def iterbending(niter, cacah, x, y, vxyz, xs, ys, xr, yr, dvx, dvy):
    xi = [xr, xs]
    yi = [yr, ys]

    if xr != xs:
        xi = np.linspace(xi[0], xi[1], cacah + 1)
        xi = np.ones(cacah + 1) * xr
    if yr != ys:
        yi = np.linspace(yi[0], yi[1], cacah + 1)
        yi = np.ones(cacah + 1) * yr

    xb = np.zeros(len(xi))
    yb = np.zeros(len(xi))

    xa = xi
    ya = yi

    j = 0

    while (j < niter
           and ((np.min(yi) >= np.min(x) and np.max(yi) <= np.max(y)) and
                (np.min(xi) >= np.min(y) and np.max(xi) <= np.max(x)))):
        # print(j)
        # print(min(xi), max(xi), min(yi), max(yi))
        xa = xi
        ya = yi
        for i in range(cacah - 1):
            x1 = xi[i]
            y1 = yi[i]
            x2 = xi[i + 2]
            y2 = yi[i + 2]
            xmid = bs.mid(x1, x2)
            ymid = bs.mid(y1, y2)
            o, p = bs.index(x, y, x1, y1)
            if p < len(dvx[:, 0]) and o < len(dvx[0, :]):
                dvxi = dvx[p, o]
                dvyi = dvy[p, o]
                V1 = vxyz[p, o]
                return xa, ya
            o, p = bs.index(x, y, x2, y2)
            if p < len(dvx[:, 0]) and o < len(dvx[0, :]):
                V2 = vxyz[p, o]
                return xa, ya
            o, p = bs.index(x, y, xmid, ymid)
            if p < len(dvx[:, 0]) and o < len(dvx[0, :]):
                dvxm = dvx[p, o]
                dvym = dvy[p, o]
                Vmid = vxyz[p, o]
                return xa, ya
            xn, yn = ray.rayBending(x1, y1, x2, y2, dvxi, dvyi, xmid, ymid,
                                    dvxm, dvym, Vmid, V1, V2)
            if np.isnan(xn) == False and np.isnan(yn) == False:
                o, p = bs.index(x, y, xn, yn)
                if p < len(dvx[:, 0]) and o < len(dvx[0, :]):
                    xb[i + 1] = xn
                    yb[i + 1] = yn
                    return xa, ya
                return xa, ya

        xb[0] = xi[0]
        yb[0] = yi[0]
        xb[-1] = xi[-1]
        yb[-1] = yi[-1]

        # xa = xi
        # ya = yi

        xi = xb
        yi = yb
        # print(min(xi), max(xi), min(yi), max(yi))

        j = j + 1

    return xa, ya
def fwdModel(srcfile, statfile, velfile, evtfile, rayfile, veloutfile, gr,
             biter, cacah, pert, progress_callback):
    progress_callback.emit('load data')
    tempdir = mkdtemp()
    nsrc = 0
    file = open(srcfile, 'r')
    source = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(source)):
        source[i] = source[i].split()
        if source[i] != []:
            nsrc = nsrc + 1

    file = open(srcfile, 'r')
    source2 = file.readlines()

    nstat = 0
    file = open(statfile, 'r')
    station = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(station)):
        station[i] = station[i].split()
        if station[i] != []:
            nstat = nstat + 1

    tempvel = os.path.join(tempdir, 'vel.npz')
    shutil.copyfile(velfile, tempvel)
    vel2d = np.load(tempvel)
    vel = vel2d['vel']
    x = vel2d['x']
    y = vel2d['y']

    nx = len(x)

    perturbation = pert
    vmean = np.ceil(np.mean(vel))
    vxy = np.ones(vel.shape) * vmean
    vel = vxy

    velr = np.zeros(vel.shape)
    for i in range(velr.shape[0]):
        for j in range(velr.shape[1]):
            if np.mod(nx, 2) != 0:
                nb = bs.noblok(j, i, nx)
                if np.mod(nb, 2) == 0:
                    velr[i, j] = vmean + vmean * perturbation
                    velr[i, j] = vmean - vmean * perturbation
            if np.mod(nx, 2) == 0:
                if np.mod(i, 2) != 0:
                    nb = bs.noblok(j, i, nx)
                    if np.mod(nb, 2) == 0:
                        velr[i, j] = vmean + vmean * perturbation
                        velr[i, j] = vmean - vmean * perturbation
                    nb = bs.noblok(j, i, nx)
                    if np.mod(nb, 2) == 0:
                        velr[i, j] = vmean - vmean * perturbation
                        velr[i, j] = vmean + vmean * perturbation

