def commits(req_id, debugging): # GitHub API 사용 # API 사양은 참조 try: response = ( urllib.request.urlopen(url="").read().decode('utf-8') ) data = json.loads(response) except Exception as error: if debugging: print(error) log.err("[#%s] commits@modules/ Failed to Parse Commits" % req_id) return error # 마지막 커밋이 일어난 시간를 파싱함 # 시간은 UTC 기준, datetime에서 인식할 수 있게 하기 위해 Z를 떼고 9시간을 더해 한국 표준시로 변환 updated_at_datetime = (datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(data[0]["commit"]["committer"]["date"].replace("Z", "")) + datetime.timedelta(hours=9)) updated_at = "%s년 %s월 %s일 %s시 %s분" % ( updated_at_datetime.year, updated_at_datetime.month,, updated_at_datetime.hour, updated_at_datetime.minute ) # 최근 5개 커밋의 메시지 가져오기 messages = list(map(lambda loc: data[loc]["commit"]["message"], range(5))) # 리스트의 0번에 마지막 커밋 시간 삽입 messages.insert(0, updated_at)"[#%s] commits@modules/ Succeeded" % req_id) return messages
def manage_user(uid, user_grade, user_class, req_id, debugging):"[#%s] manage_user@modules/ Started Managing User Info" % req_id) try: with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as data_file: enc = hashlib.sha256() enc.update(uid.encode("utf-8")) enc_uid = enc.hexdigest() data = json.load(data_file) if debugging: print(data) if enc_uid in data: # 사용자 정보 있을 때 if data[enc_uid][0] == user_grade and data[enc_uid][1] == user_class: # 사용자 정보 똑같을 때"[#%s] manage_user@modules/ Same" % req_id) return "Same" else: # 사용자 정보 있고 같지도 않을 때 - 업데이트 (삭제 후 재생성) del data[enc_uid] if debugging: print("DEL USER")"[#%s] manage_user@modules/ Updated" % req_id) return_msg = "Updated" else: # 사용자 정보 없을 때 - 생성"[#%s] manage_user@modules/ Registered" % req_id) return_msg = "Registered" user_data = [int(user_grade), int(user_class)] data[enc_uid] = user_data with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as write_file: json.dump(data, write_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t")"[#%s] manage_user@modules/ Succeeded" % req_id) return return_msg except Exception: log.err("[#%s] manage_user@modules/ Failed" % req_id) return Exception
def put(self, msg): ''' 客户端的PUT命令,即服务器端获取数据 :param msg: :return: ''' m = hashlib.md5() USE_DICT = json.load(open(setting.PATH_USE, 'r')) # 配额检查 if msg["size"] + os.stat(self.path).st_size > USE_DICT[self.user_name]["user_size"]: self.request.send(b'400') # 用户配额不足"【{}】帐号:{} 用户配额不足".format(self.client_address[0], else: self.request.send(b'200') # 用户配额足 file_size = 0 with open(os.path.join(self.path, msg["filename"]), 'wb') as f: while file_size < msg["size"]: file = self.request.recv(1024) # 接收文件 f.write(file) m.update(file) file_size += len(file) md5sum = m.hexdigest() f_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self.path, msg["filename"])) if f_size == msg["size"]: # 校验是否下载完成 self.request.send('服务端接受完毕'.encode()) data = self.request.recv(1024).decode() if data == md5sum: self.request.send(b'200') else: self.request.send(b'400')"【{}】帐号:{} 接受{}文件完成".format(self.client_address[0],, msg["filename"]))
def meal(reqdata, req_id, debugging):"[#%s] meal@modules/ New Request" % req_id) try: sys_date = json.loads( json.loads(reqdata)["action"]["params"]["sys_date"])[ "date"] # 날짜 가져오기 except Exception: log.err("[#%s] meal@modules/ Error while Parsing Request" % req_id) return skill("오류가 발생했습니다.\n요청 ID: " + req_id) try: # 년월일 파싱 year = datetime.datetime.strptime(sys_date, "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple()[0] month = datetime.datetime.strptime(sys_date, "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple()[1] date = datetime.datetime.strptime(sys_date, "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple()[2] wday = datetime.datetime.strptime(sys_date, "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple()[6] except ValueError: # 파싱중 값오류 발생시 log.err("[#%s] meal@modules/ ValueError while Parsing Date" % req_id) return skill("오류가 발생했습니다.\n요청 ID: " + req_id) if debugging: print(sys_date) print(year) print(month) print(date) print(wday) return skill(meal_core(year, month, date, wday, req_id, debugging))
def f_tt(): global briefing_tt tt_grade = str() tt_class = str() try: uid = json.loads(reqdata)["userRequest"]["user"]["id"] user_data = user.get_user(uid, req_id, debugging) # 사용자 정보 불러오기 tt_grade = user_data[0] tt_class = user_data[1] except Exception: log.err( "[#%s] briefing@modules/ Failed to Fetch Timetable" % req_id) briefing_tt = "시간표 조회 중 오류가 발생했습니다." if tt_grade is not None or tt_class is not None: # 사용자 정보 있을 때 tt =, tt_class, date.year, date.month,, req_id, debugging) if tt == "등록된 데이터가 없습니다.": briefing_tt = "등록된 시간표가 없습니다." else: briefing_tt = "%s 시간표:\n%s" % (date_ko, tt.split('):\n\n')[1] ) # 헤더부분 제거 else:"[#%s] briefing@modules/ Non-Registered User" % req_id) briefing_tt = "등록된 사용자만 시간표를 볼 수 있습니다."
