def main():
    Main command-line function to fetch PR data then write a CSV.

    Set the usernames value in the config so that the report will either
    filter to specific usernames or show activity for all.

    If using the BY_OWNER setting, it's best to try retrieve the profile as an
    org first, since  getting an org as a user object only gives as access to
    public repos. Fallback to getting a user object if it wasn't actually
    an org.

    Use the MIN_DATE value in the config to exclude PRs which were last updated
    before the cutoff date. The API's default setting is to return PRs ordered
    by most recently created first.
    Therefore if we encounter an old PR then skip remaining PRs and go the next
    if config.MIN_DATE:
        print(f"PR updates min date: {config.MIN_DATE}")
        print("No PR updates min date set")

    out_data = []
    for repo in lib.get_repos():
        print(f"REPO: {repo.name}")

        for pr in repo.get_pulls(state=config.PR_STATE):
            if config.MIN_DATE and pr.updated_at < config.MIN_DATE:
                    f"Skipping PRs which were updated before the"
                    f" configured min cuttoff date: {config.MIN_DATE}"

            author = pr.user
            if not config.USERNAMES or author.login in config.USERNAMES:
                print(f"PR #{pr.number} - author: @{author.login}")
                    out_row = to_row(repo, author, pr)
                except Exception:
                    # Keep the report generation robust by logging and skipping
                    # over any errors. Create a bug issue in the aggre-git repo
                    # on GitHub so that the error will be addressed.
                    print("Could not fetch or parse the PR.")
                print(f"PR #{pr.number} - skipping")

    header = (
        "Repo Owner",
        "Repo Name",
        "Repo URL",
        "PR ID",
        "PR Title",
        "PR From Branch",
        "PR To Branch",
        "PR URL",
        "Jira Ticket",
        "Merged/Closed WOY",
        "Merged/Closed Date",
        "PR Updated At",
        "PR Created At",
        "Latest Commit At",
        "Oldest Commit At",
        "Days Between Commits",
        "Latest Commit Author",
        "Oldest Commit Author",
        "Changed Files",
        "Added Lines",
        "Deleted Lines",
        "Changed Lines",
        "Merged By",
    ) + Review.get_states()

    lib.write_csv(config.PR_CSV_PATH, header, out_data)
def to_row(repo, author, pr):
    Convert PR elements to a row of data.

    After processing the input repo, author and PR, the last part is to
    get the counts for each possible review action and add them as columns to
    the row (using zero as default value).

    :param github.Repository.Repository repo: GitHub repo object.
    :param github.NamedUser.NamedUser author: GitHub user object.
    :param github.PullRequest.PullRequest pr: GitHub PR object.

    :return dict out_row: dict of data around a PR's repo, the PR author and
        the PR itself. The status changed, created and updated date will be kept
        as datetime.datetime objects.
    pr_data = PullRequest(pr)

    latest_commit_at = pr_data.latest_commit.datetime.date()
    oldest_commit_at = pr_data.oldest_commit.datetime.date()
    days_between_commits = (latest_commit_at - oldest_commit_at + ONE_DAY).days

    latest_commit_author = lib.display(pr_data.latest_commit.author)
    oldest_commit_author = lib.display(pr_data.oldest_commit.author)

    out_row = {
        "Repo Owner": lib.display(repo.owner),
        "Repo Name": repo.name,
        "Repo URL": repo.html_url,
        "Author": lib.display(author),
        "PR ID": f"#{pr_data.number}",
        "PR Title": pr_data.title,
        "PR From Branch": pr_data.from_branch_name,
        "PR To Branch": pr_data.to_branch_name,
        "PR URL": pr_data.url,
        "Jira Ticket": pr_data.jira_ticket,
        "PR Updated At": pr_data.updated_at,
        "PR Created At": pr_data.created_at,
        "Latest Commit At": latest_commit_at,
        "Latest Commit Author": latest_commit_author,
        "Oldest Commit At": oldest_commit_at,
        "Oldest Commit Author": oldest_commit_author,
        "Days Between Commits": days_between_commits,
        "Status": pr_data.status,
        "Merged/Closed WOY": pr_data.status_changed_week_of_year(),
        "Merged/Closed Date": pr_data.status_changed_at(),
        "Merged By": pr_data.merged_by_name(),
        "Reviewers": ", ".join(pr_data.reviewer_names()),
        "Comments": pr_data.comment_count,
        "Commits": pr_data.commit_count,
        "Changed Files": pr_data.changed_files,
        "Added Lines": pr_data.additions,
        "Deleted Lines": pr_data.deletions,
        "Changed Lines": pr_data.additions + pr.deletions,

    review_states = Counter([r.state for r in pr_data.reviews])
    [review_states.setdefault(s, 0) for s in Review.get_states()]

    return out_row