def _get_restore_vars_dict(self): """Load pre-trained variables.""" utils.thick_line() print('Loading pre-trained variables from:\n', self.restore_checkpoint_path) utils.thin_line() tf.reset_default_graph() loaded_graph = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=loaded_graph) as sess: ckp_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.restore_checkpoint_path) loader = tf.train.import_meta_graph(ckp_path + '.meta') loader.restore(sess, ckp_path) restore_vars_dict = dict() restore_vars_dict['w_conv_0'] = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('classifier/conv_0/weights:0')) restore_vars_dict['b_conv_0'] = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('classifier/conv_0/biases:0')) restore_vars_dict['w_caps_0'] = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('classifier/caps_0/weights:0')) restore_vars_dict['b_caps_0'] = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('classifier/caps_0/biases:0')) restore_vars_dict['w_caps_1'] = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('classifier/caps_1/weights:0')) # restore_vars_dict['b_caps_1'] = # loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('classifier/caps_1/biases:0')) return restore_vars_dict
def _save_model(self, sess, saver, step, silent=False): """Save models.""" save_path = join(self.checkpoint_path, 'models.ckpt') if not silent: utils.thin_line() print('Saving models to {}...'.format(save_path)), save_path, global_step=step)
def _get_preds_int(self, preds_vec): """Get integer predictions.""" utils.thin_line() print('Converting prediction vectors to ints...') preds = np.argmax(np.array(preds_vec), axis=1) # Save preds if self.cfg.SAVE_TEST_PRED: if self.during_training and (self.epoch_train != 'end'): utils.save_test_pred_is_training(self.test_log_path, self.epoch_train, self.step_train, self.y_test, preds, preds_vec, save_num=20, pred_is_int=True) else: utils.save_test_pred(self.test_log_path, self.y_test, preds, preds_vec, pred_is_int=True) return preds
def _get_tensors(self, loaded_graph): """Get inputs, labels, loss, and accuracy tensor from <loaded_graph>.""" with loaded_graph.as_default(): utils.thin_line() print('Loading graph and tensors...') inputs_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('inputs:0') labels_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('labels:0') input_imgs_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('input_imgs:0') is_training = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('is_training:0') if self.multi_gpu: clf_preds_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name( 'total_clf_preds:0') if self.cfg.TEST_WITH_REC: rec_imgs_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name( 'total_rec_imgs:0') return inputs_, labels_, input_imgs_, \ is_training, clf_preds_, rec_imgs_ else: return inputs_, labels_, input_imgs_, is_training, clf_preds_ else: clf_preds_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('clf_preds:0') if self.cfg.TEST_WITH_REC: rec_imgs_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('rec_imgs:0') return inputs_, labels_, input_imgs_, \ is_training, clf_preds_, rec_imgs_ else: return inputs_, labels_, input_imgs_, is_training, clf_preds_
def _scaling(self): """ Scaling input images to (0, 1). """ utils.thin_line() print('Scaling features...') self.x = np.divide(self.x, 255.) self.x_test = np.divide(self.x_test, 255.)
def _shuffle(self): """ Shuffle data sets. """ utils.thin_line() print('Shuffling images and labels...') self.x, self.y = shuffle( self.x, self.y, random_state=0) self.x_test, self.y_test = shuffle( self.x_test, self.y_test, random_state=0)
def download_data(data_base_name): """ Download database. """ utils.thick_line() print('Downloading {} data set...'.format(data_base_name)) utils.thin_line() if data_base_name == 'mnist': SOURCE_URL = '' TRAIN_IMAGES = 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz' TRAIN_LABELS = 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz' TEST_IMAGES = 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz' TEST_LABELS = 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz' source_data_path_ = join(cfg.SOURCE_DATA_PATH, 'mnist') utils.check_dir([source_data_path_]) utils.download_and_extract_mnist( url=SOURCE_URL + TRAIN_IMAGES, save_path=join(source_data_path_, TRAIN_IMAGES), extract_path=join(source_data_path_, 'train_images'), data_type='images') utils.download_and_extract_mnist( url=SOURCE_URL + TRAIN_LABELS, save_path=join(source_data_path_, TRAIN_LABELS), extract_path=join(source_data_path_, 'train_labels'), data_type='labels') utils.download_and_extract_mnist( url=SOURCE_URL + TEST_IMAGES, save_path=join(source_data_path_, TEST_IMAGES), extract_path=join(source_data_path_, 'test_images'), data_type='images') utils.download_and_extract_mnist( url=SOURCE_URL + TEST_LABELS, save_path=join(source_data_path_, TEST_LABELS), extract_path=join(source_data_path_, 'test_labels'), data_type='labels') elif data_base_name == 'cifar10': SOURCE_URL = '' FILE_NAME = 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz' utils.check_dir([cfg.SOURCE_DATA_PATH]) utils.download_and_extract_cifar10(url=SOURCE_URL + FILE_NAME, save_path=cfg.SOURCE_DATA_PATH, file_name=FILE_NAME, extract_path=cfg.SOURCE_DATA_PATH) else: raise ValueError('Wrong database name!') utils.thick_line()