def tt(reqdata, req_id, debugging):"[#%s] tt@modules/ New Request" % req_id) try: tt_grade = json.loads(reqdata)["action"]["params"]["Grade"] # 학년 파싱 except Exception: log.err("[#%s] tt@modules/ Error while Parsing Grade" % req_id) return skill("오류가 발생했습니다.\n요청 ID: " + req_id) try: tt_class = json.loads(reqdata)["action"]["params"]["Class"] # 반 파싱 except Exception: log.err("[#%s] tt@modules/ Error while Parsing Class" % req_id) return skill("오류가 발생했습니다.\n요청 ID: " + req_id) try: sys_date = json.loads( json.loads(reqdata)["action"]["params"]["sys_date"])[ "date"] # 날짜 파싱 except Exception: log.err("[#%s] tt@modules/ Error while Parsing Date" % req_id) return skill("오류가 발생했습니다.\n요청 ID: " + req_id) try: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(sys_date, "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: # 값오류 발생시 log.err("[#%s] tt@modules/ ValueError while Parsing Date" % req_id) return skill("오류가 발생했습니다.\n요청 ID: " + req_id) if debugging: print(tt_grade) print(tt_class) msg =, tt_class, date.year, date.month,, req_id, debugging) return skill(msg)
def ls(self, msg): ''' 查询不同用户HOME目录下的文件 :param msg: :return: ''' osname = platform.system() cmd = '' de_code = '' if osname == 'Windows': cmd = 'dir' de_code = 'gbk' elif osname == 'Linux': cmd = 'ls -arlt' de_code = 'utf-8' res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.path) # 查询当前目录下文件 res_data = msg_dic = { "size": len(res_data), "de_code": de_code } self.request.send(json.dumps(msg_dic).encode()) self.request.recv(1024) self.request.send(res_data)"【{}】帐号:{} ls 查询".format(self.client_address[0],
def cd(self, msg): rec_path = msg["path"] send_code = 200 if rec_path == 'HOME': self.path = self.home"【{}】帐号:{} 执行cd命令,返回帐号目录".format(self.client_address[0], print(self.path) elif rec_path == '..': # 如果是'..' ,返回父目录 self.path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.path))"【{}】帐号:{} 执行cd命令,返回父目录".format(self.client_address[0], else: print(os.path.join(self.path, rec_path)) print(os.path.isabs(os.path.join(self.path, rec_path))) if os.path.isabs(os.path.join(self.path, rec_path)): # 判断是否是正确目录 self.path = os.path.join(self.path, rec_path)"【{}】帐号:{} 执行cd命令,到{}目录".format(self.client_address[0],, self.path)) else: send_code = 400"【{}】帐号:{} 执行cd命令,未找到目录".format(self.client_address[0], send_msg = { "run_code": send_code, "run_path": self.path, } self.request.send(json.dumps(send_msg).encode())"【{}】帐号:{} 执行cd命令".format(self.client_address[0],
def f_cal(): global briefing_schdl briefing_schdl = getData.schdl(date.year, date.month,, req_id, debugging) if not briefing_schdl:"[#%s] briefing@modules/ No Schedule" % req_id) briefing_schdl = "%s은 학사일정이 없습니다." % date_ko else: briefing_schdl = "%s 학사일정:\n%s" % (date_ko, briefing_schdl)
def f_header(): global briefing_header, hd_err if date.weekday() >= 5: # 주말이면"[#%s] briefing@modules/ Weekend" % req_id) hd_err = "%s은 주말 입니다." % date_ko else: briefing_header = "%s은 %s(%s) 입니다." % ( date_ko,, wday(date)) hd_err = None
def add_user(): ''' 增加用户 :return: ''' flag = True creat_name = '' creat_path = '' power_info = input('''请选择创建用户类型 【0】普通用户;【1】管理用户 ;\n>>''') if not (power_info == '1' or power_info == '0'): print('输入非法字符!') else: if power_info == '1': while flag: creat_name = input('请自定义需要添加的管理员帐号:').strip() rq = login_in.chack_dir_file(setting.PATH_ADMIN, creat_name) if rq: print('输入的帐号已存在,请重新输入!') else: flag = rq creat_path = os.path.join(setting.PATH_ADMIN, creat_name) elif power_info == '0': while flag: # 帐号重复性检查 creat_name = creat_username() rq = login_in.chack_dir_file(setting.PATH_USER, creat_name) flag = rq print('系统生成帐号为:%s' % creat_name) creat_path = os.path.join(setting.PATH_CLIENT, creat_name) info = input('''设置用户信息: 依次输入:密码/权限(0:普通用户;1:管理员用户)/信用卡最大透支额度/本月可用额度/还款日期/储蓄金额 格式:\033[33;0m 123/0/10000/10000/15/0/\033[0m\n >>''').strip() info_list = info.split('/') pass_word = login_in.md5(info_list[0]) # 密码 power = info_list[1] # 权限 credit = int(info_list[2]) # 最大透支额度 balance = int(info_list[3]) # 本月可用额度 repay_date = info_list[4] # 还款日期 saving = int(info_list[5]) # 储蓄金额 base_info = { 'username': creat_name, # 用户 'password': pass_word, # 密码 'power': power, # 权限 'credit': credit, # 最大透支额度 'balance': balance, # 本月可用额度 'saving': saving, # 储蓄金额 'repay_date': repay_date, # 还款日期 'type': 'Y', # 用户有效 ,Y 有效;N 无效; 'debt': {}, # 欠费记录 } os.mkdir(creat_path) json.dump(base_info, open(os.path.join(creat_path, creat_name), 'w')) print('帐号为:%s 创建完毕!' % creat_name)'【%s】-->帐号为:%s 创建完毕!' % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], creat_name))
def get(req_id, debugging): filenames = os.listdir('data/cache/') return_data = str() for filename in filenames: ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] # 시간표와 수온, 날씨 캐시 파일 숨김 if ext == '.json' and filename != "TT.json" and filename != "wtemp.json" and filename != "weather.json": if debugging: print(filename) return_data = "%s\n%s" % (return_data, filename.replace( ".json", "")) # 시간표 캐시 만료기한 조회 if "TT.json" in filenames: with open('data/cache/TT.json', encoding="utf-8") as data: # 캐시 읽기 timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( json.load(data)["Timestamp"]) if ( - timestamp) < datetime.timedelta(hours=3): # 캐시 만료됐는지 확인 time_left = int( (datetime.timedelta(hours=3) - ( - timestamp)).seconds / 60) return_data = "%s\n시간표 캐시 만료까지 %s분 남음" % (return_data, time_left) else: return_data = "%s\n시간표 캐시 만료됨" % return_data # 한강 수온 캐시 만료기한 조회 if "wtemp.json" in filenames: with open('data/cache/wtemp.json', encoding="utf-8") as data: # 캐시 읽기 timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( json.load(data)["timestamp"]) if ( - timestamp) < datetime.timedelta(minutes=76): # 캐시 만료됐는지 확인 time_left = int( (datetime.timedelta(minutes=76) - ( - timestamp)).seconds / 60) return_data = "%s\n한강 수온 캐시 만료까지 %s분 남음" % (return_data, time_left) else: return_data = "%s\n한강 수온 캐시 만료됨" % return_data # 날씨 캐시 만료기한 조회 if "weather.json" in filenames: with open('data/cache/weather.json', encoding="utf-8") as data: # 캐시 읽기 timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( json.load(data)["Timestamp"]) if ( - timestamp) < datetime.timedelta(hours=1): # 캐시 만료됐는지 확인 time_left = int( (datetime.timedelta(hours=1) - ( - timestamp)).seconds / 60) return_data = "%s\n날씨 캐시 만료까지 %s분 남음" % (return_data, time_left) else: return_data = "%s\n날씨 캐시 만료됨" % return_data"[#%s] get@modules/ Succeeded" % req_id) return return_data
