pagination(page, total) return redirect(url_for('postlook', pid=pid, page=page))
def post(self, post_id): blogpost = self.get_blogpost(post_id) user = self.get_user_object() if user: if blogpost: # To detect which form is sent, the like or the comment if "likeBtn" in self.request.POST: if == user.key().id(): error = "You cannot like your own post!" comments = self.get_comments(blogpost) self.render_content(blogpost=blogpost, user=user, comments=comments, error_like=error) else: like = LikePost(user=user, blogpost=blogpost) like.put() self.redirect('/%s' % post_id) else: content = self.request.get("comment") if content: comment = Comment(user=user, blogpost=blogpost, content=content) comment.put() self.redirect('/%s' % post_id) else: error = "Please write something before posting!" comments = self.get_comments(blogpost) self.render_content(blogpost=blogpost, user=user, comments=comments, error_comment=error) else: self.redirect("/login")
def post(self, secret=''): pcomm = self.get_argument("pcomm", ''), if pcomm and secret: if secret == getAttr('MOVE_SECRET'): Comment.set_pcomm(encode_special_txt(pcomm[0])) return self.write('1') return self.write('Fail')
def post(self, secret=''): comments = self.get_argument("comments", ''), if comments and secret: if secret == getAttr('MOVE_SECRET'): Comment.set_comms(comments[0]) return self.write('1') return self.write('Fail')
def add_comment(): comment = request.form.get("comment") question_id = request.form.get("question_id") question_info = Question.query.get(question_id) question_author = User.query.filter(User.user_id == question_info.user_id).first() date_string ='%Y-%m-%d') commented_item = Comment(user_id = session["user_id"], comment_timestamp = date_string, question_id = question_id, comment = comment) db.session.add(commented_item) db.session.commit() comment_author = User.query.filter(User.user_id == commented_item.user_id).first() comment_auth_image = comment_author.images[0] result = {'comment_id': commented_item.comment_id, 'vote': commented_item.vote_count(), 'comment_author': comment_author.username, 'comment_auth_image':comment_auth_image.image, 'comment_timestamp': commented_item.comment_timestamp, 'user_id': comment_author.user_id} notify_author_comment(commented_item.comment,, question_author.username, question_info.question, question_info.title_question, comment_author.username) return jsonify(result)
def register_MMP_RecordParsers(): #bruce 071019 """ Register MMP_RecordParser subclasses for the model objects that can be read from mmp files, and whose parsers are not hardcoded into """ import model.Comment as Comment Comment.register_MMP_RecordParser_for_Comment() import analysis.GAMESS.jig_Gamess as jig_Gamess jig_Gamess.register_MMP_RecordParser_for_Gamess() import model.PovrayScene as PovrayScene PovrayScene.register_MMP_RecordParser_for_PovrayScene() try: import dna.model.DnaMarker as DnaMarker DnaMarker.register_MMP_RecordParser_for_DnaMarkers() except: print_compact_traceback( "bug: ignoring exception in register_MMP_RecordParser_for_DnaMarkers: " ) pass # TODO: add more of these. return
def commentscreate(): data = request.forms.getunicode('data') data = json.loads(data) Comment.create(data) openid = data['openid'] user = User.find_by_id(openid) data['type'] = 'comment' Message.create(user, '', data)
def api_comments(*, page='1'): page_index = get_page_index(page) num = yield from Comment.findNumber('count(id)') p = Page(num, page_index) if num == 0: return dict(page=p, comments=()) comments = yield from Comment.findAll(orderBy='created_at desc', limit=(p.offset, p.limit)) return dict(page=p, comments=comments)
def api_comments(*,page='1'): page_index = get_page_index(page) num = yield from Comment.findNumber('count(id)') p = Page(num,page_index) if num == 0 : return dict(page=p,comments = ()) comments = yield from Comment.findAll(orderBy='created_at desc',limit=(p.offset,p.limit)) return dict(page=p,comments=comments)
