def enrich_exif_with_shanon_entropy(): ''' The information returned from the exiftool and psinfo contains a lot of information about the extracted files. To have a more complete view of the extracted files we can also add entropy information @param: the data dictionary from exiftool ''' print_header("Calculating entropy of dumped files. This may take a while") get_a_cofee() rdb = dbops.DBOps("results.db") rdb.patch_table('exiftool', 'sentropy', 'REAL') rows = rdb.get_all_rows('exiftool') for rs in rows: try: sn = str(calculate_shanon_entropy_file(rs['SourceFile'])) table_name = "exiftool" column_name = "sentropy" value = sn key_name = "SourceFile" _key = rs[key_name] rdb.update_value(table_name, column_name, value, key_name, _key) except Exception as e: pass
def init_db(self, db_name): ''' Set the DB name to be used from now on @db_name (str): the db name ''' self.db_name = db_name self.rdb = dbops.DBOps(db_name)
def calculate_md5(): print_header("Calculating MD5 of dumped files. This may take a while") rdb = dbops.DBOps("results.db") rdb.patch_table('exiftool', 'md5', 'text') rows = rdb.get_all_rows('exiftool') for rs in rows: try: md5 = md5sum(rs['SourceFile']) table_name = "exiftool" column_name = "md5" value = str(md5) key_name = "SourceFile" _key = rs[key_name] rdb.update_value(table_name, column_name, value, key_name, _key) except Exception as e: err(e)
def enrich_pslist(project, plist): rdb = dbops.DBOps(project.db_name) query = "select FileName,CompanyName,OriginalFileName," \ "FileDescription,FileSize,LegalCopyright,FileDescription,md5," \ "InternalName,sentropy from exiftool" jdata = rdb.sqlite_query_to_json(query) for entry in jdata: new_entry = {} pid = entry['FileName'].split(".")[1] entry['pid'] = pid for e in plist: if str(pid) == str(e['pid']): entry['process_name'] = e['name'] entry['sn_level'] = check_entropy_level(entry['sentropy']) return jdata
def vol_netscan(_project): global result print_header("Gathering network information") ###Testing area ###Testing area debug("Checking compatible plugins") _profile = _project.get_volatility_profile() debug("Profile detected: %s" % _profile) if _profile == "": result['status'] = False result['message'] = "Empty profile!" return result ##todo:add connscan if _profile.startswith('WinXP') or _profile.startswith('Win2003'): volatility_plugin = "sockscan" _net_table = "SockScan" debug("Running sockscan") else: volatility_plugin = "netscan" _net_table = "Netscan" debug("Running netscan") rdb = dbops.DBOps(_project.db_name) if not rdb.table_exists(_net_table): debug("Table for %s not found running now" % volatility_plugin) rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin(plugin_type="default", plugin_name=volatility_plugin, output="db", result=result, project=_project, shell=False, dump=False, plugin_parms=None) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed") else: err(result['message']) ##Run Connscan also if _profile.startswith('WinXP') or _profile.startswith('Win2003'): volatility_plugin = "connscan" _net_table = "ConnScan" if not rdb.table_exists(_net_table): debug("Table for %s not found running now" % volatility_plugin) rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin( plugin_type="default", plugin_name=volatility_plugin, output="db", result=result, project=_project, shell=False, dump=False, plugin_parms=None) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed") else: err(result['message']) ###TODO: This should be moved in pslist module or check for table print_header("Executing vol_pslist...") if not rdb.table_exists('PSList'): debug("Table for pslist not found running now") rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin(plugin_type="default", plugin_name="pslist", output="db", result=result, project=_project, shell=False, dump=False, plugin_parms=None) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed") else: err(result['message']) ##Draw graph normalize_network_info(_project) ###Get network interface information from memory (custom plugin) #ndispktscan experimental extended_network_info = [] for entry in result['cmd_results']['network']: flag, type = valid_ip(entry['destination'].split(":")[0]) entry['address_type'] = type entry['ip_address'] = entry['destination'].split(":")[0] extended_network_info.append(entry.copy()) result['cmd_results']['network'] = extended_network_info