    vel = velr

    dvx, dvy = bs.velDiff(vel, x, y)

    ray2d = np.zeros(vel.shape)
    raypath = np.zeros((nsrc * nstat, 2, cacah + 1))
    file = open(evtfile, 'w')
    i = 0
    while i < len(source) and source[i] != []:
        file.write('#' + '\t' + source2[i])
        xs = float(source[i][1])
        ys = float(source[i][2])
        j = 0
        while j < len(station) and station[j] != []:
            temp2d = np.zeros(ray2d.shape)
            tobs = 0
                # print(
                'creating t obs -> ' + 'event i-th: ' + str(i + 1) +
                ', event ID: ' + str(source[i][0]) + ', station ID: ' +
            xr = float(station[j][1])
            yr = float(station[j][2])
            xi, yi = iterbending(biter, cacah, x, y, vel, xs, ys, xr, yr, dvx,
            # print(min(xi), max(xi), min(yi), max(yi))
            raypath[i * (nstat) + j, :, :] = np.array([xi, yi])
            for g in range(len(xi) - 1):
                o1, p1 = bs.index(x, y, xi[g], yi[g])
                o2, p2 = bs.index(x, y, xi[g + 1], yi[g + 1])
                ngr = np.abs(o2 - o1) + np.abs(p2 - p1) + 1
                lgr = gr * ngr
                xsp = np.linspace(xi[g], xi[g + 1], int(lgr))
                ysp = np.linspace(yi[g], yi[g + 1], int(lgr))
                for ii in range(lgr - 1):
                    l = np.sqrt(
                        pow(xsp[ii] - xsp[ii + 1], 2) +
                        pow(ysp[ii] - ysp[ii + 1], 2))
                    oi, pi = bs.index(x, y, xsp[ii], ysp[ii])
                    temp2d[pi, oi] = 1
                    dtc = l / vel[pi, oi]
                    tobs = tobs + dtc
            ray2d = ray2d + temp2d
            file.write(station[j][0] + '\t' + str(tobs) + '\n')
            j = j + 1
        i = i + 1

    tempfile = os.path.join(mkdtemp(), 'file.npz')
    np.savez(tempfile, vel=vel, x=x, y=y)
    shutil.copyfile(tempfile, veloutfile)

    tempray = os.path.join(tempdir, 'ray.npz')
    np.savez(tempray, grid=ray2d, path=raypath, x=x, y=y)
    shutil.copyfile(tempray, rayfile)
def iterbending2(niter, cacah, x, y, vxyz, xs, ys, xr, yr, dvx, dvy):

    xi = [xr, xs]
    yi = [yr, ys]

    if xr != xs:
        xi = np.linspace(xi[0], xi[1], cacah + 1)
        xi = np.ones(cacah + 1) * xr
    if yr != ys:
        yi = np.linspace(yi[0], yi[1], cacah + 1)
        yi = np.ones(cacah + 1) * yr

    xb = np.zeros(len(xi))
    yb = np.zeros(len(xi))

    xa = xi
    ya = yi

    for j in range(niter):
        # print(j)
        xa = xi
        ya = yi
        # print(min(xi), max(xi), min(yi), max(yi))
        if ((np.min(yi) >= np.min(y) and np.max(yi) <= np.max(y))
                and (np.min(xi) >= np.min(x) and np.max(xi) <= np.max(x))):
            for i in range(cacah - 1):
                x1 = xi[i]
                y1 = yi[i]
                x2 = xi[i + 2]
                y2 = yi[i + 2]
                xmid = bs.mid(x1, x2)
                ymid = bs.mid(y1, y2)
                o, p = bs.index(x, y, x1, y1)
                if p < len(dvx[:, 0]) and o < len(dvx[0, :]):
                    dvxi = dvx[p, o]
                    dvyi = dvy[p, o]
                    V1 = vxyz[p, o]
                    return xi, yi
                o, p = bs.index(x, y, x2, y2)
                if p < len(dvx[:, 0]) and o < len(dvx[0, :]):
                    V2 = vxyz[p, o]
                    return xi, yi
                o, p = bs.index(x, y, xmid, ymid)
                if p < len(dvx[:, 0]) and o < len(dvx[0, :]):
                    dvxm = dvx[p, o]
                    dvym = dvy[p, o]
                    Vmid = vxyz[p, o]
                    return xi, yi
                xn, yn = ray.rayBending(x1, y1, x2, y2, dvxi, dvyi, xmid, ymid,
                                        dvxm, dvym, Vmid, V1, V2)
                if np.isnan(xn) == False and np.isnan(yn) == False:
                    o, p = bs.index(x, y, xn, yn)
                    if p < len(dvx[:, 0]) and o < len(dvx[0, :]):
                        xb[i + 1] = xn
                        yb[i + 1] = yn
                        return xi, yi
                    return xi, yi

