def __init__(self, fname): """ Initialize the Simulation instance. args: fname - name of the .csv file that data will be read from. The full path does not need to be added. example: sim = Simulation('HEO95W.csv') """ setattr(self, 'fname', fname) setattr(self, 'elapsed', []) # use the csv package to read in the data fpath = os.path.join(Simulation.ddir, fname) with open(fpath, 'r') as f: data = csv.reader(f) for line, vals in enumerate(data): if line == 0: # assign an empty list to each attribute for p in Simulation.params: setattr(self, p, []) else: for k, param in enumerate(Simulation.params): if k == 0: # parse the time string provided by # GMAT into a datetime object t = time_utils.dt_from_GMAT(vals[k]) getattr(self, param).append(t) else: # all non-time fields should be floating # point values getattr(self, param).append(float(vals[k])) # create a list of time_util.Time instances, which # associate a datetime object with an elapsed time in seconds. # it becomes very useful to have these two values saved together self.times = [time_utils.Time(t, self.utc[0]) for t in self.utc]
def genetic_lattice(dtime, plot=False, **kwargs): ref_time = datetime(2015, 1, 1) time = time_utils.Time(dtime, ref_time) # mask of lat between 0->90 and lon -180->180 mask_obj = genetic_helpers.clear_mask(time, plot=plot) # polygons describing said mask speed = False if speed: mask_polys = genetic_algorithm.get_mask_points(mask_obj) else: mask_polys = genetic_algorithm.get_mask_polys(mask_obj) # lattice of FOVs generated using that mask and genetic algorithm lattice = genetic_helpers.generate_fovs(mask_obj, mask_polys=mask_polys, **kwargs) genetic_helpers.plot_individual(lattice, mask_obj, "final", save=False)
def subtraction_lattice(dtime, plot=False): ref_time = datetime(2015, 1, 1) time = time_utils.Time(dtime, ref_time) # mask of lat between 0->90 and lon -180->180 mask_obj = genetic_helpers.clear_mask(time) # coords = mask_obj.coords # clear = mask_obj.mask # num_ones = len(np.where(clear == 1)[0].flatten()) # polygons describing said mask mask_polys = genetic_algorithm.get_mask_polys(mask_obj) # get one point chosen by taking 100 random samples and evaluating each best_observations = [] best_obs_poly = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]) members_per_pop = 100 for fov_num in range(120): print("loop", fov_num) mask_polys = remove(best_obs_poly, mask_polys) best_obs_pop = genetic_helpers.generate_fovs( mask_obj, mask_polys=mask_polys, generations=1, members_per_pop=members_per_pop, # num_ones, fovs_per_member=1, num_parents_mating=0, hpixels=64, vpixels=64) best_obs_poly = best_obs_pop[0] best_observations.append(best_obs_poly) # genetics.plot_individual( # best_obs_pop, mask_obj, fov_num, save=False, # mask_polys=mask_polys) # print(best_obs_poly) best_observations = np.array(best_observations) # for obs in best_observations: # print(obs) genetic_helpers.plot_individual(best_observations, mask_obj, fov_num, save=True)
time.datetime.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UTC"), ha='center', va='center') # create a folder for the set of images, and save each one print("Saving Figure") figdir = '../figures/vza_orthographic/' folder = os.path.join(figdir, name_template) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) fname = "".join([name_template, "_{:02}.png".format(k + 1)]) fpath = os.path.join(folder, fname) plt.savefig(fpath, dpi=240) plt.close() print("Finished") if __name__ == '__main__': t0 = time_utils.Time((2015, 11, 15), (2015, 7, 15)) region_snapshots('TAP_july15_november', t0, 'TAP95W_july15.csv', 'TAP25E_july15.csv', interval=3600, N=48)
