def test_convert_us(self): us = [ Unit(1, 10, KEY_PRESS_UNIT_TYPE), Unit(2, 11, KEY_PRESS_UNIT_TYPE), Unit(3, 10, KEY_RELEASE_UNIT_TYPE), Unit(4, 11, KEY_RELEASE_UNIT_TYPE), ] self.assertEqual(get_inputs_sequence(us, False), [Input(10, 1, 3), Input(11, 2, 4)])
def main(argv=sys.argv): f = Face() n = Net() o = Output() if(len(argv) >= 2): argv.pop(0) for arg in argv: print(arg) d = Input(arg) o.outFaces(f.detect(d.getImage(Input.FACES))) dogs,cats = n.result(d.getImage(Input.PREDICTION)) o.outAnimals(dogs,cats)
def test_get_i_d(self): inputs = [ Input(10, 1, 3), Input(11, 2.1, 4) ] self.assertEqual( get_inner_distance_sequence(inputs), [ InnerDistance(10, 2), InnerDistance(11, 1.9) ] )
def test_get_dist(self): inputs = [ Input(10, 1, 3), Input(11, 2, 4), Input(12, 6, 8) ] self.assertEqual( get_outer_distance_sequence(inputs), [ OuterDistance(10, 11, -1), OuterDistance(11, 12, 2) ] )
def run(): model = Input(4) model = Affine(model, 128) model = LReLU(model) model = Affine(model, 2) model = Softmax(model) world = StochasticPolicy(Gym(make_env, max_steps=500)) opt = Adam(np.random.randn(model.n_params) * 0.1, lr=0.01) for _ in range(50): model.load_params(opt.get_value()) trajs = world.trajectories(model, 16) print_reward(trajs, max_value=5000) trajs = discount(trajs, horizon=500) trajs = normalize(trajs) grad = policy_gradient(trajs, policy=model) opt.apply_gradient(grad) while True: world.render(model)
def get_inputs_sequence_from_messages_sequence(messages_sequence): input_sequence = list() for message in messages_sequence: temp_seq = list() i = 0 while i < len(message): if message[i].type == KEY_RELEASE_UNIT_TYPE: i += 1 continue current_unit = message[i] j = 1 while i + j < len(message): if message[i + j].key_code == current_unit.key_code and message[ i + j].type == KEY_RELEASE_UNIT_TYPE: temp_seq.append( Input(current_unit.key_code, current_unit.time_stamp, message[i + j].time_stamp)) break else: j += 1 i += 1 input_sequence.append(tuple(temp_seq)) return input_sequence
def walker(): walker = Input(STATE_SIZE) walker = Affine(walker, 64) walker = LReLU(walker) walker = Affine(walker, ACTION_SIZE) walker = Tanh(walker) return walker
def makeTransaction(node_send, node_rec, val): get_val = val transactions = copy.deepcopy(node_send.unSpentTransactions) inputs = [] for hash in transactions: tr = transactions[hash] for index in range(len(tr.outputs)): output = tr.outputs[index] if output is not None: if output.pub_key == node_send.pub_key.to_string(): signature = node_send.priv_key.sign(hash.encode('utf-8')) input = Input(hash, index, signature) inputs.append(input) get_val -= output.value if get_val < 0.0: break if get_val > 0.0: print("Not enough Coin to make Transaction...") return False outputs = [] main_output = Output(node_rec.pub_key.to_string(), val) outputs.append(main_output) if get_val < 0.0: outputs.append(Output(node_send.pub_key.to_string(), 0.0 - get_val)) new_transaction = Transaction(inputs, outputs) node_send.sendTransaction(new_transaction) return True
def get_inputs_sequence(unit_sequence, is_raw): if is_raw: unit_sequence = remove_intermediate_pressing( remove_duplicates(unit_sequence)) input_sequence = list() i = 0 while i < len(unit_sequence): if unit_sequence[i].type == KEY_RELEASE_UNIT_TYPE: i += 1 continue current_unit = unit_sequence[i] j = 1 while i + j < len(unit_sequence): if unit_sequence[ i + j].key_code == current_unit.key_code and unit_sequence[ i + j].type == KEY_RELEASE_UNIT_TYPE: input_sequence.append( Input(current_unit.key_code, current_unit.time_stamp, unit_sequence[i + j].time_stamp)) break else: j += 1 i += 1 return input_sequence
def build_classifier(): model = Input(2) model = LReLU(Affine(model, 32)) model = LReLU(Affine(model, 32)) model = Affine(model, 2) model = Softmax(model) return model
