            self.data = []

from models.settings import Settings

defaults = { 'nuts': ['pages', 'articles'],
             'admins': ['Nobody <nobody@localhost>',],
             'hosts': ['localhost', 'appspot.com'],
             'dp_highlighter': False,
             'google_analytics' : '',
             'google_adsense_client' : '',
             'google_adsense_slot' : '',
             'google_adsense_width': 0,
             'google_adsense_height': 0,
             'disqus_forum' : '' }
NutSettings = lambda : Settings.get_or_create('settings:hazel', **defaults)

class SettingsForm(Form):
    nuts = CSVField('Nuts', [], u'A list of your activated modules')
    # FIXME: create a custom validator that does the validation of the
    #        Name <Email>[, Name <Email>]* field.
    admins = CSVField('Admins', [], u'A list of people who will be notified in case of emergency')
    hosts = CSVField('Hosts', [], u'A comma seperated list of hosts on which to listen. In case of a unknown host, a redirect to the first item in the list will occour.')
    # FIXME: create validator
    google_analytics = TextField('Google Analytics ID', [], u'UA-xxxxxx-xx')
    google_adsense_client = TextField('Google AdSense Client', [], u'pub-...')
    google_adsense_slot   = TextField('Google AdSense Slot', [], u'the slot value')
    google_adsense_width  = IntegerField('Google AdSense Width', [], u'the width value')
    google_adsense_height = IntegerField('Google AdSense Height', [], u'the height value')
    disqus_forum          = TextField('Disqus Forum ID', [], u'The name of the disqus forum to use for comments')
    dp_highlighter        = BooleanField('Enable dp.SyntaxHighlighter')