def main(args): dataset = get_data_loader( args.files_pattern, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.num_data_workers, crop_size=args.crop_size if args.crop_size != 0 else None) device = torch.cuda.current_device() if args.dataloader_only and dist.get_rank() == 0: print("Running in dataloader_only mode ...") else: model = UNet().to(device) if dist.is_initialized(): model = DistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[args.local_rank], output_device=[args.local_rank]) if args.forward_only: if dist.get_rank() == 0: print("Running in inference (forward only) mode ...") else: if dist.get_rank() == 0: print("Running in training (forward/backward) mode ...") optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters()) total_time = 0 for epoch in range(args.epochs + 1): if dist.get_rank() == 0: print("epoch", epoch) t_start = time.time() for idx, data in enumerate(dataset): if idx > args.max_batches_per_epoch: break if args.dataloader_only: continue inp, tar = map(lambda x:, data) if args.forward_only: model.eval() gen = model(inp) else: model.zero_grad() model.train() gen = model(inp) loss = torch.nn.functional.l1_loss(gen, tar) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if epoch > 0: total_time += time.time() - t_start n_batches = min(args.max_batches_per_epoch + 1, len(dataset)) if dist.get_rank() == 0: print("Timing:", float(args.batch_size * n_batches * args.epochs) / (total_time), "samples/s")
def main(config): device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') train_dataset, valid_dataset = generate_datasets( config['data_dir'], valid_ids=config['val_ids'], load_in_memory=config['load_in_memory']) print(f'Length of training dataset: {len(train_dataset)}') print(f'Length of training dataset: {len(valid_dataset)}') # TODO: define and add data augmentation + image normalization # train_dataset.transform = train_transform # valid_dataset.transform = valid_transform transforms = A.Compose([ A.Normalize(), # TODO: change values ToTensorV2() ]) train_dataset.transform = transforms valid_dataset.transform = transforms train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=True, num_workers=config['num_workers']) valid_loader = DataLoader(valid_dataset, config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=config['num_workers']) model = UNet() model = criterion = config['criterion'] optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=5 - 4) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=10, gamma=0.5) metrics = [iou_score, dice_score] trainer = Trainer(model=model, criterion=criterion, metrics=metrics, optimizer=optimizer, lr_scheduler=scheduler, config=config, train_loader=train_loader, val_loader=valid_loader, device=device) trainer.train() return model
def choose_model(model_name, phase): if model_name == 'ADNet': return ADNET(3, phase) elif model_name == 'DnCNN': return DNCNN(3, phase) elif model_name == 'BRDNet': return BRDNET(3, phase) elif model_name == 'feb_rfb_ab_mish_a_add': return feb_rfb_ab_mish_a_add(3, phase) elif 'SXNet' in model_name: info = model_name.split('_') basic_ch, rfb_ch, asy, tlu, bias = int(info[1]), int( info[2]), False, False, False if '_a' in model_name: asy = True if '_t' in model_name: tlu = True if '_b' in model_name: bias = True return SXNet(basic_ch, rfb_ch, 3, phase, asy=asy, bias=bias, tlu=tlu) elif 'MKM' == model_name: return DNCNN_based(3, 'mkm', phase) elif 'RM' == model_name: return DNCNN_based(3, 'rm', phase) elif 'MKM_RM' == model_name: return DNCNN_based(3, 'mkm', phase) elif 'Vanilla' == model_name: return DNCNN_based(3, 'vanilla', phase) elif model_name == 'UNet': return UNet(3, phase)
def _create_model(self, model_type): if model_type == 'ar_lstm': model = AR_LSTM(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames, self.args.reinsert_frequency, self.device) elif model_type == 'convlstm': model = get_convlstm_model(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames, self.args.batch_size, self.device, dilation=1, padding=1) elif model_type == 'dilated_convlstm': model = get_convlstm_model(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames, self.args.batch_size, self.device, dilation=2, padding=2) elif model_type == 'predrnn': model = PredRNNPP(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames, self.device, use_GHU=False) elif model_type == 'predrnn_ghu': model = PredRNNPP(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames, self.device, use_GHU=True) elif model_type == 'resnet': model = resnet12(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames) elif model_type == 'resnet_dilated': model = resnet12(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames, replace_stride_with_dilation=[1, 2, 4]) elif model_type == 'unet': model = UNet(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames, isize=64) elif model_type == 'unet_small': model = UNet(self.args.num_input_frames, self.args.num_output_frames, isize=16) else: raise Warning('Not supported model') return model
