def train(opt):

    # Load data
    loader = DataLoader(opt)
    opt.vocab_size = loader.vocab_size
    opt.seq_length = loader.seq_length

    # Tensorboard summaries (they're great!)

    # Load pretrained model, info file, histories file
    infos = {}
    histories = {}

    if opt.start_from is not None:
        with open(os.path.join(opt.start_from, 'infos_'+opt.id+'.pkl')) as f:
            infos = cPickle.load(f)
            saved_model_opt = infos['opt']
            need_be_same=["rnn_type", "rnn_size", "num_layers"]
            for checkme in need_be_same:
                assert vars(saved_model_opt)[checkme] == vars(opt)[checkme], "Command line argument and saved model disagree on '%s' " % checkme
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(opt.start_from, 'histories_'+opt.id+'.pkl')):
            with open(os.path.join(opt.start_from, 'histories_'+opt.id+'.pkl')) as f:
                histories = cPickle.load(f)
    iteration = infos.get('iter', 0)
    epoch = infos.get('epoch', 0)
    val_result_history = histories.get('val_result_history', {})
    loss_history = histories.get('loss_history', {})
    lr_history = histories.get('lr_history', {})
    #ss_prob_history = histories.get('ss_prob_history', {})
    loader.iterators = infos.get('iterators', loader.iterators)
    loader.split_ix = infos.get('split_ix', loader.split_ix)
    if opt.load_best_score == 1:
        best_val_score = infos.get('best_val_score', None)
    encoder = MemoryAugmentedEncoder(3, 0, attention_module=ScaledDotProductAttentionMemory,
                                     attention_module_kwargs={'m': 40})
    decoder = MeshedDecoder(8668, 180, 3, 0)
    models = Transformer(8667, encoder, decoder)
    # Create model
    model = models.cuda()
    lang_model = Seq2Seq().cuda()
    # Create model
    lang_model.load_state_dict(torch.load('log_cvpr/all2model16000.pth'), strict=False)
    optimizer = utils.build_optimizer_adam(list(models.parameters()) + list(lang_model.parameters()), opt)

    update_lr_flag = True

    while True:

        # Update learning rate once per epoch
        if update_lr_flag:

            # Assign the learning rate
            if epoch > opt.learning_rate_decay_start and opt.learning_rate_decay_start >= 0:
                frac = (epoch - opt.learning_rate_decay_start) // opt.learning_rate_decay_every
                decay_factor = opt.learning_rate_decay_rate  ** frac
                opt.current_lr = opt.learning_rate * decay_factor
                opt.current_lr = opt.learning_rate
            utils.set_lr(optimizer, opt.current_lr)

            # Assign the scheduled sampling prob
            if epoch > opt.scheduled_sampling_start and opt.scheduled_sampling_start >= 0:
                frac = (epoch - opt.scheduled_sampling_start) // opt.scheduled_sampling_increase_every
                #opt.ss_prob = min(opt.scheduled_sampling_increase_prob  * frac, opt.scheduled_sampling_max_prob)
                #model.ss_prob = opt.ss_prob

            # If start self critical training
            if opt.self_critical_after != -1 and epoch >= opt.self_critical_after:
                sc_flag = True
                sc_flag = False

            update_lr_flag = False

        # Load data from train split (0)
        start = time.time()
        data = loader.get_batch('train')
        data_time = time.time() - start
        start = time.time()

        # Unpack data
        tmp = [data['fc_feats'], data['att_feats'], data['labels'], data['dist'], data['masks'], data['att_masks']]
        tmp = [_ if _ is None else torch.from_numpy(_).cuda() for _ in tmp]
        fc_feats, att_feats, labels, dist_label, masks, attmasks = tmp
        labels = labels.long()
        batchsize = fc_feats.size(0)
        labels_decode = labels.view(-1, 180)
        captions = utils.decode_sequence(loader.get_vocab(), labels_decode, None)
        captions_all = []
        for index, caption in enumerate(captions):
            caption = caption.replace('<start>', '').replace(' ,', '').replace('  ', ' ')

