def get_trials(params, n_rep=100000): ''' Generates n_rep number of facilitation curves for Go response for all simulated trials required Parameters ------------- params : sequence (4,) of float k_facGo - scale of fac curve pre_t_mean - average start time before target presentation pre_t_sd - standard deviation of start time before target Returns -------- fac_i : array facilitation curves for all simulated trials t : array sequence of time index ''' k_facGo, pre_t_mean, pre_t_sd, tau_facGo, inhib, inhib_sd = params t = np.linspace(-.4, .2, 600, endpoint=False) # tau_facGo = 2 # Currently set, but will need to optomize pre_t = np.random.normal(pre_t_mean, pre_t_sd, size=n_rep) # generates n_rep random numbers from a normal distribution of mean, sd that given into function fac_i = np.zeros((n_rep, t.size)) # had to change from fac_i, t - why does this cause error now?!?! sets up empty array of zeros for all simulated trials for i in range(n_rep): # for each simulated trial myparams = k_facGo, tau_facGo, pre_t[i] # takes parameters passed into model plus pre_t number randomly generated for that simulated trial fac_i[i] = fast.get_fac(t, myparams) # generates curve for that simulated trial return fac_i, t
def get_trials(params, n_rep=100000): ''' Generates n_rep number of facilitation curves for Go response for all simulated trials required Parameters ------------- params : sequence (4,) of float k_facGo - scale of fac curve pre_t_mean - average start time before target presentation pre_t_sd - standard deviation of start time before target Returns -------- fac_i : array facilitation curves for all simulated trials t : array sequence of time index ''' k_facGo, pre_t_mean, pre_t_sd, tau_facGo, inhib = params t = np.linspace(-.4, .2, 600, endpoint=False, dtype=np.float32) # tau_facGo = 2 # Currently set, but will need to optomize pre_t = np.array(np.random.normal(pre_t_mean, pre_t_sd, size=n_rep), dtype=np.float32) fac_i_parallel = np.zeros((n_rep, t.size), dtype=np.float32) if PAR_TEST: fac_i = np.zeros((n_rep, t.size), dtype=np.float32) t_start = time() for i in range(n_rep): # for each simulated trial myparams = k_facGo, tau_facGo, pre_t[i] #fac_i[i] = get_fac(t, myparams) fac_i[i] = fast.get_fac(t, myparams) t_end = time() s_time = t_end - t_start print "Serial time: %.3f s" % s_time # Used for testing get_fac_parallel, it will fill the array fac_i_parallel #get_fac_parallel(fac_i_parallel, n_rep, t, len(t), k_facGo, tau_facGo, pre_t) # Setup CUDA variables tpb_x = 8 # threads per block in x dimension tpb_y = 8 # threads per block in y dimension block_dim = tpb_x, tpb_y bpg_x = int(n_rep / tpb_x) + 1 # block grid x dimension bpg_y = int(t.size / tpb_y) + 1 # block grid y dimension grid_dim = bpg_x, bpg_y t_start = time() stream = with stream.auto_synchronize(): d_fac = cuda.to_device(fac_i_parallel, stream) d_t = cuda.to_device(t, stream) d_pre_t = cuda.to_device(pre_t, stream) print "CUDA kernel: Block dim: ({tx}, {ty}), Grid dim: ({gx}, {gy})".format(tx=tpb_x, ty=tpb_y, gx=bpg_x, gy=bpg_y) get_fac_cuda[grid_dim, block_dim](d_fac, n_rep, t, len(t), k_facGo, tau_facGo, pre_t) d_fac.to_host(stream) t_end = time() c_time = t_end - t_start print "CUDA time: %.3f s" % c_time if PAR_TEST: print "Difference betwwen fac_i and fac_i_parallel" print (fac_i - fac_i_parallel) print "Close enough? ", np.allclose(fac_i, fac_i_parallel, rtol=0, atol=1e-05) print "Speed up: %.3f x" % (s_time / c_time) return fac_i_parallel, t