def main(): if not torch.cuda.is_available():'no gpu device available') sys.exit(1) if args.gpu == -1: device = torch.device('cpu') else: device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(args.gpu)) np.random.seed(args.seed) cudnn.benchmark = True torch.manual_seed(args.seed) cudnn.enabled = True torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed)'gpu device = %d' % args.gpu)"args = %s", args) genotype = eval("genotypes.%s" % args.arch) #model = Network(args.init_channels, dataset_classes, args.layers, args.auxiliary, genotype) model = Network(args) model = util.load(model, args.model_path)"param size = %fMB", util.count_parameters_in_MB(model)) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() criterion = criterion.cuda() test_data = MyDataset(args=args, subset='test') test_queue =, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, num_workers=2) model.drop_path_prob = args.drop_path_prob test_acc, test_obj, test_fscore, test_MIoU = infer(test_queue, model, criterion)'test_acc %f _fscores %f_MIoU %f', test_acc, test_fscore, test_MIoU)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Visualize segmentations obtained from trained UNet') parser.add_argument('checkpoint', type=str, help='Path to UNet model checkpoint') parser.add_argument( 'img_path', type=str, help='Path to image or directory containing images to segment') parser.add_argument('-r', '--resize', type=int, default=0, help='Resize size of the image prior to segmentation') parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', type=str, default='./', help='Path to write segmentation visualizations to') args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.checkpoint): sys.exit('Specified checkpoint cannot be found') if not os.path.exists(args.img_path): sys.exit('Images for segmentation could not be found') imgs = [] if os.path.isdir(args.img_path): for file in os.listdir(args.img_path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(args.img_path, file)): imgs.append(os.path.join(args.img_path, file)) else: imgs.append(args.img_path) checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model = UNet(num_classes=len(datasets.Cityscapes.classes)) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) model.eval() visualizer = CityscapeSegmentationVis(model, input_image_transform(args.resize)) for img in imgs: image_name = 'segmentation_' + img.split('/')[-1] out_location = os.path.join(args.out, image_name) class_tensor = visualizer.get_predicted_segmentation(img) visualizer.save_segmentation(class_tensor, out_location)
def compile(self): if self.compiled: print('Model already compiled.') return self.compiled = True # Placeholders. self.X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 32, 32, 1), name='X') self.Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 32, 32, 2), name='Y') # U-Net. net = UNet(self.seed) self.out = net.forward(self.X) # Loss and metrics. # TODO: try with MAE. self.loss = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()(self.Y, self.out) # Global step. self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='Global_Step') # Learning rate. if self.learning_rate_decay: = tf.train.exponential_decay( self.learning_rate, self.global_step, self.learning_rate_decay_steps, self.learning_rate_decay_rate, name='learning_rate_decay') else: = tf.constant(self.learning_rate) # Optimizer. self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, global_step=self.global_step) # Sampler. gen_sample = UNet(self.seed, is_training=False) self.sampler = gen_sample.forward(self.X, reuse_vars=True) # Tensorboard. tf.summary.scalar('loss', self.loss) self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
momentum=0.9) elif args.optimizer == 'Adam': optimizer_factory = optimizer_setup(optim.Adam, lr=learning_rate) if args.model == 'CnnVanilla': model = CnnVanilla(num_classes=10) elif args.model == 'AlexNet': model = AlexNet(num_classes=10) elif args.model == 'VggNet': model = VggNet(num_classes=10) elif args.model == 'ResNet': model = ResNet(num_classes=10) elif args.model == 'IFT725Net': model = IFT725Net(num_classes=10) elif args.model == 'UNet': model = UNet(num_classes=4) args.dataset = 'acdc' if data_augment: train_set = HDF5Dataset('train', hdf5_file, transform=acdc_augment_transform) else: train_set = HDF5Dataset('train', hdf5_file, transform=acdc_base_transform) test_set = HDF5Dataset('test', hdf5_file, transform=acdc_base_transform)