        # Forward pass and loss
        d_steps = 1
        g_steps = 1
        #print (torch.sum(labels!=0), torch.sum(masks!=0))
        if 1:

          if 1:
              wordact, x_all_image = model(att_feats, labels.view(batchsize, -1))
              wordact_t = wordact[:,:-1,:]
              wordact_t = wordact_t.contiguous().view(wordact_t.size(0) * wordact_t.size(1), -1)
              labels_flat = labels.view(batchsize,-1)
              wordclass_v = labels_flat[:, 1:]
              wordclass_t = wordclass_v.contiguous().view(\
               wordclass_v.size(0) * wordclass_v.size(1), -1)
              loss_xe = F.cross_entropy(wordact_t[ ...], \
              wordact = lang_model(labels.view(batchsize, -1).transpose(1, 0), labels.view(batchsize, -1).transpose(1, 0),
              wordact_t = wordact.transpose(1, 0)[:, 1:, :]
              wordact_t = wordact_t.contiguous().view(wordact_t.size(0) * wordact_t.size(1), -1)
              labels_flat = labels.view(batchsize, -1)
              wordclass_v = labels_flat[:, 1:]
              wordclass_t = wordclass_v.contiguous().view( \
                  wordclass_v.size(0) * wordclass_v.size(1), -1)
              loss_xe_lang = F.cross_entropy(wordact_t[...], wordclass_t[...].view(-1))
              outcap, sampled_ids, sample_logprobs= lang_model.sample(labels.view(batchsize, -1).transpose(1,0),labels.view(batchsize, -1).transpose(1,0), fc_feats, loader.get_vocab())
              sampled_ids[:, 0] = 8667
              logprobs_input, _ = model(att_feats, sampled_ids.long().cuda())
              log_probs = F.log_softmax(logprobs_input[:, :-1, :], -1)

              sample_logprobs_true = log_probs.gather(2, sampled_ids[:, 1:].cuda().long().unsqueeze(2))

              with torch.no_grad():
                  reward, cider_sample, cider_greedy = get_self_critical_reward(batchsize, lang_model, labels.view(batchsize, -1).transpose(1,0), fc_feats, outcap,
                                                                                captions_all, loader,

              print (np.mean(cider_greedy))
              loss_rl1 = rl_crit(torch.exp(sample_logprobs_true.squeeze()) / torch.exp(sample_logprobs[:, 1:]).cuda().detach(),sampled_ids[:, 1:].cpu(), torch.from_numpy(reward).float().cuda())

              #loss_rl = rl_crit(sample_logprobs, sampled_ids.cpu(), torch.from_numpy(reward).float()).cuda()
              #x_all_langauge = x_all_langauge.cuda().detach()
              #l2_loss = ((x_all_image.transpose(2,1).cuda() - x_all_langauge) ** 2).mean().cuda()
              train_loss = loss_xe + loss_rl1 # + loss_xe_lang

          if 1:
            if iteration % opt.print_freq == 1:
              print('Read data:', time.time() - start)
              if not sc_flag:
                  print("iter {} (epoch {}), train_loss = {:.3f}, data_time = {:.3f}" \
                    .format(iteration, epoch, loss_xe, data_time))
                print("iter {} (epoch {}), avg_reward = {:.3f}, data_time = {:.3f}, time/batch = {:.3f}" \
                    .format(iteration, epoch, np.mean(reward[:,0]), data_time, total_time))

          # Update the iteration and epoch
          iteration += 1
          if data['bounds']['wrapped']:
            epoch += 1
            update_lr_flag = True

