async def give(self, ctx, mentioned_user: discord.Member = discord.Member, amount=0): """Give a user money [Format: %give (@user) (amount)]""" try: userid = if await check_in_game(userid): await register_user(userid) if != userid: current_amount = await get_balance(userid) if amount == 0: await ctx.send("> **Please specify an amount [Format: %give (@user) (amount)]**", delete_after=60) if amount > 0: if amount > current_amount: await ctx.send("> **You do not have enough money to give!**", delete_after=60) if amount <= current_amount: mentioned_money = await get_balance( new_amount = mentioned_money + amount subtracted_amount = current_amount - amount await update_balance(, str(new_amount)) await update_balance(userid, str(subtracted_amount)) await ctx.send("> **Your money has been transferred.**") elif == userid: await ctx.send("> **You can not give money to yourself!**") else: await ctx.send("> **Please type %endgame. You cannot use this command when you're in a game.**") except Exception as e: log.console(e)
async def give(self, ctx, mentioned_user: discord.Member = discord.Member, amount="0"): """Give a user money [Format: %give (@user) (amount)]""" try: amount = ex.remove_commas(amount) check = True except Exception as e: await ctx.send(f"> **{amount} is not a proper value.**") check = False try: if check: user_id = if not await ex.check_in_game(user_id, ctx): await ex.register_user(user_id) if != user_id: current_amount = await ex.get_balance(user_id) if amount == 0: await ctx.send("> **Please specify an amount [Format: %give (@user) (amount)]**", delete_after=60) if amount > 0: if amount > current_amount: await ctx.send("> **You do not have enough money to give!**", delete_after=60) if amount <= current_amount: mentioned_money = await ex.get_balance( new_amount = mentioned_money + amount subtracted_amount = current_amount - amount await ex.update_balance(, str(new_amount)) await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(subtracted_amount)) await ctx.send("> **Your money has been transferred.**") elif == user_id: await ctx.send("> **You can not give money to yourself!**") except Exception as e: log.console(e)
async def count(self, ctx, *, name=None): """Shows howmany times an idol has been called. [Format: %count (idol's name/all)]""" try: if name == 'all' or not name: idol_called = 0 for member in ex.cache.idols: idol_called += member.called return await ctx.send( f"> **All Idols have been called a total of {idol_called} times.**" ) server_id = await ex.get_server_id(ctx) members = await ex.u_group_members.get_idol_where_member_matches_name( name, server_id=server_id) if not members: return await ctx.send(f"> **{name} could not be found.**") for member in members: if not member.called: await ctx.send( f"> **{member.full_name} ({member.stage_name}) has not been called by a user yet.**" ) else: rank_list = await ex.conn.fetch( "SELECT memberid FROM groupmembers.count ORDER BY Count DESC" ) for count, rank_row in enumerate(rank_list): mem_id = rank_row[0] if mem_id == final_rank = count + 1 await ctx.send( f"> **{member.full_name} ({member.stage_name}) has been called {member.called} times at rank {final_rank}.**" ) except Exception as e: await ctx.send(f"> **ERROR: {e}**") log.console(e)
async def announce(self, ctx, *, new_message): """Sends a bot message to certain text channels""" desc = f"{new_message}" embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Announcement from {} ({})", description=desc, color=0xff00f6) embed.set_author( name="Irene", url='', icon_url= '') embed.set_footer( text="Type %support for an invite to Irene's discord server.", icon_url= '') # embed.add_field(name=f"{} ({})", value=desc) guilds = self.client.guilds for guild in guilds: try: await guild.system_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: log.console(e) pass
async def check_voice_clients(self): if not ex.client.loop.is_running(): return try: for voice_client in ex.client.voice_clients: # members in vc must be equal to 1 to stop playing (includes the bot) if voice_client.is_connected( ) and == 1: if voice_client.is_playing(): try: songs_queued = queued[] if songs_queued: channel = songs_queued[0][1] msg = f"> **There are no users in this voice channel. Resetting queue and leaving.**" await channel.send(msg) except: pass self.reset_queue_for_guild( voice_client.stop() await voice_client.disconnect() keep_files = [] for key in queued: file_name = (queued[key][0][2]) keep_files.append(file_name) for song_file_name in os.listdir("music"): file_location = f"music/{song_file_name}" if file_location in keep_files and file_location == "music": continue try: os.remove(file_location) except: pass except Exception as e: log.console(e)