def createRewardTransaction(node): hash = 'BLOCK-REWARD' index = -1 signature = "YOLO" input = Input(hash, index, signature) output = Output(node.pub_key.to_string(), 5.0) transaction = Transaction([input], [output]) print("Transaction: {} being sent...".format(transaction.hash)) node.sendTransaction(transaction)
def run(): classifier = Input(2) classifier = Affine(classifier, 16) classifier = LReLU(classifier) classifier = Affine(classifier, 2) classifier = Softmax(classifier) gausses = [Constant(2)] gausses[0].load_params([0., 0.]) plt.ion() def train_one(): gaussOpt = Adam( [0., 0.], lr=0.010, memory=0.5, ) classOpt = Adam(np.random.randn(classifier.n_params) * 0.1, lr=0.5, memory=0.99) gaussCenterer = Constant(2) gausses.append(gaussCenterer) curAccuracy = 0. while curAccuracy < 0.98: classifier.load_params(classOpt.get_value()) gaussCenterer.load_params(gaussOpt.get_value()) trajs = [[(gauss_observation(gausses[:-1]), [1, 0], 1.)] for _ in range(500)] trajs += [[(gauss_observation(gausses[-1:]), [0, 1], 1.)] for _ in range(500)] accTrajs = accuracy(trajs, model=classifier) print_reward(accTrajs, max_value=1.0) accs = [traj[0][2] for traj in accTrajs] curAccuracy = np.mean(accs) grad = policy_gradient(trajs, policy=classifier) classOpt.apply_gradient(grad) trajs2 = learn_from_classifier(classifier, trajs[500:], 1) trajs2 = normalize(trajs2) grad2 = policy_gradient(trajs2, policy=gaussCenterer) gaussOpt.apply_gradient(grad2) plt.clf() plt.grid() plt.gcf().axes[0].set_ylim([-1, 1]) plt.gcf().axes[0].set_xlim([-1, 1]) x, y = zip(*[o for ((o, _, _), ) in trajs[:500]]) plt.scatter(x, y, color="blue") x, y = zip(*[o for ((o, _, _), ) in trajs[500:]]) plt.scatter(x, y, color="red") plt.pause(0.01) for i in range(10): print("Teaching agent %d." % i) train_one() plt.pause(10000000000000.)
def load_data(path): inputs = [] outputs = [] df = pd.read_csv(path) # inputs = df.question_text.to_numpy() # print(inputs) for _, r in df.iterrows(): t = r['question_text'].strip().lower() id = r['target'] inputs.append(Input(t, id)) score = r['target'] outputs.append(Output(score)) return inputs, outputs
def posts_post(): """ Add a new post """ data = request.json # Check that the JSON supplied is valid # If not we return a 422 Unprocessable Entity try: validate(data, post_schema) except ValidationError as error: data = {"message": error.message} return Response(json.dumps(data), 422, mimetype="application/json") # Add the post to the database post = Input(title=data["title"], rent=data["rent"]) session.add(post) session.commit() # Return a 201 Created, containing the post as JSON and with the # Location header set to the location of the post data = json.dumps(post.as_dictionary()) headers = {"Location": url_for("post_get",} return Response(data, 201, headers=headers, mimetype="application/json")
def run(): model = Input(28, 28) model = Affine(model, 128) model = LReLU(model) model = Affine(model, 10) model = Softmax(model) train_world = StochasticPolicy(Accuracy(Mnist())) opt = Adams(np.random.randn(model.n_params), lr=0.00002, memory=0.99) for i in range(600): model.load_params(opt.get_value()) trajs = train_world.trajectories(model, 128) print_reward(trajs, max_value=1) grad = policy_gradient(trajs, policy=model) opt.apply_gradient(grad)
def run(): world = Bytes(b"aabbaab", max_steps=4, charset=b'abcd') print("\nConstant model:\n") model = Constant(4) model = Softmax(model) train(world, model) print("\nLast character:\n") model = Input(4) model = Affine(model, 4) model = LReLU(model) model = Affine(model, 4) model = Softmax(model) train(world, model) print("\nLast two characters:\n") model = Input(2, 4) model = Affine(model, 4) model = LReLU(model) model = Affine(model, 4) model = History(model, length=2) model = Softmax(model) train(world, model)
