def load(self, filename=''): if not filename: filename = self.get_default_inifile() if os.path.exists(filename): try: obj2ini.load(filename, obj=self, encoding='utf-8') except: try: obj2ini.load(filename, obj=self) except: error.traceback()
def load(self, filename=''): if not filename: filename = self.get_defulat_inifile() if os.path.exists(filename): try: obj2ini.load(filename, obj=self, encoding='utf-8') except: try: obj2ini.load(filename, obj=self) except: error.traceback()
def OnFileSessionOpen(win, event=None, filename=None): if not filename: dlg = wx.FileDialog(win, tr("Choose A Session File"), win.pref.last_session_dir, "", 'UliPad Session File (*.ses)|*.ses', wx.OPEN|wx.HIDE_READONLY) filename = None if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() if filename: try: get_recent_session_file(win, filename) d = obj2ini.load(filename) sessions, last_file = d['sessions'], d['last_file'] win.pref.sessions.extend(sessions) for v in sessions:[0], delay=True) for document in win.editctrl.getDocuments(): if document.documenttype == 'texteditor' and document.filename == last_file: wx.CallAfter(win.editctrl.switch, document, delay=False) except: error.traceback() common.warn(tr('There was something wrong with loading the session file.'))