async def create_new_question(self): """Create a new question and send it to the channel.""" # noinspection PyBroadException try: if self.idol_post_msg: try: await self.idol_post_msg.delete() except: # message does not exist. pass if self.rounds >= self.max_rounds: if not self.force_ended: await self.end_game() return True # will properly end the game. self.idol = await ex.u_group_members.get_random_idol() if not self.gender_forced: self.gender = random.choice(['m', 'f']) while self.idol.gender != self.gender or ex.cache.difficulty_aliases[self.idol.difficulty] > self.difficulty: # will result in an infinite loop if there are no idols on easy mode and difficulty is easy mode. self.idol = await ex.u_group_members.get_random_idol() self.group_names = [(await ex.u_group_members.get_group(group_id)).name for group_id in self.idol.groups] self.correct_answers = [] for alias in self.idol.aliases: self.correct_answers.append(alias.lower()) self.correct_answers.append(self.idol.full_name.lower()) self.correct_answers.append(self.idol.stage_name.lower()) log.console(f'{", ".join(self.correct_answers)} - {}') self.idol_post_msg, self.photo_link = await ex.u_group_members.idol_post(, self.idol,, guessing_game=True, scores=self.players) await self.check_message() except: pass
async def deletealias(self, ctx, alias, mem_id: int, mode="idol"): """Remove alias from an idol/group (Underscores are spaces)[Format: %deletealias (alias) (ID of idol/group) ("idol" or "group")]""" alias = alias.replace("_", " ") if mode.lower() == "idol": mode = "member" param = "id" is_group = False elif mode.lower() == "group": mode = "groups" param = "groupid" is_group = True else: return await ctx.send("> **Please specify 'idol' or 'group'**.") try: id_exists = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow( f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groupmembers.{mode} WHERE {param} = $1", mem_id)) if id_exists == 0: return await ctx.send("> **That ID does not exist.**") else: # check if the alias exists, if it does delete it. aliases = await ex.get_aliases(object_id=mem_id, group=is_group) if alias in aliases: await ex.conn.execute( "DELETE FROM groupmembers.aliases WHERE objectid = $1 AND alias = $2 AND isgroup = $3", mem_id, alias.lower(), int(is_group)) return await ctx.send( f"> **Alias: {alias} was removed from {mem_id}.**") else: return await ctx.send( f"> **Could not find alias: {alias}**") except Exception as e: await ctx.send(e) log.console(e)
async def on_ready(): global first_run if first_run: await client.change_presence(, activity=discord.Game("%help")) log.console('Irene is online') first_run = False
async def updates(self, ctx, community_name, role: discord.Role = None): """Receive Weverse Updates of a specific Weverse community in the current text channel. Use again to disable for a specific community. Available Communities -> [TXT, BTS, GFRIEND, SEVENTEEN, ENHYPEN, NU'EST, CL, P1Harmony, Weeekly, SUNMI, HENRY, Dreamcatcher] [Format: %updates <community name> [role to notify]] """ try: if not ex.weverse_client.cache_loaded: return await ctx.send(f"> {}, Weverse cache is being updated. Please try again in a minute or two.") channel_id = community_name = community_name.lower() if await ex.u_weverse.check_weverse_channel(channel_id, community_name): if not role: await ex.u_weverse.delete_weverse_channel(channel_id, community_name) return await ctx.send(f"> {}, You will no longer receive updates for {community_name}.") for community in ex.weverse_client.communities: if == community_name: # delete any existing before adding a new one. await ex.u_weverse.delete_weverse_channel(channel_id, community_name) await ex.u_weverse.add_weverse_channel(channel_id, community_name) # add role to weverse subscription after channel is added to db. if role: await ex.u_weverse.add_weverse_role(channel_id, community_name, return await ctx.send(f"> {}, You will now receive weverse updates for {} in this channel.") return await ctx.send(f"> {},I could not find {community_name}. Available choices are:\n{self.available_choices}") except Exception as e: msg = "An error has occurred trying to subscribe to a weverse community." log.console(f"{msg} - {e}") return await ctx.send(msg)
async def on_guild_remove(guild): try: await ex.conn.execute("INSERT INTO stats.leftguild (id, name, region, ownerid, membercount) VALUES($1, " "$2, $3, $4, $5)",,, str(guild.region), guild.owner_id, guild.member_count) except Exception as e: log.console(f"{} ({})has already kicked Irene before. - {e}")
async def on_guild_join(guild): try: if guild.system_channel: await guild.system_channel.send(f">>> Hello!\nMy prefix for this server is set to {await ex.get_server_prefix(}.\nIf you have any questions or concerns, you may join the support server ({await ex.get_server_prefix(}support).") except: pass log.console(f"{} ({}) has invited Irene.")