def _one_hot_encoding(self): """ Scaling images to (0, 1). """ utils.thin_line() print('One-hot-encoding labels...') encoder = LabelBinarizer() self.y = encoder.transform(self.y) self.y_test = encoder.transform(self.y_test)
def _load_data(self): """ Load data set from files. """ utils.thin_line() print('Loading {} data set...'.format(self.data_base_name)) self.x = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.source_data_path, 'train_images.p')) self.y = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.source_data_path, 'train_labels.p')) self.x_test = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.source_data_path, 'test_images.p')) self.y_test = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.source_data_path, 'test_labels.p'))
def _eval_on_full_set(self, sess, epoch_i, step, silent=False): """ Evaluate on the full data set and print information. """ eval_start_time = time.time() if not silent: utils.thick_line() print('Calculating losses using full data set...') # Calculate losses and accuracies of full train set if self.cfg.EVAL_WITH_FULL_TRAIN_SET: loss_train, clf_loss_train, rec_loss_train, acc_train = \ self._eval_on_batches('train', sess, self.x_train, self.y_train, self.n_batch_train, silent=silent) else: loss_train, clf_loss_train, rec_loss_train, acc_train = \ None, None, None, None # Calculate losses and accuracies of full valid set loss_valid, clf_loss_valid, rec_loss_valid, acc_valid = \ self._eval_on_batches('valid', sess, self.x_valid, self.y_valid, self.n_batch_valid, silent=silent) if not silent: utils.print_full_set_eval(epoch_i, self.cfg.EPOCHS, step, self.start_time, loss_train, clf_loss_train, rec_loss_train, acc_train, loss_valid, clf_loss_valid, rec_loss_valid, acc_valid, self.cfg.EVAL_WITH_FULL_TRAIN_SET, self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION) file_path = join(self.train_log_path, 'full_set_eval_log.csv') if not silent: utils.thin_line() print('Saving {}...'.format(file_path)) utils.save_log(file_path, epoch_i + 1, step, time.time() - self.start_time, loss_train, clf_loss_train, rec_loss_train, acc_train, loss_valid, clf_loss_valid, rec_loss_valid, acc_valid, self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION) if not silent: utils.thin_line() print( 'Evaluation done! Using time: {:.2f}'.format(time.time() - eval_start_time))
def _get_preds_binary(self, preds_vec): """Get binary predictions. -> [0, 0, 1, ..., 0, 1, 0] as labels """ utils.thin_line() print('Converting prediction vectors to binaries...') preds = np.array(preds_vec) if self.cfg.MOD_PRED_MODE == 'top_n': for pred_i in preds: pos_idx = np.argsort(pred_i)[-self.cfg.MOD_PRED_MAX_NUM:] neg_idx = np.argsort(pred_i)[:-self.cfg.MOD_PRED_MAX_NUM] pred_i[pos_idx] = 1 pred_i[neg_idx] = 0 elif self.cfg.MOD_PRED_MODE == 'length_rate': for pred_i in preds: pred_i_copy = pred_i.copy() max_ = pred_i.max() pred_i[pred_i < (max_ * self.cfg.MOD_PRED_THRESHOLD)] = 0 pred_i[pred_i >= (max_ * self.cfg.MOD_PRED_THRESHOLD)] = 1 if np.sum(pred_i) > self.cfg.MOD_PRED_MAX_NUM: pos_idx = np.argsort( pred_i_copy)[-self.cfg.MOD_PRED_MAX_NUM:] neg_idx = np.argsort( pred_i_copy)[:-self.cfg.MOD_PRED_MAX_NUM] pred_i[pos_idx] = 1 pred_i[neg_idx] = 0 else: raise ValueError('Wrong Mode Name! Find {}!'.format( self.cfg.MOD_PRED_MODE)) if self.cfg.SAVE_TEST_PRED: if self.during_training and (self.epoch_train != 'end'): utils.save_test_pred_is_training(self.test_log_path, self.epoch_train, self.step_train, self.y_test, preds, preds_vec, save_num=20) else: utils.save_test_pred(self.test_log_path, self.y_test, preds, preds_vec) return np.array(preds, dtype=int)
def __init__(self, cfg): # Config self.cfg = cfg # Get checkpoint path self.checkpoint_path = join( cfg.CHECKPOINT_PATH, '{}/models.ckpt-{}'.format(self.cfg.TEST_VERSION, self.cfg.TEST_CKP_IDX)) # Get log path, append information if the directory exist. test_log_path_ = join( self.cfg.TEST_LOG_PATH, '{}-{}'.format(self.cfg.TEST_VERSION, self.cfg.TEST_CKP_IDX)) self.test_log_path = test_log_path_ i_append_info = 0 while isdir(self.test_log_path): i_append_info += 1 self.test_log_path = test_log_path_ + '({})'.format(i_append_info) # Path for saving images self.test_image_path = join(self.test_log_path, 'images') # Check directory of paths utils.check_dir([self.test_log_path]) if self.cfg.TEST_WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: if self.cfg.TEST_SAVE_IMAGE_STEP is not None: utils.check_dir([self.test_image_path]) # Save config utils.save_config_log(self.test_log_path, self.cfg) # Load data utils.thick_line() print('Loading data...') utils.thin_line() preprocessed_path_ = join(cfg.DPP_DATA_PATH, cfg.DATABASE_NAME) self.x_test = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(preprocessed_path_, 'x_test.p')) self.y_test = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(preprocessed_path_, 'y_test.p')) # Calculate number of batches self.n_batch_test = len(self.y_test) // self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE
def pipeline(self, data_base_name): """ Pipeline of preprocessing data. Arg: data_base_name: name of data base """ utils.thick_line() print('Start Preprocessing...') start_time = time.time() self.data_base_name = data_base_name self.preprocessed_path = join(self.cfg.DPP_DATA_PATH, data_base_name) self.source_data_path = join(self.cfg.SOURCE_DATA_PATH, data_base_name) # Load data self._load_data() # Augment data self._augment_data() # Shuffle data set # self._shuffle() # Scaling images to (0, 1) self._scaling() # One-hot-encoding labels self._one_hot_encoding() # Split data set into train/valid/test self._split_data() # Check data format. self._check_data() # Save data to pickles self._save_data() utils.thin_line() print('Done! Using {:.3}s'.format(time.time() - start_time)) utils.thick_line()
def _save_data(self): """ Save data set to pickle files. """ utils.thin_line() print('Saving pickle files...') utils.check_dir([self.preprocessed_path]) utils.save_data_to_pkl( self.x_train, join(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_train.p')) utils.save_data_to_pkl( self.y_train, join(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_train.p')) utils.save_data_to_pkl( self.x_valid, join(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_valid.p')) utils.save_data_to_pkl( self.y_valid, join(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_valid.p')) utils.save_data_to_pkl( self.x_test, join(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_test.p')) utils.save_data_to_pkl( self.y_test, join(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_test.p'))
def _load_data(self): utils.thick_line() print('Loading data...') utils.thin_line() if self.cfg.DATABASE_MODE is not None: preprocessed_path_ = join( '../data/{}'.format(self.cfg.DATABASE_MODE), self.cfg.DATABASE_NAME) else: preprocessed_path_ = join(self.cfg.DPP_DATA_PATH, self.cfg.DATABASE_NAME) x = utils.load_pkls(preprocessed_path_, 'x_test' + self.append_info, tl=self.tl_encode, add_n_batch=1) y = utils.load_pkls(preprocessed_path_, 'y_test' + self.append_info) imgs = utils.load_pkls(preprocessed_path_, 'imgs_test' + self.append_info) utils.thin_line() print('Data info:') utils.thin_line() print('x_test: {}\ny_test: {}\nimgs_test: {}'.format( x.shape, y.shape, imgs.shape)) return x, y, imgs
def _get_preds_vector(self, sess, inputs, preds, is_training): """Get prediction vectors of full train set.""" utils.thin_line() print('Getting prediction vectors...') pred_all = [] _batch_generator = utils.get_batches( self.x_test, batch_size=self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE, keep_last=True) if len(self.x_test) % self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE == 0: n_batch = (len(self.x_test) // self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE) else: n_batch = (len(self.x_test) // self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE) + 1 for _ in tqdm(range(n_batch), total=n_batch, ncols=100, unit=' batch'): x_batch = next(_batch_generator) # The last batch which has less examples len_batch = len(x_batch) if len_batch != self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE: for i in range(self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE - len_batch): x_batch = np.append(x_batch, np.expand_dims(np.zeros_like( x_batch[0]), axis=0), axis=0) assert len(x_batch) == self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE pred_i =, feed_dict={ inputs: x_batch, is_training: False }) if len_batch != self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE: pred_i = pred_i[:len_batch] pred_all.extend(list(pred_i)) assert len(pred_all) == len(self.x_test), (len(pred_all), len(self.x_test)) return np.array(pred_all)
def _get_tensors(self, loaded_graph): """ Get inputs, labels, loss, and accuracy tensor from <loaded_graph> """ with loaded_graph.as_default(): utils.thin_line() print('Loading graph and tensors...') inputs_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("inputs:0") labels_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("labels:0") loss_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("loss:0") accuracy_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("accuracy:0") if self.cfg.TEST_WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: clf_loss_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name( "classifier_loss:0") rec_loss_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("rec_loss:0") rec_images_ = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("rec_images:0") return inputs_, labels_, loss_, accuracy_, \ clf_loss_, rec_loss_, rec_images_ else: return inputs_, labels_, loss_, accuracy_