def build_ios (options): platform = 'ios' target = get_target(platform) if options.main and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return info('Building Ignifuga For iOS') env, pp = prepare_ios_env(target, None, options.openmp, options.applesdk, options.appletarget) prepare_ios_skeleton() build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def build_arm_android (options): platform = 'arm_android' target = get_target(platform) if options.main != None and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return validate_android_api_level(options.androidtarget, ANDROID_SDK) info('Building Ignifuga For Android') env, pp = prepare_arm_android_env(target, openmp=options.openmp, api_level=options.androidtarget, gcc=options.androidgcc) prepare_arm_android_skeleton() build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def run_cycle(): # Read appropriate values from potentiometers and do appropriate writes if is_brake_on():"Brake engaged") stop_throt() else: io.man_bmc_rfe.set(GPIO.HIGH) accel = get_accel() set_throt(accel, accel)"Throttle value: %f" % accel)
def commits(req_id, debugging):"[#%s] commits@modules/ New Request" % req_id) commit_list = getData.commits(req_id, debugging) commits_msg = ("급식봇의 기능 개선과 속도 향상, 버그 수정을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.\n" "마지막 서버 업데이트는 %s에 있었습니다.\n" "흥덕중 급식봇의 최근 변경 내역입니다:\n" "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (commit_list[0], commit_list[1], commit_list[2], commit_list[3], commit_list[4], commit_list[5]))"[#%s] commits@modules/ Started" % req_id) return skill(commits_msg)
def f_meal(): global briefing_meal briefing_meal = meal_core(date.year, date.month,, date.weekday(), req_id, debugging) if "급식을 실시하지 않습니다." in briefing_meal:"[#%s] briefing@modules/ No Meal" % req_id) briefing_meal = "%s은 %s" % (date_ko, briefing_meal) elif "열량" in briefing_meal: briefing_meal = "%s 급식:\n%s" % ( date_ko, briefing_meal[16:].replace( '\n\n', '\n')) # 헤더부분 제거, 줄바꿈 2번 → 1번
def build_ios(options): platform = 'ios' target = get_target(platform) if options.main and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return info('Building Ignifuga For iOS') env, pp = prepare_ios_env(target, None, options.openmp, options.applesdk, options.appletarget) prepare_ios_skeleton() build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def build_intel_mingw64(options): platform = 'intel_mingw64' target = get_target(platform) check_intel_mingw64_tools() if options.main and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return info('Building Ignifuga For Windows 64 bits') if not isdir(target.dist): os.makedirs(target.dist) env, pp = prepare_intel_mingw64_env(target, openmp=options.openmp) build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def build_osx (options): platform = 'osx' target = get_target(platform) if options.main and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return info('Building Ignifuga For OS X') if not isdir(target.dist): os.makedirs(target.dist) env, pp = prepare_osx_env(target, openmp=options.openmp, sdk=options.applesdk, ostarget=options.appletarget) build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def build_intel_linux32(options): platform = 'intel_linux32' target = get_target(platform) if options.main and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return info('Building Ignifuga For Linux 32 bits') if not isdir(target.dist): os.makedirs(target.dist) env, pp = prepare_intel_linux32_env(target, openmp=options.openmp) build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def build_intel_mingw64 (options): platform = 'intel_mingw64' target = get_target(platform) check_intel_mingw64_tools() if options.main and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return info('Building Ignifuga For Windows 64 bits') if not isdir(target.dist): os.makedirs(target.dist) env, pp = prepare_intel_mingw64_env(target, openmp=options.openmp) build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def build_intel_linux32 (options): platform = 'intel_linux32' target = get_target(platform) if options.main and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return info('Building Ignifuga For Linux 32 bits') if not isdir(target.dist): os.makedirs(target.dist) env, pp = prepare_intel_linux32_env(target, openmp=options.openmp) build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def build_project_generic(options, platform, target, pp, env=None): package = options.project.split('.')[-1] if package == 'ignifuga': error('Name your project something else than ignifuga please') exit() if package +'.py' == basename(options.main).lower(): error('Your main file can not have the same name as the project. If your project is com.mdqinc.test your main file can not be named') exit() platform_build = join(target.project, platform) main_file = join(platform_build, basename(options.main)) cython_src = join(target.project, platform, 'cython_src') info('Building %s for %s (package: %s)' % (options.project, platform, package)) if not isdir(target.project): os.makedirs(target.project) # Prepare and cythonize project sources prepare_project(target.project_root, platform_build) # Remove main file as it'll be cythonized differently if isfile(main_file): os.unlink(main_file) cfiles, glue_h, glue_c = cythonize(platform_build, package, options, [options.main,]) # Cythonize main file main_file_ct = getctime(abspath(options.main)) main_file_c = join(cython_src, splitext(basename(options.main))[0] + '.cpp') cfiles.append(main_file_c) if not isfile(main_file_c) or getctime(main_file_c) < main_file_ct: log('Cythonizing main file %s' % main_file) mfc = join(cython_src, splitext(basename(main_file))[0] + '.cpp') cmd = 'cython --embed --cplus --include-dir "%s/.." -o "%s" "%s" ' % (ROOT_DIR, mfc, abspath(options.main)) Popen(shlex.split(cmd), cwd = cython_src).communicate() if not isfile(mfc): error ('Could not cythonize main file') exit() # Insert SDL.h into the cythonized file if not options.bare: with file(mfc, 'r') as original: mfc_data = mfc_data = mfc_data.replace('PyErr_Print();', 'PyErr_Print();fflush(stdout);fflush(stderr);') with file(mfc, 'w') as modified: modified.write("#include \"SDL.h\"\n"+mfc_data) shutil.move(mfc, main_file_c) # Build the executable sources = '' for cf in cfiles: sources += cf + ' ' mod = __import__('modules.project.'+platform, fromlist=['make']) mod.make(options, env, target, sources, cython_src, cfiles) info('Project built successfully')