def _get_facebook_comments(self, **kwargs): """ Scrape all Facebook comments using Facebook comments URL. :param facebook_id: Facebook ID :param domain: domain :param url: url :return: """ comments = [] fb_comments_response = requests.get( self._comments_url.format(kwargs['facebook_id'], kwargs['domain'], kwargs['url'])).content.decode('utf-8') fb_comments_json = json.loads('handleServerJS\(({\"instances\".*)\);\}', fb_comments_response).group(1)) target_fb_id = fb_comments_json['require'][2][3][0]['props']['meta'][ 'targetFBID'] fb_pager_url = "{}/pager/time".format( target_fb_id) top_comments_response =, data={ '__a': 1, 'limit': 5000 }).content.decode('utf-8') top_comments_json = json.loads('({.*})', top_comments_response).group()) top_comments_list = top_comments_json['payload']['commentIDs'] top_comments_counter = 0 for top_comment_id in top_comments_list: top_comments_counter += 1 comments.append( Comment(comment_id=str(top_comments_counter), parent_comment_id=',', text=top_comments_json['payload']['idMap'] [top_comment_id]['body']['text'])) sub_comments_url = '{}/pager'.format( top_comment_id) sub_comments_response =, data={ '__a': '1' }).content.decode('utf-8') sub_comments_json = json.loads('({.*})', sub_comments_response).group()) sub_comments_counter = 0 for sub_comment_id in sub_comments_json['payload']['commentIDs']: sub_comments_counter += 1 sub_comment_text = sub_comments_json['payload']['idMap'][ sub_comment_id]['body']['text'] comments.append( Comment(comment_id="%d-%d" % (top_comments_counter, sub_comments_counter), parent_comment_id=str(top_comments_counter), text=sub_comment_text)) return comments
def example_data(): """Create some sample data for tests file to use.""" # Create some fake users u1 = User(user_id=1, email="*****@*****.**", name="Jessi DiTocco", password="******") u2 = User(user_id=2, email="*****@*****.**", name="Liz Lee", password="******") # Create some fake events e1 = Event(event_id="43104373341", name="Aristophanes @ Cafe du Nord", start_time="Friday, February 16 at 9:30PM+", end_time="Saturday, February 17 at 2:00AM", address="2174 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94114", latitude=37.7649659, longitude=-122.431, venue_name="Slate") e2 = Event(event_id="41465350981", name="Funk", start_time="Friday, February 15 at 9:30PM+", end_time="Saturday, February 18 at 2:00AM", address="4123 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94114", latitude=39.7649659, longitude=-122.431, venue_name="The Jam") # Create some bookmark types bt1 = BookmarkType(bookmark_type_id=1, bookmark_type="going") bt2 = BookmarkType(bookmark_type_id=2, bookmark_type="interested") # Create some fake bookmarks b1 = Bookmark(bookmark_id=1, user_id=1, event_id="43104373341", bookmark_type_id=2) b2 = Bookmark(bookmark_id=2, user_id=2, event_id="43104373341", bookmark_type_id=1) # Create some fake Comments c1 = Comment(comment_id=1, user_id=1, event_id="43104373341", comment="HI!") c2 = Comment(comment_id=2, user_id=2, event_id="43104373341", comment="HI!") db.session.add_all([u1, u2, e1, e2, bt1, bt2, b1, b2, c1, c2]) db.session.commit()
def get(self): page = int(self.get_argument('page', 1)) if self.get_argument('act', '') == 'delete': Comment.delete_comment_by_id(int(self.get_argument('id', 0))) pagesize = 20 rtn = Comment.get_comments(pagesize=pagesize) self.datamap['comments'] = rtn[1] self.datamap['count'] = rtn[0] self.datamap['pagecount'] = int(math.ceil(float(rtn[0]) / pagesize)) self.write(render_admin.comment(self.datamap))
def create_a_comment(body): try: with create_session() as s: o = Comment() o.body = body s.add(o) return '' except Exception as e: logging.warning(e) return 'Write a comments failed'
def get_comment(msg_id, page): """return certain page of comments of message msg_id""" res = flatten_double(Comment.find_original_comment(msg_id, page * 10, 10)) # the number of pages of comments, 10 comments per page count = (Comment.count_original_comment(msg_id) - 1) // 10 + 1 for c in res: c['reply_list'] = flatten_double( Comment.find_reply_by_comment(c['comment_id'])) return jsonify((count, res))
