def sealStatementInfoSave(req): """ 添加刻章信息保存! :param req: :return: """ sealStatementInput = req.POST["sealStatementInput"] statementContent = Statement.objects.filter( statementContent=sealStatementInput) # isShow = bool(req.POST["radioVal"]) if req.POST["radioVal"] == "1": isShow = True else: isShow = False if statementContent.exists(): return HttpResponse(2) statementId = uuid.uuid1() # 生成36位随机数 try: with transaction.atomic(): # 事务的使用,包含的内容一旦出错,则保存的信息全部撤回 statement = Statement(statementId=statementId, statementContent=sealStatementInput, isShow=isShow) i = 0 while i < len(req.POST) - 2: #附件长度 dataNameNum = "dataName" + str(i) statementInfo = req.POST[dataNameNum] dataType = DataType(dataTypeId=uuid.uuid1(), statementId_id=statementId, dataName=statementInfo) i = i + 1 return HttpResponse(1) except Exception as err: return HttpResponse(0)
def statement_entry(user, descript, credit=0, debit=0): state = Statement.create(ac_no=user.acc_num, credit=credit, debit=debit,, os_balance=user.balance, description=descript)
def start_analysis_loop(): static_assessment.load() min_to_end_stmnt = static_assessment.maximum_question_length // letters_per_min sec_to_end_stmnt = static_assessment.maximum_question_length // letters_per_second print("[start_analysis_loop] min to end: ", min_to_end_stmnt, ", sec to end: ", sec_to_end_stmnt) # Analyse all that was not up to now do_analyse() current_exec_event = None while True: channel_id, user_id, message_id, message, creation_time = message_queue.get( ) created_ago = creation_time - datetime.timedelta( minutes=min_to_end_stmnt) updated_ago = creation_time - datetime.timedelta( seconds=(len(message) // letters_per_second)) new_statment_was_created = False session = db_session() stmnt = Statement.query.\ filter(and_(Statement.channel_id==channel_id, Statement.user_id==user_id, Statement.created>created_ago, Statement.updated>updated_ago)).\ first() if stmnt is None: stmnt = Statement(channel_id, user_id, message_id, creation_time) session.add(stmnt) new_statment_was_created = True print("New stmnt (msgid): ", message_id) else: print("Update stmnt: ", update_query = Statement.__table__.update().values(updated=creation_time, last_msg_id=message_id).\ where( session.execute(update_query) session.commit() session.close() do_analyse() if current_exec_event is not None: scheduler.cancel(current_exec_event) current_exec_event = None else: if not scheduler.empty(): print("[start_analysis_loop] SYNC ERROR...") current_exec_event = scheduler.enter(sec_to_end_stmnt + 5, 1, do_analyse)
def __coalesce_statements(paragraphs): statements = [] current_statement = None prev_paragraph = None for paragraph in paragraphs: speaker_match = re.match(SPEAKER_REGEX, paragraph) if speaker_match: # Wrap up the the statement and append it to the list: if current_statement is not None: # Infer attributes signaled by the end of the statement: if prev_paragraph is not None: if prev_paragraph.strip().endswith(" --"): current_statement.ended_by_interruption = True elif prev_paragraph.strip().endswith("?"): current_statement.ends_with_question = True statements.append(current_statement) # Create a new current statement: speaker = paragraph = re.sub(SPEAKER_REGEX, "", paragraph).strip() current_statement = Statement(speaker=speaker, ended_by_interruption=False, includes_laughter=False, ends_with_question=False, speaker_is_petitioner=False, speaker_is_respondent=False) current_statement.temp_paragraphs = [] current_statement.temp_paragraphs.append(paragraph) elif current_statement is not None: if paragraph == "(Laughter.)": current_statement.includes_laughter = True else: current_statement.temp_paragraphs.append(paragraph) prev_paragraph = paragraph if current_statement is not None: statements.append(current_statement) return statements
def register(): name = input("Enter full name: ") pin = int(input("Enter a four digit PIN: ")) while True: temp_acc = randrange(10000, 99999) acc = == temp_acc) if acc.exists(): continue else: gen_acc = temp_acc break init_bal = float(input("Enter initial balance: ")) print(f"Your account number is: {gen_acc}") Customer.create(full_name=name, pin=pin, acc_num=gen_acc, balance=init_bal) Statement.create(ac_no=gen_acc, credit=init_bal, debit=0,, os_balance=init_bal, description="Opening balance") print("Press any key") dummy = input()
def gen_statement(user): print(f"Name: {user.full_name}") print(f"Account Number: {user.acc_num} \n") entries = == user.acc_num) table = PrettyTable( ["Date and Time", "Credit", "Debit", "Balance", "Description"]) for entry in entries: table.add_row([ str(entry.timestamp)[:19],, entry.debit, entry.os_balance, entry.description ]) print(table) print("\n\nSave to file ? (y for yes, any other key to go back main menu)") dummy = input() if dummy == "y" or dummy == "Y": with open('Mini Statement.txt', 'w') as statement_file: statement_file.write(f"Name: {user.full_name} \n") statement_file.write(f"Account Number: {user.acc_num} \n") statement_file.write(str(table)) print("Saved!") dummy = input("Press any key")