async def on_message_user_notifications(message): # user phrase notifications try: if return message_split = message.content.lower().split(" ") for guild_id, user_id, phrase in ex.cache.user_notifications: if phrase not in message_split or guild_id != continue if == user_id or user_id not in [ for member in]: continue log.console(f"message_notifications 1 - {phrase} to {user_id}") dm_channel = await ex.get_dm_channel(user_id) log.console(f"message_notifications 2 - {phrase} to {user_id}") start_loc = (message.content.lower()).find(phrase) end_loc = start_loc + len(phrase) new_message_content = f"{message.content[0:start_loc]}`{message.content[start_loc:end_loc]}`" \ f"{message.content[end_loc:len(message.content)]}" title_desc = f""" Phrase: {phrase} Message Author: {} **Message:** {new_message_content} [Click to go to the Message]({message.jump_url}) """ embed = await ex.create_embed(title="Phrase Found", color=ex.get_random_color(), title_desc=title_desc) await dm_channel.send(embed=embed) except: pass
async def unmute(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None): """Unmute a user that is already muted. Format: [%unmute @user (reason)]""" try: if user is None: return await ctx.send( f"> **<@{}>, Please specify a user to unmute.**" ) if == return await ctx.send( f"> **<@{}>, You cannot unmute yourself.**") mute_role = await self.get_mute_role(ctx) muted = await self.check_if_muted(, mute_role) if mute_role is None: return await ctx.send( ">**This user was not muted by me as the mute role could not be found. In order for me to create a custom mute role, I need to mute someone first.**" ) if muted: await user.remove_roles( mute_role, reason= f"UnMuting User - Requested by {} ({})" ) return await ctx.send(f"> **<@{}> has been unmuted.**") else: return await ctx.send(f"> **<@{}> is not muted.**") except Exception as e: log.console(e) return await ctx.send( f"> **I am missing permissions to unmute {user.display_name}. {e}**" )
async def listcommands(self, ctx): """List all the custom commands for this server. [Format: %listcommands]""" try: async def get_new_embed(desc): return await ex.create_embed(f"Custom Commands for {} ({})", color=ex.get_random_color(), title_desc=desc) custom_commands = ex.cache.custom_commands.get( embed_list = [] embed_message = "" if not custom_commands: return await ctx.send("> There are no custom commands for your server.") for command in custom_commands: added_to_list = False message = f"**{command}** -> {custom_commands.get(command)}\n" if len(message) > 1000: embed_list.append(await get_new_embed(message)) added_to_list = True if not added_to_list: embed_message += message if len(embed_message) >= 950: embed_list.append(await get_new_embed(embed_message)) embed_message = "" if embed_message: embed_list.append(await get_new_embed(embed_message)) if embed_list: msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed_list[0]) if len(embed_list) > 1: await ex.check_left_or_right_reaction_embed(msg, embed_list) except Exception as e: await ctx.send(f"> An unexpected error occurred -> {e}. Please {await ex.get_server_prefix_by_context(ctx)}report it.") log.console(e)
async def change_page(c_page): """Waits for the user's reaction and then changes the page based on their reaction.""" try: reaction, user = await self.client.wait_for('reaction_add', check=reaction_check) if reaction.emoji == '➡': c_page += 1 if c_page >= len(embed_lists): c_page = 0 # start from the beginning of the list await msg.edit(embed=embed_lists[c_page]) elif reaction.emoji == '⬅': c_page -= 1 if c_page < 0: c_page = len(embed_lists) - 1 # going to the end of the list await msg.edit(embed=embed_lists[c_page]) # await msg.clear_reactions() # await msg.add_reaction(reaction1) # await msg.add_reaction(reaction2) # only remove user's reaction instead of all reactions try: await reaction.remove(user) except: pass await change_page(c_page) except Exception as e: log.console(f"check_left_or_right_reaction_embed - {e}") await change_page(c_page)