union=union) # calculate IoU over full set IoU = calculate_IoU(intersection, union, n_classes=34) IoU_dict, IoU_average = calculate_average_IoU(IoU) print('IoU per class: ') for key, value in IoU_dict.items(): print(key, ' : ', value) print('IoU average for 34 classes: ', IoU_average) IoU_19_average = calculate_IoU_train_classes(IoU) print('IoU average for 19 classes: ', IoU_19_average) return if __name__ == '__main__': '''model''' model = UNet(n_classes=34, depth=4, wf=3, batch_norm=True, padding=True, up_mode='upconv') model_weights = file = torch.load('weights/') evaluate(model_weights=model_weights, model=model, dataset='val', batch_size=4)
def train(gpu, args): # rank = * args.num_gpus + gpu # dist.init_process_group(backend="nccl", world_size=args.world_size, rank=rank) print("Using {} percent of the target data for finetuning".format( args.training_frac * 100)) if args.batch_size == 1 and args.use_bn is True: raise Exception torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) torch.manual_seed(args.torch_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.cuda_seed) torch.cuda.set_device(gpu) DATASET_NAME = args.dataset_name DATA_ROOT = args.data_root OVERLAYS_ROOT = args.overlays_root if args.model_name == 'dss': model = DSS_Net(args, n_channels=3, n_classes=1, bilinear=True) loss = FocalLoss() elif args.model_name == 'unet': model = UNet(args) loss = nn.BCELoss() else: raise NotImplementedError #model = nn.SyncBatchNorm(model) print(f"Using {torch.cuda.device_count()} GPUs...") # define dataset if DATASET_NAME == 'synthetic': assert (args.overlays_root != "") train_dataset = SmokeDataset(dataset_limit=args.num_examples, training=True, training_frac=args.training_frac) # train_dataset = SyntheticSmokeTrain(args, DATA_ROOT, OVERLAYS_ROOT, dataset_limit=args.num_examples) # train_sampler = DistributedSampler(train_dataset, num_replicas=args.world_size, rank=rank, shuffle=True) train_dataloader = DataLoader( train_dataset, args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.num_workers, pin_memory=True) #, sampler=train_sampler) if args.validate: val_dataset = SmokeDataset() else: val_dataset = None val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset, args.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.num_workers, pin_memory=True) if val_dataset else None else: raise NotImplementedError # define augmentations augmentations = None #SyntheticAugmentation(args) # load the model print("Loding model and augmentations and placing on gpu...") if args.cuda: if augmentations is not None: augmentations = augmentations.cuda() model = model.cuda(device=gpu) # if args.num_gpus > 0 or torch.cuda.device_count() > 0: # model = DistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[gpu]) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False num_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) print(f"The model has {num_params} learnable parameters") # load optimizer and lr scheduler optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(),, betas=[args.momentum, args.beta], weight_decay=args.weight_decay) if args.lr_sched_type == 'plateau': print("Using plateau lr schedule") lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( optimizer, factor=args.lr_gamma, verbose=True, mode='min', patience=10) elif args.lr_sched_type == 'step': print("Using step lr schedule") milestones = [30] lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR( optimizer, milestones=milestones, gamma=args.lr_gamma) elif args.lr_sched_type == 'none': lr_scheduler = None # set up logging # if not args.no_logging and gpu == 0: if not os.path.isdir(args.log_dir): os.mkdir(args.log_dir) log_dir = os.path.join(args.log_dir, args.exp_dir) if not os.path.isdir(log_dir): os.mkdir(log_dir) if args.exp_name == "": exp_name ="%H%M%S-%Y%m%d") else: exp_name = args.exp_name log_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, exp_name) writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir) if args.ckpt != "" and args.use_pretrained: state_dict = torch.load(args.ckpt) #['state_dict'] model.load_state_dict(copy_state_dict(state_dict)) elif args.start_epoch > 0: load_epoch = args.start_epoch - 1 ckpt_fp = os.path.join(log_dir, f"{load_epoch}.ckpt") print(f"Loading model from {ckpt_fp}...") ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_fp) assert (ckpt['epoch'] == load_epoch ), "epoch from state dict does not match with args" model.load_state_dict(ckpt) model.train() # run training loop for epoch in range(args.start_epoch, args.epochs + 1): print(f"Training epoch: {epoch}...") # train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch) freeze_layers = epoch < 10 train_loss_avg, pred_mask, input_dict = train_one_epoch( args, model, loss, train_dataloader, optimizer, augmentations, lr_scheduler, freeze_layers) if gpu == 0: print(f"\t Epoch {epoch} train loss avg:") pprint(train_loss_avg) if val_dataset is not None: print(f"Validation epoch: {epoch}...") val_loss_avg = eval(args, model, loss, val_dataloader, augmentations) print(f"\t Epoch {epoch} val loss avg: {val_loss_avg}") if not args.no_logging and gpu == 0: writer.add_scalar(f'loss/train', train_loss_avg, epoch) if epoch % args.log_freq == 0: visualize_output(args, input_dict, pred_mask, epoch, writer) if args.lr_sched_type == 'plateau': lr_scheduler.step(train_loss_avg_dict['total_loss']) elif args.lr_sched_type == 'step': lr_scheduler.step(epoch) # save model if not args.no_logging: if epoch % args.save_freq == 0 or epoch == args.epochs: fp = os.path.join(log_dir, f"finetune_{epoch}.ckpt") print("saving model to: ", fp), fp) writer.flush() return
# from one_hot vector to categorical prediction = np.argmax(prediction, axis=0) # convert the predicted mask to rgb image prediction = convert_mask_to_rgb_image(prediction) # remove the batch dim and the channel dim of img img = np.squeeze(np.squeeze(img)) # convert img to a numpy array if use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available(): img = img.cpu().numpy() else: img = img.numpy() return prediction model = UNet(num_classes=4, in_channels=3) model.load_weights('') if len(sys.argv) > 1: use_cuda = (sys.argv[1] == 'True') else: use_cuda = True print("model loaded!") device_name = 'cuda:0' if use_cuda else 'cpu' if use_cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available(): warnings.warn("CUDA is not available. Suppress this warning by passing " "use_cuda=False.") device_name = 'cpu'
'''data''' data_generator = load_data('datasets/citys', batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) '''device''' no_cuda = False use_cuda = not no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device('cuda:0' if use_cuda else 'cpu') print('using device:', device) weights = torch.FloatTensor(list(WEIGHTS.values())) weights = '''model''' model = UNet(n_classes=34, depth=4, wf=3, batch_norm=True, padding=True, up_mode='upconv').to(device) # from torchsummary import summary # summary(model, input_size=(3, 1024, 2048)) '''training''' optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr_init, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=5e-4) from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR scheduler = StepLR(optim, step_size=lr_step_size, gamma=gamma)
def channel_vis_driver(model_name, checkpoint_path, data_path, dataset, conv_layer, channels, init_img_size, upscale_steps, upscale_factor, lr, update_steps, grid, out_path, verbose): if model_name == 'unet': if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_path): sys.exit('Specified checkpoint cannot be found') checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model = UNet(num_classes=len(datasets.Cityscapes.classes), encoder_only=True) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) elif model_name == 'vggmod': model = models.vgg11(pretrained=True) else: sys.exit('No model provided, please specify --unet or --vgg11 to analyze the UNet or VGG11 encoder, respectively') # Set model to evaluation mode and fix the parameter values model.eval() for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad_(False) layer = get_conv_layer(model, conv_layer) analyzer = LayerActivationAnalysis(model, layer) # Save a grid of channel activation visualizations if grid: if not channels: # Get a random sample of 9 activated channels channels = analyzer.get_activated_filter_indices() np.random.shuffle(channels) channels = channels[:9] imgs = [] for i, channel in enumerate(channels): if verbose: print('Generating image {} of {}...'.format(i+1, len(channels))) img = analyzer.get_max_activating_image(channel, initial_img_size=init_img_size, upscaling_steps=upscale_steps, upscaling_factor=upscale_factor, lr=lr, update_steps=update_steps, verbose=verbose) imgs.append(img) channel_string = '-'.join(str(channel_id) for channel_id in channels) output_dest = os.path.join(out_path, '{}_layer{}_channels{}.png'.format(model_name, conv_layer, channel_string)) save_image_grid(imgs, output_dest) # Save a channel activation visualization for each specified channel elif channels is not None: for channel in channels: img = analyzer.get_max_activating_image(channel, initial_img_size=init_img_size, upscaling_steps=upscale_steps, upscaling_factor=upscale_factor, lr=lr, update_steps=update_steps, verbose=verbose) output_dest = os.path.join(out_path, '{}_layer{}_channel{}.png'.format(model_name, conv_layer, channel)) save_image(img, output_dest) else: # Compute the average number number of channels activated in each layer if data_path and dataset: layers = [get_conv_layer(model, i) for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]] avg = analyzer.get_avg_activated_channels(layers, data_path, dataset, 100) print('Average number of channels activated per convolutional layer: {}'.format(avg)) # Output the channels activated by a randomly initialize image else: activated_channels = analyzer.get_activated_filter_indices(initial_img_size=init_img_size) print('Output channels in conv layer {} activated by random image input:'.format(conv_layer)) print(activated_channels) print() print('(Total of {} activated channels)'.format(len(activated_channels)))