def post(self, type, identifier): """ --- description: Create new comment security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - comment requestBody: description: Comment content content: application/json: schema: CommentSchemaBase parameters: - in: path name: type schema: type: string enum: [file, config, blob, object] description: Type of target object - in: path name: identifier schema: type: string description: Commented object's id responses: 200: description: Comment object after addition content: application/json: schema: CommentSchema """ schema = CommentSchemaBase() obj = schema.loads(request.get_data(as_text=True)) if obj.errors: return {"errors": obj.errors}, 400 db_object = authenticated_access(Object, identifier) db_comment = Comment() db_comment.comment =["comment"] db_comment.user_id = db_comment.object_id = db.session.add(db_comment) db.session.commit()'comment added', extra={'comment': db_comment.object_id}) db.session.refresh(db_comment) schema = CommentSchema() return schema.dump(db_comment)
def commentvote(): postuserid = request.forms.getunicode('postuserid') openid = request.forms.getunicode('openid') user = User.find_by_id(openid) cid = request.forms.getunicode('cid') comment = Comment(cid) flag = comment.incrThumbs(openid) if flag: data = {'type': 'tcomment', 'index': cid} Message.create(user, postuserid, data) else: comment.decrThumbs(openid)
def init_comment(game, content, speaker_name): player_i = cu.get_ints(content.split('号发言')[0])[0] content_trimed = content.split('号发言')[1] player = game.init_player(speaker_name, player_i) game.set_current_speaker(player) comment = Comment(player,, content_trimed) if <= 1: if not game.shreff: player.is_shreff_cadidate = True comment.is_shreff_run = True game.add_comment(comment) return build_message(vocab.start_comment.gen())
def api_create_comment(id,request,*,content): user = request.__user__ if user is None: raise APIPermissionError('please signin first...') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content') blog = yield from Blog.find(id) if blog is None: raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Blog') comment = Comment(blog_id = ,user_id =,,user_image = user.image,content = content.strip()) yield from return comment
def api_create_comment(id, request, *, content): user = request.__user__ if user is None: raise APIPermissionError('Please signin first.') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content') blog = yield from Blog.find(id) if blog is None: raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Blog') comment = Comment(,,, user_image=user.image, content=content.strip()) yield from return comment
def api_craete_commnet(id, request, content): if not id or not id.strip(): raise APIValueError('id','empty id') if not content or not content.strip(): raise APIValueError('content','empty content') commnet = Comment(blog_id=id,,, user_image=request.__user__.image, content=content) yield from r = aiohttp.web.Response() r.content_type = 'application/json' r.body = json.dumps(commnet,ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') return r
def add_comment(): """添加评论操作""" context = request.form.get('comment') comment = Comment(context=context) community_id = request.form.get('community_id') community = Community.query.filter( == community_id).first() = community username = session.get('user_name') author = User.query.filter(User.username == username).first() = author db.session.add(comment) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('question_detail', community_id=community_id))
def post(self, post_id): key = db.Key.from_path('Post', int(post_id), parent=blog_key()) post = db.get(key) if not post: self.error(404) return """ While commenting, a comment datastore object is created and stored, with respect to each user and post. """ c = "" if (self.user): # On clicking like, post-like value increases. if (self.request.get('like') and self.request.get('like') == "update"): likes = db.GqlQuery("select * from Like where post_id= " + post_id + " and user_id= " + str(self.user.key().id())) if self.user.key().id() == post.user_id: self.redirect("/blog/" + post_id + "?error= You cannot like your own post") return elif likes.count() == 0: l = Like(parent=blog_key(), user_id=self.user.key().id(), post_id=int(post_id)) l.put() # On commenting, it creates new comment tuple if (self.request.get('comment')): c = Comment(parent=blog_key(), user_id=self.user.key().id(), post_id=int(post_id), comment=self.request.get('comment')) c.put() else: self.redirect("/blog/" + post_id + "?error= Need to Login Please.") return comments = db.GqlQuery("select * from Comment where post_id = " + post_id + "order by created desc") likes = db.GqlQuery("select * from Like where post_id=" + post_id) self.render("permalink.html", post=post, comments=comments, no_of_likes=likes.count(), new=c)