def normalize_network_info(_project): print_header("Network data normalization") global result _table = "" net_info = [] plist = load_processes(_project) rdb = dbops.DBOps(_project.get_root() + "results.db") if rdb.table_exists('Netscan'): debug("Netscan table exists") _table = "Netscan" if rdb.table_exists('SockScan'): _table = "SockScan" debug("SockScan table exists") if _table != "": con = sqlite3.connect('results.db') con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * from ' + _table + '') rows = cur.fetchall() if _table == "SockScan": debug("Loading data from SockScan") for rs in rows: flag, type = valid_ip(rs[6]) #debug("%s [%s,%s]" %(rs[6], flag, type)) if flag: net_info.append((rs[2], rs[6])) ##check for connscan as well if rdb.table_exists('ConnScan'): debug("Loading data from ConnScan") _table = "ConnScan" cur.execute('select pid,remoteaddress from ' + _table + '') rows = cur.fetchall() for rs in rows: flag, type = valid_ip(rs[1].split(":")[0]) if flag: net_info.append((rs[0], rs[1])) if _table == "Netscan": for rs in rows: flag, type = valid_ip(rs[4].split(":")[0]) if flag: net_info.append((rs[6], rs[4])) result['cmd_results'] = {'network': []} cleaned = list(set(net_info)) rdict = {} for e in cleaned: for p in plist: if str(p) == str(e[0]): rdict[str(p)] = plist[p] f = [] #result['cmd_results']['network'].append(n.copy()) for entry in cleaned: if str(entry[0]) in rdict: n = { 'name': rdict[str(entry[0])]['process_name'], 'pid': entry[0], 'destination': entry[1] } f.append(n.copy()) result['cmd_results']['network'].append(n.copy()) else: n = { 'name': entry[0], 'pid': entry[0], 'destination': entry[1] } result['cmd_results']['network'].append(n.copy()) else: err("No network table found") result['cmd_results']['network'] = [] net_info_new = [] for conn in net_info: new_tuple = () if str(conn[0]) in rdict: new_tuple = (rdict[conn[0]]['process_name'], conn[1]) net_info_new.append(new_tuple) else: net_info_new.append(conn) generate_network_graph(net_info_new, _project)
pass if __name__ == "__main__": DB_NAME = "results.db" set_debug(True) import sqlite3 ##Call the actual command current_wd = sys.path[0] my_project = Project(current_wd) my_project.init_db(DB_NAME) rdb = dbops.DBOps(my_project.db_name) conn = sqlite3.connect(my_project.db_name) sql = 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table"' c = conn.cursor() c.row_factory = sqlite3.Row c.execute(sql) tables = c.fetchall() for table in tables: print(table[0]) results = rdb.sqlite_query_to_json("select * from SystemInfo") print(json.dumps(results, sort_keys=False, indent=4))
def analyse_scan_processes(_project): ## First we retrieve psxview all processes global result print_header("Gathering information from scan process") rdb = dbops.DBOps(_project.db_name) if not rdb.table_exists("PsXview"): rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin(plugin_type="contrib", plugin_name="psxview", output="db", result=result, project=_project, shell=False, dump=False, plugin_parms=None) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed") else: err(result['message']) if not rdb.table_exists("ApiHooks"): rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin(plugin_type="contrib", plugin_name="apihooks", output="db", result=result, project=_project, shell=False, dump=False, plugin_parms=None) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed") else: err(result['message']) if not rdb.table_exists("Malfind"): rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin(plugin_type="contrib", plugin_name="malfind", output="db", result=result, project=_project, shell=False, dump=False, plugin_parms=None) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed") else: err(result['message']) ##Three arrays psxview = [] apihooked = [] malfinded = [] process_risk = {} ## Analyse further the ones with PID=false psscan=True and ExitTime null #select * from psxview where pslist="False" and psscan="True" and exittime=""; if rdb.table_exists("PsXview"): jdata = {} #query = 'select * from psxview where pslist=\"False\"' \ # ' and psscan=\"True\" and