def main(): args = get_arguments() # configuration CONFIG = Dict(yaml.safe_load(open(args.config))) # writer if CONFIG.writer_flag: writer = SummaryWriter(CONFIG.result_path) else: writer = None """ DataLoader """ labeled_train_data = PartAffordanceDataset(CONFIG.labeled_data, config=CONFIG, transform=transforms.Compose([ CenterCrop(CONFIG), ToTensor(), Normalize() ])) if CONFIG.train_mode == 'semi': unlabeled_train_data = PartAffordanceDatasetWithoutLabel(CONFIG.unlabeled_data, config=CONFIG, transform=transforms.Compose([ CenterCrop(CONFIG), ToTensor(), Normalize() ])) else: unlabeled_train_data = None test_data = PartAffordanceDataset(CONFIG.test_data, config=CONFIG, transform=transforms.Compose([ CenterCrop(CONFIG), ToTensor(), Normalize() ])) train_loader_with_label = DataLoader(labeled_train_data, batch_size=CONFIG.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=CONFIG.num_workers) if unlabeled_train_data is not None: train_loader_without_label = DataLoader(unlabeled_train_data, batch_size=CONFIG.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=CONFIG.num_workers) test_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=CONFIG.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=CONFIG.num_workers) """ model """ if CONFIG.model == 'FCN8s': model = FCN8s(CONFIG.in_channel, CONFIG.n_classes) elif CONFIG.model == 'SegNetBasic': model = SegNetBasic(CONFIG.in_channel, CONFIG.n_classes) elif CONFIG.model == 'UNet': model = UNet(CONFIG.in_channel, CONFIG.n_classes) else: print('This model doesn\'t exist in the model directory') sys.exit(1) if CONFIG.train_mode == 'full': model.apply(init_weights) elif CONFIG.train_mode == 'semi': if CONFIG.pretrain_model is not None: torch.load(CONFIG.pretrain_model, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) else: model.apply(init_weights) if CONFIG.model_d == 'FCDiscriminator': model_d = FCDiscriminator(CONFIG) else: model_d = Discriminator(CONFIG) model_d.apply(init_weights) else: print('This training mode doesn\'t exist.') sys.exit(1) """ class weight after center crop. See """ if CONFIG.class_weight_flag: class_num = torch.tensor([2078085712, 34078992, 15921090, 12433420, 38473752, 6773528, 9273826, 20102080]) total = class_num.sum().item() frequency = class_num.float() / total median = torch.median(frequency) class_weight = median / frequency class_weight = else: class_weight = None """ supplementary constant for discriminator """ if CONFIG.noisy_label_flag: if one_label_smooth: real = torch.full((CONFIG.batch_size, CONFIG.height, CONFIG.width), CONFIG.real_label).to(args.device) fake = torch.zeros(CONFIG.batch_size, CONFIG.height, CONFIG.width).to(args.device) else: real = torch.full((CONFIG.batch_size, CONFIG.height, CONFIG.width), CONFIG.real_label).to(args.device) fake = torch.full((CONFIG.batch_size, CONFIG.height, CONFIG.width), CONFIG.fake_label).to(args.device) else: real = torch.ones(CONFIG.batch_size, CONFIG.height, CONFIG.width).to(args.device) fake = torch.zeros(CONFIG.batch_size, CONFIG.height, CONFIG.width).to(args.device) """ optimizer, criterion """ optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=CONFIG.learning_rate) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=class_weight, ignore_index=255) if CONFIG.train_mode == 'semi': criterion_bce = nn.BCELoss() # discriminator includes sigmoid layer optimizer_d = optim.Adam(model_d.parameters(), lr=CONFIG.learning_rate) losses_full = [] losses_semi = [] losses_d = [] val_iou = [] mean_iou = [] mean_iou_without_bg = [] best_mean_iou = 0.0 for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(CONFIG.max_epoch)): if CONFIG.poly_lr_decay: poly_lr_scheduler(optimizer, CONFIG.learning_rate, epoch, max_iter=CONFIG.max_epoch, power=CONFIG.poly_power) if CONFIG.train_mode == 'semi': poly_lr_scheduler(optimizer_d, CONFIG.learning_rate_d, epoch, max_iter=CONFIG.max_epoch, power=CONFIG.poly_power) epoch_loss_full = 0.0 epoch_loss_d = 0.0 epoch_loss_semi = 0.0 # only supervised learning if CONFIG.train_mode == 'full': for i, sample in enumerate(train_loader_with_label): loss_full = full_train(model, sample, criterion, optimizer, CONFIG, args.device) epoch_loss_full += loss_full losses_full.append(epoch_loss_full / i) losses_d.append(0.0) losses_semi.append(0.0) # semi-supervised