 def test_create_combination_list_2(self):
     calculator = Calculator()
     _input = ["apple", "orange", "grape", "banana"]
     _output = [["apple", "orange", "grape"], ["apple", "grape", "banana"],
                ["orange", "grape", "banana"]]
     self.assertListEqual(calculator.create_combination_list(_input, 3),
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.badWordCount = 0  # 나쁜 말 카운트
        self.firstBadWordTimestamp = 0  # 나쁜 말 감지기가 최초 활성화된 시점
        self.bot = bot

        self.randomBasedFeatures = RandomBasedFeatures()
        self.webManager = WebManager()
        self.calculator = Calculator()
class TestCalculator(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.calculator = Calculator()

    def test_add(self):
        self.assertEqual(15, self.calculator.add(10, 5))

    def test_subtract(self):
        self.assertEqual(5, self.calculator.subtract(10, 5))

    def test_multiply(self):
        self.assertEqual(50, self.calculator.multiply(10, 5))

    def test_divide(self):
        self.assertEqual(2, self.calculator.divide(10, 5))
def main():
    """ Starts our main method """
    calculator = Calculator()

    while True:
        count = 1
        cont = ""
        value1 = None
        value2 = None

        operand = input("Your option from the menu (1 - 10): ")

        if operand in valid_choice and operand not in valid_choice[6:]:
            value1 = number_validator(operand, count)
            count += 1
            value2 = number_validator(operand, count)
        elif operand in valid_choice and operand == "7":
            value1 = number_validator(operand, count)
        elif operand in valid_choice and operand == "8":
            value1 = number_validator(operand, count)
        elif operand in valid_choice and operand == "9":
            value1 = number_validator(operand, count)
        elif operand in valid_choice and operand == "10":
            print("I am here")
            value1 = number_validator(operand, count)
        elif operand in valid_choice and operand == "11":
            value1 = number_validator(operand, count)
            print("\n=================== ERROR =========================")
            print(f"You chose {operand}. This is NOT a valid option.")

        # Perform our operation
        calculator.perform_operation(operand, value1, value2)

        # Ask if user wants to continue
        while True:
            if cont.upper() != "Y" and cont.upper() != "N":
                cont = input("Do you want to perform another calculation (Y/N): ")

        # Check if program should exit.
        if cont.upper() == "N":
            print("Exiting program...")
TABLE_NAMES = ["activity", "sleep", "readiness"]

ab_normal_column = [

skip_column = ["met_min_medium_plus", "bedtime_start", "bedtime_end"]

db_api = DBapi()
grapher = Grapher()
caluculator = Calculator()

def convert_abnormal_column_list(lists):
    result = []
    for _list in lists:
        if "," in _list:
            result.append([float(word) for word in _list.split(",")])
            result.append([float(word) for word in _list])
    return result

def cast_list_float(_list):
    return [float(value) for value in _list]
 def test_create_average_list(self):
     calculator = Calculator()
     _input = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
     _output = [2.0, 5.0]
     self.assertListEqual(calculator.create_average_list(_input), _output)
 def test_create_sum_list(self):
     calculator = Calculator()
     _input = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
     _output = [15, 15]
     self.assertListEqual(calculator.create_sum_list(_input), _output)
 def test_m_moving_average_even(self):
     calculator = Calculator()
     _input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
     _output = [3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]
     self.assertListEqual(calculator.m_moving_average(_input, 4), _output)
 def setUp(self):
     self.calculator = Calculator()
class BotFeaturesHub:
    # init
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.badWordCount = 0  # 나쁜 말 카운트
        self.firstBadWordTimestamp = 0  # 나쁜 말 감지기가 최초 활성화된 시점
        self.bot = bot

        self.randomBasedFeatures = RandomBasedFeatures()
        self.webManager = WebManager()
        self.calculator = Calculator()

    # Get current river temperature 현재 강물 온도 정보 획득
    def get_temp(self, user_id):
        site = ''
        alias = ''

            for user in users.user:
                if user[0] == str(user_id):
                    site = user[2]
                    alias = user[3]
        except IndexError:

        result = self.webManager.provide_suon(site)
        result_if_error = self.webManager.provide_suon('구리')
        # Default : Hangang(Guri) 잘못된 값이 입력된 경우 기본값으로 한강 구리 측정소 정보를 반환
            if result == 'error':
                if result_if_error == 'error':
                    return '현재 한강 수온 정보를 가져올 수 없습니다.'
                    return '현재 한강 수온은 ' + self.webManager.provide_suon('구리') + '도입니다.'
                return '현재 ' + alias + ' 수온은 ' + self.webManager.provide_suon(site) + '도입니다.'
        except AttributeError:
            if result == 'error':
                if result_if_error == 'error':
                    return '현재 한강 수온 정보를 가져올 수 없습니다.'
                    return '현재 한강 수온은 ' + self.webManager.provide_suon('구리') + '도입니다.'