def run(): world = StochasticPolicy(Gym("CartPole-v1")) model = Input(4) model = Affine(model, 64) model = LReLU(model) model = Affine(model, 2) model = Softmax(model) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: params = np.load(sys.argv[1]) else: params = train(world, model)"__cartpole.npy", params) model.load_params(params) world.render(model)
def fileToObject(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fin: lines = numOfBooks, numOfLibs, deadline = map(int, lines[0].split(' ')) bookScores = list(map(int, lines[1].split(' '))) libs = [] for i in range(2, len(lines), 2): if (lines[i] == ''): continue _, signUp, booksOutput = map(int, lines[i].split(' ')) books = [] for idx in map(int, lines[i+1].split(' ')): books.append(Book(idx, bookScores[idx])) libs.append(Library(len(libs), signUp, booksOutput, books, [])) return Input(numOfBooks, deadline, libs)
def run(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: <file>") return with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f: data = charset = set(data) world = Bytes(data, max_steps=100, charset=charset) print("Charset size: %d" % len(charset)) model = Input(len(charset)) model = LSTM(model) model = Affine(model, len(charset)) model = Softmax(model) train(world, model) for _ in range(10): world.render(model)
def run(): classifier = Input(2) classifier = Affine(classifier, 16) classifier = LReLU(classifier) classifier = Affine(classifier, 2) classifier = Softmax(classifier) curCarr = carr() curCarr.load_params(np.random.randn(curCarr.n_params)) world = Gym("MountainCarContinuous-v0", max_steps=500) world = ActionNoise(world, stddev=0.1) world = Curiosity(world, classifier=classifier, history_length=800, plot=True) def train_one(carrOpt): if carrOpt == None: carrOpt = Adam( np.random.randn(curCarr.n_params), lr=0.10, memory=0.5, ) nextBreak = 5 for i in range(250): curCarr.load_params(carrOpt.get_value()) realTrajs, curiosityTrajs = world.trajectories(curCarr, 50) curScore = np.mean(get_rewards(realTrajs, episode=np.sum)) / 90. print_reward(realTrajs, max_value=90.0, episode=np.sum, label="Real reward: ") print_reward(curiosityTrajs, max_value=1.0, episode=np.max, label="Curiosity reward: ") curCuriosity = np.mean(get_rewards(curiosityTrajs, episode=np.max)) if curCuriosity > 0.98: if nextBreak == 0: break else: nextBreak -= 1 else: nextBreak = np.min([nextBreak + 1, 5]) realTrajs = replace_rewards(realTrajs, episode=np.sum) realTrajs = normalize(realTrajs) curiosityTrajs = replace_rewards(curiosityTrajs, episode=np.max) #this is stupid, we should care more(?) if the costs are to high realWeight = 0.001 + np.max([np.min([curScore, 0.2]), 0. ]) * 0.998 / 0.2 curiosityWeight = 1. - realWeight print('RWeight: %f, CWeight: %f' % (realWeight, curiosityWeight)) trajs = combine_rewards([realTrajs, curiosityTrajs], [realWeight, curiosityWeight]) trajs = normalize(trajs) grad = policy_gradient(trajs, policy=curCarr) carrOpt.apply_gradient(grad) if i % 10 == 0: print("%d episodes in." % i) world.remember_agent(curCarr) world.render(curCarr) if curScore > 0.01: return carrOpt else: return None theCarOpt = None for i in range(50): print("Teaching agent %d." % i) theCarOpt = train_one(theCarOpt)
def carr(): carr = Input(2) carr = Affine(carr, 32) carr = LReLU(carr) carr = Affine(carr, 3) return Softmax(carr)
def build_oracle(): model = Input(2) model = LReLU(Affine(model, 32)) model = LReLU(Affine(model, 32)) model = Affine(model, 2) return model
def build_agent(): model = Input(2) model = LReLU(Affine(model, 32)) model = LReLU(Affine(model, 32)) model = Affine(model, 1) return model