def parse(year, month, req_id, debugging):"[#%s] parse@modules/ Started Parsing Schedule(%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month)) # 학년도 기준, 다음해 2월까지 전년도로 조회 if month < 3: school_year = year - 1 else: school_year = year try: url = ("" "schulCode=%s" "&schulCrseScCode=%s" "&schulKndScCode=%s" "&ay=%s&mm=%s" % (school_code, school_kind, str(school_kind).zfill(2), str(school_year).zfill(4), str(month).zfill(2))) req = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except Exception as error: if debugging: print(error) return error if debugging: print(url) data = BeautifulSoup(req, 'html.parser') data = data.find_all('div', class_='textL') calendar = dict() # 일정 후처리(잡정보들 삭제) def pstpr(cal): return cal.replace("토요휴업일", "").strip().replace('\n\n\n', '\n') for i in range(len(data)): string = data[i].get_text().strip() if string[2:].replace('\n', '') and pstpr(string[2:]): calendar[int(string[:2])] = pstpr(string[2:]) if debugging: print(calendar) if calendar: with open('data/cache/Cal-%s-%s.json' % (year, month), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as make_file: json.dump(calendar, make_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t") print("File Created")"[#%s] parse@modules/ Succeeded(%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month)) return 0
def build_arm_android(options): platform = 'arm_android' target = get_target(platform) if options.main != None and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return validate_android_api_level(options.androidtarget, ANDROID_SDK) info('Building Ignifuga For Android') env, pp = prepare_arm_android_env(target, openmp=options.openmp, api_level=options.androidtarget, gcc=options.androidgcc) prepare_arm_android_skeleton() build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def save_money(): ''' 存款 :return: ''' user_dict = json.load(open(login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER)[login_in.USER_STATUS['username']], 'r')) save_fee = input('请输入存款金额:').strip() user_dict['saving'] += int(save_fee) json.dump(user_dict, open(login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER)[login_in.USER_STATUS['username']], 'w')) time.sleep(1) print('已存入【%s】元到帐户中...' % int(save_fee))"【%s】-->帐期:存入【%s】元到帐户中" % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], int(save_fee))) input('按回车键继续\n')
def spawn_shell(platform): target = get_target(platform) cmd = 'bash' env = os.environ if platform == 'arm_android': env, pp = prepare_arm_android_env(target) elif platform == 'intel_mingw32': env, pp = prepare_intel_mingw32_env(target) info('Entering %s shell environment' % (platform,)) Popen(shlex.split(cmd), cwd = target.dist, env=env).communicate() info('Exited from %s shell environment' % (platform,))
def spawn_shell(platform): target = get_target(platform) cmd = 'bash' env = os.environ if platform == 'arm_android': env, pp = prepare_arm_android_env(target) elif platform == 'intel_mingw32': env, pp = prepare_intel_mingw32_env(target) info('Entering %s shell environment' % (platform, )) Popen(shlex.split(cmd), cwd=target.dist, env=env).communicate() info('Exited from %s shell environment' % (platform, ))
def lock_user(user_name): ''' 锁定帐号 :param user_name: :return: ''' file_dict = get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER) user_dict = json.load(open(file_dict[user_name], 'r')) user_dict['type'] = 'N' json.dump(user_dict, open(file_dict[user_name], 'w')) print('帐号:%s已冻结!' % user_name)'帐号:%s已冻结!' % user_name) return True
def build_osx(options): platform = 'osx' target = get_target(platform) if options.main and check_ignifuga_libraries(platform): return info('Building Ignifuga For OS X') if not isdir(target.dist): os.makedirs(target.dist) env, pp = prepare_osx_env(target, openmp=options.openmp, sdk=options.applesdk, ostarget=options.appletarget) build_generic(options, platform, pp, env)
def get_user(uid, req_id, debugging):"[#%s] get_user@modules/ Started Fetching User Info" % req_id) try: with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as data_file: enc = hashlib.sha256() enc.update(uid.encode("utf-8")) enc_uid = enc.hexdigest() data = json.load(data_file) if debugging: print(data) if not enc_uid in data: # 사용자 정보 없을 때 return_data = [None, None]"[#%s] get_user@modules/ No User Info" % req_id) return return_data if debugging: print(data[enc_uid]) if data[enc_uid][0] != "" or data[enc_uid][1] != "": # 사용자 정보 있을 때 return_data = [data[enc_uid][0], data[enc_uid][1]]"[#%s] get_user@modules/ Succeeded" % req_id) else: # 사용자 정보 없을 때 return_data = [None, None]"[#%s] get_user@modules/ No User Info" % req_id) return return_data except Exception: return Exception
def meal(year, month, date, req_id, debugging): # 자료형 변환 year = str(year).zfill(4) month = str(month).zfill(2) date = str(date).zfill(2)"[#%s] meal@modules/ Started Fetching Meal Data(%s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month, date)) if not os.path.isfile('data/cache/' + year + '-' + month + '-' + date + '.json'): parser = mealParser.parse(year, month, date, req_id, debugging) if parser == "NoData" or parser == "":"[#%s] meal@modules/ No Meal Data(%s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month, date)) return {"message": "등록된 데이터가 없습니다."} try: with open('data/cache/' + year + '-' + month + '-' + date + '.json', encoding="utf-8") as data_file: data = json.load(data_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) json_data = data except FileNotFoundError: # 파일 없을때 if debugging: print("FileNotFound")"[#%s] meal@modules/ No Meal Data(%s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month, date)) return {"message": "등록된 데이터가 없습니다."}"[#%s] meal@modules/ Succeeded(%s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month, date)) return json_data
def schdl(year, month, date, req_id, debugging):"[#%s] schdl@modules/ Started Fetching Schedule Data(%s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month, date)) # 파일 없으면 생성 if not os.path.isfile('data/cache/Cal-%s-%s.json' % (year, month)): scheduleParser.parse(year, month, req_id, debugging) try: with open('data/cache/Cal-%s-%s.json' % (year, month), encoding="utf-8") as data_file: data = json.load(data_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except FileNotFoundError: # 파일 없을때 if debugging: print("FileNotFound")"[#%s] schdl@modules/ No Schedule Data(%s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month, date)) return "일정이 없습니다." # 일정 있는지 확인 if str(date) in data:"[#%s] schdl@modules/ Succeeded(%s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month, date)) return data[str(date)]"[#%s] schdl@modules/ No Schedule Data(%s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, year, month, date)) return "일정이 없습니다."