          # Write the training loss summary
          if (iteration % opt.losses_log_every == 0):
            add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'train_loss', train_loss, iteration)
            add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'learning_rate', opt.current_lr, iteration)
            #add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'scheduled_sampling_prob', model.ss_prob, iteration)
            if sc_flag:
                add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'avg_reward', np.mean(reward[:,0]), iteration)
            loss_history[iteration] = train_loss if not sc_flag else np.mean(reward[:,0])
            lr_history[iteration] = opt.current_lr
            #ss_prob_history[iteration] = model.ss_prob

        # Validate and save model
          if (iteration % opt.save_checkpoint_every == 0):
            checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'all2model{:05d}.pth'.format(iteration))
            torch.save(model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
            checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'lang_model{:05d}.pth'.format(iteration))
            torch.save(lang_model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
            optimizer_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'optimizer.pth')
            torch.save(optimizer.state_dict(), optimizer_path)
    text_field = TextField(init_token='<bos>', eos_token='<eos>', lower=True, tokenize='spacy',
                           remove_punctuation=True, nopoints=False)

    # Create the dataset
    dataset = COCO(image_field, text_field, 'coco/images/', args.annotation_folder, args.annotation_folder)
    train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset = dataset.splits

    if not os.path.isfile('vocab_%s.pkl' % args.exp_name):
        print("Building vocabulary")
        text_field.build_vocab(train_dataset, val_dataset, min_freq=5)
        pickle.dump(text_field.vocab, open('vocab_%s.pkl' % args.exp_name, 'wb'))
        text_field.vocab = pickle.load(open('vocab_%s.pkl' % args.exp_name, 'rb'))

    # Model and dataloaders
    encoder = MemoryAugmentedEncoder(3, 0, attention_module=ScaledDotProductAttentionMemory,
                                     attention_module_kwargs={'m': args.m})
    decoder = MeshedDecoder(len(text_field.vocab), 54, 3, text_field.vocab.stoi['<pad>'])
    model = Transformer(text_field.vocab.stoi['<bos>'], encoder, decoder).to(device)

    dict_dataset_train = train_dataset.image_dictionary({'image': image_field, 'text': RawField()})
    ref_caps_train = list(train_dataset.text)
    cider_train = Cider(PTBTokenizer.tokenize(ref_caps_train))
    dict_dataset_val = val_dataset.image_dictionary({'image': image_field, 'text': RawField()})
    dict_dataset_test = test_dataset.image_dictionary({'image': image_field, 'text': RawField()})

    def lambda_lr(s):
        warm_up = args.warmup
        s += 1
        return (model.d_model ** -.5) * min(s ** -.5, s * warm_up ** -1.5)
def train(opt):

    # Load data
    loader = DataLoader(opt)
    opt.vocab_size = loader.vocab_size
    opt.seq_length = loader.seq_length

    # Tensorboard summaries (they're great!)
    tb_summary_writer = tb and tb.SummaryWriter(opt.checkpoint_path)

    # Load pretrained model, info file, histories file
    infos = {}
    histories = {}

    if opt.start_from is not None:
        with open(os.path.join(opt.start_from, 'infos_'+opt.id+'.pkl')) as f:
            infos = cPickle.load(f)
            saved_model_opt = infos['opt']
            need_be_same=["rnn_type", "rnn_size", "num_layers"]
            for checkme in need_be_same:
                assert vars(saved_model_opt)[checkme] == vars(opt)[checkme], "Command line argument and saved model disagree on '%s' " % checkme
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(opt.start_from, 'histories_'+opt.id+'.pkl')):
            with open(os.path.join(opt.start_from, 'histories_'+opt.id+'.pkl')) as f:
                histories = cPickle.load(f)
    iteration = infos.get('iter', 0)
    epoch = infos.get('epoch', 0)
    val_result_history = histories.get('val_result_history', {})
    loss_history = histories.get('loss_history', {})
    lr_history = histories.get('lr_history', {})
    #ss_prob_history = histories.get('ss_prob_history', {})
    loader.iterators = infos.get('iterators', loader.iterators)
    loader.split_ix = infos.get('split_ix', loader.split_ix)
    if opt.load_best_score == 1:
        best_val_score = infos.get('best_val_score', None)
    encoder = MemoryAugmentedEncoder(3, 0, attention_module=ScaledDotProductAttentionMemory,
                                     attention_module_kwargs={'m': 40})
    decoder = MeshedDecoder(8668, 180, 3, 0)
    models = Transformer(8667, encoder, decoder)
    # Create model
    model = models.cuda()
    lang_model = Seq2Seq().cuda()
    optimizer = utils.build_optimizer_adam(list(models.parameters())+ list(lang_model.parameters()), opt)
    update_lr_flag = True