not ExitTime ' query = "select * from psxview where psscan=\"True\"" jdata = rdb.sqlite_query_to_json(query) for entry in jdata: psxview.append(entry['PID']) process_risk[entry['PID']] = 1 else: err("No PSXView data") if rdb.table_exists("ApiHooks"): jdata = {} query = "select PID, Process, VictimModule, Function from ApiHooks" jdata = rdb.sqlite_query_to_json(query) for entry in jdata: apihooked.append(entry['PID']) if entry['PID'] in psxview: process_risk[entry['PID']] = 2 else: process_risk[entry['PID']] = 1 else: err("No ApiHooks data") if rdb.table_exists("Malfind"): jdata = {} query = "select Pid, Process from Malfind group by Pid" jdata = rdb.sqlite_query_to_json(query) for entry in jdata: malfinded.append(entry['Pid']) if entry['Pid'] in apihooked and entry['Pid'] in psxview: process_risk[entry['Pid']] = 3 if entry['Pid'] in apihooked and entry['Pid'] not in psxview: process_risk[entry['Pid']] = 2 if entry['Pid'] not in apihooked and entry['Pid'] in psxview: process_risk[entry['Pid']] = 2 else: err("No Malfind data") ##Then for every process from above check the following : #1. apihooks #2. malfind # more to come this is just a very simple approach (there will be false positives as well ##Finally we assign a risk score: # 10 to the ones from psscan # 10 to the ones from apihooks # 10 to the ones in malfind (next version we identify shellcode with ML ! :) debug("Process risk list:%s " % process_risk) return process_risk
def vol_pslist(project): global result ######TEST AREA ######TEST AREA print_header("Executing vol_pslist...") rdb = dbops.DBOps(project.db_name) if not rdb.table_exists("PSList"): rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin(plugin_type="default", plugin_name="pslist", output="db", result=result, project=project, shell=False, dump=False, plugin_parms=None) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed") else: err(result['message']) print("Gathering more process info...") if not rdb.table_exists("psinfo2"): rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin(plugin_type="contrib", plugin_name="psinfo2", output="stdout", result=result, project=project, shell=False, dump=False, plugin_parms=None) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed") else: err(result['message']) if result['status']: processinfo_data = [] for line in result['cmd_results'].split("\n"): try: psinfo_line = line.rstrip("\n").split("|") psinfo = {} psinfo['process'] = psinfo_line[0] psinfo['process_fullname'] = psinfo_line[1] psinfo['pid'] = psinfo_line[2] psinfo['ppid'] = psinfo_line[3] psinfo['imagepath'] = psinfo_line[4] psinfo['cmdline'] = psinfo_line[5].replace( " ", "/").split("//")[0].replace("\/\"", "|").replace("\"", "") if psinfo_line[2] == "4": psinfo['process_fullname'] = "system" processinfo_data.append(psinfo.copy()) except Exception, e: err(e) debug(line) _table_name = "psinfo2" rdb = dbops.DBOps(project.db_name) rdb.new_table( _table_name, { 'process': 'text', 'process_fullname': 'text', 'pid': 'integer', 'ppid': 'text', 'imagepath': 'text', 'cmdline': 'text' }) rdb.insert_into_table(_table_name, processinfo_data)
def analyse_scan_processes(_project): ## First we retrieve psxview all processes global result print_header("Gathering information from scan process") rdb = dbops.DBOps(_project.db_name) vp_psxview = { 'name': 'psxview', 'table': 'PsXview', 'output': 'db', 'type': 'default', 'shell': False, 'dump': False, 'parms': None } vp_apihooks = { 'name': 'apihooks', 'table': 'ApiHooks', 'output': 'db', 'type': 'default', 'shell': False, 'dump': False, 'parms': '-Q' } vp_malfind = { 'name': 'malfind', 'table': 'Malfind', 'output': 'db', 'type': 'default', 'shell': False, 'dump': False, 'parms': None } volatility_plugins = [vp_psxview, vp_apihooks, vp_malfind] for plugin in volatility_plugins: if not rdb.table_exists(plugin['table']): rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin( plugin_type=plugin['type'], plugin_name=plugin['name'], output=plugin['output'], result=result, project=_project, shell=plugin['shell'], dump=plugin['dump'], plugin_parms=plugin['parms']) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed %s" % plugin['name']) else: err(result['message']) psxview = list() apihooked = list() malfinded = list() process_risk = dict() ## Analyse further the ones with PID=false psscan=True and ExitTime null #select * from psxview where pslist="False" and psscan="True" and exittime=""; if rdb.table_exists("PsXview"): query = "SELECT * FROM psxview WHERE psscan=\"True\"" jdata = rdb.sqlite_query_to_json(query) for entry in jdata: psxview.append(entry['PID']) process_risk[entry['PID']] = 1 else: err("No PSXView data") if rdb.table_exists("ApiHooks"): query = "SELECT PID, Process, VictimModule, Function FROM ApiHooks" jdata = rdb.sqlite_query_to_json(query) for entry in jdata: apihooked.append(entry['PID']) if entry['PID'] in psxview: process_risk[entry['PID']] = 2 else: process_risk[entry['PID']] = 1 else: err("No ApiHooks data") if rdb.table_exists("Malfind"): query = "SELECT Pid, Process FROM Malfind GROUP BY Pid" jdata = rdb.sqlite_query_to_json(query) for entry in jdata: malfinded.append(entry['Pid']) if entry['Pid'] in apihooked and entry['Pid'] in psxview: process_risk[entry['Pid']] = 3 if entry['Pid'] in apihooked and entry['Pid'] not in psxview: process_risk[entry['Pid']] = 2 if entry['Pid'] not in apihooked and entry['Pid'] in psxview: process_risk[entry['Pid']] = 2 else: err("No Malfind data") ##Then for every process from above check the following : #1. apihooks #2. malfind # more to come this is just a very simple approach (there will # be false positives as well ##Finally we assign a silly risk score: # 10 to the ones from psscan # 10 to the ones from apihooks # 10 to the ones in malfind (next version we identify shellcode with ML! :) debug("Process risk list:%s " % process_risk) return process_risk
def analyse_processes(_project): ''' This module will check all running processes to verify that the correct parent process has spawned the running one. Some ideas like the rules format has been taken from DAMM - @ 504ENSICS Labs @param: param ''' print_header("Analysing processes") violations = list() violations_count = 0 violation_message = {'process': '', 'rule': '', 'details': ''} known_processes_XP = { 'system': { 'pid': 4, 'imagepath': '', 'user_account': 'Local System', 'parent': 'none', 'singleton': True, 'prio': '8' }, 'smss.exe': { 'imagepath': 'windows\System32\smss.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'], 'parent': 'system', 'singleton': True, 'session': '', 'prio': '11' }, 'lsass.exe': { 'imagepath': 'windows\system32\lsass.exe', 'user_account': 'Local System', 'parent': 'winlogon.exe', 'singleton': True, 'session': '0', 'prio': '9', 'childless': True, 'starts_at_boot': True, 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'winlogon.exe': { 'imagepath': 'windows\system32\winlogon.exe', 'user_account': 'Local System', 'session': '0', 'prio': '13' }, 'csrss.exe': { 'imagepath': 'windows\system32\csrss.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'], 'session': '0', 'prio': '13', 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'services.exe': { 'imagepath': 'windows\system32\services.exe', 'parent': 'winlogon.exe', 'session': '0', 'prio': '9', 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'svchost.exe': { 'imagepath': 'windows\System32\svchost.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM', 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE'], 'parent': 'services.exe', 'singleton': False, 'session': '0', 'prio': '8', 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'explorer.exe': { 'imagepath': 'windows\explorer.exe', 'prio': '8' }, } ###Notes: ###wininit.exe starts from an instance of smss.exe that exits so most likely the parent does not exist ##svchost is accessing the network to public addresses (eg. Windows updateS) with ppid/name services.exe known_processes_Vista = { 'system': { 'pid': 4, 'image_path': '', 'user_account': 'Local System', 'parent': 'none', 'singleton': True, 'prio': '8', 'Public Net access': True, 'Private Net access': True }, 'smss.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\System32\smss.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'], 'parent': 'system', 'singleton': True, 'session': '', 'prio': '11' }, 'wininit.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\System32\wininit.