def combined(sim_file, lattice_files, datetime, centre, xco2_lims=None, map_bkgd='bluemarble', cmap='jet', out='show', **kwargs): """ Create a combined plot """ _, (xco2_ax, cld_ax, ret_ax) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15,8)) ############################################################## xco2, xco2_lats, xco2_lons = ec_cas.global_XCO2(datetime) proj_xco2 = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='l') proj_xco2.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.75) proj_xco2.drawcountries(linewidth=0.5) proj_xco2.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 30), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) proj_xco2.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 15), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(xco2_lons, xco2_lats) x,y = proj_xco2(lon, lat) xco2_mask =, 1e15).mask xco2_masked =, mask=xco2_mask) if xco2_lims: vmin_xco2, vmax_xco2 = xco2_lims else: vmin_xco2 = xco2.min() // 1. vmax_xco2 = xco2.max() // 1. + 1. sm_xco2 = ScalarMappable(Normalize(vmin=vmin_xco2, vmax=vmax_xco2), cmap=cmap) levs_xco2 = np.linspace(vmin_xco2, vmax_xco2, 256) clevs_xco2 = [sm_xco2.to_rgba(lev) for lev in levs_xco2] xco2_ctr = plt.contourf(x, y, xco2_masked, levs_xco2, colors=clevs_xco2, extend='both') xco2_cbar = plt.colorbar(xco2_ctr, orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.1, aspect=40) xco2_cbar.set_label('Xco$_2$ [ppm]') xco2_cbar.set_ticks(np.arange(vmin_xco2, vmax_xco2 + 1, 1)) plt.title(datetime.strftime('EC-CAS Run %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')) ############################################################## mission = retrievals.Mission(sim_file, *lattice_files, **kwargs) obs_time = time_utils.Time(datetime, mission.satellite.times[0].ref) # find the closest apogee point to obs_time apogees = mission.satellite.get_apogees() apogee_ind = time_utils.closest_index(obs_time, apogees) # create the ObservationPeriod instance, and generate the Retrieval instances obs = retrievals.ObservationPeriod(mission, apogees[apogee_ind], mission.lattice_files[apogee_ind%2]) obs.main_filter() obs.generate_retrievals() # find the closest segment of the observation period obs_ind = time_utils.closest_index(obs_time, obs.obs_middle) # clat, clon = centre proj_cld = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='c') # draw cloud data that was used to determine FOV locations obs.cloud_collection.show_clouds_ortho(obs.cloud_times[obs_ind], centre, map_bkgd=map_bkgd, out='') proj_cld.nightshade(datetime) # draw a red border around each of the selected FOVs for ret in obs.retrievals[obs_ind]: lats = np.concatenate([ret.pixel_lats[:,0], ret.pixel_lats[-1,:], ret.pixel_lats[::-1,-1], ret.pixel_lats[0,::-1]]) lons = np.concatenate([ret.pixel_lons[:,0], ret.pixel_lons[-1,:], ret.pixel_lons[::-1,-1], ret.pixel_lons[0,::-1]]) x,y = proj_cld(lons, lats) coords = np.vstack([x,y]).T if not np.sum(coords > 1e15): p = Polygon(coords, fill=False, edgecolor='r', zorder=10) plt.gca().add_patch(p) plt.title('FoV Selections {0} - {1} UTC'.format(obs.obs_times[obs_ind].strf('%d %B %Y %H:%M'), obs.obs_times[obs_ind+1].strf('%H:%M'))) ############################################################## proj_ret = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='l') if map_bkgd == 'bluemarble': proj_ret.bluemarble() elif map_bkgd == 'etopo': proj_ret.etopo() elif map_bkgd == 'mask': proj_ret.drawlsmask(land_color='limegreen', ocean_color='dodgerblue', resolution='l') proj_ret.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.75) proj_ret.drawcountries(linewidth=0.5) proj_ret.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 30), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) proj_ret.