    while True:

        # Update learning rate once per epoch
        if update_lr_flag:

            # Assign the learning rate
            if epoch > opt.learning_rate_decay_start and opt.learning_rate_decay_start >= 0:
                frac = (epoch - opt.learning_rate_decay_start) // opt.learning_rate_decay_every
                decay_factor = opt.learning_rate_decay_rate  ** frac
                opt.current_lr = opt.learning_rate * decay_factor
                opt.current_lr = opt.learning_rate
            utils.set_lr(optimizer, opt.current_lr)

            # Assign the scheduled sampling prob
            if epoch > opt.scheduled_sampling_start and opt.scheduled_sampling_start >= 0:
                frac = (epoch - opt.scheduled_sampling_start) // opt.scheduled_sampling_increase_every
                #opt.ss_prob = min(opt.scheduled_sampling_increase_prob  * frac, opt.scheduled_sampling_max_prob)
                #model.ss_prob = opt.ss_prob

            # If start self critical training
            if opt.self_critical_after != -1 and epoch >= opt.self_critical_after:
                sc_flag = True
                sc_flag = False

            update_lr_flag = False
        # Load data from train split (0)
        start = time.time()
        data = loader.get_batch('train')
        data_time = time.time() - start
        start = time.time()

        # Unpack data
        tmp = [data['fc_feats'], data['att_feats'], data['labels'], data['dist'], data['masks'], data['att_masks']]
        tmp = [_ if _ is None else torch.from_numpy(_).cuda() for _ in tmp]
        fc_feats, att_feats, labels, dist_label, masks, attmasks = tmp
        labels = labels.long()

        captions = utils.decode_sequence(loader.get_vocab(), labels.view(fc_feats.size(0), -1), None)
        captions_all = []
        for index, caption in enumerate(captions):
            caption = caption.replace('<start>', '').replace(' ,', '').replace('  ', ' ')

        nd_labels = labels
        batchsize = fc_feats.size(0)
        # Forward pass and loss
        d_steps = 1
        g_steps = 1
        beta = 0.2
        #print (orch.sum(labels!=0), torch.sum(masks!=0))
        if 1:
          if 1: 
              wordact, _ = model(att_feats, labels.view(batchsize, -1))
              wordact_t = wordact[:,:-1,:]
              wordact_t = wordact_t.contiguous().view(wordact_t.size(0) * wordact_t.size(1), -1)
              labels_flat = labels.view(batchsize,-1)
              wordclass_v = labels_flat[:, 1:]
              wordclass_t = wordclass_v.contiguous().view(\
               wordclass_v.size(0) * wordclass_v.size(1), -1)
              loss_xe = F.cross_entropy(wordact_t[ ...], \