def _load_data(self): """Load preprocessed data.""" utils.thick_line() print('Loading data...') x_train = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_train', tl=self.tl_encode) x_valid = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_valid', tl=self.tl_encode, add_n_batch=1) imgs_train = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'imgs_train') imgs_valid = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'imgs_valid') if imgs_train.shape == x_train.shape: print('[W] imgs_train.shape == x_train.shape') del imgs_train del imgs_valid gc.collect() imgs_train = x_train imgs_valid = x_valid y_train = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_train') y_valid = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_valid') utils.thin_line() print('Data info:') utils.thin_line() print('x_train: {}\ny_train: {}\nx_valid: {}\ny_valid: {}'.format( x_train.shape, y_train.shape, x_valid.shape, y_valid.shape)) print('imgs_train: {}\nimgs_valid: {}'.format(imgs_train.shape, imgs_valid.shape)) return x_train, y_train, imgs_train, x_valid, y_valid, imgs_valid
def tester(self, sess, inputs, labels, input_imgs, is_training, clf_preds, rec_imgs, start_time, loss=None, acc=None, clf_loss=None, rec_loss=None): utils.thin_line() print('Calculating loss and accuracy of test set...') # Get losses and accuracies clf_preds_vec_test = self._get_preds_vector(sess, inputs, clf_preds, is_training) # Get binary predictions clf_preds_binary = self._get_preds_binary(preds_vec=clf_preds_vec_test) # Get evaluation scores for multi-objects detection. self._get_multi_obj_scores(clf_preds_binary, clf_preds_vec_test) # Save reconstruction images of multi-objects detection if self.cfg.TEST_WITH_REC: self._save_images_mo(sess, rec_imgs, inputs, labels, is_training, clf_preds_binary, clf_preds_vec_test) utils.thin_line() print('Testing finished! Using time: {:.2f}'.format(time.time() - start_time)) utils.thick_line()
def _split_data(self): """ Split data set for training, validation and testing. """ utils.thin_line() print('Splitting train/valid/test set...') if self.data_base_name == 'mnist': train_stop = 55000 elif self.data_base_name == 'cifar10': train_stop = 45000 else: raise ValueError('Wrong database name!') if self.cfg.DPP_TEST_AS_VALID: self.x_train = self.x self.y_train = self.y self.x_valid = self.x_test self.y_valid = self.y_test else: self.x_train = self.x[:train_stop] self.y_train = self.y[:train_stop] self.x_valid = self.x[train_stop:] self.y_valid = self.y[train_stop:]
def test(self): """ Test models """ start_time = time.time() tf.reset_default_graph() loaded_graph = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=loaded_graph) as sess: # Load saved models loader = tf.train.import_meta_graph(self.checkpoint_path + '.meta') loader.restore(sess, self.checkpoint_path) # Get Tensors from loaded models if self.cfg.TEST_WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: inputs, labels, loss, accuracy, \ clf_loss, rec_loss, rec_images = \ self._get_tensors(loaded_graph) else: inputs, labels, loss, accuracy = self._get_tensors( loaded_graph) clf_loss, rec_loss, rec_images = None, None, None utils.thick_line() print('Testing on test set...') utils.thin_line() print('Calculating loss and accuracy of test set...') loss_test, clf_loss_test, rec_loss_test, acc_test = \ self._eval_on_batches( sess, inputs, labels, loss, accuracy, clf_loss, rec_loss, rec_images, self.x_test, self.y_test, self.n_batch_test) # Print losses and accuracy utils.thin_line() print('Test_Loss: {:.4f}'.format(loss_test)) if self.cfg.TEST_WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: print('Test_Classifier_Loss: {:.4f}\n'.format(clf_loss_test), 'Test_Reconstruction_Loss: {:.4f}'.format(rec_loss_test)) print('Test_Accuracy: {:.2f}%'.format(acc_test * 100)) # Save test log utils.save_test_log(self.test_log_path, loss_test, acc_test, clf_loss_test, rec_loss_test, self.cfg.TEST_WITH_RECONSTRUCTION) utils.thin_line() print('Testing finished! Using time: {:.2f}'.format(time.time() - start_time)) utils.thick_line()
def _load_bottleneck_features(self): """Load preprocessed bottleneck features.""" utils.thick_line() print('Loading data...') utils.thin_line() x_train = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_train') x_valid = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_valid', add_n_batch=1) y_train = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_train') y_valid = utils.load_pkls(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_valid') utils.thin_line() print('Data info:') utils.thin_line() print('x_train: {}\ny_train: {}\nx_valid: {}\ny_valid: {}'.format( x_train.shape, y_train.shape, x_valid.shape, y_valid.shape)) return x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid
def _trainer(self, sess): utils.thick_line() print('Training...') # Merge all the summaries and create writers train_summary_path = join(self.summary_path, 'train') valid_summary_path = join(self.summary_path, 'valid') utils.check_dir([train_summary_path, valid_summary_path]) train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(train_summary_path, sess.graph) valid_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(valid_summary_path) step = 0 for epoch_i in range(self.cfg.EPOCHS): epoch_start_time = time.time() utils.thick_line() print('Training on epoch: {}/{}'.format(epoch_i + 1, self.cfg.EPOCHS)) if self.cfg.DISPLAY_STEP is not None: for x_batch, y_batch in utils.get_batches( self.x_train, self.y_train, self.cfg.BATCH_SIZE): step += 1 # Training optimizer, feed_dict={ self.inputs: x_batch, self.labels: y_batch, self.step: step - 1, self.is_training: True }) # Display training information if step % self.cfg.DISPLAY_STEP == 0: self._display_status(sess, x_batch, y_batch, epoch_i, step) # Save training logs if self.cfg.SAVE_LOG_STEP is not None: if step % self.cfg.SAVE_LOG_STEP == 0: self._save_logs(sess, train_writer, valid_writer, x_batch, y_batch, epoch_i, step) # Save reconstruction images if self.cfg.SAVE_IMAGE_STEP is not None: if self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: if step % self.cfg.SAVE_IMAGE_STEP == 0: self._save_images(sess, self.train_image_path, x_batch, y_batch, step, epoch_i=epoch_i) # Save models if self.cfg.SAVE_MODEL_MODE == 'per_batch': if step % self.cfg.SAVE_MODEL_STEP == 0: self._save_model(sess, self.saver, step) # Evaluate on full set if self.cfg.FULL_SET_EVAL_MODE == 'per_batch': if step % self.cfg.FULL_SET_EVAL_STEP == 0: self._eval_on_full_set(sess, epoch_i, step) utils.thick_line() else: utils.thin_line() train_batch_generator = utils.get_batches( self.x_train, self.y_train, self.cfg.BATCH_SIZE) for _ in tqdm(range(self.n_batch_train), total=self.n_batch_train, ncols=100, unit=' batches'): step += 1 x_batch, y_batch = next(train_batch_generator) # Training optimizer, feed_dict={ self.inputs: x_batch, self.labels: y_batch, self.step: step - 1, self.is_training: True }) # Save training logs if self.cfg.SAVE_LOG_STEP is not None: if step % self.cfg.SAVE_LOG_STEP == 0: self._save_logs(sess, train_writer, valid_writer, x_batch, y_batch, epoch_i, step) # Save reconstruction images if self.cfg.SAVE_IMAGE_STEP is not None: if self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: if step % self.cfg.SAVE_IMAGE_STEP == 0: self._save_images(sess, self.train_image_path, x_batch, y_batch, step, silent=True, epoch_i=epoch_i) # Save models if self.cfg.SAVE_MODEL_MODE == 'per_batch': if step % self.cfg.SAVE_MODEL_STEP == 0: self._save_model(sess, self.saver, step, silent=True) # Evaluate on full set if self.cfg.FULL_SET_EVAL_MODE == 'per_batch': if step % self.cfg.FULL_SET_EVAL_STEP == 0: self._eval_on_full_set(sess, epoch_i, step, silent=True) if self.cfg.SAVE_MODEL_MODE == 'per_epoch': if (epoch_i + 1) % self.cfg.SAVE_MODEL_STEP == 0: self._save_model(sess, self.saver, epoch_i) if self.cfg.FULL_SET_EVAL_MODE == 'per_epoch': if (epoch_i + 1) % self.cfg.FULL_SET_EVAL_STEP == 0: self._eval_on_full_set(sess, epoch_i, step) utils.thin_line() print('Epoch done! Using time: {:.2f}'.format(time.time() - epoch_start_time)) utils.thick_line() print('Training finished! Using time: {:.2f}'.format(time.time() - self.start_time)) utils.thick_line() # Evaluate on test set after training if self.cfg.TEST_AFTER_TRAINING: self._test_after_training(sess) utils.thick_line() print('All task finished! Total time: {:.2f}'.format(time.time() - self.start_time)) utils.thick_line()
def _test_after_training(self, sess): """ Evaluate on the test set after training. """ test_start_time = time.time() utils.thick_line() print('Testing...') # Check directory of paths utils.check_dir([self.test_log_path]) if self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: if self.cfg.TEST_SAVE_IMAGE_STEP is not None: utils.check_dir([self.test_image_path]) # Load data utils.thin_line() print('Loading test set...') utils.thin_line() x_test = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_test.p')) y_test = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_test.p')) n_batch_test = len(y_test) // self.cfg.BATCH_SIZE utils.thin_line() print('Calculating loss and accuracy on test set...') loss_test_all = [] acc_test_all = [] clf_loss_test_all = [] rec_loss_test_all = [] step = 0 _test_batch_generator = utils.get_batches(x_test, y_test, self.cfg.BATCH_SIZE) if self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: for _ in tqdm(range(n_batch_test), total=n_batch_test, ncols=100, unit=' batches'): step += 1 test_batch_x, test_batch_y = next(_test_batch_generator) loss_test_i, clf_loss_i, rec_loss_i, acc_test_i = [self.loss, self.clf_loss, self.rec_loss, self.accuracy], feed_dict={ self.inputs: test_batch_x, self.labels: test_batch_y, self.is_training: False }) loss_test_all.append(loss_test_i) acc_test_all.append(acc_test_i) clf_loss_test_all.append(clf_loss_i) rec_loss_test_all.append(rec_loss_i) # Save reconstruct images if self.cfg.TEST_SAVE_IMAGE_STEP is not None: if step % self.cfg.TEST_SAVE_IMAGE_STEP == 0: self._save_images(sess, self.test_image_path, test_batch_x, test_batch_y, step, silent=False) clf_loss_test = sum(clf_loss_test_all) / len(clf_loss_test_all) rec_loss_test = sum(rec_loss_test_all) / len(rec_loss_test_all) else: for _ in tqdm(range(n_batch_test), total=n_batch_test, ncols=100, unit=' batches'): test_batch_x, test_batch_y = next(_test_batch_generator) loss_test_i, acc_test_i = [self.loss, self.accuracy], feed_dict={ self.inputs: test_batch_x, self.labels: test_batch_y, self.is_training: False }) loss_test_all.append(loss_test_i) acc_test_all.append(acc_test_i) clf_loss_test, rec_loss_test = None, None loss_test = sum(loss_test_all) / len(loss_test_all) acc_test = sum(acc_test_all) / len(acc_test_all) # Print losses and accuracy utils.thin_line() print('Test_Loss: {:.4f}\n'.format(loss_test), 'Test_Accuracy: {:.2f}%'.format(acc_test * 100)) if self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: utils.thin_line() print('Test_Train_Loss: {:.4f}\n'.format(clf_loss_test), 'Test_Reconstruction_Loss: {:.4f}'.format(rec_loss_test)) # Save test log utils.save_test_log(self.test_log_path, loss_test, acc_test, clf_loss_test, rec_loss_test, self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION) utils.thin_line() print('Testing finished! Using time: {:.2f}'.format(time.time() - test_start_time))