def check_cache(reqdata, req_id, debugging):"[#%s] check_cache@modules/ New Request" % req_id) # 사용자 ID 가져오고 검증 uid = json.loads(reqdata)["userRequest"]["user"]["id"] if user.auth_admin(uid, req_id, debugging): health = cache.health_check(req_id, debugging) msg = "시간표: %s\n한강 수온: %s\n날씨: %s" % (health["Timetable"], health["HanRiverTemperature"], health["Weather"]) else:"[#%s] check_cache@modules/ Non-Authorized User" % req_id) msg = "사용자 인증에 실패하였습니다.\n당신의 UID는 %s 입니다." % uid return skill(msg)
def auth_admin(uid, req_id, debugging): with open(admin_path, encoding="utf-8") as data_file: enc = hashlib.sha256() enc.update(uid.encode("utf-8")) enc_uid = enc.hexdigest() data = json.load(data_file) if debugging: print(enc_uid) print(data) if enc_uid in data:"[#%s] auth_admin@modules/ Match" % req_id) return True else:"[#%s] auth_admin@modules/ Not Match" % req_id) return False
def parse(): global weather_data"[#%s] weather@modules/ Started Parsing Weather Data" % req_id) weather_data = weatherParser.parse(req_id, debugging) # 지금의 날짜와 시간까지만 취함 weather_data["Timestamp"] = int(datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,, now.hour).timestamp()) with open('data/cache/weather.json', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as make_file: # 캐시 만들기 json.dump(weather_data, make_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t") print("File Created")"[#%s] weather@modules/ Succeeded" % req_id)
def chg_credit(): ''' 调整用户最大透支额度 :return: 成功为True, 失败为False ''' user_name = input('请输入要调整额度的用户: ').strip() file_dict = login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER) if user_name in file_dict.keys(): user_dict = json.load(open(file_dict[user_name], 'r')) print('帐号:%s目前最大透支额度:%s' % (user_name, user_dict['credit'])) inp_info = input('请输入要调整的最大透支额度:').strip() user_dict['credit'] = inp_info json.dump(user_dict, open(file_dict[user_name], 'w')) print('帐号:%s已调整最大透支额度!' % user_name)'【%s】-->帐号:%s已调整最大透支额度!' % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], user_name)) else: print('未查到%s帐号!' % user_name)
def parse():"[#%s] wtemp@modules/ Started Parsing Water Temperature Data" % req_id) try: global date, temp parser = WTempParser.get(req_id, debugging) date = parser[0] temp = parser[1] except Exception: log.err("[#%s] wtemp@modules/ Failed to Fetch Water Temperature Data" % req_id) return "측정소 또는 서버 오류입니다." if not temp.isalpha(): # 무효값 걸러냄(값이 유효할 경우에만 캐싱) with open('data/cache/wtemp.json', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as make_file: # 캐시 만들기 json.dump({"timestamp": int(date.timestamp()), "temp": temp}, make_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t") print("File Created") temp = temp + "°C""[#%s] wtemp@modules/ Succeeded" % req_id)
def purge_cache(reqdata, req_id, debugging):"[#%s] purge_cache@modules/ New Request" % req_id) # 사용자 ID 가져오고 검증 uid = json.loads(reqdata)["userRequest"]["user"]["id"] if user.auth_admin(uid, req_id, debugging): if cache.purge(req_id, debugging)["status"] == "OK": # 삭제 실행, 결과 검증 msg = "캐시를 비웠습니다." else: log.err( "[#%s] purge_cache@modules/ Failed to Purge Cache" % req_id) msg = "삭제에 실패하였습니다. 오류가 발생했습니다." else:"[#%s] purge_cache@modules/ Non-Authorized User" % req_id) msg = "사용자 인증에 실패하였습니다.\n당신의 UID는 %s 입니다." % uid return skill(msg)
def handle(self): while True: try: data = self.request.recv(1024).strip().decode() cmd_dic = json.loads(str(data)) action = cmd_dic["action"] print("【{}】收到消息:{}".format(self.client_address[0], action))"【{}】收到消息:{}".format(self.client_address[0], action)) if hasattr(self, action): function = getattr(self, action) function(cmd_dic) if action == 'quit': break except ConnectionResetError as e: print("error", e)"【{}】error {}".format(self.client_address[0], e)) break
def purge(req_id, debugging): dict_data = OrderedDict() try: file_list = [ file for file in os.listdir("data/cache/") if file.endswith(".json") ] for file in file_list: os.remove("data/cache/" + file) except Exception as error: log.err("[#%s] purge@modules/ Failed" % req_id) if debugging: dict_data["status"] = error dict_data["status"] = "Error" return dict_data dict_data["status"] = "OK""[#%s] purge@modules/ Succeeded" % req_id) return dict_data
def unlock(): ''' 解锁用户 :return: 成功返回True,否则为False ''' file_dict = login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER) user_name = input('请输入要解锁的用户: ').strip() if user_name in file_dict.keys(): user_dict = json.load(open(file_dict[user_name], 'r')) if user_dict['type'] == 'Y': print('帐号:%s未冻结,不用处理!') else: user_dict['type'] = 'Y' json.dump(user_dict, open(file_dict[user_name], 'w')) print('帐号:%s已解锁!' % user_name)'【%s】-->帐号:%s已解锁!' % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], user_name)) else: print('未查到%s帐号!' % user_name)