def post(self): self.options() username = self.request.get('username') post_id = self.request.get('post_id') content = self.request.get('content') if username != None and post_id != None and content != None: comment_post = Comment(username=username, post_id=post_id, content=content) comment_post.put() self.response.out.write("Complete") else: self.response.out.write("Fail")
def post(self): if self.user.state == UserState.PROPOSED: proposal_key_str = self.request.get('proposal_key_str') proposal_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=proposal_key_str) content = self.request.get('content') Comment.create_comment(proposal_key, self.user.username, content) comments = proposal_key.get().get_comments() comments_rendered = '' for comment in comments: comments_rendered += self.render_str('comment.html', comment=comment) self.write(comments_rendered) else: self.abort(400)
def add_comment(): content = request.form.get('comment-content') question_id = request.form.get('question_id') comment = Comment(content=content) user_id = session.get('user_id') user = User.query.filter( == user_id).first() = user question = Question.query.filter( == question_id).first() comment.question = question db.session.add(comment) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('detail', question_id=question_id))
def post(self): text = self.request.get('comment') if len(text) > 0: date_time = self.request.get('date_time') post_key = Post.query(Post.date_time == date_time).fetch()[0].key name = self.request.get('author_name') author_key = Key('User', self.session.get('user_key_id')) comment = Comment(author_key = author_key, post_key = post_key, text = text, author_name = name, date_time ='%m/%d/%y/%H/%M/%S/%f')) comment.put() time.sleep(0.1) self.redirect('/index')
def post(self): # this method is reserved for AJAX call to this object # json response result = {'message': ""} comment_id = self.request.POST.get("comment_id", "") operation = self.request.POST.get("operation", "")"CommentManager, post data: comment_id = %s, operation = %s" % (comment_id, operation)) if comment_id: comment = Comment.get_by_id(long(comment_id)) if comment: if operation == "delete": # update entry.commentcount comment.entry.commentcount -= 1 comment.entry.put() # delete this comment comment.delete() result['message'] = "comment '%s' has been deleted" % (comment_id) else: result['message'] = "unknown operation %s" % (operation) else: result['message'] = "unknown comment id %s" % (comment_id) else: result['message'] = "empty comment id" json_response = json.encode(result)"json response: %s" % (json_response)) self.response.content_type = "application/json" return self.response.out.write(json_response)
def get(self, page_slug=""): if page_slug: t_values = {} posts = Entry.all().filter("is_external_page =", True).filter("entrytype =", 'page').filter("slug =", page_slug) if posts.count() == 1: logging.warning("find one page with slug=%s" % (page_slug)) posts = posts.fetch(limit=1) post = posts[0] t_values['post'] = post # dump(post) # find all comments comments = Comment.all().filter("entry =", post).order("date") t_values['comments'] = comments else: logging.warning("%d entries share the same slug %s" % (posts.count(), page_slug)) links = Link.all().order("date") t_values['links'] = links categories = Category.all() t_values['categories'] = categories pages = Entry.all().filter("is_external_page =", True).filter("entrytype =", 'page').order("date") t_values['pages'] = pages return self.response.out.write(render_template("page.html", t_values, "basic", False)) else: self.redirect(uri_for("weblog.index"))