            xb[0] = xi[0]
            yb[0] = yi[0]
            xb[-1] = xi[-1]
            yb[-1] = yi[-1]
            # print(min(yb), min(y), max(yb), max(y), min(xb), min(x), max(xb), max(x))
            # print((min(yb) >= min(y) and max(yb) <= max(y)) and (min(xb) >= min(x) and max(xb) <= max(x)))
            # if ((min(yb) >= min(y) and max(yb) <= max(y)) and (min(xb) >= min(x) and max(xb) <= max(x))):
            # print('True')
            xi = xb
            yi = yb
            # xi = np.linspace(min(y), max(x), cacah + 1)
            # yi = np.linspace(min(y), max(y), cacah + 1)
            # print(min(xi), max(xi), min(yi), max(yi))
        # else:
        # #     xi = xa
        # #     yi = ya
        #     return xi, yi

    return xi, yi
def inversion(evtfile, statfile, velfile, rayfile, veloutfile, normd, gradd,
              iter, gr, biter, cacah, noise, progress_callback):
    # def inversion(evtfile, statfile, velfile, rayfile, veloutfile, normd, gradd, iter, gr, biter, cacah, noise):
    progress_callback.emit('load data')
    tempdir = mkdtemp()
    file = open(evtfile, 'r')
    event = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(event)):
        event[i] = event[i].split()

    file = open(statfile, 'r')
    station = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(station)):
        station[i] = station[i].split()

    tempvel = os.path.join(tempdir, 'vel.npz')
    shutil.copyfile(velfile, tempvel)
    vel2d = np.load(tempvel)
    vel = vel2d['vel']
    x = vel2d['x']
    y = vel2d['y']

    vinit = vel

    nx = len(x)
    ny = len(y)

    ray2d = np.array([])
    raypath = np.array([])

    rms = np.zeros(iter)
    for niter in range(iter):
        dvx, dvy = bs.velDiff(vel, x, y)
        ray2d = np.zeros(vel.shape)

        # membuat kernel
        ntr = 0
        for i in range(len(event)):
            if event[i] != [] and event[i][0] != '#':
                ntr = ntr + 1

        raypath = np.zeros((ntr, 2, cacah + 1))
        k = np.zeros((ntr + vel.size + vel.size, vel.size))
        tcal = np.zeros((ntr + vel.size + vel.size, 1))
        tobs = np.zeros((ntr + vel.size + vel.size, 1))

        i = 0
        tri = 0
        evi = 0
        while i < len(event):
            if event[i] != []:
                if event[i][0] == '#':
                        # print(
                        'iteration i-th: ' + str(niter + 1) +
                        ', forward modelling -> ' + 'event i-th: ' +
                        str(evi + 1) + ', event ID: ' + str(event[i][1]))
                    xs = float(event[i][2])
                    ys = float(event[i][3])
                    r = i + 1
                    if r < len(event):
                        while r < len(event) and event[r][0] != '#':
                            # print(event[r])
                            tobs[tri, 0] = float(event[r][1])
                            j = 0
                            while j < len(station):
                                if event[r][0] == station[j][0]:
                                    temp2d = np.zeros(ray2d.shape)
                                    xr = float(station[j][1])
                                    yr = float(station[j][2])
                                    xi, yi = iterbending(
                                        biter, cacah, x, y, vel, xs, ys, xr,
                                        yr, dvx, dvy)
                                    raypath[tri, :, :] = np.array([xi, yi])
                                    for g in range(len(xi) - 1):
                                        o1, p1 = bs.index(x, y, xi[g], yi[g])
                                        o2, p2 = bs.index(
                                            x, y, xi[g + 1], yi[g + 1])
                                        ngr = np.abs(o2 - o1) + np.abs(p2 -
                                                                       p1) + 1
                                        lgr = gr * ngr
                                        xsp = np.linspace(
                                            xi[g], xi[g + 1], int(lgr))
                                        ysp = np.linspace(
                                            yi[g], yi[g + 1], int(lgr))
                                        for ii in range(lgr - 1):
                                            l = np.sqrt(
                                                pow(xsp[ii] - xsp[ii + 1], 2) +
                                                pow(ysp[ii] - ysp[ii + 1], 2))
                                            oi, pi = bs.index(
                                                x, y, xsp[ii], ysp[ii])
                                            temp2d[pi, oi] = 1
                                            dtc = l / vel[pi, oi]
                                            nb = bs.noblok(oi, pi, nx)
                                            k[tri, nb] = k[tri, nb] + l
                                            tcal[tri, 0] = tcal[tri, 0] + dtc
                                    ray2d = ray2d + temp2d
                                j = j + 1
                            tri = tri + 1
                            r = r + 1
                    evi = evi + 1
            i = i + 1