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 15), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) else: raise ValueError('invalid map background specification') proj_ret.nightshade(datetime) sm_ret = ScalarMappable(Normalize(vmin=vmin_xco2, vmax=vmax_xco2), cmap=cmap) levs_ret = np.linspace(vmin_xco2, vmax_xco2, 256) clevs_ret = [sm_ret.to_rgba(lev) for lev in levs_ret] xco2_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((xco2_lats, xco2_lons), xco2, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) for ret in obs.retrievals[obs_ind]: x,y = proj_ret(ret.pixel_lons, ret.pixel_lats) if not np.sum(x > 1e15): latlon_arr = np.dstack([ret.pixel_lats, ret.pixel_lons]) xco2_ret = xco2_interp(latlon_arr) retmask = ret.valid_retrievals == 0 xco2_ret_masked =, mask=retmask) ret_ctr = plt.contourf(x, y, xco2_ret_masked, levs_ret, colors=clevs_ret, extend='both') ret_cbar = plt.colorbar(ret_ctr, orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.1, aspect=40) ret_cbar.set_label('Xco$_2$ [ppm]') ret_cbar.set_ticks(np.arange(vmin_xco2, vmax_xco2 + 1, 1)) plt.title('AIM-North Retrievals {0} - {1} UTC'.format(obs.obs_times[obs_ind].strf('%d %B %Y %H:%M'), obs.obs_times[obs_ind+1].strf('%H:%M'))) ############################################################## plt.suptitle('AIM-North Observing Strategy') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, left=0.05, right=0.95, top=1., bottom=0.1) cld_ax.set_position([0.35, 0.2525, 0.3, 0.675]) if out == 'show': elif out == '': pass else: plt.savefig(os.path.join('../figures/combined_plots/', out)) plt.close()
def combined_all_ghgs(sim_file, lattice_files, datetime, centre, xco2_lims=None, xco_lims=None, xch4_lims=None, map_bkgd='bluemarble', cmap='jet', out='show', **kwargs): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,12)) xco2_ax = fig.add_subplot(231) xco_ax = fig.add_subplot(232) xch4_ax = fig.add_subplot(233) cld_ax = fig.add_subplot(223) ret_ax = fig.add_subplot(224) ##################################### xco2, xco2_lats, xco2_lons = ec_cas.global_XCO2(datetime) proj_xco2 = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='l') proj_xco2.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.75) proj_xco2.drawcountries(linewidth=0.5) proj_xco2.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 30), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) proj_xco2.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 15), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(xco2_lons, xco2_lats) x,y = proj_xco2(lon, lat) xco2_mask =, 1e15).mask xco2_masked =, mask=xco2_mask) if xco2_lims: vmin_xco2, vmax_xco2 = xco2_lims else: vmin_xco2 = xco2_masked.min() // 1. vmax_xco2 = xco2_masked.max() // 1. + 1. sm_xco2 = ScalarMappable(Normalize(vmin=vmin_xco2, vmax=vmax_xco2), cmap=cmap) levs_xco2 = np.linspace(vmin_xco2, vmax_xco2, 256) clevs_xco2 = [sm_xco2.to_rgba(lev) for lev in levs_xco2] xco2_ctr = plt.contourf(x, y, xco2_masked, levs_xco2, colors=clevs_xco2, extend='both') xco2_cbar = plt.colorbar(xco2_ctr, orientation='vertical', fraction=0.05, aspect=40, shrink=0.75) xco2_cbar.set_label('XCO$_2$ [ppm]') xco2_cbar.set_ticks(np.arange(vmin_xco2, vmax_xco2+0.25, 0.5)) plt.title(datetime.strftime('XCO$_2$ %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')) ###################################### xco, xch4, xlats, xlons = ec_cas.global_ghg(datetime) proj_xco = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='l') proj_xco.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.75) proj_xco.drawcountries(linewidth=0.5) proj_xco.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 30), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) proj_xco.