def tick(print_nets=False, fitness='eigvals'):
    global stats, populations, fitnesses

    for i in xrange(_npops):
        populations[i], fitnesses[i] = ga.tick(populations[i], fitnesses[i], fitness=fitness)

        sccs = [net.sccs_in_array(m) for m in populations[i]]
        sccs_flat = [x for s in sccs for x in s] # sccs across population
        sccs_hist = util.histogram(sccs_flat)
        sccs_hist = util.truncate_or_pad(sccs_hist, _n + 1, 0)[1:]

        hamm = util.mean_hamming(populations[i])

        stats[i] = {
            'mean_fit': sum(fitnesses[i]) / _popsize,
            'mean_sccs': sum([len(s) for s in sccs]) / _popsize,
            'mean_hamm': hamm,
            'sccs_hist': sccs_hist

        if print_nets:
            rand_net = populations[i][np.random.randint(_popsize)]
            stats[i]['net'] = net.array_to_dot(rand_net)
from __future__ import division

import sys
import numpy as np

fp = np.load(sys.stdin)

N = fp[fp.keys()[0]].shape[0]

from modmat import net

scc_count = [len(net.sccs_in_array(arr)) for k, arr in fp.iteritems()]
mean_sccs = sum(scc_count) / len(scc_count)
serr_sccs = np.std(scc_count, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(len(scc_count))

tot = 0
nonz = 0
for k, arr in fp.iteritems():
    for i in xrange(N):
        for j in xrange(N):
            tot += 1
            if arr[i, j] != 0:
                nonz += 1

print "Mean number of SCCS: %g +- %g" % (mean_sccs, serr_sccs)
print "Mean entry density: %g" % (nonz/tot)
from __future__ import division

import sys
import numpy as np

fp = np.load(sys.stdin)

N = fp[fp.keys()[0]].shape[0]

from modmat import net

scc_count = [len(net.sccs_in_array(arr)) for k, arr in fp.iteritems()]
mean_sccs = sum(scc_count) / len(scc_count)
serr_sccs = np.std(scc_count, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(len(scc_count))

tot = 0
nonz = 0
for k, arr in fp.iteritems():
    for i in xrange(N):
        for j in xrange(N):
            tot += 1
            if arr[i, j] != 0:
                nonz += 1

print "Mean number of SCCS: %g +- %g" % (mean_sccs, serr_sccs)
print "Mean entry density: %g" % (nonz / tot)