def _save_images(self, sess, img_path, x_batch, y_batch, step, silent=False, epoch_i=None): """ Save reconstructed images. """ rec_images_ =, feed_dict={ self.inputs: x_batch, self.labels: y_batch, self.is_training: False }) # Image shape img_shape = x_batch.shape[1:] # Get maximum size for square grid of images save_col_size = math.floor(np.sqrt(rec_images_.shape[0] * 2)) if save_col_size > self.cfg.MAX_IMAGE_IN_COL: save_col_size = self.cfg.MAX_IMAGE_IN_COL save_row_size = save_col_size // 2 # Scale to 0-255 rec_images_ = np.array([ np.divide(((img_ - img_.min()) * 255), (img_.max() - img_.min())) for img_ in rec_images_ ]) real_images_ = np.array([ np.divide(((img_ - img_.min()) * 255), (img_.max() - img_.min())) for img_ in x_batch ]) # Put images in a square arrangement rec_images_in_square = np.reshape( rec_images_[:save_row_size * save_col_size], (save_row_size, save_col_size, *img_shape)).astype(np.uint8) real_images_in_square = np.reshape( real_images_[:save_row_size * save_col_size], (save_row_size, save_col_size, *img_shape)).astype(np.uint8) if self.cfg.DATABASE_NAME == 'mnist': mode = 'L' rec_images_in_square = np.squeeze(rec_images_in_square, 4) real_images_in_square = np.squeeze(real_images_in_square, 4) else: mode = 'RGB' # Combine images to grid image thin_gap = 1 thick_gap = 3 avg_gap = (thin_gap + thick_gap) / 2 new_im = mode, (int((img_shape[1] + thin_gap) * save_col_size - thin_gap + thick_gap * 2), int((img_shape[0] + avg_gap) * save_row_size * 2 + thick_gap)), 'white') for row_i in range(save_row_size * 2): for col_i in range(save_col_size): if (row_i + 1) % 2 == 0: # Odd if mode == 'L': image = rec_images_in_square[(row_i + 1) // 2 - 1, col_i, :, :] else: image = rec_images_in_square[(row_i + 1) // 2 - 1, col_i, :, :, :] im = Image.fromarray(image, mode) new_im.paste( im, (int(col_i * (img_shape[1] + thin_gap) + thick_gap), int(row_i * img_shape[0] + (row_i + 1) * avg_gap))) else: # Even if mode == 'L': image = real_images_in_square[int((row_i + 1) // 2), col_i, :, :] else: image = real_images_in_square[int((row_i + 1) // 2), col_i, :, :, :] im = Image.fromarray(image, mode) new_im.paste( im, (int(col_i * (img_shape[1] + thin_gap) + thick_gap), int(row_i * (img_shape[0] + avg_gap) + thick_gap))) if epoch_i is None: save_image_path = join(img_path, 'batch_{}.jpg'.format(step)) else: save_image_path = join( img_path, 'epoch_{}_batch_{}.jpg'.format(epoch_i, step)) if not silent: utils.thin_line() print('Saving image to {}...'.format(save_image_path))
def __init__(self, model, cfg): """ Load data and initialize models. Args: model: the models which will be trained """ # Global start time self.start_time = time.time() # Config self.cfg = cfg # Get paths from configuration train_log_path_ = join(cfg.TRAIN_LOG_PATH, cfg.VERSION) test_log_path_ = join(cfg.TEST_LOG_PATH, cfg.VERSION) summary_path_ = join(cfg.SUMMARY_PATH, cfg.VERSION) checkpoint_path_ = join(cfg.CHECKPOINT_PATH, cfg.VERSION) self.preprocessed_path = join(cfg.DPP_DATA_PATH, cfg.DATABASE_NAME) # Get log paths, append information if the directory exist. self.train_log_path = train_log_path_ i_append_info = 0 while isdir(self.train_log_path): i_append_info += 1 self.train_log_path = train_log_path_ + '({})'.format( i_append_info) if i_append_info > 0: self.summary_path = summary_path_ + '({})'.format(i_append_info) self.checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path_ + '({})'.format( i_append_info) self.test_log_path = test_log_path_ + '({})'.format(i_append_info) else: self.summary_path = summary_path_ self.checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path_ self.test_log_path = test_log_path_ # Images saving path self.train_image_path = join(self.train_log_path, 'images') self.test_image_path = join(self.test_log_path, 'images') # Check directory of paths utils.check_dir([self.train_log_path, self.checkpoint_path]) if cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: if cfg.SAVE_IMAGE_STEP is not None: utils.check_dir([self.train_image_path]) # Load data utils.thick_line() print('Loading data...') utils.thin_line() self.x_train = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_train.p')) self.y_train = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_train.p')) self.x_valid = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.preprocessed_path, 'x_valid.p')) self.y_valid = utils.load_data_from_pkl( join(self.preprocessed_path, 'y_valid.p')) # Calculate number of batches self.n_batch_train = len(self.y_train) // cfg.BATCH_SIZE self.n_batch_valid = len(self.y_valid) // cfg.BATCH_SIZE # Build graph utils.thick_line() print('Building graph...') tf.reset_default_graph() self.step, self.train_graph, self.inputs, self.labels, self.is_training, \ self.optimizer, self.saver, self.summary, self.loss, self.accuracy,\ self.clf_loss, self.rec_loss, self.rec_images = model.build_graph( image_size=self.x_train.shape[1:], num_class=self.y_train.shape[1]) # Save config utils.save_config_log(self.train_log_path, cfg, model.clf_arch_info, model.rec_arch_info)