def get(self, name = ''): objs = Category.get_cat_page_posts(name, 1) catobj = Category.get_cat_by_name(name) if catobj: pass else: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return allpost = catobj.id_num allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s"%(, getAttr('SITE_TITLE')), 'keywords', 'description':getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'archives': Archive.get_all_archive_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'cat', 'name': name, 'namemd5': md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), 'isauthor':self.isAuthor(), 'Totalblog':get_count('Totalblog',NUM_SHARDS,0), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get(self): try: objs = Article.get_post_for_homepage() except: self.redirect('/install') return if objs: fromid = objs[0].id endid = objs[-1].id else: fromid = endid = '' allpost = Article.count_all_post() allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s"%(SITE_TITLE,SITE_SUB_TITLE), 'keywords':KEYWORDS, 'description':SITE_DECR, 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'index', 'fromid': fromid, 'endid': endid, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get(self, name = ''): objs = Tag.get_tag_page_posts(name, 1) catobj = Tag.get_tag_by_name(name) if catobj: pass else: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return allpost = catobj.id_num allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s"%(, SITE_TITLE), 'keywords', 'description':SITE_DECR, 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'tag', 'name': name, 'namemd5': md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get_comment_list(id, start_page=1, max_page=50): """获取评论列表""" url = "" + str(id) page = start_page session = requests.session() comments_list = [] while page <= max_page: req = prepare_requset(url=url + "&page=" + str(page)) datas = get_page(req=req, session=session).json() if datas.get('ok') != 1: break else: for data in datas.get('data'): user = data.get('user') text = data.get('text') comment = Comment(id=data.get('id'), user_id=user.get('id'), user_name=user.get('screen_name'), source=data.get('source'), created_at=data.get('created_at'), text=re.sub(r'<.*?>', '|', text), reply=data.get('reply_id')) comments_list.append(comment) page += 1 return comments_list
def post(self,page): code=page.param("code") OptionSet.setValue("Akismet_code",code) rm=page.param('autorm') if rm and int(rm)==1: rm=True else: rm=False oldrm = OptionSet.getValue("Akismet_AutoRemove",False) if oldrm!=rm: OptionSet.setValue("Akismet_AutoRemove",rm) spam=page.param("spam") spam = len(spam)>0 and int(spam) or 0 sOther = "" if spam>0: cm = Comment.get_by_id(spam) try: url = Blog.all().fetch(1)[0].baseurl self.SubmitAkismet({ 'user_ip' : cm.ip, 'comment_type' : 'comment', 'comment_author' :'utf-8'), 'comment_author_email' :, 'comment_author_url' : cm.weburl, 'comment_content' : cm.content.encode('utf-8') },url,"Spam") sOther = u"<div style='padding:8px;margin:8px;border:1px solid #aaa;color:red;'>评论已删除</div>" cm.delit() except: sOther = u"<div style='padding:8px;margin:8px;border:1px solid #aaa;color:red;'>无法找到对应的评论项</div>" return sOther + self.get(page)
def get(self, direction = 'next', page = '2', base_id = '1'): if page == '1': self.redirect(BASE_URL) return objs = Article.get_page_posts(direction, page, base_id) if objs: if direction == 'prev': objs.reverse() fromid = objs[0].id endid = objs[-1].id else: fromid = endid = '' allpost = Article.count_all_post() allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s | Part %s"%(SITE_TITLE,SITE_SUB_TITLE, page), 'keywords':KEYWORDS, 'description':SITE_DECR, 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': int(page), 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'index', 'fromid': fromid, 'endid': endid, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get(self): try: objs = Article.get_post_for_homepage() except: self.redirect('/install') return if objs: fromid = objs[0].id endid = objs[-1].id else: fromid = endid = '' allpost = Article.count_all_post() allpage = allpost / EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost % EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s" % (SITE_TITLE, SITE_SUB_TITLE), 'keywords': KEYWORDS, 'description': SITE_DECR, 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'index', 'fromid': fromid, 'endid': endid, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links': Link.get_all_links(), }, layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get(self, name=''): objs = Tag.get_tag_page_posts(name, 1) catobj = Tag.get_tag_by_name(name) if catobj: pass else: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return allpost = catobj.id_num allpage = allpost / EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost % EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s" % (, SITE_TITLE), 'keywords':, 'description': SITE_DECR, 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'tag', 'name': name, 'namemd5': md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links': Link.get_all_links(), }, layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def test_comments(): comment = request.form.get('comment') #Comment Location data start = session.get('start') end = session.get('end') article_id = session.get('article_id') user_id = session.get('user_id') phrase_key = (article_id, start, end) new_comment = Comment(phrase_id=phrase_key, user_id=user_id, article_id=article_id, comment=comment) db.session.add(new_comment) db.session.commit() user = User.query.get(user_id) user_name = user.first_name image = user.image commentData = [{ 'userName': user_name, 'userComment': comment, 'userImage': image }] print "\n\n\n\n\n\n %s \n\n\n\n\n\n" % commentData return jsonify(commentData=commentData)
def post_comment(): comment = request.form['comment'] site_id = request.form['site_id'] print comment new_comment = Comment(comment_string=comment, user_id=session['user_id'], site_id=site_id, db.session.add(new_comment) db.session.commit() #get the user's profile photo and base64 encode it #send the comment and photo in a JSON profile_photo = base64.b64encode( success = { 'comment': new_comment.comment_string, "commenter_fname": new_comment.user.fname, "commenter_lname": new_comment.user.lname, "profile_photo": profile_photo } return jsonify(success)
def update_basic_info( update_categories=False, update_tags=False, update_links=False, update_comments=False, update_archives=False, update_pages=False): from model import Entry,Archive,Comment,Category,Tag,Link basic_info = ObjCache.get(is_basicinfo=True) if basic_info is not None: info = ObjCache.get_cache_value(basic_info.cache_key) if update_pages: info['menu_pages'] = Entry.all().filter('entrytype =','page')\ .filter('published =',True)\ .filter('entry_parent =',0)\ .order('menu_order').fetch(limit=1000) if update_archives: info['archives'] = Archive.all().order('-year').order('-month').fetch(12) if update_comments: info['recent_comments'] = Comment.all().order('-date').fetch(5) if update_links: info['blogroll'] = Link.all().filter('linktype =','blogroll').fetch(limit=1000) if update_tags: info['alltags'] = Tag.all().order('-tagcount').fetch(limit=100) if update_categories: info['categories'] = Category.all().fetch(limit=1000) logging.debug('basic_info updated') basic_info.update(info)
def api_delete_comments(id, request): check_admin(request) c = yield from Comment.find(id) if c is None: raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Comment') yield from c.remove() return dict(id=id)
def post(self, post_id): post_id = int(post_id) post = if not post: #TODO 404 return pdict = self.request.POST nickname = pdict.get("author") email = pdict.get("email") website = pdict.get("url") comment = pdict.get("comment") #def new(cls, belong, nickname, email, author=None, re=None, ip=None, website=None, hascheck=True, commenttype=CommentType.COMMENT): try: c =, nickname=nickname, email=email, website=website, content=comment, ip=self.request.client_ip) except Exception, ex:
