class Hoster(Plugin):
    __name__    = "Hoster"
    __type__    = "hoster"
    __version__ = "0.18"
    __status__  = "testing"

    __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
    __config__  = []  #: [("name", "type", "desc", "default")]

    __description__ = """Base hoster plugin"""
    __license__     = "GPLv3"
    __authors__     = [("RaNaN"         , "*****@*****.**" ),
                       ("spoob"         , "*****@*****.**" ),
                       ("mkaay"         , "*****@*****.**"   ),
                       ("Walter Purcaro", "*****@*****.**")]

    def __init__(self, pyfile):

        #: Engage wan reconnection
        self.wantReconnect = False  #@TODO: Change to `want_reconnect` in 0.4.10

        #: Enable simultaneous processing of multiple downloads
        self.multiDL = True  #@TODO: Change to `multi_dl` in 0.4.10
        self.limitDL = 0     #@TODO: Change to `limit_dl` in 0.4.10

        #: time.time() + wait in seconds
        self.wait_until = 0
        self.waiting    = False

        #: Account handler instance, see :py:class:`Account`
        self.account = None
        self.user    = None
        self.req     = None  #: Browser instance, see `network.Browser`

        #: Associated pyfile instance, see `PyFile`
        self.pyfile = pyfile

        self.thread = None  #: Holds thread in future

        #: Location where the last call to download was saved
        self.last_download = ""

        #: Re match of the last call to `checkDownload`
        self.last_check = None

        #: Js engine, see `JsEngine`
        self.js = self.pyload.js

        #: Captcha stuff
        self.captcha = Captcha(self)

        #: Some plugins store html code here
        self.html = None

        #: Dict of the amount of retries already made
        self.retries    = {}
        self.retry_free = False  #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10


    def get_info(cls, url="", html=""):
        url   = _fixurl(url)
        url_p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        return {'name'  : (url_p.path.split('/')[-1] or
                            url_p.query.split('=', 1)[::-1][0].split('&', 1)[0] or
                                url_p.netloc.split('.', 1)[0]),
                'size'  : 0,
                'status': 3 if url else 8,
                'url'   : url}

    def init(self):
        Initialize the plugin (in addition to `__init__`)

    def setup(self):
        Setup for enviroment and other things, called before downloading (possibly more than one time)

    def _setup(self):
        if self.account:
            self.req             = self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name__, self.user)
            self.chunk_limit     = -1  #: -1 for unlimited
            self.resume_download = True
            self.premium         = self.account.is_premium(self.user)
            self.req             = self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name__)
            self.chunk_limit     = 1
            self.resume_download = False
            self.premium         = False

    def load_account(self):
        if self.req:

        if not self.account:
            self.account = self.pyload.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(self.__name__)

        if self.account:
            if not self.user:
                self.user = self.account.select()[0]

            if not self.user or not self.account.is_logged(self.user, True):
                self.account = False

    def preprocessing(self, thread):
        Handles important things to do before starting
        self.thread = thread

        if self.retry_free:
            self.account = False
            self.load_account()  #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10
            self.retry_free = False


        self.pyload.hookManager.downloadPreparing(self.pyfile)  #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10

        if self.pyfile.abort:

        self.log_debug("PROCESS URL " + self.pyfile.url, "PLUGIN VERSION %s" % self.__version__)

        return self.process(self.pyfile)

    def process(self, pyfile):
        The 'main' method of every plugin, you **have to** overwrite it
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_reconnect(self, reconnect):
        reconnect = bool(reconnect)

        self.log_info(_("RECONNECT ") + ("enabled" if reconnect else "disabled"))
        self.log_debug("Previous wantReconnect: %s" % self.wantReconnect)

        self.wantReconnect = reconnect

    def set_wait(self, seconds, reconnect=None):
        Set a specific wait time later used with `wait`