def _eval_on_batches(self, mode, sess, x, y, n_batch, silent=False): """ Calculate losses and accuracies of full train set. """ loss_all = [] acc_all = [] clf_loss_all = [] rec_loss_all = [] if not silent: utils.thin_line() print( 'Calculating loss and accuracy of full {} set...'.format(mode)) _batch_generator = utils.get_batches(x, y, self.cfg.BATCH_SIZE) if self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: for _ in tqdm(range(n_batch), total=n_batch, ncols=100, unit=' batches'): x_batch, y_batch = next(_batch_generator) loss_i, clf_loss_i, rec_loss_i, acc_i = [ self.loss, self.clf_loss, self.rec_loss, self.accuracy ], feed_dict={ self.inputs: x_batch, self.labels: y_batch, self.is_training: False }) loss_all.append(loss_i) clf_loss_all.append(clf_loss_i) rec_loss_all.append(rec_loss_i) acc_all.append(acc_i) clf_loss = sum(clf_loss_all) / len(clf_loss_all) rec_loss = sum(rec_loss_all) / len(rec_loss_all) else: for _ in tqdm(range(n_batch), total=n_batch, ncols=100, unit=' batches'): x_batch, y_batch = next(_batch_generator) loss_i, acc_i = [self.loss, self.accuracy], feed_dict={ self.inputs: x_batch, self.labels: y_batch, self.is_training: False }) loss_all.append(loss_i) acc_all.append(acc_i) clf_loss, rec_loss = None, None else: if self.cfg.WITH_RECONSTRUCTION: for x_batch, y_batch in utils.get_batches( x, y, self.cfg.BATCH_SIZE): loss_i, clf_loss_i, rec_loss_i, acc_i = [ self.loss, self.clf_loss, self.rec_loss, self.accuracy ], feed_dict={ self.inputs: x_batch, self.labels: y_batch, self.is_training: False }) loss_all.append(loss_i) clf_loss_all.append(clf_loss_i) rec_loss_all.append(rec_loss_i) acc_all.append(acc_i) clf_loss = sum(clf_loss_all) / len(clf_loss_all) rec_loss = sum(rec_loss_all) / len(rec_loss_all) else: for x_batch, y_batch in utils.get_batches( x, y, self.cfg.BATCH_SIZE): loss_i, acc_i = [self.loss, self.accuracy], feed_dict={ self.inputs: x_batch, self.labels: y_batch, self.is_training: False }) loss_all.append(loss_i) acc_all.append(acc_i) clf_loss, rec_loss = None, None loss = sum(loss_all) / len(loss_all) accuracy = sum(acc_all) / len(acc_all) return loss, clf_loss, rec_loss, accuracy
self._trainer(sess) else: with tf.Session(graph=self.train_graph, config=session_cfg) as sess: self._trainer(sess) if __name__ == '__main__': opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "g", ['gpu-id']) for op, value in opts: if op == "-g": print('Using /gpu: %d' % int(value)) environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(int(value)) utils.thick_line() print('Input [ 1 ] to run normal version.') print('Input [ 2 ] to run multi-gpu version.') utils.thin_line() input_ = input('Input: ') if input_ == '1': CapsNet_ = CapsNet(config) elif input_ == '2': CapsNet_ = CapsNetDistribute(config) else: raise ValueError('Wrong input! Found: ', input_) Main_ = Main(CapsNet_, config) Main_.train()
def _save_images_mo(self, sess, rec_imgs, inputs, labels, is_training, preds_binary, preds_vector): """Save reconstructed images.""" utils.thin_line() print('Getting reconstruction images...') if len(self.y_test) > self.cfg.MAX_IMAGE_IN_COL**2: n_test_img = self.cfg.MAX_IMAGE_IN_COL**2 test_img_idx = np.random.choice(len(self.y_test), n_test_img) else: test_img_idx = list(range(len(self.y_test))) rec_imgs_ = [] preds_vec_ = [] if self.cfg.LABEL_FOR_TEST == 'pred': label_for_img = preds_binary elif self.cfg.LABEL_FOR_TEST == 'real': label_for_img = self.y_test else: raise ValueError('Wrong LABEL_FOR_TEST Name!') for x, y_hat, pred_ in tqdm(zip(self.x_test[test_img_idx], label_for_img[test_img_idx], preds_vector[test_img_idx]), total=len(test_img_idx), ncols=100, unit=' image'): # Get new x and y_hat list in which each y contain single object # [0, 1, 0, 1, 0] -> [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], # [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]] x_new = [] y_hat_new = [] preds_vec_new = [] for i, y_i in enumerate(y_hat): if y_i == 1: y_hat_new_i = np.zeros_like(y_hat) y_hat_new_i[i] = 1 assert y_hat_new_i[i] == y_hat[i] x_new.append(x) y_hat_new.append(y_hat_new_i) preds_vec_new.append(pred_[i]) preds_vec_.append(preds_vec_new) # Filling x and y tensor to batch size for testing # [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], # [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]] -> [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], # [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], # ... # [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] n_y = len(y_hat_new) assert n_y == int(np.sum(y_hat)) if n_y > self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE: raise ValueError( 'TEST_BATCH_SIZE Must Not Less Than {}!'