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'], 'parent': 'none', 'session': '0', 'children': False, 'prio': '13', 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'lsass.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\system32\lsass.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'], 'parent': 'wininit.exe', 'singleton': True, 'session': '0', 'prio': '9', 'childless': True, 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'winlogon.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\system32\winlogon.exe', 'user_account': 'Local System', 'session': '1', 'prio': '13' }, 'csrss.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\system32\csrss.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'], 'prio': '13', 'session': '1', 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'services.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\system32\services.exe', 'parent': 'wininit.exe', 'session': '0', 'prio': '9', 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'svchost.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\System32\svchost.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM', 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE'], 'parent': 'services.exe', 'singleton': False, 'session': '0', 'prio': '8', 'starts_at_boot': True, 'Public Net access': True, 'Private Net access': True }, 'lsm.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\System32\lsm.exe', 'user_account': ['NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'], 'parent': 'wininit.exe', 'session': '0', 'prio': '8', 'childless': True, 'starts_at_boot': True }, 'explorer.exe': { 'image_path': 'windows\explorer.exe', 'parent': 'none', 'session': '1', 'singleton': False, 'prio': '8' }, } ##First we need to construct relevant process information structure so #we can easily verify them ##for every process in our running list ##{pid:2,ppid:3,path:xxx} ## check by name ## example: ## get the element with name system from our list and check if each key matches the required value #process_fullname|process |pid|ppid|imagepath |Hnds|Sess|Thds #NoPEB |System |4 |0 |NoPEB |1003|-1 |65 ##TODO: here we need a more novel approach for the violation checks ## to minimise false positives . Not all information is available sometimes ##First put all processes from pslist with enriched info into an array target_process_list = list() rows = list() full_pslist_dict = dict() con = sqlite3.connect(_project.db_name) con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = con.cursor() rdb = dbops.DBOps(_project.db_name) if rdb.table_exists("psinfo2") and rdb.table_exists("PSList"): cur.execute( 'select psinfo2.process_fullname,psinfo2.process,,' 'psinfo2.ppid,' 'psinfo2.imagepath,pslist.hnds,pslist.sess,pslist.thds, ' '(SELECT ps2.process_fullname FROM psinfo2 ps2 ' 'WHERE = psinfo2.ppid) AS parentname' ' from psinfo2 inner join pslist on =') rows = cur.fetchall() for rs in rows: ps = dict() ps['pid'] = rs['pid'] ps['imagepath'] = str(rs['imagepath']).lower().lstrip("c:/\/") ps['imagepath'] = str(ps['imagepath']).lstrip('??/\/\c:/\/\/') ps['imagepath'] = str(ps['imagepath']).replace('systemroot', 'windows') if ps['imagepath'] == "nopeb": ps['imagepath'] = '' ps['ppid'] = rs['ppid'] ps['parent'] = str(rs['parentname']).lower() if rs['ppid'] == "4": ps['parent'] = "system" ps['name'] = rs['process'].lower() if rs['process'].lower() == "system": ps['fullname'] = str(rs['process']).lower() else: ps['fullname'] = rs['process_fullname'].lower() target_process_list.append(ps.copy()) full_pslist_dict[ps['name']] = ps.copy() if str(_project.get_volatility_profile()).startswith("WinXP") \ or str(_project.get_volatility_profile()).startswith("Win2003"): rule_list = known_processes_XP else: rule_list = known_processes_Vista for key in rule_list: for process in target_process_list: if['name'], key, re.IGNORECASE): for check in rule_list[key]: if check in process: ###NOt all have peb information if not str(process[check]).lower() == str( rule_list[key][check]).lower() and str( process[check]).lower() != "nopeb": print( "Violation detected on: [%s] " "Actual value: [%s] Expected value: [%s]" % (check, process[check], rule_list[key][check])) print(process) violations_count += 1 