              with torch.no_grad():
                  outcap, sampled_ids, sample_logprobs, x_all_langauge, outputs, log_probs_all = lang_model.sample(labels.view(batchsize, -1).transpose(1,0), att_feats.transpose(1,0), loader.get_vocab())
              logprobs_input, _ = model(att_feats, sampled_ids.cuda().long())
              log_probs = F.log_softmax(logprobs_input[:,:,:], 2)
              sample_logprobs_true = log_probs.gather(2, sampled_ids[:,:].cuda().long().unsqueeze(2))
              with torch.no_grad():
                  reward, cider_sample, cider_greedy, caps_sample, caps = get_self_critical_reward(batchsize, lang_model, labels.view(batchsize, -1).transpose(1,0), att_feats.transpose(1,0), outcap, captions_all, loader, 180)
                  reward = torch.tensor(reward)
                  kl_div = F.kl_div(log_probs.squeeze().cuda().detach(), torch.exp(log_probs_all.transpose(1,0)).cuda().detach(), reduce= False)
                  ratio_no = sample_logprobs_true.squeeze().cpu().double()
                  ratio_de = sample_logprobs.cpu().double()
                  ratio_no_f = torch.exp(ratio_no)
                  ratio_de_f = torch.exp(ratio_de)
                  ratio = (ratio_no_f/((1-beta)*ratio_de_f+ beta*ratio_no_f))
                  ratio = torch.clamp(ratio, min = 0.96)
                  ratio_prod = ratio.prod(1)
                  reward = (torch.tensor(reward).cuda()) - 0.05 * kl_div.mean()
              loss_rl1 = rl_crit(ratio_prod.cuda().unsqueeze(1).detach()*sample_logprobs_true.squeeze()[:,:-1], sampled_ids[:,1:].cpu(), reward.float().cuda().detach())
              #writer.add_scalar('RL loss', loss_rl1 , iteration)
              #writer.add_scalar('TRIS ratio', ratio.mean(), iteration)
              #writer.add_scalar('XE_loss', loss_xe, iteration)
              #writer.add_scalar('KL_div', kl_div.mean(), iteration)
              lamb = 0.5
              train_loss = lamb * loss_rl1 + (1 - lamb)* loss_xe
          if 1:
            if iteration % opt.print_freq == 1:
              print('Read data:', time.time() - start)
              if not sc_flag:
                  print (ratio.mean())
                  print (reward.mean())
                  print (kl_div.mean())
                  print("iter {} (epoch {}), train_loss = {:.4f}, xe_loss = {:.3f}, train_time = {:.3f}" \
                    .format(iteration, epoch, train_loss.item(), loss_xe, data_time))
                print("iter {} (epoch {}), avg_reward = {:.3f}, data_time = {:.3f}, time/batch = {:.3f}" \
                    .format(iteration, epoch, np.mean(reward[:,0]), data_time, total_time))

          # Update the iteration and epoch
          iteration += 1
          if data['bounds']['wrapped']:
            epoch += 1
            update_lr_flag = True

          # Write the training loss summary
          if (iteration % opt.losses_log_every == 0):
            add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'train_loss', train_loss, iteration)
            add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'learning_rate', opt.current_lr, iteration)
            #add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'scheduled_sampling_prob', model.ss_prob, iteration)
            if sc_flag:
                add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'avg_reward', np.mean(reward[:,0]), iteration)
            loss_history[iteration] = train_loss if not sc_flag else np.mean(reward[:,0])
            lr_history[iteration] = opt.current_lr
            #ss_prob_history[iteration] = model.ss_prob

        # Validate and save model 
          if (iteration % opt.save_checkpoint_every == 0):
            checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'all2model{:05d}.pth'.format(iteration))
            torch.save(model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
            checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'lang_model{:05d}.pth'.format(iteration))
            torch.save(lang_model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)

            optimizer_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'optimizer.pth')
            torch.save(optimizer.state_dict(), optimizer_path)
            # Evaluate model
        #if 0:
            eval_kwargs = {'split': 'test',
                            'dataset': opt.input_json}
            crit = utils.LanguageModelCriterion()                               
            val_loss, predictions, lang_stats = eval_utils.eval_split(model, crit, loader, eval_kwargs)
            # Write validation result into summary
            #add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'validation loss', val_loss, iteration)
            #if lang_stats is not None:
            #    for k,v in lang_stats.items():
            #        add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, k, v, iteration)
            #val_result_history[iteration] = {'loss': val_loss, 'lang_stats': lang_stats, 'predictions': predictions}