def tt(tt_grade, tt_class, year, month, date, req_id, debugging): tt_weekday =, month, date).weekday()"[#%s] tt@modules/ Started Fetching Timetable Data(%s-%s, %s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, tt_grade, tt_class, year, month, date)) if tt_weekday >= 5: # 토요일, 일요일 제외"[#%s] tt@modules/ No Timetable Data(%s-%s, %s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, tt_grade, tt_class, year, month, date)) return "등록된 데이터가 없습니다." data = TTParser.parse(tt_grade, tt_class, year, month, date, req_id, debugging) if not data:"[#%s] tt@modules/ No Timetable Data(%s-%s, %s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, tt_grade, tt_class, year, month, date)) return "등록된 데이터가 없습니다." def wday(tt_weekday): if tt_weekday == 0: return "월" elif tt_weekday == 1: return "화" elif tt_weekday == 2: return "수" elif tt_weekday == 3: return "목" elif tt_weekday == 4: return "금" elif tt_weekday == 5: return "토" elif tt_weekday == 6: return "일" else: return "오류" # 헤더 작성. n학년 n반, yyyy-mm-dd(요일): 형식 header = ("%s학년 %s반,\n%s(%s):\n" % ( tt_grade, tt_class,, month, date), wday(tt_weekday))) if debugging: print(header) # 본문 작성 body = str() for i in range(len(data)): if "[MSG]" in data[i]: # 파서 메세지에는 아무것도 붙이지 않음 body = body + "\n%s" % data[i].replace("[MSG]", "") else: body = body + "\n%s교시: %s" % (i+1, data[i])"[#%s] tt@modules/ Succeeded(%s-%s, %s-%s-%s)" % (req_id, tt_grade, tt_class, year, month, date)) return header + body
def freeze_user(): ''' 冻结用户 :param:user_name 帐号 :return: ''' file_dict = login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER) user_name = input('请输入要冻结的用户: ').strip() if user_name in file_dict.keys(): user_dict = json.load(open(file_dict[user_name], 'r')) if user_dict['type'] == 'N': print('帐号:%s已冻结,不用处理!') else: user_dict['type'] = 'N' json.dump(user_dict, open(file_dict[user_name], 'w')) print('帐号:%s已冻结!' % user_name)'【%s】-->帐号:%s已冻结!' % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], user_name)) else: print('未查到%s帐号!' % user_name)
def get(req_id, debugging):"[#%s] get@modules/ Started Parsing Water Temperature" % req_id) try: url = urllib.request.urlopen("") except Exception as error: if debugging: print(error) log.err("[#%s] get@modules/ Failed" % req_id) return error data = BeautifulSoup(url, 'html.parser') # 측정일시 파싱 date = data.find('span', class_='data').get_text().split('"')[1] date = int(date[0:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8]) time = int(data.find('span', class_='data').get_text().split('"')[3]) measurement_date = datetime.datetime(date[0], date[1], date[2], time) # 수온 파싱 wtemp = data.find('tr', class_='site_S01004').get_text() # 구리측정소 사용 wtemp = wtemp.replace("구리", "").strip()"[#%s] get@modules/ Succeeded" % req_id) return measurement_date, wtemp
def get_home_timeline(api, limit=100, display=True): """Get home timeline.""" log.success('Gathering home timeline') result = handle_request(tweepy.Cursor(api.home_timeline).items(limit)) tweets = [] if result: for tweet in result: tweets += [{'id_str': tweet.id_str, 'text': tweet.text}] count = len(tweets) log.bold('{count} tweet{s}'.format(count=count, s='' if count == 1 else 's')) if display: for tweet in tweets:'{tweet}'.format(tweet=tweet['text'])) sleep.sleep_interval() # Sleep to prevent API rate limit return tweets
def modify_password(user_name): ''' 修改密码 :return: ''' file_dict = get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER) if user_name in file_dict.keys(): user_dict = json.load(open(file_dict[user_name], 'r')) pas_word1 = input('请输入需要修改的密码:').strip() pas_word2 = input('请再次输入需要修改的密码:').strip() if pas_word1 == pas_word2: pasword_md5 = md5(pas_word2) user_dict['password'] = pasword_md5 json.dump(user_dict, open(file_dict[user_name], 'w')) print('帐号:%s密码已修改!' % user_name)'【%s】-->帐号:%s密码已修改!' % (USER_STATUS['username'], user_name)) else: print('两次输入的密码不一致!') else: print('未查到%s帐号!' % user_name) input('按回车键继续\n')
def login_in(self, msg): ''' 用户登录 :param user_name: :param pass_word: :return: ''' user_name = msg["username"] pass_word = msg["pass_word"] self.user_name = user_name login_dict = json.load(open(setting.PATH_USE, 'r')) rs = '' if user_name in login_dict.keys(): if login_dict[user_name]['password'] == pass_word: self.login_type = True = user_name self.path = login_dict[user_name]['user_path'] self.home = login_dict[user_name]['home_path'] rs = '200'"【{}】帐号:{} 登录成功!".format(self.client_address[0], user_name)) else: rs = '400'"【{}】帐号:{} 登录失败!".format(self.client_address[0], user_name)) else: rs = '400'"【{}】帐号:{} 登录失败!".format(self.client_address[0], user_name)) self.request.send(rs.encode())
def repay_money(): '''还款''' chose = {} user_dict = json.load(open(login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER)[login_in.USER_STATUS['username']], 'r')) if not user_dict['debt']: # 如果无帐单信息 print('帐号:%s无帐单数据!' % login_in.USER_STATUS['username']) else: flag = True while flag: # 遍历并做输出展示 print('选择仍需还款的帐期:') print('编码 \t 帐期 \t 需还款金额') for num, item in enumerate(user_dict['debt']): # 遍历并做输出展示 bill_value = user_dict['debt'][item][0] pay_value = user_dict['debt'][item][1] if bill_value + pay_value != 0: print('【%d】\t 【%s】\t 【%s】' % (num, item, float(-bill_value) - float(pay_value))) chose.setdefault(num, item) print('【q】 \t 退出') inp = input('请输入选择的帐期序列:').strip() if inp == 'q' or inp == 'Q': flag = False break chose_bill_date = chose.get(int(inp)) repay_fee = input('还款金额:\n>>').strip() user_dict['debt'][chose_bill_date][1] += int(repay_fee) curr_date = bill_date() if chose_bill_date == curr_date: # 当前帐期则增加可用额度 user_dict['balance'] += int(repay_fee) print('帐期:【%s】已完成还款【%s】元' % (chose_bill_date, repay_fee)) json.dump(user_dict, open(login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER)[login_in.USER_STATUS['username']], 'w'))"【%s】-->帐期:【%s】已完成还款【%s】元" % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], chose_bill_date, repay_fee)) input('按回车键继续')