        :param seconds: wait time in seconds
        :param reconnect: True if a reconnect would avoid wait time
        wait_time  = max(int(seconds), 1)
        wait_until = time.time() + wait_time + 1

        self.log_info(_("WAIT %d seconds") % wait_time)
        self.log_debug("Previous waitUntil: %f" % self.pyfile.waitUntil)

        self.pyfile.waitUntil = wait_until

        if reconnect is not None:

    def wait(self, seconds=None, reconnect=None):
        Waits the time previously set
        pyfile = self.pyfile

        if seconds is not None:

        if reconnect is not None:

        self.waiting = True

        status = pyfile.status  #@NOTE: Remove in 0.4.10

        if not self.wantReconnect or self.account:
            if self.account:
                self.log_warning("Ignore reconnection due logged account")

            while pyfile.waitUntil > time.time():
                if pyfile.abort:


            while pyfile.waitUntil > time.time():
                if pyfile.abort:

                if self.thread.m.reconnecting.isSet():
                    self.waiting = False
                    self.wantReconnect = False
                    raise Reconnect


        self.waiting = False
        pyfile.status = status  #@NOTE: Remove in 0.4.10

    def skip(self, reason=""):
        Skip and give reason
        raise Skip(encode(reason))  #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10

    def abort(self, reason=""):
        Abort and give reason
        #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
        if reason:
            self.pyfile.error = encode(reason)

        raise Abort

    def offline(self, reason=""):
        Fail and indicate file is offline
        #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
        if reason:
            self.pyfile.error = encode(reason)

        raise Fail("offline")

    def temp_offline(self, reason=""):
        Fail and indicates file ist temporary offline, the core may take consequences
        #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
        if reason:
            self.pyfile.error = encode(reason)

        raise Fail("temp. offline")

    def retry(self, max_tries=5, wait_time=1, reason=""):
        Retries and begin again from the beginning

        :param max_tries: number of maximum retries
        :param wait_time: time to wait in seconds
        :param reason: reason for retrying, will be passed to fail if max_tries reached
        id = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
        if id not in self.retries:
            self.retries[id] = 0

        if 0 < max_tries <= self.retries[id]:
            self.fail(reason or _("Max retries reached"))

        self.wait(wait_time, False)

        self.retries[id] += 1
        raise Retry(encode(reason))  #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10

    def restart(self, reason=None, nopremium=False):
        if not reason:
            reason = _("Fallback to free download") if nopremium else _("Restart")

        if nopremium:
            if self.premium:
                self.retry_free = True
                self.fail(reason, _("Download was already free"))

        raise Retry(encode(reason))  #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10

    def fixurl(self, url):
        url = _fixurl(url)

        if not urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme:
            url_p = urlparse.urlparse(self.pyfile.url)
            baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc)
            url = urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, url)

        return url

    def download(self, url, get={}, post={}, ref=True, cookies=True, disposition=True):
        Downloads the content at url to download folder

        :param url:
        :param get:
        :param post:
        :param ref:
        :param cookies:
        :param disposition: if True and server provides content-disposition header\
        the filename will be changed if needed
        :return: The location where the file was saved
        if self.pyfile.abort:

        url = self.fixurl(url)

        if not url or not isinstance(url, basestring):
            self.fail(_("No url given"))

        if self.pyload.debug:
            self.log_debug("DOWNLOAD URL " + url,
                           *["%s=%s" % (key, val) for key, val in locals().items() if key not in ("self", "url")])

        name = _fixurl(self.pyfile.name)
        self.pyfile.name = urlparse.urlparse(name).path.split('/')[-1] or name



        download_folder   = self.pyload.config.get("general", "download_folder")
        download_location = fs_join(download_folder, self.pyfile.package().folder)

        if not exists(download_location):
            except Exception, e:


        location = fs_decode(download_location)
        filename = os.path.join(location, safe_filename(self.pyfile.name))  #@TODO: Move `safe_filename` check to HTTPDownload in 0.4.10

        self.pyload.hookManager.dispatchEvent("download_start", self.pyfile, url, filename)

        if self.pyfile.abort:

            newname = self.req.httpDownload(url, filename, get=get, post=post, ref=ref, cookies=cookies,
                                            chunks=self.get_chunk_count(), resume=self.resume_download,
                                            progressNotify=self.pyfile.setProgress, disposition=disposition)
            self.pyfile.size = self.req.size

        #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
        if disposition and newname:
            finalname = urlparse.urlparse(newname).path.split('/')[-1].split(' filename*=')[0]

            if finalname != newname != self.pyfile.name:
                    os.rename(fs_join(location, newname), fs_join(location, finalname))

                except OSError, e:
                    self.log_warning(_("Error renaming `%s` to `%s`") % (newname, finalname), e)
                    finalname = newname

                self.log_info(_("`%s` saved as `%s`") % (self.pyfile.name, finalname))
                self.pyfile.name = finalname
                filename = os.path.join(location, finalname)
class RelinkUs(Crypter):
    __name__    = "RelinkUs"
    __type__    = "crypter"
    __version__ = "3.20"
    __status__  = "testing"