.format(n_y)) if n_y < self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE: for i in range(self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE - n_y): x_new = np.append(x_new, np.expand_dims(np.zeros_like(x), axis=0), axis=0) y_hat_new.append(np.zeros_like(y_hat)) assert len(x_new) == self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE assert len(y_hat_new) == self.cfg.TEST_BATCH_SIZE # Get remake images which contain different objects # y_rec_imgs_ shape: [128, 28, 28, 1] for mnist y_rec_imgs_ =, feed_dict={ inputs: x_new, labels: y_hat_new, is_training: False }) rec_imgs_.append(y_rec_imgs_[:n_y]) # Get colorful overlapped images real_imgs_ = utils.img_black_to_color(self.imgs_test[test_img_idx], same=True) rec_imgs_overlap = [] rec_imgs_no_overlap = [] for idx, imgs in enumerate(rec_imgs_): imgs_colored = utils.img_black_to_color(imgs) imgs_overlap = utils.img_add_overlap( imgs=imgs_colored, merge=True, vec=preds_vec_[idx], # vec=None, gamma=0) imgs_no_overlap = utils.img_add_no_overlap( imgs=imgs_colored, num_mul_obj=self.cfg.NUM_MULTI_OBJECT, vec=preds_vec_[idx], img_mode='RGB', resize_filter=Image.ANTIALIAS) rec_imgs_overlap.append(imgs_overlap) rec_imgs_no_overlap.append(imgs_no_overlap) rec_imgs_overlap = np.array(rec_imgs_overlap) rec_imgs_no_overlap = np.array(rec_imgs_no_overlap) # Save images utils.save_imgs(real_imgs=real_imgs_, rec_imgs=rec_imgs_overlap, img_path=self.test_image_path, database_name=self.cfg.DATABASE_NAME, max_img_in_col=self.cfg.MAX_IMAGE_IN_COL, silent=False, test_flag=True, colorful=True, append_info='_overlap') utils.save_imgs(real_imgs=real_imgs_, rec_imgs=rec_imgs_no_overlap, img_path=self.test_image_path, database_name=self.cfg.DATABASE_NAME, max_img_in_col=self.cfg.MAX_IMAGE_IN_COL, silent=False, test_flag=True, colorful=True, append_info='_no_overlap')
def _get_multi_obj_scores(self, preds, preds_vec): """Get evaluation scores for multi-objects detection.""" utils.thin_line() print('Calculating evaluation scores for {} detection...'.format([1])) def _f_beta_score(p, r, beta): if p + r == 0: return 0. else: return ((1 + (beta**2)) * p * r) / ((beta**2) * p + r) # Calculate scores manually precision = [] recall = [] accuracy = [] f1score = [] f05score = [] f2score = [] for pred_vec, y_true in zip(preds, self.y_test): # true positive tp = np.sum(np.multiply(y_true, pred_vec)) # false positive fp = np.sum( np.logical_and(np.equal(y_true, 0), np.equal(pred_vec, 1))) # false negative fn = np.sum( np.logical_and(np.equal(y_true, 1), np.equal(pred_vec, 0))) # true negative tn = np.sum( np.logical_and(np.equal(y_true, 0), np.equal(pred_vec, 0))) precision_ = tp / (tp + fp) accuracy_ = (tp + tn) / (tp + fp + tn + fn) recall_ = tp / (tp + fn) precision.append(precision_) accuracy.append(accuracy_) recall.append(recall_) f1score.append(_f_beta_score(precision_, recall_, 1.)) f05score.append(_f_beta_score(precision_, recall_, 0.5)) f2score.append(_f_beta_score(precision_, recall_, 2.)) precision = np.mean(precision) recall = np.mean(recall) accuracy = np.mean(accuracy) f1score = np.mean(f1score) f05score = np.mean(f05score) f2score = np.mean(f2score) # true positive tp = np.sum(np.multiply(preds, self.y_test)) print('TRUE POSITIVE: ', tp) # false positive fp = np.sum( np.logical_and(np.equal(self.y_test, 0), np.equal(preds, 1))) print('FALSE POSITIVE: ', fp) # false negative fn = np.sum( np.logical_and(np.equal(self.y_test, 1), np.equal(preds, 0))) print('TRUE NEGATIVE: ', fn) # true negative tn = np.sum( np.logical_and(np.equal(self.y_test, 0), np.equal(preds, 0))) print('FALSE NEGATIVE: ', tn) # Calculate scores by using scikit-learn tools # precision = precision_score(self.y_test, preds, average='samples') # recall = recall_score(self.y_test, preds, average='samples') # accuracy = accuracy_score(self.y_test, preds) # f1score = f1_score(self.y_test, preds, average='samples') # Top_N precision_top_n_list = [] if self.cfg.TOP_N_LIST is not None: for top_n in self.cfg.TOP_N_LIST: precision_top_n = [] for pred_vec, y_true in zip(preds_vec, self.y_test): y_pred_idx_top_n = np.argsort(pred_vec)[-top_n:] y_true_idx = [] for i_, y_i in enumerate(y_true): if y_i == 1: y_true_idx.append(i_) tp_top_n = 0 fp_top_n = 0 for y_idx in y_true_idx: if y_idx in y_pred_idx_top_n: tp_top_n += 1 else: fp_top_n += 1 assert tp_top_n + fp_top_n == len(y_true_idx) precision_top_n_ = tp_top_n / (tp_top_n + fp_top_n) precision_top_n.append(precision_top_n_) precision_top_n = np.mean(precision_top_n) precision_top_n_list.append(precision_top_n) assert len(precision_top_n_list) == len(self.cfg.TOP_N_LIST) # Print evaluation information utils.print_multi_obj_eval(precision, recall, accuracy, f1score, f05score, f2score, self.cfg.TOP_N_LIST, precision_top_n_list) # Save evaluation scores of multi-objects detection. if self.during_training and (self.epoch_train != 'end'): utils.save_multi_obj_scores_is_training( self.test_log_path, self.epoch_train, self.step_train, precision, recall, accuracy, f1score, f05score, f2score, self.cfg.TOP_N_LIST, precision_top_n_list) else: utils.save_multi_obj_scores(self.test_log_path, precision, recall, accuracy, f1score, f05score, f2score, self.cfg.TOP_N_LIST, precision_top_n_list)