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 15), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(xlons, xlats) x,y = proj_xco(lon, lat) xco_mask =, 1e15).mask xco_masked =, mask=xco_mask) if xco_lims: vmin_xco, vmax_xco = xco_lims else: vmin_xco = xco_masked.min() // 1. vmax_xco = xco_masked.max() // 1. + 1. sm_xco = ScalarMappable(Normalize(vmin=vmin_xco, vmax=vmax_xco), cmap=cmap) levs_xco = np.linspace(vmin_xco, vmax_xco, 256) clevs_xco = [sm_xco.to_rgba(lev) for lev in levs_xco] xco_ctr = plt.contourf(x, y, xco_masked, levs_xco, colors=clevs_xco, extend='both') xco_cbar = plt.colorbar(xco_ctr, orientation='vertical', fraction=0.1, aspect=40, shrink=0.75) xco_cbar.set_label('XCO [ppb]') xco_cbar.set_ticks(np.int64(np.arange(vmin_xco, vmax_xco+1, 10))) plt.title(datetime.strftime('XCO %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')) ####################################### proj_xch4 = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='l') proj_xch4.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.75) proj_xch4.drawcountries(linewidth=0.5) proj_xch4.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 30), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) proj_xch4.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 15), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(xlons, xlats) x,y = proj_xch4(lon, lat) xch4_mask =, 1e15).mask xch4_masked =, mask=xch4_mask) if xch4_lims: vmin_xch4, vmax_xch4 = xch4_lims else: vmin_xch4 = xch4_masked.min() // 1. vmax_xch4 = xch4_masked.max() // 1. + 1. sm_xch4 = ScalarMappable(Normalize(vmin=vmin_xch4, vmax=vmax_xch4), cmap=cmap) levs_xch4 = np.linspace(vmin_xch4, vmax_xch4, 256) clevs_xch4 = [sm_xch4.to_rgba(lev) for lev in levs_xch4] xch4_ctr = plt.contourf(x, y, xch4_masked, levs_xch4, colors=clevs_xch4, extend='both') xch4_cbar = plt.colorbar(xch4_ctr, orientation='vertical', fraction=0.1, aspect=40, shrink=0.75) xch4_cbar.set_label('XCH$_4$ [ppb]') xch4_cbar.set_ticks(np.int64(np.arange(vmin_xch4, vmax_xch4 + 1, 20))) plt.title(datetime.strftime('XCH$_4$ %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')) ############################################################## mission = retrievals.Mission(sim_file, *lattice_files, **kwargs) obs_time = time_utils.Time(datetime, mission.satellite.times[0].ref) # find the closest apogee point to obs_time apogees = mission.satellite.get_apogees() apogee_ind = time_utils.closest_index(obs_time, apogees) # create the ObservationPeriod instance, and generate the Retrieval instances obs = retrievals.ObservationPeriod(mission, apogees[apogee_ind], mission.lattice_files[apogee_ind%2]) obs.main_filter() obs.generate_retrievals() # find the closest segment of the observation period obs_ind = time_utils.closest_index(obs_time, obs.obs_middle) clat, clon = centre proj_cld = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='c') # draw cloud data that was used to determine FOV locations obs.cloud_collection.show_clouds_ortho(obs.cloud_times[obs_ind], centre, map_bkgd=map_bkgd, out='') proj_cld.nightshade(datetime) # draw a red border around each of the selected FOVs for ret in obs.retrievals[obs_ind]: lats = np.concatenate([ret.pixel_lats[:,0], ret.pixel_lats[-1,:], ret.pixel_lats[::-1,-1], ret.pixel_lats[0,::-1]]) lons = np.concatenate([ret.pixel_lons[:,0], ret.pixel_lons[-1,:], ret.pixel_lons[::-1,-1], ret.pixel_lons[0,::-1]]) x,y = proj_cld(lons, lats) coords = np.vstack([x,y]).T if not np.sum(coords > 1e15): p = Polygon(coords, fill=False, edgecolor='r', zorder=10) plt.gca().add_patch(p) plt.title('FoV Selections {0} - {1} UTC'.format(obs.obs_times[obs_ind].strf('%d %B %Y %H:%M'), obs.obs_times[obs_ind+1].strf('%H:%M'))) ############################################################## proj_ret = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='l') if map_bkgd == 'bluemarble': proj_ret.bluemarble() elif map_bkgd == 'etopo': proj_ret.etopo() elif map_bkgd == 'mask': proj_ret.drawlsmask(land_color='limegreen', ocean_color='dodgerblue', resolution='l') proj_ret.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.75) proj_ret.drawcountries(linewidth=0.5) proj_ret.