    __pattern__ = r'http://(?:www\.)?relink\.(?:us|to)/(f/|((view|go)\.php\?id=))(?P<ID>.+)'
    __config__  = [("activated"         , "bool"          , "Activated"                       , True     ),
                   ("use_premium"       , "bool"          , "Use premium account if available", True     ),
                   ("folder_per_package", "Default;Yes;No", "Create folder for each package"  , "Default")]

    __description__ = """Relink.us decrypter plugin"""
    __license__     = "GPLv3"
    __authors__     = [("fragonib", "fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es"),
                       ("AndroKev", "*****@*****.**")]

    URL_REPLACEMENTS = [(__pattern__ + '.*', r'http://relink.to/f/\g<ID>')]

    PREFERRED_LINK_SOURCES = ["cnl2", "dlc", "web"]

    OFFLINE_TOKEN = r'<title>Tattooside'

    PASSWORD_TOKEN = r'container_password.php'
    PASSWORD_ERROR_ROKEN = r'You have entered an incorrect password'
    PASSWORD_SUBMIT_URL  = r'http://relink.to/container_password.php'

    CAPTCHA_TOKEN          = r'container_captcha.php'
    CIRCLE_CAPTCHA_PATTERN = r'id="captcha_id" value="(\w+?)"'
    CAPTCHA_ERROR_ROKEN    = r'You have solved the captcha wrong'
    CIRCLE_CAPTCHA_IMG_URL = r'http://relink.to/core/captcha/circlecaptcha.php'
    CAPTCHA_SUBMIT_URL     = r'http://relink.to/container_captcha.php'

    FILE_TITLE_PATTERN = r'<th>Title</th><td>(.*)</td></tr>'
    FILE_NOTITLE       = r'No title'

    CNL2_FORM_PATTERN      = r'<form id="cnl_form-(.*?)</form>'
    CNL2_FORMINPUT_PATTERN = r'<input.*?name="%s".*?value="(.*?)"'
    CNL2_JK_KEY            = "jk"
    CNL2_CRYPTED_KEY       = "crypted"

    DLC_LINK_PATTERN = r'<a href=".*?" class="dlc_button" target="_blank">'
    DLC_DOWNLOAD_URL = r'http://relink.to/download.php'

    WEB_FORWARD_PATTERN = r'getFile\(\'(.+)\'\)'
    WEB_FORWARD_URL     = r'http://relink.to/frame.php'
    WEB_LINK_PATTERN    = r'<iframe name="Container" height="100%" frameborder="no" width="100%" src="(.+)"></iframe>'

    def setup(self):
        self.file_id = None
        self.package = None
        self.captcha = Captcha(self.pyfile)

    def decrypt(self, pyfile):
        #: Init

        #: Request package

        #: Check for online
        if not self.is_online():

        #: Check for protection
        if self.is_password_protected():

        if self.is_captcha_protected():

        #: Get package name and folder
        pack_name, folder_name = self.get_package_info()

        #: Extract package links
        pack_links = []
        for sources in self.PREFERRED_LINK_SOURCES:
            if pack_links:  #: Use only first source which provides links
        pack_links = set(pack_links)

        #: Pack
        if pack_links:
            self.packages = [(pack_name, pack_links, folder_name)]

    def init_package(self, pyfile):
        pyfile.url = replace_patterns(pyfile.url, self.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
        self.file_id = re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url).group('ID')
        self.package = pyfile.package()

    def request_package(self):
        self.data = self.load(self.pyfile.url)

    def is_online(self):
        if self.OFFLINE_TOKEN in self.data:
            self.log_debug("File not found")
            return False
        return True

    def is_password_protected(self):
        if self.PASSWORD_TOKEN in self.data:
            self.log_debug("Links are password protected")
            return True

    def is_captcha_protected(self):
        if self.CAPTCHA_TOKEN in self.data:
            self.log_debug("Links are captcha protected")
            return True
        return False

    def unlock_password_protection(self):
        password = self.get_password()

        self.log_debug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)

        if password:
            passwd_url = self.PASSWORD_SUBMIT_URL + "?id=%s" % self.file_id
            passwd_data = {'id': self.file_id, 'password': password, 'pw': 'submit'}
            self.data = self.load(passwd_url, post=passwd_data)

    def unlock_captcha_protection(self):
        m = re.search(self.CIRCLE_CAPTCHA_PATTERN, self.data)
        if m:
            self.log_debug("Request circle captcha resolving")
            captcha_id = m.group(1)

