def _sendMessage(sender, recipient, content, application=False): success = False if content: # Message is valid, check if there is a conversation already started between 2 users conversationID = None conversations1 = models.Conversation.objects.filter(user1=sender, user2=recipient) conversations2 = models.Conversation.objects.filter(user1=recipient, user2=sender) if conversations1 or conversations2: if conversations1 and len(conversations1) == 1: conversationID = conversations1[0].conversationID elif conversations2 and len(conversations2) == 1: conversationID = conversations2[0].conversationID if not conversationID: conversationID = helpers.createUniqueID( destDatabase=models.Conversation, idKey="conversationID") conversation = models.Conversation(conversationID=conversationID, user1=sender, user2=recipient) if conversationID: messageID = helpers.createUniqueID(destDatabase=models.Message, idKey="messageID") message = models.Message(messageID=messageID, conversationID=conversationID, sender=sender, recipient=recipient, content=content, applicationMessage=application) success = True return success
def create_room(): room_name = request.json.get('room_name') room = models.Conversation(conversation_name=room_name) print(room) for user_id in request.json.get('user_ids'): user = models.User.query.filter( == user_id).first() room.users_in_this_conversation.append(user) print(user) db.session.add(room) db.session.commit() response = {'conversation_name': room_name, 'conversation_id': room.conversation_id} return "User registered succesfully"
def _parse_request_body(self, text): ''' Parses the contents of a POST body as JSON. Returns :class: `Conversation <Conversastion>` object :param text: the contents of the request, as a string. ''' data = json.loads(text) participants = data['to'] participants.append(str(data['sender'])) conversation = models.Conversation(subject=data['subject'], participants=participants) message = models.Message(sender=data['sender'], text=data['text']) return conversation, message
def get_for_user(user_id): cursor = mysql.conn.cursor() # Select conversation_ids and last_msg_ids query = "SELECT conversation_id, last_msg_id FROM messenger.conversations_users WHERE user_id = %s ORDER BY last_msg_id DESC" cursor.execute(query, (user_id,)) rows1 = cursor.fetchall() if len(rows1) == 0: return [] conversation_ids = [conv_id for conv_id, _ in rows1] conversation_ids_str = ','.join([str(conv_id) for conv_id, _ in rows1]) consersation_last_msg_ids = {conv_id: msg_id for conv_id, msg_id in rows1} msg_ids_str = ','.join(str(msg_id) for _, msg_id in rows1) # Select conversations data query = "SELECT id, title FROM messenger.conversations WHERE id IN (" + conversation_ids_str + ")" cursor.execute(query) rows2 = cursor.fetchall() # Select users in this conversations query = "SELECT conversation_id, user_id FROM messenger.conversations_users WHERE conversation_id IN (" + conversation_ids_str + ")" cursor.execute(query) rows3 = cursor.fetchall() conversations_users = collections.defaultdict(set) for conversation_id, user_id in rows3: conversations_users[conversation_id].add(user_id) # Select messages data query = "SELECT id, user_id, body, type, date, updated FROM messenger.messages WHERE id IN (" + msg_ids_str + ")" cursor.execute(query) rows4 = cursor.fetchall() messages = {id: deserialize_message(id, user_id, type, body, date, updated) for id, user_id, body, type, date, updated in rows4} conversations = {} for id, title in rows2: user_ids = conversations_users.get(id) or [] last_msg = messages[consersation_last_msg_ids[id]] conversations[id] = models.Conversation(id, title, user_ids, last_msg) return [conversations[conv_id] for conv_id in conversation_ids]
def post_conversation(self): ''' Used to add messages to a conversation ''' subject = self.request.get('subject') if not self._validate_missing_field(subject, 'subject'): return sender = utils.parseaddr(self.request.get('sender'))[1] if not self._validate_missing_field(sender, 'sender'): return recipient = utils.parseaddr(self.request.get('recipient'))[1] if not self._validate_missing_field(recipient, 'recipient'): return participants = [recipient, sender] conversation = models.Conversation(subject=subject, participants=participants) conversation.put() msg = models.Message(sender=sender, text=self.request.get('text'), conversation=conversation) notifications = msg.set_notifications() msg.put() # send mail only to the recipient mail.send_mail(sender='{0} <{1}>'.format( 'YunoJuno notifications', '{0}'.format( conversation.key().id())), to=recipient, reply_to='{0}'.format( conversation.key().id()), subject=conversation.subject, body=msg.text) self.response.set_status(201, 'Created') self.response.out.write(json.dumps(conversation.to_json())) return