            # Our metric is CIDEr if available, otherwise validation loss
            #if opt.language_eval == 1:
            current_score = lang_stats['CIDEr']
         #   else:
         #       current_score = - val_loss

            # Save model in checkpoint path 
            best_flag = False
            if best_val_score is None or current_score > best_val_score:
                best_val_score = current_score
                best_flag = True
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'model.pth')
                torch.save(model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
    parser.add_argument('--vocab', type=str, default='vocab.pkl')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    print('Meshed-Memory Transformer Evaluation')

    # Pipeline for image regions
    image_field = ImageDetectionsField(detections_path=args.features_path, max_detections=50, load_in_tmp=False)

    # Pipeline for text
    text_field = TextField(init_token='<bos>', eos_token='<eos>', lower=True, tokenize='spacy', remove_punctuation=True, nopoints=False)

    # Create the dataset
    dataset = COCO(image_field, text_field, 'coco/images/', args.annotation_folder, args.annotation_folder)
    _, _, test_dataset = dataset.splits
    text_field.vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb'))

    # Model and dataloaders
    encoder = MemoryAugmentedEncoder(3, 0, args.d_in, d_ff=args.d_in, attention_module=ScaledDotProductAttentionMemory, attention_module_kwargs={'m': 40})
    decoder = MeshedDecoder(len(text_field.vocab), 54, 3, text_field.vocab.stoi['<pad>'], d_ff=args.d_in)
    model = Transformer(text_field.vocab.stoi['<bos>'], encoder, decoder).to(device)

    data = torch.load(args.weights)

    dict_dataset_test = test_dataset.image_dictionary({'image': image_field, 'text': RawField()})
    dict_dataloader_test = DataLoader(dict_dataset_test, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers)

    scores = predict_captions(model, dict_dataloader_test, text_field)

# python test_custom.py --features_path features_path --weights weights (--d_in d_in) 
def train(opt):

    # Load data
    loader = DataLoader(opt)
    opt.vocab_size = loader.vocab_size
    opt.seq_length = loader.seq_length

    # Tensorboard summaries (they're great!)
    tb_summary_writer = tb and tb.SummaryWriter(opt.checkpoint_path)

    # Load pretrained model, info file, histories file
    infos = {}
    histories = {}

    if opt.start_from is not None:
        with open(os.path.join(opt.start_from,
                               'infos_' + opt.id + '.pkl')) as f:
            infos = cPickle.load(f)
            saved_model_opt = infos['opt']
            need_be_same = ["rnn_type", "rnn_size", "num_layers"]
            for checkme in need_be_same:
                assert vars(saved_model_opt)[checkme] == vars(
                )[checkme], "Command line argument and saved model disagree on '%s' " % checkme
        if os.path.isfile(
                os.path.join(opt.start_from, 'histories_' + opt.id + '.pkl')):
            with open(
                                 'histories_' + opt.id + '.pkl')) as f:
                histories = cPickle.load(f)
    iteration = infos.get('iter', 0)
    epoch = infos.get('epoch', 0)
    val_result_history = histories.get('val_result_history', {})
    loss_history = histories.get('loss_history', {})
    lr_history = histories.get('lr_history', {})
    #ss_prob_history = histories.get('ss_prob_history', {})
    loader.iterators = infos.get('iterators', loader.iterators)
    loader.split_ix = infos.get('split_ix', loader.split_ix)
    if opt.load_best_score == 1:
        best_val_score = infos.get('best_val_score', None)
    encoder = MemoryAugmentedEncoder(
        attention_module_kwargs={'m': 40})
    decoder = MeshedDecoder(8668, 180, 3, 0)
    models = Transformer(8667, encoder, decoder)
    # Create model
    model = models.cuda()
    #  pretrained_dict = torch.load('log_xe_final_before_review/all2model12000.pth')
    #   model.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict, strict=False)
    #   d_pretrained_dict = torch.load('log_xe_final_before_review/all2d_model12000.pth')
    #   back_model.load_state_dict(d_pretrained_dict, strict=False)
    optimizer = utils.build_optimizer_adam(models.parameters(), opt)