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 30), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) proj_ret.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 15), latmax=90, linewidth=0.5) else: raise ValueError('invalid map background specification') proj_ret.nightshade(datetime) for ret in obs.retrievals[obs_ind]: x,y = proj_ret(ret.pixel_lons, ret.pixel_lats) if not np.sum(x > 1e15): ret_mask = ret.valid_retrievals == 0 ret_masked =, mask=ret_mask) ret_ctr = plt.contourf(x, y, ret_masked, [0,1], colors=['red'], extend='both') plt.title('AIM-North Retrievals {0} - {1} UTC'.format(obs.obs_times[obs_ind].strf('%d %B %Y %H:%M'), obs.obs_times[obs_ind+1].strf('%H:%M'))) ############################################################## plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.95, bottom=0.025, top = 0.975, wspace=0.175, hspace=0.1) if out == 'show': elif out == '': pass else: plt.savefig(os.path.join('../figures/combined_plots/', out)) plt.close()
def FoV_selections(sim_file, lattice_files, datetime, centre, map_bkgd='bluemarble', out='show', **mission_params): """ Plots the fields of view chosen by the intelligent pointing algorithm onto a map. Args: - sim_file: GMAT output file path to use - lattice_files: list - List of lattice files used for the mission - datetime: dt.datetime instance - Time at which to plot points - center: tuple: (latitude, longitude) to be used as the center of an orthographic projection - map_bkgd: Background to plot on the map - out: either 'save' or 'show. Saves or shows the figure mission_params: - kwargs for retrievals.Mission instance. """ mission = retrievals.Mission(sim_file, *lattice_files, **mission_params) obs_time = time_utils.Time(datetime, mission.satellite.times[0].ref) # find the closest apogee point to obs_time apogees = mission.satellite.get_apogees() apogee_ind = time_utils.closest_index(obs_time, apogees) # create the ObservationPeriod instance, and generate the Retrieval instances obs = retrievals.ObservationPeriod( mission, apogees[apogee_ind], mission.lattice_files[apogee_ind % len(lattice_files)]) obs.main_filter() obs.generate_retrievals() print(len(obs.retrievals)) # find the closest segment of the observation period obs_ind = time_utils.closest_index(obs_time, obs.obs_middle) proj_cld = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=centre[0], lon_0=centre[1], resolution='c') proj_cld.drawcoastlines() proj_cld.drawcountries() # draw cloud data that was used to determine FOV locations obs.cloud_collection.show_clouds_ortho(obs.cloud_times[obs_ind], centre, map_bkgd=map_bkgd, out='') proj_cld.nightshade(datetime) # draw a red border around each of the selected FOVs for ret in obs.retrievals[obs_ind]: lats = np.concatenate([ ret.pixel_lats[:, 0], ret.pixel_lats[-1, :], ret.pixel_lats[::-1, -1], ret.pixel_lats[0, ::-1] ]) lons = np.concatenate([ ret.pixel_lons[:, 0], ret.pixel_lons[-1, :], ret.pixel_lons[::-1, -1], ret.pixel_lons[0, ::-1] ]) x, y = proj_cld(lons, lats) coords = np.vstack([x, y]).T if not np.sum(coords > 1e15): p = Polygon(coords, fill=False, edgecolor='r', zorder=10) plt.gca().add_patch(p) plt.title('FoV Selections {0} - {1} UTC'.format( obs.obs_times[obs_ind].strf('%d %B %Y %H:%M'), obs.obs_times[obs_ind + 1].strf('%H:%M'))) if out == 'show': elif out == '': pass else: plt.savefig(out) plt.close()
