def create_task(request, group_id):
    Takes in a submission of the create task form, gathering the Title,
    Description, Deadline, Assignee, and optional Points arguments.  Also takes
    the Group ID and Assigner ID implicitly from the page request.

    Creates a new Task entry in the database associated with all relevant
    parties, adding it to the Tasks for each Member assigned.

    # Grab the information of the creator group & member

    # Grab the basic stuff associated with the Task.  When's it due, what is it, what has to be returned,
    # any special comments.
    name = request.form['name']
    deadline = request.form['deadline'] if request.form['deadline'] != None else None
    description = request.form['description'] if request.form['description'] != None else None
    deliverable = request.form['deliverable'] if request.form['deliverable'] != None else None
    comments = request.form['comments'] if request.form['comments'] != None else None

    # Create the task using the information we picked out of the form.
    new_task = Task(name=name, group_id=group_id, description=description, deadline=deadline,
                    deliverable=deliverable, comments=comments)

    # Now we need to set all our ForeignKey associations.  First, make lists of all the Members and Roles
    # which are supposed to be true now.
    new_approving_members = [Member.query.filter_by(group_id=group_id, codename=membername)
                             for membername in request.form['approving_members']]
    new_delivering_members = [Member.query.filter_by(group_id, codename=membername)
                              for membername in request.form['delivering_members']]

    new_approving_roles = [Role.query.get(int(role_id)) for role_id in request.form['approving_roles']]
    new_delivering_roles = [Role.query.get(int(role_id)) for role_id in request.form['delivering_roles']]

    # Then, set all of these relations to be set as described by the form.
    new_task.approving_members = new_approving_members
    new_task.approving_roles = new_approving_roles
    new_task.delivering_members = new_delivering_members
    new_task.delivering_roles = new_delivering_roles

    # Finally, correct the approving_members and delivering_members relations to only contain Members
    # who have one of the Roles specified in the approving_roles and delivering_roles relations.

    # Add and save our work.
    return new_task