    #back_optimizer = utils.build_optimizer(back_model.parameters(), opt)
    update_lr_flag = True

    while True:

        # Update learning rate once per epoch
        if update_lr_flag:

            # Assign the learning rate
            if epoch > opt.learning_rate_decay_start and opt.learning_rate_decay_start >= 0:
                frac = (epoch - opt.learning_rate_decay_start
                        ) // opt.learning_rate_decay_every
                decay_factor = opt.learning_rate_decay_rate**frac
                opt.current_lr = opt.learning_rate * decay_factor
                opt.current_lr = opt.learning_rate
            utils.set_lr(optimizer, opt.current_lr)

            # Assign the scheduled sampling prob
            if epoch > opt.scheduled_sampling_start and opt.scheduled_sampling_start >= 0:
                frac = (epoch - opt.scheduled_sampling_start
                        ) // opt.scheduled_sampling_increase_every
                #opt.ss_prob = min(opt.scheduled_sampling_increase_prob  * frac, opt.scheduled_sampling_max_prob)
                #model.ss_prob = opt.ss_prob

            # If start self critical training
            if opt.self_critical_after != -1 and epoch >= opt.self_critical_after:
                sc_flag = True
                sc_flag = False

            update_lr_flag = False

        # Load data from train split (0)
        start = time.time()
        data = loader.get_batch('train')
        data_time = time.time() - start
        start = time.time()

        # Unpack data
        tmp = [
            data['fc_feats'], data['att_feats'], data['labels'], data['dist'],
            data['masks'], data['att_masks']
        tmp = [_ if _ is None else torch.from_numpy(_).cuda() for _ in tmp]
        fc_feats, att_feats, labels, dist_label, masks, attmasks = tmp
        labels = labels.long()
        nd_labels = labels
        batchsize = fc_feats.size(0)
        # Forward pass and loss
        d_steps = 1
        g_steps = 1
        #print (torch.sum(labels!=0), torch.sum(masks!=0))
        if 1:

            if 1:
                wordact = model(att_feats, labels.view(batchsize, -1))
                ##mask = masks.view(batchsize,-1)
                #mask = mask[:,1:].contiguous()
                wordact_t = wordact[:, :-1, :]
                # wordact_t = wordact.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
                wordact_t = wordact_t.contiguous().view(
                    wordact_t.size(0) * wordact_t.size(1), -1)
                labels_flat = labels.view(batchsize, -1)
                wordclass_v = labels_flat[:, 1:]
                wordclass_t = wordclass_v.contiguous().view(\
                 wordclass_v.size(0) * wordclass_v.size(1), -1)
                #maskids = torch.nonzero(mask.view(-1).cpu()).numpy().reshape(-1)
                loss_xe = F.cross_entropy(wordact_t[ ...], \

                train_loss = loss_xe

            if 1:
                if iteration % opt.print_freq == 1:
                    print('Read data:', time.time() - start)
                    if not sc_flag:
                        print("iter {} (epoch {}), train_loss = {:.3f}, data_time = {:.3f}" \
                          .format(iteration, epoch, loss_xe, data_time))
                        print("iter {} (epoch {}), avg_reward = {:.3f}, data_time = {:.3f}, time/batch = {:.3f}" \
                            .format(iteration, epoch, np.mean(reward[:,0]), data_time, total_time))

            # Update the iteration and epoch
            iteration += 1
            if data['bounds']['wrapped']:
                epoch += 1
                update_lr_flag = True