def animate_FoV(sim_file, lattice_files, date_range, map_bkgd='mask', out='show', **mission_params): print("animate_FOV") assert type(sim_file) == str assert type(lattice_files) == list assert type(date_range) == tuple """ Creates an animation (avi file) of field-of-view selections and cloud cover over time for one satellite. Args: - sim_file: GMAT output file path to use - lattice_file: list - List of lattice files used for the mission. Must be given in order of W-E, starting with the first apogee - date_range: tuple of dt.datetime instances - (start time, end time) tuple for the animation. Requires year, month, day, hour. - map_bkgd: Background to plot on the map - out: either 'save' or 'show. Saves or shows the figure mission_params: - kwargs for retrievals.Mission instance. """ # Set up the mission instance and find the apogees mission = retrievals.Mission(sim_file, *lattice_files, **mission_params) apogees = mission.satellite.get_apogees() # Get the start and end times and convert them from dt.datetime instances to time_utils.Time instances start_time = time_utils.Time(date_range[0], mission.satellite.times[0].ref) end_time = time_utils.Time(date_range[1], mission.satellite.times[0].ref) # Get the indices of the first and last apogees relevant to the time period apogee_start_ind = time_utils.closest_index(start_time, apogees) apogee_last_ind = time_utils.closest_index(end_time, apogees) # Empty directory to store temporary images before making the animation temp_dir = '../figures/animation_temp' if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): os.mkdir(temp_dir) # Generate a retrievals.ObservationPeriod instance for every apogee in the relevant time frame for k in range(apogee_start_ind, apogee_last_ind + 1): # create the ObservationPeriod instance, and generate the Retrieval instances if lattice_files == []: lat_file = None else: lat_file = mission.lattice_files[k%len(lattice_files)] obs = retrievals.ObservationPeriod(mission, apogees[k], lat_file) obs.main_filter() obs.generate_retrievals() # after this point we're just plotting stuff, no actual analysis col = 'xkcd:red' lat_0 = 90 lon_0 = -95 map_params = {"projection": 'ortho', "lat_0": lat_0, "lon_0": lon_0, "resolution": 'c'} # Plot cloud data and pointing selections for each segment of each observation period for i in range(len(obs.retrievals)): proj_cld = Basemap(**map_params) # draw cloud data that was used to determine FOV locations obs.cloud_collection.show_clouds_ortho( obs.cloud_times[i], (lat_0, lon_0), map_bkgd=map_bkgd, out='') # Draw terminator proj_cld.nightshade( obs.obs_times[i].to_datetime64().astype(dt.datetime)) # Draw a bullseye at the sub-satellite point satx, saty = proj_cld(obs.satlon[i], obs.satlat[i]) inner = Circle( (satx,saty), radius=9e4, color=col, zorder=10) outer = Circle( (satx,saty), radius=2e5, linewidth=1.5, facecolor = 'k', edgecolor=col, zorder = 10 ) plt.gca().add_patch(outer) plt.gca().add_patch(inner) for ret in obs.retrievals[i]: # draw a border around each of the selected FOVs lats = np.concatenate([ret.pixel_lats[:,0], ret.pixel_lats[-1,:], ret.pixel_lats[::-1,-1], ret.pixel_lats[0,::-1]]) lons = np.concatenate([ret.pixel_lons[:,0], ret.pixel_lons[-1,:], ret.pixel_lons[::-1,-1], ret.pixel_lons[0,::-1]]) x,y = proj_cld(lons, lats) coords = np.vstack([x,y]).T if not np.sum(coords > 1e15): p = Polygon(coords, fill=False, edgecolor=col, zorder=10, antialiased = True) plt.gca().add_patch(p) plt.title('{0} - {1} UTC'.format( obs.obs_times[i].strftime('%d %B %H:%M'), obs.obs_times[i+1].strftime('%H:%M'))) # Save the figure in the temporary directory fname = 'FoVs{0}.png'.format( obs.obs_times[i].strftime('%y%m%d%H:%M')) fpath = os.path.join(temp_dir, fname) plt.savefig(fpath, dpi=500) print('Saved figure: {0}-{1}.png'.format( obs.obs_times[i].strftime('%m%d%Y%H:%M'), obs.obs_times[i+1].strftime('%H:%M'))) plt.close() # Create an animation using all the temporary images os.system(('mencoder -o ' '../figures/constellationview_{0}_{1}.avi ' 'mf://../figures/animation_temp/FoVs*.png ' '-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2 -mf ' 'fps=2').format(start_time.strftime('%y%m%d'), end_time.strftime('%y%m%d'))) # Delete the temporary images os.system('rm ../figures/animation_temp/*.png') os.system('rmdir ../figures/animation_temp')