learning elif CONFIG.train_mode == 'semi': # first, adveresarial learning if epoch < CONFIG.adv_epoch: for i, sample in enumerate(train_loader_with_label): loss_full, loss_d = adv_train( model, model_d, sample, criterion, criterion_bce, optimizer, optimizer_d, real, fake, CONFIG, args.device) epoch_loss_full += loss_full epoch_loss_d += loss_d losses_full.append(epoch_loss_full / i) # mean loss over all samples losses_d.append(epoch_loss_d / i) losses_semi.append(0.0) # semi-supervised learning else: cnt_full = 0 cnt_semi = 0 for (sample1, sample2) in zip_longest(train_loader_with_label, train_loader_without_label): if sample1 is not None: loss_full, loss_d = adv_train( model, model_d, sample1, criterion, criterion_bce, optimizer, optimizer_d, real, fake, CONFIG, args.device) epoch_loss_full += loss_full epoch_loss_d += loss_d cnt_full += 1 if sample2 is not None: loss_semi = semi_train( model, model_d, sample2, criterion, criterion_bce, optimizer, optimizer_d, real, fake, CONFIG, args.device) epoch_loss_semi += loss_semi cnt_semi += 1 losses_full.append(epoch_loss_full / cnt_full) # mean loss over all samples losses_d.append(epoch_loss_d / cnt_full) losses_semi.append(epoch_loss_semi / cnt_semi) else: print('This train mode can\'t be used. Choose full or semi') sys.exit(1) # validation val_iou.append(eval_model(model, test_loader, CONFIG, args.device)) mean_iou.append(val_iou[-1].mean().item()) mean_iou_without_bg.append(val_iou[-1][1:].mean().item()) if best_mean_iou < mean_iou[-1]: best_mean_iou = mean_iou[-1], CONFIG.result_path + '/best_mean_iou_model.prm') if CONFIG.train_mode == 'semi':, CONFIG.result_path + '/best_mean_iou_model_d.prm') if epoch%50 == 0 and epoch != 0:, CONFIG.result_path + '/epoch_{}_model.prm'.format(epoch)) if CONFIG.train_mode == 'semi':, CONFIG.result_path + '/epoch_{}_model_d.prm'.format(epoch)) if writer is not None: writer.add_scalar("loss_full", losses_full[-1], epoch) writer.add_scalar("loss_d", losses_d[-1], epoch) writer.add_scalar("loss_semi", losses_semi[-1], epoch) writer.add_scalar("mean_iou", mean_iou[-1], epoch) writer.add_scalar("mean_iou_without_background", mean_iou_without_bg[-1], epoch) writer.add_scalars("class_IoU", {'iou of class 0': val_iou[-1][0], 'iou of class 1': val_iou[-1][1], 'iou of class 2': val_iou[-1][2], 'iou of class 3': val_iou[-1][3], 'iou of class 4': val_iou[-1][4], 'iou of class 5': val_iou[-1][5], 'iou of class 6': val_iou[-1][6], 'iou of class 7': val_iou[-1][7]}, epoch) print('epoch: {}\tloss_full: {:.5f}\tloss_d: {:.5f}\tloss_semi: {:.5f}\tmean IOU: {:.3f}\tmean IOU w/ bg: {:.3f}' .format(epoch, losses_full[-1], losses_d[-1], losses_semi[-1], mean_iou[-1], mean_iou_without_bg[-1])), CONFIG.result_path + '/final_model.prm') if CONFIG.train_mode == 'semi':, CONFIG.result_path + '/final_model_d.prm')
def __init__(self, in_channels, num_classes, num_blocks, conv_type='double', residual=False, depth=4, activation='relu', dilation=1, upsample_type='upsample', **kwargs): r""" Parameters: ----------- in_channels: int The number of channels in the input image. num_classes: int The number of channels in the output mask. Each channel corresponds to one of the classes and contains a mask of probabilities for image pixels to belong to this class. num_blocks: int The number of UNet blocks in the model. Must be bigger then 1. conv_type: 'single', 'double' or 'triple' (default 'double') Defines the number of convolutions and activations in the model's blocks. If it is 'single', there are one convolutional layer with kernel_size=3, padding=1, dilation=1, followed by activation. If it is 'double' or 'triple', it is once or twice complemented by convolutional layer with kernel_size=3 and choosen dilation with corresponding padding, followed by activation. residual: bool (default False) Defines if the model's convolutional blocks have residual connections. depth: int (default 4) Defines the depth of encoding-decoding part in UNet blocks. Must be bigger then 2. activation: 'relu', 'prelu' or 'leaky_relu' (default 'relu') Defines the type of the activation function in the model's convolutional blocks. dilation: int (default 1) or list The dilation for the model's blocks convolutional layers. upsample_type: 'upsample' or 'convtranspose' Defines the tipe of upsampling in the UNet blocks. channels_sequence: list The list of the number of out_channels for decoding part of the UNet blocks. The length of it must match the depth. Example: for depth=4, it can be [64, 128, 256, 512] If it is not set, it will be set automaticly as it discribed in the original UNet peper. Applying: --------- >>> model = StackUNet(3, 1, 3, activation='leaky_relu', depth=3, channels_sequence=[32, 64, 64], dilation=2) >>> input = torch.tensor((1, 3, 256, 256)) >>> output = model(input) For getting model ditails use torchsummary: >>> from torchsummary import summary >>> model = StackUNet(3, 1, 3) >>> summary(model, input_size=(3, 256, 256)) """ super().