        progress_callback.emit('iteration i-th: ' + str(niter + 1) +
                               ', inversion')

        # adding noise
        alen = np.abs(tobs.min() - tobs.max())

        am = -1 * alen * noise
        ax = alen * noise
        a = np.random.normal(0, 1, ntr)
        amm = a.min()
        axx = a.max()
        for i in range(ntr):
            tobs[i] = tobs[i] + (((ax - am) / (axx - amm)) * (a[i] - amm)) + am

        dtco = tobs - tcal
        rms[niter] = np.sum(np.power(dtco, 2))

        iden = np.eye(vel.size)
        k[ntr:ntr + vel.size, 0::] = normd * iden

        gamma = np.zeros((vel.size, vel.size))
        n = 0
        for i in range(nx):
            for j in range(ny):
                pem = 0
                if i - 1 >= 0:
                    nb = bs.noblok(i - 1, j, nx)
                    gamma[n, nb] = -1
                    pem = pem + 1
                if i + 1 < nx:
                    nb = bs.noblok(i + 1, j, nx)
                    gamma[n, nb] = -1
                    pem = pem + 1
                if j - 1 >= 0:
                    nb = bs.noblok(i, j - 1, nx)
                    gamma[n, nb] = -1
                    pem = pem + 1
                if j + 1 < ny:
                    nb = bs.noblok(i, j + 1, nx)
                    gamma[n, nb] = -1
                    pem = pem + 1
                gamma[n, :] = gamma[n, :] / pem
                nb = bs.noblok(i, j, nx)
                gamma[n, nb] = 1
                n = n + 1

        k[(ntr + vel.size)::, 0::] = gradd * gamma

        # inversion
        ds = np.mat(inv(np.mat(k.transpose()) * np.mat(k))) * np.mat(
            k.transpose()) * np.mat(dtco)
        dv = np.zeros(vel.size)

        v0 = np.zeros(vel.size)
        for i in range(nx):
            for j in range(ny):
                nb = bs.noblok(i, j, nx)
                v0[nb] = vel[j, i]

        for i in range(vel.size):
            dv[i] = (-1 * ds[i] * (v0[i]**2)) / (1 + ds[i] * v0[i])

        v1 = np.zeros(vel.size)
        for jj in range(len(v1)):
            v1[jj] = v0[jj] + dv[jj]

        veln = np.zeros(vel.shape)

        for ii in range(len(v1)):
            for i in range(nx):
                for j in range(ny):
                    nb = bs.noblok(i, j, nx)
                    if ii == nb:
                        veln[j, i] = v1[ii]
        if veln.min() >= 0:
            vel = veln

    perV = ((vel - vinit) / vinit) * 100

    tempray = os.path.join(tempdir, 'ray.npz')
    np.savez(tempray, grid=ray2d, path=raypath, x=x, y=y)
    shutil.copyfile(tempray, rayfile)

    tempfile = os.path.join(mkdtemp(), 'file.npz')
    np.savez(tempfile, vel=vel, x=x, y=y, per=perV, rms=rms)
    shutil.copyfile(tempfile, veloutfile)
def iterbending(niter,cacah,x,y,vxyz,xs,ys,xr,yr,dvx,dvy):

    xi = [xr, xs]
    yi = [yr, ys]

    if xr != xs:
        xi = np.linspace(xi[0], xi[1], cacah + 1)
        xi = np.ones(cacah+1)*xr
    if yr != ys:
        yi = np.linspace(yi[0], yi[1], cacah + 1)
        yi = np.ones(cacah+1)*yr

    xb = np.zeros(len(xi))
    yb = np.zeros(len(xi))

