    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "Import of the BackdoorFactory."
        self.description += " Supports PE and ELF file formats."
        self.description += " Author: Joshua Pitts @midnite_runr"
        self.language = "native"
        self.rating = "Normal"
        self.extension = ""
        self.type = ""
        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "ORIGINAL_EXE": [
                "PE or ELF executable to run through the Backdoor Factory"
            "PAYLOAD": [
                "PE or ELF: meter_tcp, rev_shell, custom | PE only meter_https"
            "LHOST": ["", "IP of the Metasploit handler"],
            "LPORT": ["4444", "Port of the Metasploit handler"],
            "PATCH_METHOD": [
                "Either Manual or Automatic. For use with payloads that have *_threaded in the name"
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = """AES Encrypted shellcode is decrypted upon HTTP request, injected into memory, and executed.
        [*] Usage: Deploy webserver with cloned website, activate html page hosting key at specified URL. After building payload
        with Veil bring down hosted page. after delivery of binary stand up stagging server and watch the shells come."""
        self.language = "python"
        self.extension = "py"
        self.rating = "Excellent"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "COMPILE_TO_EXE": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
            "USE_PYHERION": ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
            "INJECT_METHOD": ["Virtual", "Virtual, Void, Heap"],
            ["60", "Set the sleep time between HTTP Key request"],
            "TARGET_SERVER": [
                "Set target URI path of the decryption key"
            ["/root/Desktop/", "Set the output of HTML file name"],
            "USER_AGENT": ["Mozilla/4.0", "Set your custom useragent"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required
        self.description = "PowerShell VirtualAlloc method for inline shellcode injection"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.language = "powershell"
        self.extension = "bat"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
    def __init__(self):
        # required
        self.description = "PowerShell VirtualAlloc method for inline shellcode injection that makes a Metasploit psexec_command .rc script"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.language = "powershell"
        self.extension = "rc"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "C VirtualAlloc method for inline shellcode injection"
        self.language = "c"
        self.rating = "Poor"
        self.extension = "c"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
        # options we require user ineraction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {"compile_to_exe" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"]}
 def __init__(self):
     # required options
     self.shortname = "VirtualAlloc"
     self.language = "perl"
     self.extension = "pl"
     self.rating = "Excellent"
     self.description = "VirtualAlloc pattern for shellcode injection"
     # optional
     # options we require user ineraction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
     self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
 def __init__(self):
     # required
     self.language = "cs"
     self.extension = "cs"
     self.rating = "Normal"
     self.description = "C# method that base64/letter substitutes the shellcode to inject"
     self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
     # options we require user ineraction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
     self.required_options = {"compile_to_exe" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"]}
    def __init__(self):
        # required
        self.language = "Go"
        self.extension = "go"
        self.rating = "Normal"
        self.description = "Go VirtualAlloc method for inline shellcode injection"
        self.required_options = {
            "COMPILE_TO_EXE": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"]

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
	def __init__(self):
		# required options
		self.shortname = "VirtualAlloc"
		self.description = "Super basic allocation of memory through windows API, stashing shellcode in memory, and execution of the shellcode"
		self.language = "python"
		self.rating = "Normal"
		self.extension = "py"
		self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
		# options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
		self.required_options = {"compile_to_exe" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
						"use_pyherion" : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"]}
	def __init__(self):
		self.shortname = "DownloadVirtualAlloc"
		self.description = "Powershell method that downloads a secondary powershell command from a webserver"
		self.rating = "Excellent"
		self.language = "powershell"
		self.extension = "txt"
		self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
		# format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
		self.required_options = {"DownloadHost" : ["", "The host to download the secondary stage from"],
						"DownloadPort" : ["80", "The port on the host to download from"]}
		self.notes = ""
    def __init__(self):

        self.description = "Injects shellcode, then tunnels over ssh"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        self.required_options['SSH_IP'] = ["", "IP of your SSH server"]
        self.required_options['SSH_PORT'] = ["22", "Port of your SSH server"]
        self.required_options['SSH_USER'] = ["", "Username"]
        self.required_options['SSH_PASS'] = ["", "Password"]
        self.required_options['BIND_PORT'] = ["8021", "Meterpreter bind port"]
	def __init__(self):
		# required options
		self.shortname = "ARCEncrypted"
		self.description = "ARC4 Encrypted shellcode is decrypted at runtime with key in file, injected into memory, and executed"
		self.language = "python"
		self.rating = "Excellent"
		self.extension = "py"