def build_generic(options, platform, pp, env=None): target = get_target(platform) if options.release: pp.defines.append('RELEASE') pp.undefines.append('DEBUG') else: pp.undefines.append('RELEASE') pp.defines.append('DEBUG') if options.rocket: pp.defines.append('ROCKET') else: pp.undefines.append('ROCKET') if platform in ['intel_linux64', 'intel_linux32', 'mingw64', 'intel_mingw32', 'osx']: # Android/iOS has its own skeleton set up cmd = 'mkdir -p "%s"' % target.dist Popen(shlex.split(cmd), env=env).communicate() cmd = 'mkdir -p "%s"' % join(target.dist,'include') Popen(shlex.split(cmd), env=env).communicate() cmd = 'mkdir -p "%s"' % join(target.dist,'bin') Popen(shlex.split(cmd), env=env).communicate() cmd = 'mkdir -p "%s"' % join(target.dist,'lib') Popen(shlex.split(cmd), env=env).communicate() if not isdir(target.tmp): os.makedirs(target.tmp) # Compile SDL statically if 'sdl' in options.modules and not options.bare: info('Building SDL') prepare_sdl(platform, options, env) make_sdl(platform, options, env) if options.bare: # We need to build zlib target = get_target(platform) prepare_source('zlib', SOURCES['ZLIB'], target.builds.ZLIB) mod = __import__('modules.sdl.common', fromlist=['make_common']) mod.make_common(env, target, options, ['zlib',]) # Compile Ignifuga then Python statically if 'ignifuga' in options.modules: info('Building Ignifuga') if options.bare: if options.baresrc: prepare_ignifuga(platform, pp, options, options.baresrc) ignifuga_src, glue_h, glue_c = make_ignifuga(target.builds.IGNIFUGA, options) else: ignifuga_src, glue_h, glue_c = [], '', '' else: prepare_ignifuga(platform, pp, options) ignifuga_src, glue_h, glue_c = make_ignifuga(target.builds.IGNIFUGA, options) info('Building Python') prepare_python(platform, ignifuga_src, target.builds.PYTHON, options, env) make_python(platform, ignifuga_src, options, env)
def login_in(): ''' 用户登录运行程序 :return:username, flag, admin_type ''' global USER_STATUS flag = False admin_type = False username = input("请输入登陆账号:") # 打印登陆提示 # password = getpass.getpass("请输入密码: ") # 因getpass在pycharm 有BUG,为便于测试,用input替换 password = input("请输入密码:") # 测试时使用,替换getpass INPUT.setdefault(username, 0) if check_lock(username): # 检查录入帐号是否锁定 exit("该帐号已锁定!请联系管理员处理,谢谢!") else: user_pass, power = check_user(username, password) # 如果未被锁,检查用户名和密码录入是否正确定 if user_pass == 'Y': print("帐号:%s登陆成功!" % username) # 用户名和密码录入正确,返回用户信息 USER_STATUS['username'] = username USER_STATUS['power'] = power USER_STATUS['type'] = True if power == '1': admin_type = True flag = True else: flag = True admin_type = False"【%s】-->帐号:%s登陆成功!" % (username, username)) return username, flag, admin_type elif user_pass == 'N': check_error_count(username) INPUT[username] += 1 print("帐号或密码输入错误,请重新输入!")"【%s】-->帐号或密码输入错误,请重新输入!" % username) return username, flag, admin_type # 密码录入不正确,校验尝试次数 elif user_pass == 'q': return username, flag, admin_type elif user_pass == 'None': print('无此用户,请登录admin帐号添加!'.center(30, '*'))"【%s】-->无此用户,请登录admin帐号添加!" % username) print("帐号未注册,Bye Bye !") # ##用户名不正确,打印退出 return username, flag, admin_type
def get(self, msg): ''' 客户端的get命令,即服务器端发送数据 :param msg: :return: ''' get_file = os.path.basename(msg["filename"]) file_path = os.path.join(self.path, get_file) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): # 参数不是文件 msg_dic = { "filename": get_file, "is_file": False, "size": 0, } self.request.send(json.dumps(msg_dic).encode())"【{}】帐号:{} get {}不是文件".format(self.client_address[0],, file_path)) else: size = os.stat(file_path).st_size msg_dic = { "filename": get_file, "is_file": True, "size": size, } self.request.send(json.dumps(msg_dic).encode()) # 发送成功标示、文件大小 data = self.request.recv(1024).decode() if data == '200': m = hashlib.md5() with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: send_data = m.update(send_data) self.request.send(send_data) md5sum = m.hexdigest() self.request.recv(1024) # 防止粘包 self.request.send(md5sum.encode())"【{}】帐号:{} get {}文件发送完成".format(self.client_address[0],, file_path)) else: send_data = 0 self.request.send(send_data)"【{}】帐号:{} get {}文件不存在".format(self.client_address[0],, file_path))
def pwd(self, *args): pwd_path = self.path self.request.send(pwd_path.encode())"【{}】帐号:{} 执行pwd命令".format(self.client_address[0],
def quit(self, *args): self.login_type = False"【{}】帐号:{} 退出登录!".format(self.client_address[0], self.user_name))
env, pp = prepare_intel_mingw64_env(target, openmp=options.openmp) build_generic(options, platform, pp, env) def build_project_intel_mingw64(options, project_root): platform = 'intel_mingw64' target = get_target(platform) env, pp = prepare_intel_mingw64_env(target, openmp=options.openmp) target = get_target(platform, project_root) build_project_generic(options, platform, target, pp, env) # =============================================================================================================== # MAIN # =============================================================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': info('Schafer - The Ignifuga Builder Utility') usage = " -p platform [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="Ignifuga Build Utility 1.0") parser.add_option("-A","--available-platforms", action="store_true", dest="available_platforms", default=False, help="List the available target platforms on the system") parser.add_option("-P", "--platform", dest="platform", default=None, help="Platform, see -A option for available platform names") parser.add_option("-M", "--module", dest="module", default="all", help="Ignifuga module to build (all, ignifuga, sdl) Default: all") parser.add_option("-c", "--clean", action="store_true", dest="clean", default=False, help="Clean temporary files before building") parser.add_option("-C", "--forceclean", action="store_true", dest="forceclean", default=False, help="Clean everything before building")