async def new_task4(self): try: if ex.client.loop.is_running(): if self.first_run == 1: await asyncio.sleep( 10) # sleeping to stabilize connection to DB self.count_loop += 1 if self.first_run == 1: number = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow( "SELECT PostID FROM dreamcatcher.DCPost")) self.first_run = 0 self.number = number self.post_list.append(number) if self.error_status == 1: if 5 > self.tries >= 2: self.number += 1 if self.tries >= 5: count_list = (len(self.post_list)) self.number = self.post_list[count_list - 1] self.tries = 0 if self.error_status == 0: self.tries = 0 self.number += 1 pass await self.check_dc_post(self.number) except Exception as e: log.console(e)
async def ggleaderboard(self, ctx, difficulty="medium", mode="server"): """Shows global leaderboards for guessing game [Format: %ggleaderboard (easy/medium/hard) (server/global)]""" if difficulty.lower() not in ['easy', 'medium', 'hard']: difficulty = "medium" try: if mode.lower() not in ["server", "global"]: mode = "server" if mode == "server": server_id = await ex.get_server_id(ctx) if not server_id: return await ctx.send("> You should not use this command in DMs.") members = f"({', '.join([str( for member in ex.client.get_guild(server_id).members])})" top_user_scores = await ex.u_guessinggame.get_guessing_game_top_ten(difficulty, members=members) else: top_user_scores = await ex.u_guessinggame.get_guessing_game_top_ten(difficulty) user_position = 0 lb_string = "" for user_id, score in top_user_scores: user_position += 1 score = await ex.u_guessinggame.get_user_score(difficulty.lower(), user_id) lb_string += f"**{user_position})** <@{user_id}> - {score}\n" m_embed = await ex.create_embed(title=f"Guessing Game Leaderboard ({difficulty.lower()}) ({mode})", title_desc=lb_string) await ctx.send(embed=m_embed) except Exception as e: log.console(e) return await ctx.send(f"> You may not understand this error. Please report it -> {e}")
async def download_url(self, url, drive_id, channel_id): try: async with ex.session.get(url) as r: check = False if r.status == 200: unique_id = randint(0, 1000000000000) unique_id2 = randint(0, 1000) unique_id3 = randint(0, 500) src = url[len(url) - 4:len(url)] checkerx = url.find(":large") if checkerx != -1: src = url[len(url) - 10:len(url) - 6] url = f"{url[0:checkerx-1]}:orig" src2 = url.find('?format=') if src2 != -1: check = True src = f".{url[src2+8:src2+11]}" url = f"{url[0:src2-1]}{src}:orig" if src == ".jpg" or src == ".gif" or src == '.png' or check: file_name = f"1_{unique_id}_{unique_id2}_{unique_id3}{src}" fd = await'Photos/{}'.format(file_name), mode='wb') await fd.write(await await fd.close() await ex.conn.execute( "INSERT INTO archive.ArchivedChannels VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4)", file_name, src, drive_id, channel_id) # quickstart.Drive.checker() except Exception as e: log.console(e)
async def addalias(self, ctx, alias, mem_id: int, mode="idol"): """Add alias to an idol/group (Underscores are spaces)[Format: %addalias (alias) (ID of idol/group) ("idol" or "group"]""" alias = alias.replace("_", " ") if mode.lower() == "idol": mode = "member" param = "id" is_group = False elif mode.lower() == "group": mode = "groups" param = "groupid" is_group = True else: return await ctx.send("> **Please specify 'idol' or 'group'**.") try: id_exists = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow( f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groupmembers.{mode} WHERE {param} = $1", mem_id)) if id_exists == 0: return await ctx.send( f"> **That ID ({mem_id}) does not exist.**") else: # check if the alias already exists, if not, add it aliases = await ex.get_aliases(object_id=mem_id, group=is_group) if alias not in aliases: await ex.conn.execute( "INSERT INTO groupmembers.aliases(objectid, alias, isgroup) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)", mem_id, alias.lower(), int(is_group)) await ctx.send(f"> **Added Alias: {alias} to {mem_id}**") else: return await ctx.send( f"> **{alias} already exists with {mem_id}.**") except Exception as e: await ctx.send(e) log.console(e)