__init__() # Check if all model parameters are set correctly. if num_blocks < 2: raise ValueError( "The number of blocks is expected to be bigger then 1.") if conv_type not in ['single', 'double', 'triple']: raise ValueError( "The type of convolution blocks is expected to be 'single', 'double' or 'triple'." ) if conv_type == 'single' and residual == True: raise NotImplementedError( "For 'single' convolution blocks tupe residual is not expected to be True." ) if depth < 3: raise ValueError( "The depth of encoding and decoding part of the model is expected to be bigger then 2." ) if activation not in ['relu', 'prelu', 'leaky_relu']: raise ValueError( "The activation for convolution blocks is expected to be 'relu', 'prelu' or 'leaky_relu'." ) if isinstance(dilation, int): if dilation not in [1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError( "The dilation for convolution blocks is expected to be 1, 2 or 3." ) if upsample_type not in ['upsample', 'convtranspose']: raise ValueError( "The upsample type is expected to be Upsampling or ConvTranspose." ) if 'channels_sequence' in kwargs.keys(): channels_sequence = kwargs['channels_sequence'] if len(channels_sequence) != depth: raise ValueError( "The length of sequence of amount of channels in decoder must match to the depth of decoding part of the model." ) for val in channels_sequence: if not isinstance(val, int) or val < 1: raise ValueError( "The amount of channels must to be possitive integer.") for i in range(1, depth): if channels_sequence[i] < channels_sequence[i - 1]: raise ValueError( "The amount of channels is expected to increase.") # Define the number of out_channels in convolutional blocks in encoding part of the model. else: channels_sequence = [32] for i in range(depth - 1): if i < 1: channels_sequence.append(channels_sequence[-1] * 2) else: channels_sequence.append(channels_sequence[-1]) # Layers initialization self.num_blocks = num_blocks out_channels = channels_sequence[0] self.UNet_block = UNet(in_channels, out_channels, conv_type=conv_type, residual=residual, depth=depth, activation=activation, dilation=dilation, is_block=True, upsample_type=upsample_type, channels_sequence=channels_sequence) self.middle_conv = nn.Conv2d(out_channels + in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.last_conv = nn.Conv2d(out_channels, num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
model = ResNet(num_classes=10) elif args.model == 'IFT725Net': model = IFT725Net(num_classes=10) elif args.model == 'IFT725UNet': model = IFT725UNet(num_classes=4) args.dataset = 'acdc' train_set = HDF5Dataset('train', hdf5_file, transform=acdc_base_transform) test_set = HDF5Dataset('test', hdf5_file, transform=acdc_base_transform) elif args.model == 'UNet': if args.dataset == 'projetSession': model = UNet(num_classes=2, in_channels=3) train_set = ProjetHiver_DataSet('train', ProjetSession_file, transform=highway_transform) test_set = ProjetHiver_DataSet('test', ProjetSession_file, transform=highway_transform) elif args.dataset == 'highway': model = UNet(num_classes=4, in_channels=3) train_set = Highway_DataSet('train', highway_file, transform=highway_transform) test_set = Highway_DataSet('test', highway_file, transform=highway_transform) else:
def main(): args = get_cli_arguments() if (args.checkpoint is not None) and (not os.path.exists(args.checkpoint)): sys.exit('Specified checkpoint cannot be found') if args.mode == 'train': if args.dataset != 'cityscapes': sys.exit("Model can only be trained on cityscapes dataset") dataset = load_data(args.path, args.dataset, resize=~args.no_resize) if args.subset: sampler = dataloader = dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, sampler=sampler) else: dataloader = dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True) model = UNet(num_classes=len(datasets.Cityscapes.classes), pretrained=args.pretrained) if not args.pretrained: set_parameter_required_grad(model, True) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate) if (args.savedir is not None) and (not os.path.exists(args.savedir)): os.makedirs(args.savedir) train(model, dataloader, criterion, optimizer, num_epochs=args.epochs, checkpoint_path=args.checkpoint, save_path=args.savedir) return if args.mode == 'test': dataset = load_data(args.path, args.dataset, resize=~args.no_resize, split='val') if args.subset: sampler = dataloader = dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, sampler=sampler) else: dataloader = dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True) model = UNet(num_classes=len(datasets.Cityscapes.classes), pretrained=args.pretrained) validate(model, dataloader, args.checkpoint) if args.mode == 'activations': if args.model is None: sys.exit("Must specify model to use with --model argument") dataset = load_data(args.path, args.dataset, resize=~args.no_resize) if args.subset: sampler = dataloader = dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, sampler=sampler) else: dataloader = dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True) if args.model == 'unet': model = UNet(num_classes=len(datasets.Cityscapes.classes)) if args.checkpoint: checkpoint = torch.load( args.checkpoint, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) else: print( "NOTE: Getting activations for untrained network. Specified a pretrained model with the " "--checkpoint argument.") elif args.model == 'vggmod': model = VGGmod() else: model = UNet(num_classes=len(datasets.Cityscapes.classes)) if args.checkpoint: checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) set_parameter_required_grad(model, True) retrieve_activations(model, dataloader, args.dataset) model = VGGmod() set_parameter_required_grad(model, True) retrieve_activations(model, dataloader, args.dataset) if args.mode == 'view_activations': file_1 = os.path.join(args.path, 'VGGmod_activations') file_2 = os.path.join(args.path, 'UNet_activations_matched') if not os.path.exists(file_1) or not os.path.exists(file_2): exit( "Could not load activations from " + args.path + ". If you have not generated activations for both UNet " "and VGG11, run instead with the \"--mode activations\" parameter." ) activs1, activs2 = load_activations(file_1, file_2) visualize_batch(activs1, activs2, batch_num=args.batch_num, start_layer=args.start_layer, stop_layer=args.stop_layer) if args.mode == 'compare_activations': file_1 = os.path.join(args.path, 'VGGmod_activations') file_2 = os.path.join(args.path, 'UNet_activations') match_channels(file_1, file_2, args.type) if args.mode == 'view_max_activating': channel_vis_driver(args.model, args.checkpoint, args.path, args.dataset, args.conv_layer, args.channels, args.img_size, args.upscale_steps, args.upscale_factor, args.learning_rate, args.opt_steps, args.grid, args.path, args.verbose)
def test(gpu, args): print("Starting...") print("Using {} percent of data for testing".format(100 - args.training_frac * 100)) torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) #torch.manual_seed(args.torch_seed) #torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.cuda_seed) torch.cuda.set_device(gpu) DATA_ROOT = args.data_root NUM_IMAGES = args.num_test_images CHKPNT_PTH = args.checkpoint_path if args.model_name == 'dss': model = DSS_Net(args, n_channels=3, n_classes=1, bilinear=True) loss = FocalLoss() elif args.model_name == 'unet': model = UNet(args) loss = nn.BCELoss() else: raise NotImplementedError state_dict = torch.load(CHKPNT_PTH) new_state_dict = copy_state_dict(state_dict) #OrderedDict() # for k, v in state_dict.items(): # name = k[7:] # names = name.strip().split('.') # if names[1] == 'inc': # names[1] = 'conv1' # name = '.'.join(names) # # print(names) # new_state_dict[name] = v # print("Expected values:", model.state_dict().keys()) model.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) model.cuda(gpu) model.eval() if args.test_loader == 'annotated': dataset = SmokeDataset(dataset_limit=NUM_IMAGES, training_frac=args.training_frac) # dataset = SyntheticSmokeTrain(args,dataset_limit=50) else: dataset = SimpleSmokeVal(args=args, data_root=DATA_ROOT, dataset_limit=NUM_IMAGES) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, 1, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True) #, sampler=train_sampler) # if not args.no_logging and gpu == 1: if not os.path.isdir(args.log_dir): os.mkdir(args.log_dir) log_dir = os.path.join(args.log_dir, args.exp_dir) if not os.path.isdir(log_dir): os.mkdir(log_dir) if args.exp_name == "": exp_name ="%H%M%S-%Y%m%d") else: exp_name = args.exp_name log_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, exp_name) writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir) iou_sum = 0 iou_count = 0 iou_ = 0 for idx, data in enumerate(dataloader): if args.test_loader == 'annotated': out_img, iou_ = val_step_with_loss(data, model) iou_sum += iou_ iou_count += 1 writer.add_images('true_mask', data['target_mask'] > 0, idx) else: out_img = val_step(data, model) writer.add_images('input_img', data['input_img'], idx) writer.add_images('pred_mask', out_img, idx) writer.add_scalar(f'accuracy/test', iou_, idx) writer.flush() # print("Step: {}/{}: IOU: {}".format(idx,len(dataloader), iou_)) if idx > len(dataloader): break if iou_count > 0: iou = iou_sum / iou_count writer.add_scalar(f'mean_accuracy/test', iou) print("Mean IOU: ", iou) print("Done")