def show_bill(): ''' 帐单展示 :return: ''' chose = {} struct_time = time.localtime() # struct_time时间 user_dict = json.load(open(login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER)[login_in.USER_STATUS['username']], 'r')) balance = user_dict['balance'] # 可用额度 credit = user_dict['credit'] # 最大额度额度 repay_date = int(user_dict['repay_date']) # 还款日期 curr_time = bill_date() # 取出账单日期 if not user_dict['debt']: # 如果无帐单信息 print('帐号:%s无帐单数据!' % login_in.USER_STATUS['username']) else: flag = True while flag: # 遍历并做输出展示 print('编码 \t 帐期') for num, item in enumerate(user_dict['debt']): # 遍历并做输出展示 print('【%d】\t %s' % (num, item)) chose.setdefault(num, item) print('【q】 \t 退出') inp = input('请输入选择的帐期序列:').strip() if inp == 'q' or inp == 'Q': flag = False break chose_bill_date = chose.get(int(inp)) bill_value = user_dict['debt'][chose_bill_date][0] pay_value = user_dict['debt'][chose_bill_date][1] debt = float(-bill_value) - float(pay_value) # 欠款金额 # 计算延期手续费 struct_bill_date = time.strptime(chose_bill_date, '%Y-%m-%d') repay_date1 = '%d-%d-%d' % (struct_bill_date.tm_year, struct_bill_date.tm_mon, repay_date) chose_bill = '%d-%d' % (struct_bill_date.tm_year, struct_bill_date.tm_mon) date1 = time.strftime('%j', time.strptime(repay_date1, '%Y-%m-%d')) # 还款日 date2 = time.strftime('%j', struct_time) # 当前时间 diff_days = int(date2) - int(date1) # 差 cost = (-bill_value) * 0.0005 * int(diff_days) if int(diff_days) > 0 else 0 cost = ("%.2f" % cost) if struct_time.tm_mday >= repay_date and chose_bill_date == curr_time: print('\n 个人信用卡未出帐账单:\n{}'.format('*' * 60)) else: print('\n 个人信用卡账单:\n{}'.format('*' * 60)) print(''' 账号:\t\t【{}】 账期:\t\t【{}】 账单金额:\t\t【{}】 已还金额:\t\t【{}】 欠款金额:\t\t【{}】 到期还款日:\t\t【{}】 延期手续费:\t\t【{}】\n{} '''.format(login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], chose_bill, -bill_value, pay_value, debt, repay_date1, cost, '*' * 60))"【%s】-->查询%s帐期帐单" % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], chose_bill)) input('按回车键继续') return flag
def withdraw_money_base(flag): ''' 取款/转帐/消费基础函数 :param flag: 处理类型 :return: int(inp) 提取/转帐/消费的金额, succ_no 完成类型 ''' succ_no = False inp = '0' user_dict = json.load(open(login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER)[login_in.USER_STATUS['username']], 'r')) balance = int(user_dict['balance']) # 可取本月额度一半 if balance > 0: if flag == '消费': inp = input('您的账户最高可%s【%.2f】元, 请输入你要%s的金额:' % (flag, int(balance) + user_dict['saving'], flag)).strip() else: inp = input('您的账户最高可%s【%.2f】元, 请输入你要%s的金额:' % (flag, int(balance / 2) + user_dict['saving'], flag)).strip() if inp.isdigit(): if flag == '消费': a = int(inp) * 0 # 消费类型无手续费 else: a = int(inp) * 0.05 counter_fee = float("%.2f" % a) # 手续费 5% if int(inp) <= balance / 2 + user_dict['saving'] and flag != '消费': # 输入金额小于等于可取款金额的1/2,扣减可取金额 if int(inp) <= user_dict['saving']: user_dict['saving'] -= int(inp) counter_fee = 0 elif int(inp) > user_dict['saving']: user_dict['balance'] = balance - int(inp) - counter_fee - user_dict['saving'] user_dict['saving'] = 0 # 写入当前帐期欠款数据 curr_time = bill_date() # 有帐期数据 if user_dict['debt'].get(curr_time): user_dict['debt'][curr_time][0] -= int(inp) + counter_fee # 提现数据写入记录 # 无帐期数据 else: user_dict['debt'].setdefault(curr_time, [-(int(inp)-counter_fee), 0]) json.dump(user_dict, open(login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER)[login_in.USER_STATUS['username']], 'w')) print('%s【%d】 元,手续费:【%.2f】元,正在处理,请稍后...' % (flag, int(inp), counter_fee))"【%s】-->%s【%d】 元,手续费:【%.2f】元" % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], flag, int(inp), counter_fee)) succ_no = True elif int(inp) <= balance + user_dict['saving'] and flag == '消费': if int(inp) <= user_dict['saving']: user_dict['saving'] -= int(inp) counter_fee = 0 elif int(inp) > user_dict['saving']: user_dict['balance'] = balance - int(inp) - counter_fee - user_dict['saving'] user_dict['saving'] = 0 # 写入当前帐期欠款数据 curr_time = bill_date() # 有帐期数据 if user_dict['debt'].get(curr_time): user_dict['debt'][curr_time][0] -= int(inp) - counter_fee # 提现数据写入记录 # 无帐期数据 else: user_dict['debt'].setdefault(curr_time, [-(int(inp)-counter_fee), 0]) json.dump(user_dict, open(login_in.get_file_dir(setting.PATH_USER)[login_in.USER_STATUS['username']], 'w')) print('%s【%d】 元,手续费:【%.2f】元,正在处理,请稍后...' % (flag, int(inp), counter_fee))"【%s】-->%s【%d】 元,手续费:【%.2f】元" % (login_in.USER_STATUS['username'], flag, int(inp), counter_fee)) succ_no = True else: print('输入金额应该小于等于%.2f!' % (balance / 2)) else: print('输入金额有误!') else: print('本月无可%s额度!' % flag) inp = 0 succ_no = False return float(inp), succ_no