def get(self, path): gdict = self.GET path = urllib.unquote(path) if path == config.FEED_SRC: #FEED self.set_content_type("atom") posts = Post.get_feed_post(config.FEED_NUMBER) self.render("feed.xml", {"posts": posts }) return post = Post.get_by_path(path) if post: p = gdict.get("p", None) p = int(p) if p and p.isdigit() else 1 def post_comment_filter(query): query = query.filter("belong =", post) if config.COMMENT_NEEDLOGINED: query = query.filter("hashcheck =", True) query = query.order("date_created") return query post_comments = Comment.fetch_page(p, config.COMMENT_PAGE_COUNT, func=post_comment_filter, realtime_count=True) context = {"post": post, "post_comments": post_comments, } self.render("single.html", context) return
def get_blog(id): blog = yield from Blogs.find('id=?',[id]) comments = yield from Comment.findAll('blog_id=?',[id],orderby='created_at DESC') return { '__template__':'blog.html', 'blog':blog, 'comments':comments }
def get_data(): query = num_data = [] corpuses = [] for comment in query: data, corpus = create_row(comment) num_data.append(data) corpuses.append(corpus) return (np.array(num_data), np.array(corpuses))
def get(self, id = ''): obj = None if id: obj = Comment.get_comment_by_id(id) if obj: act = self.get_argument("act",'') if act == 'del': Comment.del_comment_by_id(id) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['post:%d'%obj.postid]) self.redirect('%s/admin/comment/'% (BASE_URL)) return self.echo('admin_comment.html', { 'title': "管理评论", 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_all_tag_name(), 'obj': obj, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), },layout='_layout_admin.html')
def get(self, page_id="", operation=""): # find all comments, and list all comments t_values = {}"CommentManager get") # show all comments comments = Comment.all().order("entry") t_values['comments'] = comments return self.response.out.write(render_template("comments.html", t_values, "", True))
def get(self, id = '', title = ''): tmpl = '' obj = Article.get_article_by_id_detail(id) if not obj: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return #redirect to right title try: title = unquote(title).decode('utf-8') except: pass if title != obj.slug: self.redirect(obj.absolute_url, 301) return # if obj.password and THEME == 'default': rp = self.get_cookie("rp%s" % id, '') if rp != obj.password: tmpl = '_pw' elif obj.password and BLOG_PSW_SUPPORT: rp = self.get_cookie("rp%s" % id, '') print 'rp===%s' % (str(rp)) if rp != obj.password: tmpl = '_pw' keyname = 'pv_%s' % (str(id)) increment(keyname)#yobin 20120701 self.set_cookie(keyname, '1', path = "/", expires_days =1) self.set_header("Last-Modified", obj.last_modified) output = self.render('page%s.html'%tmpl, { 'title': "%s - %s"%(obj.title, getAttr('SITE_TITLE')), 'keywords':obj.keywords, 'description':obj.description, 'obj': obj, 'cobjs': obj.coms, 'postdetail': 'postdetail', 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'archives': Archive.get_all_archive_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': 10, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), 'isauthor':self.isAuthor(), 'hits':get_count(keyname), 'Totalblog':get_count('Totalblog',NUM_SHARDS,0), 'listtype': '', },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) if obj.password and BLOG_PSW_SUPPORT: return output elif obj.password and THEME == 'default': return else: return output
def get(self, id=""): obj = None if id: obj = Comment.get_comment_by_id(id) if obj: act = self.get_argument("act", "") if act == "del": Comment.del_comment_by_id(id) if MYSQL_TO_KVDB_SUPPORT: clear_cache_by_pathlist(["post:%d" % obj["postid"]]) else: clear_cache_by_pathlist(["post:%d" % obj.postid]) self.redirect("%s/admin/comment/" % (BASE_URL)) return self.echo( "admin_comment.html", {"title": "管理评论", "obj": obj, "comments": Comment.get_recent_comments(ADMIN_RECENT_COMMENT_NUM)}, layout="_layout_admin.html", )
def post(self): try: checkList = self.request.get_all('checks') for key in checkList: keyID = int(key) comment=Comment.get_by_id(keyID) comment.delete() finally: self.redirect('/admin/comments') return
def get(self,commID): comm = Comment.get_by_id(int(commID)) if comm is None: return self.redirect('/') post = post.commentcount -= 1 link = comm.delete() util.flushRecentComment() return self.redirect(link)