async def history(guild_id, drive_id): try: async for message in, after=after): if len(message.attachments) > 0: for file in message.attachments: url = file.url if "%27%3E" in url: pos = url.find("%27%3E") url = url[0:pos - 1] if ":large" in url: pos = url.find(":large") url = url[0:pos - 1] await self.download_url(url, drive_id, if len(message.embeds) > 0: for embed in message.embeds: if str(embed.url) == "Embed.Empty": pass else: url = embed.url if "%27%3E" in url: pos = url.find("%27%3E") url = url[0:pos - 1] if ":large" in url: pos = url.find(":large") url = url[0:pos - 1] await self.download_url( url, drive_id, pass except Exception as e: log.console(e) pass
async def closedm(self, ctx, user: discord.User = None): """Closes a DM either by the User ID or by the current channel. [Format: %closedm <user id>] """ try: if user is not None: user_id = else: user_id = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow( "SELECT userid FROM general.modmail WHERE channelid = $1", dm_channel = await ex.get_dm_channel(user_id) if dm_channel is None: return await ctx.send( "> **There are no DMs set up in this channel.**") ex.cache.mod_mail.pop(user_id, None) await ex.conn.execute( "DELETE FROM general.modmail WHERE userid = $1 and channelid = $2", user_id, await ctx.send(f"> The DM has been deleted successfully.") await dm_channel.send( f"> {} ({}) has closed the DM with you. Your messages will no longer be sent to them." ) except Exception as e: await ctx.send(f"ERROR - {e}") log.console(e)
async def mod_mail_on_message(message): # mod mail try: message_sender = message_channel = message_content = message.content if == keys.bot_id: return if 'closedm' in message_content or 'createdm' in message_content: return for user_id in ex.cache.mod_mail: try: channel_id = ex.cache.mod_mail.get(user_id) mod_channel = await ex.client.fetch_channel(channel_id) if user_id == dm_channel = await ex.get_dm_channel( if == dm_channel: await mod_channel.send( f">>> FROM: {message_sender.display_name} ({}) - {message_content}" ) if mod_channel == message_channel: dm_channel = await ex.get_dm_channel(user_id) await dm_channel.send( f">>> FROM: {message_sender.display_name} ({}) - {message_content}" ) except Exception as e: log.console( f"{e} - Iteration Error in BotMod.mod_mail_on_message") # change in dictionary size should break the loop. break except Exception as e: log.console(f"{e} - BotMod.mod_mail_on_message")
async def play(self, ctx, *, url=None): """Plays audio to a voice channel. [Format: %play (title/url)]""" if not url: if not ctx.voice_client.is_paused: return await ctx.send( "> The player is not paused. Please enter a title or link to play audio." ) ctx.voice_client.resume() return await ctx.send(f"> **The video player is now resumed**") try: if not self.check_user_in_vc(ctx): return await ctx.send( f"> **{}, we are not in the same voice channel.**" ) async with ctx.typing(): msg = await ctx.send( f"> **Gathering information about the video/playlist, this may take a few minutes if it is a long playlist.**" ) videos, first_video_live = await YTDLSource.from_url( url, loop=ex.client.loop, stream=False,,, if not ctx.voice_client.is_playing(): if not first_video_live: player = await download_video(videos[0]) video_title = videos[0].get('title') else: player = videos[0] video_title = player.title try:, after=self.start_next_song) # THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT # This makes the front of the queue always a player. # This is useful so that no code is changed for going to the next song (music rework) queued[][0][0] = player except: # Already Playing Audio return await ctx.send( f"> **Added {video_title} to the queue.