class TestCityModel(unittest.TestCase): """test class for testing city models """ def setUp(self): self.temp_b = City() def tearDown(self): self.temp_b = None def test_type(self): """test method for type testing of city model """ self.assertIsInstance(self.temp_b, City) self.assertEqual(type(self.temp_b), City) self.assertEqual(issubclass(self.temp_b.__class__, BaseModel), True) self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.temp_b, BaseModel), True) def test_state_id_type(self): """tests the state_id type of class attribute """ self.assertEqual(type(City.state_id), str) def test_name_type(self): """tests the name type of class attribute """ self.assertEqual(type(, str) def test_basic_attribute_set(self): """test method for basic attribute assignment """ = "bennett" = 400 self.assertEqual(, "bennett") self.assertEqual(, 400) def test_string_return(self): """tests the string method to make sure it returns the proper string """ my_str = str(self.temp_b) id_test = "[{}] ({})".format(self.temp_b.__class__.__name__, boolean = id_test in my_str self.assertEqual(True, boolean) boolean = "updated_at" in my_str self.assertEqual(True, boolean) boolean = "created_at" in my_str self.assertEqual(True, boolean) boolean = "datetime.datetime" in my_str self.assertEqual(True, boolean) def test_to_dict(self): """tests the to_dict method to make sure properly working """ my_dict = self.temp_b.to_dict() self.assertEqual(str, type(my_dict['created_at'])) self.assertEqual(my_dict['created_at'], self.temp_b.created_at.isoformat()) self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime, type(self.temp_b.created_at)) self.assertEqual(my_dict['__class__'], self.temp_b.__class__.__name__) self.assertEqual(my_dict['id'], def test_to_dict_more(self): """tests more things with to_dict method """ my_dict = self.temp_b.to_dict() created_at = my_dict['created_at'] time = datetime.datetime.strptime(created_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") self.assertEqual(self.temp_b.created_at, time) def test_from_dict_basic(self): """tests the from_dict method """ my_dict = self.temp_b.to_dict() my_base = self.temp_b.__class__(**my_dict) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(my_base.updated_at, self.temp_b.updated_at) self.assertEqual(my_base.created_at, self.temp_b.created_at) self.assertEqual(my_base.__class__.__name__, self.temp_b.__class__.__name__) def test_from_dict_hard(self): """test for the from_dict method for class objects """ self.temp_b.random = "hello!" self.temp_b.z = 55 my_dict = self.temp_b.to_dict() self.assertEqual(my_dict['z'], 55) my_base = self.temp_b.__class__(**my_dict) self.assertEqual(my_base.z, self.temp_b.z) self.assertEqual(my_base.random, self.temp_b.random) self.assertEqual(my_base.created_at, self.temp_b.created_at) def test_unique_id(self): """test for unique ids for class objects """ another = self.temp_b.__class__() another2 = self.temp_b.__class__() self.assertNotEqual(, self.assertNotEqual(, def test_id_type_string(self): """test id of the class is a string """ self.assertEqual(type(, str) def test_updated_time(self): """test that updated time gets updated """ time1 = self.temp_b.updated_at time2 = self.temp_b.updated_at self.assertNotEqual(time1, time2) self.assertEqual(type(time1), datetime.datetime)
class TestCity(unittest.TestCase): """ class for testing City class' methods """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ Set up class method for the doc tests """ cls.setup = inspect.getmembers(City, inspect.isfunction) def test_pep8_conformance_City(self): """ Test that file conform to PEP8 """ pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(quiet=True) result = pep8style.check_files(['models/']) self.assertEqual(result.total_errors, 0, "Found code style errors (and warnings).") def test_pep8_conformance_test_City(self): """ Test that file conform to PEP8 """ pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(quiet=True) result = pep8style.check_files(['tests/test_models/']) self.assertEqual(result.total_errors, 0, "Found code style errors (and warnings).") def test_module_docstring(self): """ Tests if module docstring documentation exist """ self.assertTrue(len(City.__doc__) >= 1) def test_class_docstring(self): """ Tests if class docstring documentation exist """ self.assertTrue(len(City.__doc__) >= 1) def test_func_docstrings(self): """ Tests if methods docstring documntation exist """ for func in self.setup: self.assertTrue(len(func[1].__doc__) >= 1) def setUp(self): """Set up mehtod for city class """ self.C = City() def tearDown(self): """Initialized City class """ self.C = None def test_type(self): """test method for type testing of city """ self.assertIsInstance(self.C, City) self.assertEqual(type(self.C), City) self.assertEqual(issubclass(self.C.__class__, City), True) self.assertEqual(isinstance(self.C, City), True) def test_state_id_type(self): """tests the state_id type attribute """ self.assertEqual(type(City.state_id), str) def test_name_type(self): """tests the name type of class attribute """ self.assertEqual(type(, str) def test_basic_attribute_set(self): """test method for basic attribute """ self.C.first_name = 'Meco' self.C.last_name = 'Montes' self.assertEqual(self.C.first_name, 'Meco') self.assertEqual(self.C.last_name, 'Montes') def test_string_return(self): """tests the str method """ string = str(self.C) Cid = "[{}] ({})".format(self.C.__class__.__name__, test = Cid in string self.assertEqual(True, test) test = "updated_at" in string self.assertEqual(True, test) test = "created_at" in string self.assertEqual(True, test) test = "datetime.datetime" in string self.assertEqual(True, test) def test_to_dict(self): """tests the to_dict method """ my_dict = self.C.to_dict() self.assertEqual(str, type(my_dict['created_at'])) self.assertEqual(my_dict['created_at'], self.C.created_at.isoformat()) self.assertEqual(datetime, type(self.C.created_at)) self.assertEqual(my_dict['__class__'], self.C.__class__.__name__) self.assertEqual(my_dict['id'], def test_to_dict_more(self): """tests more things with to_dict method """ my_dict = self.C.to_dict() created_at = my_dict['created_at'] time = datetime.strptime(created_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") self.assertEqual(self.C.created_at, time) def test_from_dict_basic(self): """tests the from_dict method """ my_dict = self.C.to_dict() C1 = self.C.__class__(**my_dict) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(C1.updated_at, self.C.updated_at) self.assertEqual(C1.created_at, self.C.created_at) self.assertEqual(C1.__class__.__name__, self.C.__class__.__name__) def test_from_dict_hard(self): """test for the from_dict method for class objects """ self.C.first_name = 'Meco' self.C.last_name = 'Montes' my_dict = self.C.to_dict() self.assertEqual(my_dict['first_name'], 'Meco') C1 = self.C.__class__(**my_dict) self.assertEqual(C1.created_at, self.C.created_at) def test_unique_id(self): """test for unique ids in class objects """ C1 = self.C.__class__() C2 = self.C.__class__() self.assertNotEqual(, self.assertNotEqual(, def test_id_type_string(self): """test id of the class is a string """ self.assertEqual(type(, str) def test_updated_time(self): """test that updated time gets updated """ time1 = self.C.updated_at time2 = self.C.updated_at self.assertNotEqual(time1, time2) self.assertEqual(type(time1), datetime)