文件: observe.py 项目: z0x010/switchy
    def _handle_create(self, e):
        '''Handle channel create events by building local
        `Session` and `Call` objects for state tracking.
        uuid = e.getHeader('Unique-ID')
        self.log.debug("channel created for session '{}'".format(uuid))
        # Record the newly activated session
        # TODO: pass con as weakref?
        con = self._tx_con if not self._shared else None
        sess = Session(event=e, con=con)
        sess.cid = self.get_id(e, 'default')
        # note the start time and current load
        # TODO: move this to Session __init__??
        sess.create_time = get_event_time(e)

        # Use our special Xheader to try and associate sessions into calls
        # (assumes that x-headers are forwarded by the proxy/B2BUA)
        call_uuid = e.getHeader('variable_{}'.format(self.call_corr_xheader))
        # If that fails then try using the freeswitch 'variable_call_uuid'
        # (only works if bridging takes place locally)
        if call_uuid is None:
            call_uuid = e.getHeader(self.call_corr_var)  # could be 'None'
            if not call_uuid:
                self.log.warn("Unable to associate session '{}' into calls"

        # associate sessions into a call
        # (i.e. set the relevant sessions to reference each other)
        if call_uuid in self.calls:
            call = self.calls[call_uuid]
            self.log.debug("session '{}' is bridged to call '{}'".format(
                           uuid, call.uuid))
            # append this session to the call's set

        else:  # this sess is not yet tracked so use its id as the 'call' id
            call = Call(call_uuid, sess)
            self.calls[call_uuid] = call
            self.log.debug("call created for session '{}'".format(call_uuid))
        sess.call = call
        self.sessions[uuid] = sess
        return True, sess
    def _handle_create(self, e):
        '''Handle channel create events by building local
        `Session` and `Call` objects for state tracking.
        uuid = e.getHeader('Unique-ID')
        self.log.debug("channel created for session '{}'".format(uuid))
        # Record the newly activated session
        # TODO: pass con as weakref?
        con = self._tx_con if not self._shared else None
        sess = Session(event=e, con=con)
        sess.cid = self.get_id(e, 'default')
        # note the start time and current load
        # TODO: move this to Session __init__??
        sess.create_time = get_event_time(e)

        # Use our special Xheader to try and associate sessions into calls
        # (assumes that x-headers are forwarded by the proxy/B2BUA)
        call_uuid = e.getHeader('variable_{}'.format(self.call_corr_xheader))
        # If that fails then try using the freeswitch 'variable_call_uuid'
        # (only works if bridging takes place locally)
        if call_uuid is None:
            call_uuid = e.getHeader(self.call_corr_var)  # could be 'None'
            if not call_uuid:
                self.log.warn("Unable to associate session '{}' into calls"

        # associate sessions into a call
        # (i.e. set the relevant sessions to reference each other)
        if call_uuid in self.calls:
            call = self.calls[call_uuid]
            self.log.debug("session '{}' is bridged to call '{}'".format(
                           uuid, call.uuid))
            # append this session to the call's set

        else:  # this sess is not yet tracked so use its id as the 'call' id
            call = Call(call_uuid, sess)
            self.calls[call_uuid] = call
            self.log.debug("call created for session '{}'".format(call_uuid))
        sess.call = call
        self.sessions[uuid] = sess
        return True, sess