**") await ctx.send(f'> **Now playing: {video_title}**', delete_after=240) # deletes after 4min else: # grabbing the latest player if len(videos) == 1: # do not shorten code if not first_video_live: title = videos[0].get('title') else: title = videos[0].title await ctx.send(f"> **Added {title} to the queue.**") else: await ctx.send( f"> **Added {len(videos)} songs to the queue.**") await msg.delete() except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: log.console(e)
async def topalbums(self, ctx, user: typing.Union[discord.User, str] = None, time_period: typing.Union[discord.User, str] = None): """See the top albums of a Last FM Account by a discord user or a Last FM username [Format: %topalbums (username) (time period)] Time period options are ``overall | week | month | 3month | 6month | year``. Time period defaults to overall.""" try: user, time_period = await self.set_user( ctx, user, time_period), self.set_period(user, time_period) response = await ex.get_fm_response('user.getTopAlbums', user, limit=10, time_period=time_period) list_of_albums = response['topalbums']['album'] counter = 0 tracks_and_titles = [] for album in list_of_albums: counter += 1 title = f"**#{counter} ({album['playcount']} plays)**" artist_name = f"**[{album['name']} by {album['artist']['name']}]({album['url']})**" tracks_and_titles.append([title, artist_name]) await ctx.send(embed=await self.create_fm_embed( f"{user} **Top Albums ({time_period})**", tracks_and_titles)) except KeyError: await events.Events.error(ctx, self.user_not_found) except Exception as e: log.console(e) await ctx.send( f"> **Something went wrong.. Please {await ex.get_server_prefix_by_context(ctx)}report it.**" )
async def stand(self, ctx): """Keep Your Cards/Stand [Format: %stand]""" try: check = False user_id = game_id = await ex.u_blackjack.get_game_by_player(user_id) if game_id is None: await ctx.send(f"> **{}, you are not in a game.**") else: if await ex.u_blackjack.compare_channels(user_id, # Do not inform other users that the player already stood by busting. # Instead, just send the same message that they are standing every time this command is called. await ex.u_blackjack.set_player_stand(user_id) game = await ex.u_blackjack.get_game(game_id) if ex.u_blackjack.check_if_bot(game[2]): check = True await ex.u_blackjack.finish_game(game_id, if not check: total_score = str( await ex.u_blackjack.get_player_total(user_id)) if len(total_score) == 1: total_score = '0' + total_score # this is to prevent being able to detect the number of digits by the spoiler if not ex.u_blackjack.check_if_bot(game[2]): await ctx.send( f"> **{} finalized their deck with ||{total_score}|| points.**" ) if await ex.u_blackjack.check_game_over(game_id): await ex.u_blackjack.finish_game( game_id, except Exception as e: log.console(e)
async def scrape_videos(): links = await ex.conn.fetch("SELECT link, channelid FROM youtube.links" ) for url, channel_id in links: try: link_id = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow( "SELECT id FROM youtube.links WHERE link = $1", url)) async with ex.session.get(url) as r: if r.status != 200: continue page_html = await r.text() start_pos = page_html.find("viewCount") + 12 end_loc = start_pos while page_html[end_loc] != '"': end_loc += 1 raw_view_count = page_html[start_pos:end_loc] view_count = f"{int(raw_view_count):,} views" current_date = await ex.conn.execute( "INSERT INTO youtube.views(linkid, views, date) VALUES ($1,$2,$3)", link_id, view_count, str(current_date)) await YoutubeLoop.send_channel( channel_id, f"> **UPDATE FOR <{url}>: {view_count} -- {current_date}**" ) except Exception as e: log.console(e) log.console("Updated Video Views Tracker")