		self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
		# options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
		self.required_options = {"compile_to_exe" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
						"use_pyherion" : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
						"inject_method" : ["virtual", "[virtual]alloc or [void]pointer"]}
    def __init__(self):
        self.description = "Powershell method that downloads a secondary powershell command from a webserver"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.language = "powershell"
        self.extension = "txt"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
        # format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
                                    "DOWNLOAD_HOST" : ["", "The host to download the secondary stage from"],
                                    "DOWNLOAD_PORT" : ["80", "The port on the host to download from"]
        self.notes = ""
	def __init__(self):
		# required options
		self.shortname = "VoidPointer"
		self.description = "Very basic void pointer reference, similar to C payload, but in python"
		self.language = "python"
		self.rating = "Normal"
		self.extension = "py"
		# optional
		self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
		# options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
		self.required_options = {"compile_to_exe" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
						"use_pyherion" : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"]}
    def __init__(self):
        # required
        self.language = "cs"
        self.extension = "cs"
        self.rating = "Poor"
        self.description = "C# VirtualAlloc method for inline shellcode injection"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
        # options we require user ineraction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
                                    "COMPILE_TO_EXE" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
                                    "USE_ARYA"       : ["N", "Use the Arya crypter"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "C Combination of all Injection Methods w/no Obfuscation"
        self.language = "c"
        self.rating = "Poor"
        self.extension = "c"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
        # options we require user ineraction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "COMPILE_TO_EXE": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
            "INJECT_METHOD": ["Virtual", "Void, Virtual, or Heap"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required
        self.language = "cs"
        self.extension = "cs"
        self.rating = "Normal"
        self.description = "C# method that base64/letter substitutes the shellcode to inject"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
        # options we require user ineraction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
                                    "COMPILE_TO_EXE" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
                                    "USE_ARYA"       : ["N", "Use the Arya crypter"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.shortname = "LetterSubVirtualAlloc"
        self.description = "A letter used in shellcode is replaced with a different letter. At runtime, the exe reverses the letter substitution and executes the shellcode"
        self.language = "python"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.extension = "py"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
        # options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "compile_to_exe": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
            "use_pyherion": ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"]
 def __init__(self):
     # required options
     self.description = "AES Encrypted shellcode is decrypted at runtime with key in file, injected into memory, and executed"
     self.language = "python"
     self.extension = "py"
     self.rating = "Excellent"
     self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
     # options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
     self.required_options = {"compile_to_exe" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
                              "use_pyherion" : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
                              "inject_method" : ["Virtual", "Virtual, Void, Heap"],
                              "expire_payload" : ["X", "Optional: Payloads expire after \"X\" days"]}
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "VirtualAlloc pattern for shellcode injection"
        self.language = "ruby"
        self.extension = "rb"
        self.rating = "Normal"

        # optional
        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user ineraction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "compile_to_exe": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.shortname = "b64VirtualAlloc"
        self.description = "Base64 encoded shellcode is decoded at runtime and executed in memory"
        self.language = "python"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.extension = "py"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
        # options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "compile_to_exe": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
            "use_pyherion": ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.shortname = "FlatInjection"
        self.description = "No obfuscation, basic injection of shellcode through virtualalloc or void pointer reference."
        self.language = "python"
        self.rating = "Normal"
        self.extension = "py"
        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "compile_to_exe": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
            "use_pyherion": ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
            "inject_method": ["virtual", "[virtual]alloc or [void]pointer"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "Base64 decode for shellcode injection"
        self.language = "ruby"
        self.extension = "rb"
        self.rating = "Normal"

        # optional
        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user ineraction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "COMPILE_TO_EXE": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
            "INJECT_METHOD": ["Virtual", "Virtual, or Heap"]
文件: template.py 项目: snitram/Veil
	def __init__(self):
		# required options
		self.shortname = "VirtualAllocLolz"
		self.description = "description"
		self.language = "python/cs/powershell/whatever"
		self.rating = "Poor/Normal/Good/Excellent"
		self.extension = "py/cs/c/etc."
		self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()
		# options we require user ineraction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
		# the code logic will parse any of these out and require the user to input a value for them
		self.required_options = {
						"compile_to_exe" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
						"use_pyherion" : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"]}
		self.notes = "...additional notes to user..."
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "No obfuscation, basic injection of shellcode through virtualalloc or void pointer reference."
        self.language = "python"
        self.rating = "Normal"
        self.extension = "py"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
                                    "COMPILE_TO_EXE" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
                                    "USE_PYHERION"   : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
                                    "INJECT_METHOD"  : ["Virtual", "Virtual, Void, or Heap"],
                                    "EXPIRE_PAYLOAD" : ["X", "Optional: Payloads expire after \"Y\" days (\"X\" disables feature)"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "A letter used in shellcode is replaced with a different letter. At runtime, the exe reverses the letter substitution and executes the shellcode"
        self.language = "python"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.extension = "py"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
                                    "COMPILE_TO_EXE" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
                                    "USE_PYHERION"   : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
                                    "INJECT_METHOD"  : ["Virtual", "Virtual, Heap, or Void"],
                                    "EXPIRE_PAYLOAD" : ["X", "Optional: Payloads expire after \"Y\" days (\"X\" disables feature)"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "DES Encrypted shellcode is decrypted at runtime with key in file, injected into memory, and executed"
        self.language = "python"
        self.extension = "py"
        self.rating = "Excellent"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
                                    "COMPILE_TO_EXE" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
                                    "USE_PYHERION"   : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
                                    "INJECT_METHOD"  : ["Virtual", "Virtual, Void, Heap"],
                                    "EXPIRE_PAYLOAD" : ["X", "Optional: Payloads expire after \"Y\" days (\"X\" disables feature)"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "Payload which injects and executes shellcode into the memory of a process you specify."
        self.language = "python"
        self.rating = "Normal"
        self.extension = "py"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
                                    "COMPILE_TO_EXE" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
                                    "USE_PYHERION"   : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
                                    "PID_NUMBER"     : ["1234", "PID # to inject"],
                                    "EXPIRE_PAYLOAD" : ["X", "Optional: Payloads expire after \"Y\" days (\"X\" disables feature)"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "No obfuscation, basic injection of shellcode through virtualalloc or void pointer reference."
        self.language = "python"
        self.rating = "Normal"
        self.extension = "py"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "compile_to_exe": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
            "use_pyherion": ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
            "inject_method": ["Virtual", "Virtual, Void, or Heap"],
            ["X", "Optional: Payloads expire after \"X\" days"]
    def __init__(self):
        # required options
        self.description = "A letter used in shellcode is replaced with a different letter. At runtime, the exe reverses the letter substitution and executes the shellcode"
        self.language = "python"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.extension = "py"

        self.shellcode = shellcode.Shellcode()

        # options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "compile_to_exe": ["Y", "Compile to an executable"],
            "use_pyherion": ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"],
            "inject_method": ["Virtual", "Virtual, Heap, or Void"],
            ["X", "Optional: Payloads expire after \"X\" days"]