    def __generate_feature_line(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, radius, density):
        Generate features along a line.
        :param x0: coordinate of the starting point.
        :param y0: coordinate of the end
        :param x1: coordinate of the starting point
        :param y1: coordinate of the end
        :param radius: the radius of feature-point.
        :param density: density of the features on the line.
        c = density  # feature density
        a = atan2((y1 - y0), (x1 - x0))
        obstacles = []
        x = x0
        y = y0

        dx = copysign(c * cos(a), x1 - x0)
        dy = copysign(c * sin(a), y1 - y0)
        length = int((x1 - x0) // dx)
        for i in range(length):
            x += dx
            y += dy
            theta = -pi + (random() * 2 * pi)
            nx = dx * (random() - 1) * 2
            ny = dy * (random() - 1) * 2
            feature = FeaturePoint(radius, Pose(x + nx, y + ny, theta), 0)

        return obstacles
 def get_estimated_pose(self):
     Returns the estimated robot pose by only considering the particle with the highest importance factor
     :return: Estimated robot pose consisting of position and angle
     particle = self.get_best_particle()
     return Pose(particle.x, particle.y, particle.theta)
    def draw_slam_to_frame(self):
        Draws a SLAM visualization to the frame
        frame = self.viewer.current_frames[self.frame_number]
        self.__draw_robot_to_frame(frame, self.slam.get_estimated_pose())

        # draw all the obstacles
        for landmark in self.slam.get_landmarks():
            obstacle = OctagonObstacle(self.radius,
                                       Pose(landmark[0], landmark[1], 0))
            obstacle_plotter = ObstaclePlotter(obstacle)
            obstacle_plotter.draw_obstacle_to_frame(frame, "black", alpha=0.6)

        if self.viewer.draw_invisibles and isinstance(self.slam, EKFSlam):
    def __generate_rectangle_obstacles(self, world):
        Generate random rectangle obstacles
        :param world: The world for which they are generated
        :return: List of generated rectangle obstacles
        obs_min_dim = self.cfg["obstacle"]["rectangle"]["min_dim"]
        obs_max_dim = self.cfg["obstacle"]["rectangle"]["max_dim"]
        obs_max_combined_dim = self.cfg["obstacle"]["rectangle"][
        obs_min_count = self.cfg["obstacle"]["rectangle"]["min_count"]
        obs_max_count = self.cfg["obstacle"]["rectangle"]["max_count"]
        obs_min_dist = self.cfg["obstacle"]["rectangle"]["min_distance"]
        obs_max_dist = self.cfg["obstacle"]["rectangle"]["max_distance"]

        # generate the obstacles
        obstacles = []
        obs_dim_range = obs_max_dim - obs_min_dim
        obs_dist_range = obs_max_dist - obs_min_dist
        num_obstacles = randrange(obs_min_count, obs_max_count + 1)

        test_geometries = [r.global_geometry for r in world.robots]
        while len(obstacles) < num_obstacles:
            # generate dimensions
            width = obs_min_dim + (random() * obs_dim_range)
            height = obs_min_dim + (random() * obs_dim_range)
            while width + height > obs_max_combined_dim:
                height = obs_min_dim + (random() * obs_dim_range)

            # generate position
            dist = obs_min_dist + (random() * obs_dist_range)
            phi = -pi + (random() * 2 * pi)
            x = dist * sin(phi)
            y = dist * cos(phi)

            # generate orientation
            theta = -pi + (random() * 2 * pi)

            # test if the obstacle overlaps the robots or the goal
            obstacle = RectangleObstacle(width, height, Pose(x, y, theta))
            intersects = False
            for test_geometry in test_geometries:
                intersects |= geometrics.convex_polygon_intersect_test(
                    test_geometry, obstacle.global_geometry)
            if not intersects:
        return obstacles
    def __generate_random_features(self, world):
        Generate random features represented by octagon obstacles
        :param world: The world for which they are generated
        :return: List of generated features
        obs_radius = self.cfg["obstacle"]["feature"]["radius"]
        obs_min_count = self.cfg["obstacle"]["feature"]["min_count"]
        obs_max_count = self.cfg["obstacle"]["feature"]["max_count"]
        obs_min_dist = self.cfg["obstacle"]["feature"]["min_distance"]
        obs_max_dist = self.cfg["obstacle"]["feature"]["max_distance"]

        # generate the obstacles
        obstacles = []
        obs_dist_range = obs_max_dist - obs_min_dist
        num_obstacles = randrange(obs_min_count, obs_max_count + 1)

        test_geometries = [r.global_geometry for r in world.robots]
        while len(obstacles) < num_obstacles:

            # generate position
            dist = obs_min_dist + (random() * obs_dist_range)
            phi = -pi + (random() * 2 * pi)
            x = dist * sin(phi)
            y = dist * cos(phi)

            # generate orientation
            theta = -pi + (random() * 2 * pi)

            # test if the obstacle overlaps the robots or the goal
            obstacle = FeaturePoint(obs_radius, Pose(x, y, theta), 0)
            intersects = False
            for test_geometry in test_geometries:
                intersects |= geometrics.convex_polygon_intersect_test(
                    test_geometry, obstacle.global_geometry)
            if not intersects:

        for i, feature in enumerate(obstacles):
            feature.id = i
        return obstacles
 def get_estimated_pose(self):
     Returns the estimated robot pose by retrieving the first three elements of the combined state vector
     :return: Estimated robot pose consisting of position and angle
     return Pose(self.mu[0, 0], self.mu[1, 0], self.mu[2, 0])
 def get_estimated_pose(self):
     Returns the estimated pose of the robot
     return Pose(self.mu[0, 0], self.mu[1, 0], self.mu[2, 0])