    # Bad word detector 나쁜말 감지기
    def bad_word_detector(self, message, word_type):
        if not self.firstBadWordTimestamp:
            self.firstBadWordTimestamp = time.time()
        self.badWordCount += 1

        if ((time.time() - self.firstBadWordTimestamp) <= config.DETECTOR_TIMEOUT) \
                and self.badWordCount >= config.DETECTOR_COUNT:
            if word_type == 'f_word':
                self.bot.send_message(message.chat.id, random.choice(strings.stopFWord))
            elif word_type == 'anitiation':
                self.bot.send_message(message.chat.id, random.choice(strings.stopAnitiation))
        elif ((time.time() - self.firstBadWordTimestamp) >= config.DETECTOR_TIMEOUT) \
                and self.badWordCount <= config.DETECTOR_COUNT:
            self.firstBadWordTimestamp = 0
            self.badWordCount = 0

    # D-day
    def d_day(self, message):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()  # today
        today = datetime.date(now.year,

        split = message.text.split()
        split = [item for item in split if '/dday' not in item]
        split = list(map(int, split))  # String to calculable integer values

            dest = datetime.date(split[0], split[1], split[2])  # date that user entered

            result = (dest - today).days

            if result == 0:
                self.bot.reply_to(message, strings.dayDestMsg)
            elif result > 0:
                self.bot.reply_to(message, str(result) + strings.dayLeftMsg)
            elif result < 0:
                self.bot.reply_to(message, str(-1 * result) + strings.dayPassedMsg)

        except (ValueError and IndexError):  # wrong input
            self.bot.reply_to(message, strings.dayOutOfRangeMsg)

    # Geolocation information 위치 기반 정보 제공
    def geolocation_info(self, message, latitude, longitude):

        # location info
        map_args = {'x': longitude, 'y': latitude}
        map_url = MAP_BASE_URL + urllib.parse.urlencode(map_args)
        map_headers = {"Authorization": 'KakaoAK ' + config.KAKAO_TOKEN}
        map_request = requests.get(map_url, headers=map_headers)

        # weather info (by OpenWeatherMap)
        weather_args = {'lang': 'kr', 'appid': config.WEATHER_TOKEN, 'lat': latitude, 'lon': longitude}
        weather_url = WEATHER_BASE_URL + urllib.parse.urlencode(weather_args)
        weather_request = requests.get(weather_url)
        weather_json = json.loads(weather_request.text)

        # temporarily store weather info
        weather = weather_json['weather'][0]['description']
        temp = str(round(weather_json['main']['temp'] - 273.15)) + '°C'
        feels_temp = str(round(weather_json['main']['feels_like'] - 273.15)) + '°C'
        humidity = str(round(weather_json['main']['humidity'])) + '%'

        # makes script and sends message
        weather_result = '날씨 ' + weather + ', ' + '기온 ' + temp + ', ' + \
                         '체감온도 ' + feels_temp + ', ' + '습도 ' + humidity

        map_location = json.loads(map_request.text)['documents'][0]['address']['address_name']
        geo_location = "위도 : " + str(latitude) + ", 경도 : " + str(longitude)

        result = geo_location + '\n' + map_location + '\n\n' + weather_result

        self.bot.reply_to(message, result)

    # Calculator 계산기
    def calculator_handler(self, message):
        # cut command string
        command = message.text.split()[0]

        if len(message.text.split()) >= 2:
            actual_text = message.text[len(command):]

            # calculate
            result = self.calculator.operation(actual_text)

            # error handling
            if result == 'syntax error':
                self.bot.reply_to(message, strings.calcSyntaxErrorMsg)
            elif result == 'division by zero error':
                self.bot.reply_to(message, strings.calcDivisionByZeroErrorMsg)
                self.bot.reply_to(message, result)

    # Handling ordinary message 일반 메시지 처리
    def ordinary_message(self, message):
        # print(message)

        # Bad word detector 나쁜말 감지기
        for n in range(len(strings.koreanFWord)):
            if strings.koreanFWord[n] in message.text:
                self.bad_word_detector(message, 'f_word')

        # 아니시에이션 감지기
        for n in range(len(strings.anitiationWord)):
            if strings.anitiationWord[n] in message.text:
                self.bad_word_detector(message, 'anitiation')

        # location-based message if user sent message that includes '수온' or '자살'
        if ('수온' in message.text) or ('자살' in message.text):
            self.bot.reply_to(message, self.get_temp(message.from_user.id))

        # randomly select magic conch message if user sent message that includes '마법의 소라고둥/동'
        if ('마법의 소라고둥' in message.text) or ('마법의 소라고동' in message.text):
            self.bot.reply_to(message, self.randomBasedFeatures.magic_conch())
def add(num1, num2):
    calculator = Calculator()
    return render_template('calculator.html',
                           result=calculator.add(num1, num2))
def subtract(num1, num2):
    calculator = Calculator()
    return render_template('calculator.html',
                           result=calculator.subtract(num1, num2))
def multiply(num1, num2):
    calculator = Calculator()
    return render_template('calculator.html',
                           result=calculator.multiply(num1, num2))
def devide(num1, num2):
    calculator = Calculator()
    return render_template('calculator.html',
                           result=calculator.divide(num1, num2))