def generate_file(questions, filename): i = 0 for question in questions: i = i + 1 if (len(question) == 1) & (question.get("instruction") is not None): Statement(question.get("instruction")).append(filename, 0) elif (len(question) == 2) & (question.get("text") is not None) & ( question.get("var") is not None): VarCapture(question.get("text"), question.get("var")).append(filename, 0) elif (len(question) == 3) & (question.get("text") is not None) & ( question.get("var") is not None) & (question.get("options") is not None): VarOptions(question.get("text"), question.get("var"), question.get("options")).append(filename, 0) elif (len(question) == 3) & (question.get("text") is not None) & ( question.get("var") is not None) & (question.get("conditions") is not None): Condtional(question.get("text"), question.get("var"), question.get("conditions")).append(filename, 0) elif (len(question) == 3) & (question.get("formula") is not None) & ( question.get("var") is not None) & ( question.get("calculated_variable") is not None): Evaluate(question.get("calculated_variable"), question.get("var"), question.get("formula")).append(filename, 0) elif (len(question) == 2) & (question.get("instruction") is not None) & ( question.get("instruction_var") is not None): Substiute(question.get("instruction"), question.get("instruction_var")).append(filename, 0) elif (len(question) == 4) & (question.get("list_var") is not None) & ( question.get("list_length") is not None) & (question.get("instruction") is not None) & ( question.get("instruction_var") is not None): Print(question.get("list_var"), question.get("list_length"), question.get("instruction"), question.get("instruction_var")).append(filename, 0) else: print("Problem in JSON file")
def metrics(name, form_type, year): company = Company.query.filter_by(title=name).first() statement = Statement.query.filter_by( current = date_array = [current] for i in range(5): fortnite = dt.timedelta(days=14) current += fortnite date_array.append(current) try: mobb = hf.Mobbin(name, form_type, year) except: flash('Certain form requests may be unavailable') return redirect(url_for('index')) try: robb = hf.Robbin(company.ticker, date_points=date_array) except: flash('Some financial metrics unavailable') df_array, file_array, table_titles, engine, session = \ mobb.statements_to_sql() table_list = ['Balance', 'Income', 'Operations', 'Equity', 'Cash'] sort_list = ['new', 'asc', 'desc'] bala, inco, oper, equi, cash = [None] * 5 table_val = [bala, inco, oper, equi, cash] if file_array: for i in range(len(table_titles)): for j in range(len(table_list)): table_val[i] = file_array[i] \ if table_titles[i] == table_list[j] \ else table_val[i] if statement is None: statement = Statement(form_type=form_type, year=year, company=name, bs=bala, income=inco, ops=oper, equity=equi, cash=cash, db.session.add(statement) try: db.session.commit() except Exception: db.session.rollback() return redirect(url_for('index')) df_dict = {} for i in range(len(table_titles)): df_dict[table_titles[i]] = {} columns = session.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_titles[i]}").keys() df_dict[table_titles[i]]['columns'] = list(columns) for j in range(len(sort_list)): for k in range(len(columns)): dict_str = f"col_{k}_{sort_list[j]}" if j == 0 and k > 0: continue elif j == 0: df_dict[table_titles[i]]['new'] = \ session.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_titles[i]}")\ .fetchall() else: df_dict[table_titles[i]][dict_str] = \ session.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_titles[i]} \ ORDER BY `{columns[k]}` {sort_list[j]}" ).fetchall() df_dict[table_titles[i]]['keys_list'] = \ list(df_dict[table_titles[i]].keys()) ratios = SearchResults(mobb, robb, session) form = SearchForm() companies = Company.query.with_entities(Company.title).all() if form.validate_on_submit(): name = form_type = year = next_page = request.args.get('next') if not next_page or url_parse(next_page).netloc != '': next_page = url_for('metrics', name=name, form_type=form_type, year=year) return redirect(next_page) return render_template('metrics.html', form=form, name=name, form_type=form_type, year=year, company=company, ratios=ratios, table_titles=table_titles, columns=columns, companies=companies, session=session, df_dict=df_dict, scrollToAnchor='head')
if == if transfer.amount == transaction.amount: exists = True if exists != True: transactions.append(transaction) line_count = line_count + 1 states = [] with open('transactions.json', 'w') as json_file: data = {} data["Transactions"] = [] for transfer in transactions: date_day = datetime.datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d").date().strftime("%Y%m") statement = Statement(date_day, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) data["Transactions"].append(transfer.serialize()) exists = False for stat_ in states: if == date_day: statement = stat_ statement.create_statement(transfer) statement.set_ending_balance_month() for state in states: if == exists = True if not exists: states.append(statement)
if operation.amount == transaction.amount: exists = True if exists != True: # data["Transactions"].append(transaction.__dict__) transactions.append(transaction) line_count += 1 # Write to JSONfile statements = [] with open('transaction.json', 'w') as json_file: data = {} data["Transactions"] = [] for operation in transactions: date_ = datetime.datetime.strptime(, "%d/%m/%Y").date().strftime("%Y%m") statement = Statement(date_, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) data["Transactions"].append(operation.serialize()) exists = False for state in statements: if == # statement with the same date already added in the list (one statement per month) exists = True if == date_: statement = state statement.create_statement(operation) statement.set_ending_balance_month() statement.set_tax_and_profit() if exists != True: statements.append(statement) json.dump(data, json_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4) with open('statement.json', 'w') as json_file: