def showApplGroupMembers(name, url_back): """ show application-site group content shows application group content when selecting a source in the dropdown menu while adding a new rule argument: group_id: the group that's been selected return: renders the show application group content page just below the select """ form_select_app = ApplicationSelectForm(request.form) members = APIObject(name, 'application-site-group').show_members() choices = APIObject('APGR_APLICACIONS', 'application-site-group').show_members() options = [('', 'seleccionar')] for element in choices: already_in_group = False for appl in members: if element['name'] == appl['name']: already_in_group = True if not already_in_group: options.append((element['name'], element['name'])) = options return render_template('show-appl-group-members.html', form_select_app=form_select_app, members=members, name=name, url_back=url_back)
def setApplicationSite(name, url_back): """ edit host edits an existing host arguments: object_uid: return: renders the show group members page """ form = ApplicationSiteForm(request.form) appl = APIObject(name, 'application-site') appl_to_edit = if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): appl.edit(new_name=app.config['ID_COLE'] + 'APPL_' +, api.api_call('publish') flash('URL edited') return redirect(url_for(url_back)) return render_template('edit-application-site.html', form=form, appl_to_edit=appl_to_edit, url_back=url_back)
def addHost(group_name, url_back): """add host Add a new host inside a group Arguments: group_nam - the name of the group where the host has to be added url_back - url for redirecting when finished Return: if form validates, create the host and add it to the group, if doesn't render a page with the errors """ form = HostForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): host = APIObject('HOST_' +, 'host') add = host.add( if not add.success: if 'errors' in add.res_obj['data']: message = add.res_obj['data']['errors'][0]['message'] if message[:26] == 'More than one object named': flash('A computer with that name already exists') if 'warnings' in add.res_obj['data']: message = add.res_obj['data']['warnings'][0]['message'] if message[:37] == 'More than one object have the same IP': flash('A computer with this IP already exists') else: host.add_to_group('set-group', group_name) api.api_call('publish') flash('Equipment added') return redirect(url_for(url_back)) else: return render_template('form-errors.html', form=form, url_back=url_back)
def setHost(name, url_back): """edit host Edit an existing host Arguments: name - name of the host to be edited url_back - url for redirecting when finished Return: if form validates edit the host, if doesn't show a page with the errors """ form = HostForm(request.form) host = APIObject(name, 'host') host_to_edit = if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): host.edit(new_name=app.config['ID_COLE'] + 'HOST_' +, api.api_call('publish') flash('Edited team') return redirect(url_for(url_back)) return render_template('edit-host.html', form=form, host_to_edit=host_to_edit, url_back=url_back)
def manageGroups(): """manage groups Show the hosts groups detail and allow create, edit and delete them Return: render the manage groups page """ professors = APIObject('GRUP_LlistaEquipsProfessors', 'group').show() alumnes = APIObject('GRUP_LlistaEquipsAlumnes', 'group').show() return render_template('manage-groups.html', professors=professors, alumnes=alumnes, url_back='manageGroups')
def addApplicationSite(group_name, url_back): """ add application-site add a new application-site inside a group arguments: group_id: the id number of the application-site groups return: renders the show application-sites page """ form = ApplicationSiteForm(request.form) if form.validate(): appl = APIObject('APPL_' +, 'application-site') appl.add(, primary_category='Custom_Application_Site') # required appl.add_to_group('set-application-site-group', group_name) appl.add_to_group('set-application-site-group', 'APGR_GENERAL') api.api_call('publish') flash('URL added') return redirect(url_for(url_back)) # I have to check what to do here return redirect(url_for('blockURL'))
def deleteHost(name, group_name, url_back): """delete host Delete an existing host Arguments: name - the name of the host to be deleted group_name - the name of the group where the host belongs url_back - url for redirecting when finished Return: if POST delete the host, if GET render the delete host page """ host = APIObject(name, 'host') host_to_delete = if request.method == 'POST': host.delete_from_group('set-group', group_name) host.delete() api.api_call('publish') flash('Equipment removed') return redirect(url_for(url_back)) return render_template('delete-host.html', group_name=group_name, host_to_delete=host_to_delete, url_back=url_back)