def run(): model = Input(28, 28) model = Conv2d(model, size=3, channels=8) model = LReLU(model) model = Maxpool(model, size=2) model = Conv2d(model, size=5, channels=16) model = LReLU(model) model = Maxpool(model, size=2) model = Affine(model, 128) model = LReLU(model) model = Affine(model, 10) model = Softmax(model) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: params = np.load(sys.argv[1]) else: params = train(model)"__mnist.npy", params) model.load_params(params) test_world = Mnist(test=True) trajs = test_world.trajectories(None, 5000) trajs = accuracy(trajs, model=model, percent=True) print_reward(trajs, max_value=100, label="Test accuracy:")
def carr(): carr = Input(2) carr = Affine(carr, 32) carr = LReLU(carr) carr = Affine(carr, 1) return carr
def run(): classifier = Input(7) classifier = Affine(classifier, 32) classifier = LReLU(classifier) classifier = Affine(classifier, 2) classifier = Softmax(classifier) agent = walker() agent.load_params(np.random.randn(agent.n_params) * 1.5) MAX_TRAIN_TIME = 200 trainTimeLeft = MAX_TRAIN_TIME curAgentId = -1 curMemoryId = 0 def plot_tagged_trajs(trajs): nonlocal trainTimeLeft, curAgentId, curMemoryId COLORS = ["blue", "red"] plt.clf() plt.grid() plt.gcf().axes[0].set_xlim([-1.25, 1.25]) plt.gcf().axes[0].set_ylim([-1.25, 1.25]) plt.suptitle("Episode %d of agent %d, memories: %d" % (MAX_TRAIN_TIME - trainTimeLeft, curAgentId, curMemoryId)) for traj in trajs: tag = traj[0][1] xs, ys = [], [] for state, _, _ in traj: x = state[2] y = state[3] xs.append(x) ys.append(y) plt.plot(xs, ys, color=COLORS[np.argmax(tag)], alpha=0.1) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 8) plt.gcf().savefig("__step_a%03d_t%03d.png" % (curAgentId, MAX_TRAIN_TIME - trainTimeLeft), dpi=100) world = Gym("BipedalWalker-v2", max_steps=MAX_STEPS) world = ActionNoise(world, stddev=0.2) world = Curiosity(world, classifier=classifier, history_length=50, for_classifier=lambda ts: change_obs_space( ts, changer=interesting_part), plot=plot_tagged_trajs) MAX_BOREDOM = 3 boredom = MAX_BOREDOM MAX_MOTIVATION = 3 motivation = MAX_MOTIVATION agentOpt = None lastScores = None def memorize(): nonlocal boredom, curMemoryId print("Memorizing %d..." % curMemoryId) world.remember(agent) boredom = MAX_BOREDOM curMemoryId += 1 def save_agent(): "__ranger_a%03d_t%03d.npy" % (curAgentId, MAX_TRAIN_TIME - trainTimeLeft), agentOpt.get_value()) def reset_agent(): nonlocal agentOpt, trainTimeLeft, lastScores, curAgentId, motivation if agentOpt is not None: save_agent() print("Resetting agent %d." % curAgentId) agentOpt = Adam( np.random.randn(agent.n_params) * 1.5, lr=0.05, memory=0.9, ) trainTimeLeft = MAX_TRAIN_TIME lastScores = [-0.4] curAgentId += 1 motivation = MAX_MOTIVATION reset_agent() while True: agent.load_params(agentOpt.get_value()) realTrajs, curiosityTrajs = world.trajectories(agent, 30) curScore = np.mean(get_rewards(realTrajs, episode=np.sum)) / 300. lastScores.append(curScore) lastScores = lastScores[-10:] scoreDev = np.std(lastScores) scoreMean = np.max([np.abs(np.mean(lastScores)), 1.]) curCuriosity = np.mean(get_rewards(curiosityTrajs, episode=np.max)) print_reward(realTrajs, max_value=300.0, episode=np.sum, label="Real reward: ") print_reward(curiosityTrajs, max_value=1.0, episode=np.max, label="Curiosity reward: ") if curCuriosity > 0.85: if boredom == 0: save_agent() memorize() else: boredom -= 1 else: boredom = np.min([boredom + 1, MAX_BOREDOM]) if scoreDev / scoreMean < 0.010 or trainTimeLeft < 0: if motivation == 0: print("Not really learning.") save_agent() motivation = MAX_MOTIVATION trainTimeLeft = MAX_TRAIN_TIME if curScore < 0.01: memorize() reset_agent() continue else: motivation -= 1 else: motivation = np.min([motivation + 1, MAX_MOTIVATION]) realTrajs = discount(realTrajs, horizon=200) realTrajs = normalize(realTrajs) curiosityTrajs = replace_rewards(curiosityTrajs, episode=np.max) realWeight = np.min([scoreDev / scoreMean * 10., 0.9]) curiosityWeight = 1. - realWeight trajs = combine_rewards([realTrajs, curiosityTrajs], [realWeight, curiosityWeight]) trajs = normalize(trajs) grad = policy_gradient(trajs, policy=agent) agentOpt.apply_gradient(grad) trainTimeLeft -= 1