            coords = self.captcha.decrypt(self.CIRCLE_CAPTCHA_IMG_URL, get={'id': captcha_id}, input_type="png", output_type='positional')  # , ocr="CircleCaptcha")
            self.log_debug("Captcha resolved, coords (%s,%s)" % (coords[0], coords[1]))

            post_data = {'button.x'    : coords[0],
                         'button.y'    : coords[1],
                         'captcha_id'  : captcha_id,
                         'captcha_type': "RelinkCircle",
                         'captcha'     : "submit"}

            solvemedia = SolveMedia(self.pyfile)
            captcha_key = solvemedia.detect_key()
            if captcha_key:
                self.log_debug(_("Request SolveMedia captcha resolving"))
                response, challenge = solvemedia.challenge()

                post_data = {'adcopy_response' : response,
                             'adcopy_challenge': challenge,
                             'captcha_type'    : "Solvemedia",
                             'submit'          : "Continue",
                             'captcha'         : "submit"}

                self.log_error(_("Unknown captcha type detected"))
                self.fail(_("Unknown captcha type"))

        self.data = self.load(self.CAPTCHA_SUBMIT_URL,
                              ref=False,# ref=self.CAPTCHA_SUBMIT_URL + "&id=" + self.file_id,
                              get={'id': self.file_id},

    def get_package_info(self):
        name = folder = None

        #: Try to get info from web
        # self.data = self.load(self.pyfile.url)
        m = re.search(self.FILE_TITLE_PATTERN, self.data)
        if m is not None:
            title = m.group(1).strip()
            if not self.FILE_NOTITLE in title:
                name = folder = title
                self.log_debug(_("Found name [%s] and folder [%s] in package info") % (name, folder))

        #: Fallback to defaults
        if not name or not folder:
            name = self.package.name
            folder = self.package.folder
            self.log_debug(_("Package info not found, defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s]") % (name, folder))

        #: Return package info
        return name, folder

    def handle_errors(self):
        if self.PASSWORD_ERROR_ROKEN in self.data:
            self.fail(_("Wrong password"))

        if self.captcha.task:
            if self.CAPTCHA_ERROR_ROKEN in self.data:

    def handle_link_source(self, source):
        if source == "cnl2":
            return self.handle_CNL2Links()
        elif source == "dlc":
            return self.handle_DLC_links()
        elif source == "web":
            return self.handle_WEB_links()
            self.error(_('Unknown source type "%s"') % source)

    def handle_CNL2Links(self):
        self.log_debug(_("Search for CNL2 links"))
        pack_links = []
        m = re.search(self.CNL2_FORM_PATTERN, self.data, re.S)
        if m is not None:
            cnl2_form = m.group(1)
                (vcrypted, vjk) = self._get_cipher_params(cnl2_form)
                for (crypted, jk) in zip(vcrypted, vjk):
                    pack_links.extend(self._get_links(crypted, jk))

            except Exception:
                self.log_debug(_("Unable to decrypt CNL2 links", trace=True))

        return pack_links

    def handle_DLC_links(self):
        self.log_debug(_("Search for DLC links"))
        pack_links = []
        m = re.search(self.DLC_LINK_PATTERN, self.data)
        if m is not None:
            container_url = self.DLC_DOWNLOAD_URL + "?id=%s&dlc=1" % self.file_id
            self.log_debug(_("Downloading DLC container link [%s]") % container_url)
                dlc = self.load(container_url)
                dlc_filename = self.file_id + ".dlc"
                dlc_filepath = fsjoin(self.pyload.config.get('general', 'download_folder'), dlc_filename)
                with open(dlc_filepath, "wb") as f:

            except Exception:
                self.fail(_("Unable to download DLC container"))

        return pack_links

    def handle_WEB_links(self):
        self.log_debug(_("Search for WEB links"))

        pack_links = []
        params        = re.findall(self.WEB_FORWARD_PATTERN, self.data)

        self.log_debug(_("Decrypting %d Web links") % len(params))

        for index, param in enumerate(params):
                url = self.WEB_FORWARD_URL + "?%s" % param

                self.log_debug(_("Decrypting Web link %d, %s") % (index + 1, url))

                res  = self.load(url)
                link = re.search(self.WEB_LINK_PATTERN, res).group(1)


            except Exception, detail:
                self.log_debug(_("Error decrypting Web link %s, %s") % (index, detail))


        return pack_links