async def aliases(self, ctx, mode="member", page_number=1): """Lists the aliases of idols or groups that have one. Underscores are spaces and commas are to split idol or group names [Format: %aliases (names of idols/groups) (page number)]""" try: mode = mode.replace("_", " ") mode = mode.replace(",", " ") server_id = await ex.get_server_id(ctx) embed_list = await ex.u_group_members.set_embed_with_aliases( mode, server_id=server_id) if not embed_list: if 'member' in mode.lower(): embed_list = await ex.u_group_members.set_embed_with_all_aliases( "Idol", server_id=server_id) elif 'group' in mode.lower(): embed_list = await ex.u_group_members.set_embed_with_all_aliases( "Group", server_id=server_id) else: return await ctx.send( f">>> **No results were found. Please specify whether you want member or group aliases, or enter a name of an idol/group.\n`{await ex.get_server_prefix_by_context(ctx)}help aliases`**" ) if len(embed_list) < page_number or page_number < 1: page_number = 1 msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed_list[page_number - 1]) if len(embed_list) > 1: await ex.check_left_or_right_reaction_embed( msg, embed_list, page_number - 1) except Exception as e: log.console(e) await ctx.send(f"> **Error - {e}**")
async def check_voice_clients(self): if ex.client.loop.is_running(): try: voice_clients = client.voice_clients for voice_client in voice_clients: if voice_client.is_connected(): if len( == 1: if voice_client.is_playing(): try: songs_queued = queued[] if len(songs_queued) > 0: channel = songs_queued[0][1] msg = f"> **There are no users in this voice channel. Resetting queue and leaving.**" await channel.send(msg) except Exception as e: pass self.reset_queue_for_guild( voice_client.stop() await voice_client.disconnect() keep_files = [] for key in queued: file_name = (queued[key][0][2]) keep_files.append(file_name) all_music = os.listdir("music") for song_file_name in all_music: file_location = f"music/{song_file_name}" if file_location not in keep_files: if file_location != "music": try: os.remove(file_location) except Exception as e: pass except Exception as e: log.console(e)
async def movelinks(self, ctx): """Add DC LINKS to main link table.""" c.execute("SELECT link, member FROM currency.dchdlinks") hd_links = fetch_all() count = 0 for link in hd_links: url = link[0] member_name = link[1] member_id = None if member_name == "Gahyeon": member_id = 163 elif member_name == "Siyeon": member_id = 159 elif member_name == "Yoohyeon": member_id = 161 elif member_name == "JIU": member_id = 157 elif member_name == "SUA": member_id = 158 elif member_name == "Dami": member_id = 162 elif member_name == "Handong": member_id = 160 else: pass try: c.execute("INSERT INTO groupmembers.imagelinks VALUES (%s,%s)", (url, member_id)) DBconn.commit() count += 1 except Exception as e: log.console(e) pass await ctx.send(f"> **Added {count} links.**")
async def interact_with_user(ctx, user, interaction, interaction_type, self_interaction=False): await ex.u_patreon.reset_patreon_cooldown(ctx) try: if user == discord.Member: user = list_of_links = await ex.conn.fetch( "SELECT url FROM general.interactions WHERE interaction = $1", interaction_type) if not self_interaction: if == ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx) return await ctx.send( f"> **{}, you cannot perform this interaction on yourself.**" ) link = random.choice(list_of_links) embed = discord.Embed( title= f"**{}** {interaction} **{user.display_name}**", color=ex.get_random_color()) if not await ex.u_patreon.check_if_patreon( embed.set_footer( text= f"Become a {await ex.get_server_prefix_by_context(ctx)}patreon to get rid of interaction cooldowns!" ) embed.set_image(url=link[0]) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: log.console(e) return await ctx.send( f"> **{}, there are no links saved for this interaction yet.**" )