violation_message['id'] = violations_count violation_message['process'] = process violation_message['rule'] = check violation_message['details'] = ( "Violation detected on: [%s] " "Actual value: [%s] Expected value: [%s]" % (check, process[check], rule_list[key][check])) violations.append(violation_message.copy()) ##Check for singleton violations as DAMM call it processes = list() for process in target_process_list: processes.append(str(process['name']).lower()) counter = collections.Counter(processes) for key in rule_list: if key in processes and "singleton" in rule_list[key]: if int(counter[key]) > 1 and rule_list[key]['singleton']: print("Violation detected on: [singleton] condition " "from [%s] Actual value: [%s]" % (key, int(counter[key]))) violations_count += 1 violation_message['id'] = violations_count violation_message['process'] = full_pslist_dict[key] violation_message['rule'] = "[Singleton]" violation_message['details'] = ( "Violation detected on: " "[singleton] condition " "from [%s] Actual value: [%s]" % (key, int(counter[key]))) violations.append(violation_message.copy()) print(full_pslist_dict[key]) ####Lets try to detect similar wording in well known processes usual_suspects = [ 'smss.exe', 'wininit.exe', 'csrss.exe', 'svchost.exe', 'lsass.exe', 'lsm.exe', 'wmpnetwk.exe', 'wuauclt.exe' ] ##Injecting bad process names #target_process_list.append("scvhost.exe") for process in target_process_list: for suspect in usual_suspects: flag, score = score_jaro_distance(process, suspect) if flag: print("Possible culrpit process detected: [%s] " "resembles to: [%s] Score: [%s]" % (process, suspect, score)) violations_count += 1 violation_message['id'] = violations_count violation_message['process'] = process violation_message['rule'] = "[Culrpit]" violation_message['details'] = ("Possible culrpit process " "detected: [%s] resembles " "to: [%s] Score: [%s]" % (process, suspect, score)) violations.append(violation_message.copy()) return violations, target_process_list
def vol_pslist(_project): global result print_header("Executing vol_pslist...") rdb = dbops.DBOps(_project.db_name) vp_list = { 'name': 'pslist', 'table': 'PSList', 'output': 'db', 'type': 'default', 'shell': False, 'dump': False, 'parms': None } ##Note this is stdout so we need to store for later vp_psinfo_out = "" vp_psinfo = { 'name': 'psinfo2', 'table': 'psinfo2', 'output': 'stdout', 'type': 'contrib', 'shell': False, 'dump': False, 'parms': None } vp_verinfo = { 'name': 'verinfo', 'table': 'VerInfo', 'output': 'db', 'type': 'default', 'shell': False, 'dump': False, 'parms': None } vp_dumpprocesses = { 'name': 'procdump', 'table': 'ProcDump', 'output': 'db', 'type': 'default', 'shell': True, 'dump': True, 'parms': None } volatility_plugins = [vp_list, vp_psinfo, vp_verinfo, vp_dumpprocesses] for plugin in volatility_plugins: if not rdb.table_exists(plugin['table']): rc, result = execute_volatility_plugin( plugin_type=plugin['type'], plugin_name=plugin['name'], output=plugin['output'], result=result, project=_project, shell=plugin['shell'], dump=plugin['dump'], plugin_parms=plugin['parms']) if result['status']: debug("CMD completed %s" % plugin['name']) if plugin['name'] == "psinfo2": vp_psinfo_out = result['cmd_results'] else: err(result['message']) result['errors'].append(result['message']) if result['status']: processinfo_data = [] for line in vp_psinfo_out.split("\n"): try: psinfo_line = line.rstrip("\n").split("|") psinfo = dict() psinfo['process'] = psinfo_line[0] psinfo['process_fullname'] = psinfo_line[1] psinfo['pid'] = psinfo_line[2] psinfo['ppid'] = psinfo_line[3] psinfo['imagepath'] = psinfo_line[4] psinfo['cmdline'] = psinfo_line[5].replace( " ", "/").split("//")[0].replace("\/\"", "|").replace("\"", "") if psinfo_line[2] == "4": psinfo['process_fullname'] = "system" processinfo_data.append(psinfo.copy()) except Exception, e: err(e) result['errors'].append("Error: Executing extended psinfo %s" % e) debug(line) _table_name = "psinfo2" rdb = dbops.DBOps(_project.db_name) rdb.new_table( _table_name, { 'process': 'text', 'process_fullname': 'text', 'pid': 'integer', 'ppid': 'text', 'imagepath': 'text', 'cmdline': 'text' }) rdb.insert_into_table(_table_name, processinfo_data)