def simulate(structure, trajectory_function, t_step=0.005, tmax=5, loc=[1., .0, .0]):

    :param structure:
    :param trajectory_function:
    :param t_step: time step
    :param tmax: maximum time
    state_vector = init_state(loc, 0)
    state_log = []
    forces_log = []

    # For every time step
    for t in np.arange(0, tmax, t_step):
        # print t, state_vector
        ##### Trajectory
        desired_state = trajectory_function(t % 10, tmax)
        # Position controller for a single robot
        [thrust_newtons, roll, pitch, yaw] = position_controller(state_vector, desired_state)
        F, M = attitude_controller((thrust_newtons, roll, pitch, yaw), state_vector)

        # Structure control
        F_structure, M_structure, rotor_forces = modquad_torque_control(F, M, structure)

        # Simulate
        new_state_vector = simulation_step(structure, state_vector, F_structure, M_structure, t_step)
        if new_state_vector is None:
        state_vector = new_state_vector

    print "end simulation"
    state_log = np.array(state_log)
    # Show trajectory x-y
    plt.plot(state_log[:, 0], state_log[:, 1])

    # sum of the squared forces
    plt.plot(np.sum(np.array(forces_log) ** 2, axis=1))

    print "total integral=", np.sum(np.array(forces_log) ** 2) * t_step
def simulate():
    global dislocation_srv
    rospy.init_node('modrotor_simulator', anonymous=True)
    robot_id = rospy.get_param('~robot_id', 'crazy01')

    init_x = rospy.get_param('~init_x', 0.)
    init_y = rospy.get_param('~init_y', 0.)
    init_z = rospy.get_param('~init_z', 0.)

    odom_topic = rospy.get_param('~odom_topic', '/odom')  # '/odom2'
    # cmd_vel_topic = rospy.get_param('~cmd_vel_topic', '/cmd_vel')  # '/cmd_vel2'

    # viewer = rospy.get_param('~viewer', False)

    # service for dislocate the robot
    rospy.Service('dislocate_robot', Dislocation, dislocate)

    # Subscribe to control input
    rospy.Subscriber('/' + robot_id + '/cmd_vel', Twist,

    # Odom publisher
    odom_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + robot_id + odom_topic,
    # TF publisher
    tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()

    ########### Simulator ##############
    loc = [init_x, init_y, init_z]
    x = init_state(loc, 0)

    freq = 100  # 100hz
    rate = rospy.Rate(freq)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        # Dislocate based on request
        x[0] += dislocation_srv[0]
        x[1] += dislocation_srv[1]
        dislocation_srv = (0., 0.)

        # Publish odometry
        publish_odom(x, odom_pub)
        publish_transform_stamped(robot_id, x, tf_broadcaster)

        # Control output
        F, M = attitude_controller((thrust_pwm, roll, pitch, yaw), x)

        # Derivative of the robot dynamics
        f_dot = lambda t1, s: state_derivative(s, F, M)

        # Solve the differential equation of motion
        r = ode(f_dot).set_integrator('dopri5')
        r.set_initial_value(x, 0)
        r.integrate(r.t + 1. / freq, step=True)
        if not r.successful():
        x = r.y

        # Simulate floor
        if x[2] < 0:
            x[2] = 0.
            # Velocity towards the floor
            if x[5] < 0:
                x[5] = 0.
def simulate():
    global dislocation_srv, thrust_newtons, roll, pitch, yaw
    rospy.init_node('modrotor_simulator', anonymous=True)
    robot_id = rospy.get_param('~robot_id', 'modquad01')

    init_x = rospy.get_param('~init_x', 1.)
    init_y = rospy.get_param('~init_y', 0.)
    init_z = rospy.get_param('~init_z', 0.)
    demo_trajectory = rospy.get_param('~demo_trajectory', False)

    odom_topic = rospy.get_param('~odom_topic', '/odom')  # '/odom2'
    # cmd_vel_topic = rospy.get_param('~cmd_vel_topic', '/cmd_vel')  # '/cmd_vel2'

    # service for dislocate the robot
    rospy.Service('dislocate_robot', Dislocation, dislocate)

    # TODO read structure and create a service to change it.
    structure4 = Structure(ids=['modquad01', 'modquad02'],
                           xx=[0, params.cage_width, 0, params.cage_width],
                           yy=[0, 0, params.cage_width, params.cage_width],
    structure4fail = Structure(ids=['modquad01', 'modquad02'],
                               xx=[0, params.cage_width, 0, params.cage_width],
                               yy=[0, 0, params.cage_width, params.cage_width],
                               motor_failure=[(1, 0)])
    structure1 = Structure(ids=[robot_id], xx=[0], yy=[0])
    structure = structure1

    # Subscribe to control input
    rospy.Subscriber('/' + robot_id + '/cmd_vel', Twist,

    # Odom publisher
    odom_publishers = {
        id_robot: rospy.Publisher('/' + id_robot + odom_topic,
        for id_robot in structure.ids
    # TF publisher
    tf_broadcaster = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()

    ########### Simulator ##############
    loc = [init_x, init_y, init_z]
    state_vector = init_state(loc, 0)

    freq = 100  # 100hz
    rate = rospy.Rate(freq)
    t = 0
    waypts = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0]])

    traj_vars = min_snap_trajectory(0, 10, None, waypts)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        t += 1. / freq

        ## Dislocate based on request
        state_vector[0] += dislocation_srv[0]
        state_vector[1] += dislocation_srv[1]
        dislocation_srv = (0., 0.)

        # Publish odometry
        publish_structure_odometry(structure, state_vector, odom_publishers,

        if demo_trajectory:
            # F, M = control_output( state_vector,
            #         min_snap_trajectory(t % 10, 30, traj_vars), control_handle)
            # F, M = control_output( state_vector,
            #        simple_waypt_trajectory(waypts, t % 10, 30), control_handle)
            # F, M = control_output( state_vector,
            #                       circular_trajectory(t % 10, 10), control_handle)

            # Overwrite the control input with the demo trajectory
            [thrust_newtons, roll, pitch,
             yaw] = position_controller(state_vector,
                                        circular_trajectory(t % 10, 10))

        # Control output based on crazyflie input
        F_single, M_single = attitude_controller(
            (thrust_newtons, roll, pitch, yaw), state_vector)

        # Control of Moments and thrust
        F_structure, M_structure, rotor_forces = modquad_torque_control(
            F_single, M_single, structure, motor_sat=False)

        # Simulate
        state_vector = simulation_step(structure, state_vector, F_structure,
                                       M_structure, 1. / freq)