def fetch_hashtag(self, **kwargs):
        # Connect to Twitter Search API
        twitter = Twython(settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, access_token=settings.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN)

        # Last fetching
        album = Album.objects.get(pk=kwargs['pk'])
        hashtag = '%23' + album.title

        print hashtag

        if album.last_fetching:
            last_fetching = album.last_fetching.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y')
            since = album.last_fetching.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

            last_fetching = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y')
            since = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

        Retrieve most recent 100 photos from Twitter
        result = twitter.search(q=hashtag, filter='images', since=since, count='100', result_type='recent')

        photos = []
        check_exists = []
        new_items = 0
        for i in range(len(result['statuses'])):
            created_at = result['statuses'][i]['created_at']

            # Create a 'photo' object
            photo = Photo()
            photo.album_id = album.id

            if result['statuses'][i]['entities'].has_key('media'): # and last_fetching < created_at:
                tweet = result['statuses'][i]['entities']['media'][0]['expanded_url']
                media = result['statuses'][i]['entities']['media'][0]['media_url_https']

                We are trying to avoid duplicates for each fetch.
                1. Store the media link in check_exists list.
                2. If the media link is not in check_exists, assign it to the photo object.
                3. Increment the 'new_items' counter.
                4. Insert the link into check_exists list.
                if media not in check_exists:
                    photo.media = str(media)
                    photo.tweet = str(tweet)
                    new_items += 1


        Save all new object using one query (bulk_create).

        Update the last_fetching field to now.
        album.last_fetching = datetime.datetime.now()

        Send an e-mail to MANAGERS (settings.py)
        total_photos = Photo.objects.filter(album_id__exact=album.id).count()
        new_photos_links = '\n'.join(map(str, check_exists))

        subject = 'album: %s, new pic: %s' % (album.title, new_items)
        message =  'Total photos: %s \n\n%s' % (total_photos, new_photos_links)

        mail_managers(subject, message)

        # Redirect to /list/album/<album-id>/photos
        url = '%s%s/photos/' % (reverse('list_album_view'), album.id)
        return redirect(url)

    except TwythonError as error:
        print error