def run(): classifier = Input(2) classifier = Affine(classifier, 16) classifier = LReLU(classifier) classifier = Affine(classifier, 2) classifier = Softmax(classifier) world = Gym("MountainCar-v0") world = StochasticPolicy(world) curCarr = carr() curCarr.load_params(np.random.randn(curCarr.n_params)) oldTrajs = world.trajectories(curCarr, 800) def train_one(carrOpt): nonlocal oldTrajs classOpt = Adam( np.random.randn(classifier.n_params) * 1., lr=0.5, memory=0.9, ) if carrOpt == None: carrOpt = Adam( np.random.randn(curCarr.n_params), lr=0.10, memory=0.5, ) curScore = 0. curAccuracy = 0. for i in range(250): classifier.load_params(classOpt.get_value()) curCarr.load_params(carrOpt.get_value()) oldTrajIdx = np.random.choice(len(oldTrajs), size=50) trajs = [oldTrajs[i] for i in oldTrajIdx] trajs += world.trajectories(curCarr, 50) trajsForClass = [tag_traj(traj, [1, 0]) for traj in trajs[:50]] trajsForClass += [tag_traj(traj, [0, 1]) for traj in trajs[50:]] plot_tagged_trajs(trajsForClass) accTrajs = accuracy(trajsForClass, model=classifier) print_reward(accTrajs, max_value=1.0, episode=np.mean, label="Cla reward: ") curAccuracy = np.mean(get_rewards(accTrajs, episode=np.mean)) if curAccuracy > 1. - i / 500: break grad = policy_gradient(trajsForClass, policy=classifier) classOpt.apply_gradient(grad) trajs2 = learn_from_classifier(classifier, trajs[50:], 1) print_reward(trajs2, max_value=1.0, episode=np.max, label="Car reward: ") curScore = np.mean(get_rewards(trajs2, episode=np.max)) trajs2 = replace_rewards(trajs2, episode=np.max) trajs2 = normalize(trajs2) grad2 = policy_gradient(trajs2, policy=curCarr) carrOpt.apply_gradient(grad2) if i % 10 == 0: print("%d episodes in." % i) oldTrajs += world.trajectories(curCarr, 800) world.render(curCarr) if curScore > 0.11: return carrOpt else: return None theCarOpt = None for i in range(10): print("Teaching agent %d." % i) theCarOpt = train_one(theCarOpt)
def message_text(event): All_state = json.load(open("db.txt")) user_input = event.message.text user_id = event.source.user_id if user_id not in All_state: All_state[user_id] = 0 user_state = All_state[user_id] # print(All_state) if user_state == 0 and (user_input == "E" or user_input == "e"): text = "請依照下列格式輸入你的基金組合喔\U0010005E:\n\n" + \ "[基金1統編]:[基金1比重],[基金2統編]:[基金2比重]...\n\n" + \ "範例:\n" + \ "26396604B:0.4,26286281F:0.6" message = TextMessage(text=text) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) All_state[user_id] = 1 elif user_state == 0: text = "" + \ "嗨\U0010005E\U0010005E\U0010005E!\n" + \ "這是一個評估/推薦基金組合的聊天機器人\U0010005E。\n\n" + \ "如果想要評估目前的基金組合,請輸入\"E\"。" message = TextMessage(text=text) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) elif user_state == 1 and (user_input == "Q" or user_input == "q"): text = "" + \ "嗨\U0010005E\U0010005E\U0010005E!\n" + \ "這是一個評估/推薦基金組合的聊天機器人\U0010005E。\n\n" + \ "如果想要評估目前的基金組合,請輸入\"E\"。" message = TextMessage(text=text) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) All_state[user_id] = 0 elif user_state == 1: try: user_input_splited = user_input.split(",") selectFunds = [] selectFund_weights = [] for item in user_input_splited: temp_fund, temp_weight = item.split(":", 1) selectFunds.append(temp_fund) selectFund_weights.append(float(temp_weight)) # print(selectFunds,selectFund_weights) All_selectFunds = json.load(open("selectFunds.txt")) All_selectFunds_weights = json.load(open("selectFund_weights.txt")) # print(All_selectFunds,All_selectFunds_weights) All_selectFunds[user_id] = selectFunds All_selectFunds_weights[user_id] = selectFund_weights json.dump(All_selectFunds, open("selectFunds.txt", "w")) json.dump(All_selectFunds_weights, open("selectFund_weights.txt", "w")) # print(All_selectFunds,All_selectFunds_weights) # evaluate extra_ratio = 0 recommend_num = 0 user_input = Input(extra_ratio, selectFunds, selectFund_weights, recommend_num) origin, result = recommend(user_input, line_bot_api, user_id) # Check check_ration = 0 for item in selectFund_weights: if item < 0: check_ration = -1 break check_ration += item if check_ration != 1: message = TextSendMessage(text="基金比重錯誤!