    if niter == 0:
        return xi, yi
        for j in range(niter):
            for i in range(cacah - 1):
                x1 = xi[i]
                y1 = yi[i]
                x2 = xi[i + 2]
                y2 = yi[i + 2]
                xmid = bs.mid(x1, x2)
                ymid = bs.mid(y1, y2)
                o, p = bs.index(x, y, x1, y1)
                if p < len(dvx[:,0]) and o < len(dvx[0,:]):
                    dvxi = dvx[p, o]
                    dvyi = dvy[p, o]
                    V1 = vxyz[p, o]
                    return xi, yi
                o, p = bs.index(x, y, x2, y2)
                if p < len(dvx[:,0]) and o < len(dvx[0,:]):
                    V2 = vxyz[p, o]
                    return xi, yi
                o, p = bs.index(x, y, xmid, ymid)
                if p < len(dvx[:,0]) and o < len(dvx[0,:]):
                    dvxm = dvx[p, o]
                    dvym = dvy[p, o]
                    Vmid = vxyz[p, o]
                    return xi, yi
                xn, yn = ray.rayBending(x1, y1, x2, y2, dvxi, dvyi, xmid, ymid, dvxm, dvym,
                                             Vmid,V1, V2)
                if np.isnan(xn) == False and np.isnan(yn) == False:
                    o, p = bs.index(x, y, xn, yn)
                    if p < len(dvx[:,0]) and o < len(dvx[0,:]):
                        xb[i + 1] = xn
                        yb[i + 1] = yn
                        return xi, yi
                    return xi, yi

            xb[0] = xi[0]
            yb[0] = yi[0]
            xb[-1] = xi[-1]
            yb[-1] = yi[-1]
            if min(yb) >= min(yi) and max(yb) <= max(yi):
                xi = xb
                yi = yb
                return xi, yi
    return xi,yi
def fwdModel(srcfile,statfile,velfile,gr,biter,cacah):
    # progress_callback.emit('load data')
    tempdir = mkdtemp()
    nsrc = 0
    file = open(srcfile, 'r')
    source = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(source)):
        source[i] = source[i].split()
        if source[i] != []:
            nsrc = nsrc + 1

    file = open(srcfile, 'r')
    source2 = file.readlines()

    nstat = 0
    file = open(statfile, 'r')
    station = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(station)):
        station[i] = station[i].split()
        if station[i] != []:
            nstat = nstat + 1

    tempvel = os.path.join(tempdir,'vel.npz')
    vel2d = np.load(tempvel)
    vel = vel2d['vel']
    x = vel2d['x']
    y = vel2d['y']

    dvx, dvy = bs.velDiff(vel, x, y)

    ray2d = np.zeros(vel.shape)
    raypath = np.zeros((nsrc*nstat,2,cacah+1))
    # file = open(evtfile,'w')
    i = 0
    while i < len(source) and source[i] != []:
        # file.write('#'+'\t'+source2[i])
        xs = float(source[i][1])
        ys = float(source[i][2])
        j = 0
        while j < len(station) and station[j] != []:
            temp2d = np.zeros(ray2d.shape)
            tobs = 0
                'creating t obs -> ' + 'event i-th: ' + str(
                    i + 1) + ', event ID: ' + str(source[i][0])
                + ', station ID: ' + str(station[j][0]))
            xr = float(station[j][1])
            yr = float(station[j][2])
            xi, yi = iterbending(biter, cacah, x, y, vel, xs, ys, xr, yr, dvx, dvy)
            raypath[i*(nstat)+j,:,:] = np.array([xi,yi])
            for g in range(len(xi) - 1):
                o1, p1 = bs.index(x, y, xi[g], yi[g])
                o2, p2 = bs.index(x, y, xi[g + 1], yi[g + 1])
                ngr = np.abs(o2 - o1) + np.abs(p2 - p1) + 1
                lgr = gr * ngr
                xsp = np.linspace(xi[g], xi[g + 1], int(lgr))
                ysp = np.linspace(yi[g], yi[g + 1], int(lgr))
                for ii in range(lgr - 1):
                    l = np.sqrt(
                        pow(xsp[ii] - xsp[ii + 1], 2) + pow(ysp[ii] - ysp[ii + 1], 2))
                    oi, pi = bs.index(x, y, xsp[ii], ysp[ii])
                    temp2d[pi, oi] = 1
                    dtc = l / vel[pi, oi]
                    tobs = tobs + dtc
            ray2d = ray2d + temp2d
            # file.write(station[j][0]+'\t'+str(tobs)+'\n')
            j = j + 1
        i = i + 1

    # tempray = os.path.join(tempdir,'ray.npz')
    # np.savez(tempray,grid=ray2d,path=raypath,x=x,y=y)
    # shutil.copyfile(tempray,rayfile)

    return tobs