            # Write the training loss summary
            if (iteration % opt.losses_log_every == 0):
                add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'train_loss', train_loss,
                add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'learning_rate',
                                  opt.current_lr, iteration)
                #add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'scheduled_sampling_prob', model.ss_prob, iteration)
                if sc_flag:
                    add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'avg_reward',
                                      np.mean(reward[:, 0]), iteration)
                    iteration] = train_loss if not sc_flag else np.mean(
                        reward[:, 0])
                lr_history[iteration] = opt.current_lr
                #ss_prob_history[iteration] = model.ss_prob

        # Validate and save model
            if (iteration % opt.save_checkpoint_every == 0):
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(
                torch.save(model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)

                optimizer_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path,
                torch.save(optimizer.state_dict(), optimizer_path)
                # Evaluate model
        if (iteration % 20000 == 0):
            eval_kwargs = {'split': 'test', 'dataset': opt.input_json}
            val_loss, predictions, lang_stats = eval_utils.eval_split(
                model, crit, loader, eval_kwargs)
            # Write validation result into summary
            add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, 'validation loss', val_loss,
            if lang_stats is not None:
                for k, v in lang_stats.items():
                    add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, k, v, iteration)
            val_result_history[iteration] = {
                'loss': val_loss,
                'lang_stats': lang_stats,
                'predictions': predictions

            # Our metric is CIDEr if available, otherwise validation loss
            if opt.language_eval == 1:
                current_score = lang_stats['CIDEr']
                current_score = -val_loss

            # Save model in checkpoint path
            best_flag = False
            if best_val_score is None or current_score > best_val_score:
                best_val_score = current_score
                best_flag = True
            checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'model.pth')
            torch.save(model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
            checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'd_model.pth')
            torch.save(back_model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
            checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path,
            torch.save(dis_model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
            print("model saved to {}".format(checkpoint_path))
            optimizer_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, 'optimizer.pth')
            torch.save(optimizer.state_dict(), optimizer_path)

            # Dump miscalleous informations
            infos['iter'] = iteration
            infos['epoch'] = epoch
            infos['iterators'] = loader.iterators
            infos['split_ix'] = loader.split_ix
            infos['best_val_score'] = best_val_score
            infos['opt'] = opt
            infos['vocab'] = loader.get_vocab()
            histories['val_result_history'] = val_result_history
            histories['loss_history'] = loss_history
            histories['lr_history'] = lr_history
            #histories['ss_prob_history'] = ss_prob_history
            with open(
                                 'infos_' + opt.id + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
                cPickle.dump(infos, f)
            with open(
                                 'histories_' + opt.id + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
                cPickle.dump(histories, f)

            # Save model to unique file if new best model
            if best_flag:
                model_fname = 'model-best-i{:05d}-score{:.4f}.pth'.format(
                    iteration, best_val_score)
                infos_fname = 'model-best-i{:05d}-infos.pkl'.format(iteration)
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path,
                torch.save(model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path,
                torch.save(back_model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path,
                torch.save(dis_model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
                print("model saved to {}".format(checkpoint_path))
                with open(os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, infos_fname),
                          'wb') as f:
                    cPickle.dump(infos, f)
    # Create the dataset
    dataset = ArtEmis(image_field, text_field, emotion_field,
    _, _, test_dataset = dataset.splits
    text_field.vocab = pickle.load(open('vocab_%s.pkl' % args.exp_name, 'rb'))

    # Model and dataloaders
    emotion_dim = 0
    emotion_encoder = None
    if args.use_emotion_labels:
        emotion_dim = 10
        emotion_encoder = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(9, emotion_dim))
    encoder = MemoryAugmentedEncoder(
        attention_module_kwargs={'m': 40},
        d_in=2048 + emotion_dim)
    decoder = MeshedDecoder(len(text_field.vocab), 54, 3,
    model = Transformer(text_field.vocab.stoi['<bos>'], encoder,

    fname = 'saved_models/%s_best.pth' % args.exp_name
    data = torch.load(fname)

    if emotion_encoder is not None:
        fname = 'saved_models/%s_emo_best.pth' % args.exp_name
        data = torch.load(fname)