def blockIP(): """block access Shows the group and the application-site-group for blocking hosts and URLs Return: render the block access page """ group = APIObject('GRUP_LlistaNegraEquips', 'group').show() return render_template('block-ip.html', group=group, url_back='blockIP')
def blockAppl(): """ block access shows the group and the application-site-group for blocking hosts and URLs return: renders the block access page """ tots = APIObject('APGR_LlistaNegraAplicacionsTots', 'application-site-group').show() professors = APIObject('APGR_LlistaNegraAplicacionsProfessors', 'application-site-group').show() alumnes = APIObject('APGR_LlistaNegraAplicacionsAlumnes', 'application-site-group').show() return render_template('block-appl.html', tots=tots, professors=professors, alumnes=alumnes, url_back='blockAppl')
def blockURL(): """ show application-site groups show the application-site groups return: renders the show application-site groups page """ tots = APIObject('APGR_LlistaNegraURLsTots', 'application-site-group').show() professors = APIObject('APGR_LlistaNegraURLsProfessors', 'application-site-group').show() alumnes = APIObject('APGR_LlistaNegraURLsAlumnes', 'application-site-group').show() return render_template('block-url.html', tots=tots, professors=professors, alumnes=alumnes, url_back='blockURL')
def addExistingApplication(group_name, url_back): """ add existing application adds an existing host to a group arguments: host_id: the id of the host to be added to the group group_id: the id of the group where the host has to be added return: when POST adds the host to the group, if NO renders the show groups page """ form = ApplicationSelectForm(request.form) appl = APIObject(, 'application-site') appl.add_to_group('set-application-site-group', group_name) api.api_call('publish') flash('URL added') return redirect(url_for(url_back))
def deleteAppl(name, group_name, url_back): """ delete application-site delete an existing application-site arguments: app_list: the id number of the application-site groups return: renders the show application-sites page """ appl = APIObject(name, 'application-site') =[5:] appl_to_delete = if request.method == 'POST': appl.delete_from_group('set-application-site-group', group_name) api.api_call('publish') flash(u'Application Removed') return redirect(url_for(url_back)) return render_template('delete-appl.html', group_name=group_name, appl_to_delete=appl_to_delete, url_back=url_back)
def deleteApplicationSite(name, group_name, url_back): """ delete application-site delete an existing application-site arguments: app_list: the id number of the application-site groups return: renders the show application-sites page """ appl = APIObject(name, 'application-site') appl_to_delete = if request.method == 'POST': appl.delete_from_group('set-application-site-group', group_name) if appl.where_used() >= 2: api.api_call('publish') flash( u"The URL belongs to more lists, it is not completely deleted") return redirect(url_for(url_back)) appl.delete_from_group('set-application-site-group', 'APGR_GENERAL') appl.delete() api.api_call('publish') flash(u'URL removed') return redirect(url_for(url_back)) return render_template('delete-application-site.html', group_name=group_name, appl_to_delete=appl_to_delete, url_back=url_back)
def deleteApplicationSite(name, group_name, url_back): """ delete application-site delete an existing application-site arguments: app_list: the id number of the application-site groups return: renders the show application-sites page """ appl = APIObject(name, 'application-site') appl_to_delete = if request.method == 'POST': appl.delete_from_group('set-application-site-group', group_name) if appl.where_used() >= 2: api.api_call('publish') flash(u"La URL pertany a més llistes, no s'elimina totalment") return redirect(url_for(url_back)) appl.delete_from_group('set-application-site-group', 'APGR_GENERAL') appl.delete() api.api_call('publish') flash(u'URL eliminada') return redirect(url_for(url_back)) return render_template( 'delete-application-site.html', group_name=group_name, appl_to_delete=appl_to_delete, url_back=url_back)
def showGroupMembers(group_name, url_back): """show group members Show the hosts of each group, allow the user to add a new host to the group Arguments: group_name - the group's name url_back - url for redirecting when finished Return: render the show group members page """ form = HostForm(request.form) members = APIObject(group_name, 'group').show_members() return render_template('show-group-members.html', members=members, form=form, group_name=group_name, url_back=url_back)