請重新輸入!") line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [message1, message2]) elif origin == None: message = TextSendMessage(text="基金統編錯誤!請重新輸入!") line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [message1, message2]) else: message = TextMessage(text="評估結果:") message1 = TextSendMessage(text=origin.output_portfolio()) confirm_template_message = TemplateSendMessage( alt_text='Confirm template', template=ConfirmTemplate(text='需要推薦基金組合嗎?', actions=[ MessageAction(label='是', text='Y'), MessageAction(label='否', text='N') ])) line_bot_api.push_message(user_id, message) line_bot_api.push_message(user_id, message1) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, confirm_template_message) All_state[user_id] = 2 except: text = "格式錯誤或是基金不存在\U0010005E!請再輸入一次,如果要停止評估,請輸入\"Q\"。" message = TextMessage(text=text) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) elif user_state == 2 and user_input == "N": text = "" + \ "嗨\U0010005E\U0010005E\U0010005E!\n" + \ "這是一個評估/推薦基金組合的聊天機器人\U0010005E。\n\n" + \ "如果想要評估目前的基金組合,請輸入\"E\"。" message = TextMessage(text=text) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) All_state[user_id] = 0 elif user_state == 2: text = "" + \ "請依照下列格式輸入資料:\n\n" + \ "[轉換金額比例],[最多推薦的基金數量]\n\n" + \ "範例:\n" + \ "0.3,2\n\n" + \ "**注意**\n" + \ "轉換比例不能大於" + str(LIMIT_FUNDS_RATIO) + "\n" + \ "推薦基金數量不能大於" + str(LIMIT_FUNDS_NUM) message = TextMessage(text=text) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) All_state[user_id] = 3 elif user_state == 3 and (user_input == "Q" or user_input == "q"): text = "" + \ "嗨\U0010005E\U0010005E\U0010005E!\n" + \ "這是一個評估/推薦基金組合的聊天機器人\U0010005E。\n\n" + \ "如果想要評估目前的基金組合,請輸入\"E\"。" message = TextMessage(text=text) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) All_state[user_id] = 0 elif user_state == 3: try: temp1, temp2 = user_input.split(",", 1) extra_ratio = float(temp1) recommend_num = int(temp2) #check if extra_ratio > float(LIMIT_FUNDS_RATIO): message = TextSendMessage(text="轉換金額比例大於限制!請重新輸入!") line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) elif recommend_num > int(LIMIT_FUNDS_NUM): message = TextSendMessage(text="推薦基金數量大於限制!請重新輸入!") line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) else: All_selectFunds = json.load(open("selectFunds.txt")) All_selectFunds_weights = json.load( open("selectFund_weights.txt")) selectFunds = All_selectFunds[user_id] selectFund_weights = All_selectFunds_weights[user_id] # print(extra_ratio,recommend_num,selectFunds,selectFund_weights) #Optimize user_input = Input(extra_ratio, selectFunds, selectFund_weights, recommend_num) origin, result = recommend(user_input, line_bot_api, user_id) message = TextMessage(text="下列是基金組合的新舊對照\U0010005E:") message1 = TextSendMessage(text="舊:\n" + origin.output_portfolio()) message2 = TextSendMessage(text="新:\n" + result.output_portfolio()) message_last = TextMessage(text="如果還想要評估基金組合,請輸入\"E\"。") line_bot_api.push_message(user_id, message) line_bot_api.push_message(user_id, [message1, message2]) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message_last) All_state[user_id] = 0 except: text = "格式錯誤\U0010005E!請再輸入一次,如果要停止推薦,請輸入\"Q\"。" message = TextMessage(text=text) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) else: message = TextMessage(text="\U0010005E\U0010005E\U0010005E") line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) All_state[user_id] = 0 # print(All_state) json.dump(All_state, open("db.txt", "w"))